Actually it seems that the juxtaposition of Superman and Hulk within the framework of mythology I was hinting at (yes Christianity) seems to have gone over your head as I'm sure it did 99% of the others on here. Guess you did really well at your community college.
So you believe that good people within the Soviet Union committed evil? There were millions who didn't join the party even though it would have made their lives easier, again what does atheism have to do with communism?
When the pogroms of the 19th century(before communism) murdered thousands of Jews who do you think was pushing the antisemitism in Russia? The Russian Orthodox Church that's who. While not complicit at the top levels of the church(can't be proven anyway) many, many bishops and priests were egging the people on with the old "they killed Jesus" mantra. Evil people raised in czarist Russia could easily be rallied to the new religion(the state) and it's murder and purges when the Bolsheviks came to power because they had already been conditioned BY THE CHURCH.
In Russia for centuries even before the 19th century pogroms Jews had been rounded up and murdered, in fact in all of Europe the hatred of the Jews had been fostered by the Christian church since Jews first arrived there. Which brings us to Hitler.
While you can not make any kind of a case for an individual or a political entity killing in the name of Atheism; again the communists killed for the state and in the case of Stalin because he was a psychopath, I can easily make the argument WITH PROOF that Hitler was a Christian and urged others to kill for the sake of Christianity and racism. Hitler is directly responsible for the deaths of 60 million and Hitler played on the hatred fostered by the church in Europe for centuries to motivate Germans : "to get a good person to do evil....that takes religion" Just like Weinberg said.
What a good Catholic..........I'll cut and paste now to humor your attempt to belittle the extent of my knowledge.
From Mein Kampf:
I was placed in a very favourable position to be emotionally impressed again and again by the magnificent splendour of ecclesiastical ceremonial. What could be more natural for me than to look upon the Abbot as representing the highest human ideal worth striving for, just as the position of the humble village priest had appeared to my father in his own boyhood days?
I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal.
And so I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord.
Therefore, I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews, I am doing the Lord's work.I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator.
And the knockout punch:
My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison.
I'd stay down if I were you