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Bernie Sanders - Make America Socialist!

College kids and aging hippies.

Most of the Bernie supporters I know are the do-gooder college age kids of wealthy parents who have been raised in an educational system that taught them nothing about the benefits of free market economics.

Most of the ones I know are college kids who went to an expensive school, were shocked when the first tuition bill hit, and aren't helping out to pay for school.
Most of the ones I know are college kids who went to an expensive school, were shocked when the first tuition bill hit, and aren't helping out to pay for school.

And their Major is something that ends in "studies".
College kids and aging hippies.

Most of the Bernie supporters I know are the do-gooder college age kids of wealthy parents who have been raised in an educational system that taught them nothing about the benefits of free market economics.

Sanders says he is so much better than the other candidates because he gets his money from his small donors. And, he feels the little guy is getting stepped on and wants to redistribute the wealth of those that bust their ***** to those that mostly don't. But, he seems to have no problem taking his "hard working" donors money to support his ego and continue to run a campaign that has no chance of winning. A socialist and a typical lefty hypocrite at its finest.
And their Major is something that ends in "studies".

One is a band major (who the **** knew that even existed), and the other is undeclared. The latter wanted to go to Gaulladet University (the deaf college) but was pissed off they didn't have a band of any sort. UM....it's a school for the deaf. Why would they have a band? So yeah....that kinda shows the mentality.
Now that's a rally. 27,000 hard-working, freedom and peace loving, true American patriots turn up to support Bernie!


They must have let NY University students out for a day. Don't see a bald head or gray hair anywhere.
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Later, at a rally at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Sanders commended Roosevelt's "Second Bill of Rights," which called for a right to employment and rights to fair income, housing, medical care, Social Security and education.

"Roosevelt was right back in 1944, and we still have not achieved that goal," Sanders said, according to the AP.

No. He wasn't. The 2nd BOR's is a euphemism invented by FDR......he had no right to declare any "rights."

I can't like this post enough.

Why is it that the solution to "inequality" is always to send more money into the government, which already spends 34% of GDP? You want to look at the real inequality, there it is.

This country was founded and became great on the idea that WE GET TO KEEP WHAT WE EARN. It's what motivates us...it's the reason we became pioneers, innovators, the most productive workers in the world...it's what set the United States apart and made it the most economically powerful nation in the world. It's what drives people to better themselves, it's why people all over the world dream of coming here. Yet this idiot wants to change all that. So sick of hearing about people's rights to this and rights to that...no you DON'T have a right to the same things that other people worked their butt off for and earned!

I got my first job at 15 and was never unemployed til the day my daughters were born. I had two jobs all through high school and most of college. My husband put himself through college cutting lawns and just got done paying off his student loans for grad school at age 50. We have a nice life and live in a nice house in a good school district, but beyond that we have never lived beyond our means or gone into consumer debt. I don't have expensive jewelry or fancy cars or go on luxurious vacations. We've tried to do everything right but now we are supposed to do more. Now we are paying tens of thousands of dollars so other people can have health insurance for free or close to it.

And now instead of being able to send our kids to college we are supposed to pay even more than the astronomical amount we already pay in taxes so that everyone else's kids can go to college?

**** that ****.

I'm sick to death of being told we don't deserve what we have worked so hard for and that other people do.

You're probably lily white too.

Now that's a rally. 27,000 hard-working, freedom and peace loving, true American patriots turn up to support Bernie!


Sanders draws massive crowd to rally in New York City

<iframe src="http://player.theplatform.com/p/7wvmTC/MSNBCEmbeddedOffSite?guid=n_maddow_sanders_160413" scrolling="no" border="no" height="500" width="635"></iframe>

Yeah...it's NY, land of the free (loader).

One is a band major (who the **** knew that even existed), and the other is undeclared. The latter wanted to go to Gaulladet University (the deaf college) but was pissed off they didn't have a band of any sort. UM....it's a school for the deaf. Why would they have a band? So yeah....that kinda shows the mentality.

The Gaulladet band vs any school for the blind marching band would make an epic Battle of the Bands.
Now that's a rally. 27,000 hard-working, freedom and peace loving, true American patriots turn up to support Bernie!

What the hell does that have to do with anything - ANYTHING - I raised about Uncle Bernie??

Jesus, are you unable to do anything other than cut-and-paste from Uncle Bernie's web site?
One is a band major (who the **** knew that even existed), and the other is undeclared. The latter wanted to go to Gaulladet University (the deaf college) but was pissed off they didn't have a band of any sort.

This is why you cannot have a guy running for President who is completely ignorant of the Constitution, Tibs.

Citizens United said what every sentient being already knew - the first amendment specifically PROHIBITS the government from suppressing political speech.

You have no business telling a non-profit corporation what to do or say or what it will spend relative to political speech. That ruling is so basic and fundamental that only the truly uninformed believe otherwise. Justice Kennedy's majority decision stated the issue this way: "If the First Amendment has any force, it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for simply engaging in political speech."

The fact that four United States Supreme Court justices felt otherwise is frankly an embarrassment. What would those four justices say about the right to free speech and a titty bar? But those idiots would restrict spending on POLITICAL SPEECH???

And Tibs, the corporations have no right to give the money to the candidates. Those contributions are still subject to campaign finance restrictions.

If you want to start restricting political speech, I guess you are all in favor of the Trump proposal relative to defamation law.

How about these facts, Tibs?

The United States spends less on national defense than it does on social security or medicare, and now spends 62% of its annual budget on payments on entitlements and on interest for the debt and 16% on national defense - entitlements are 3 1/2 times the portion of the Federal budget as national defense.

Additionally, the Fed spends about 4% of the GDP on defense, a rate that is lower than it has been since before WWII. This graph shows that Uncle Bernie's meme about "spending so much on the military while children starve" is, as is true with basically every Uncle Bernie meme, absolute fiction:


You want to know the difference? The Constitution actually calls for the Federal government to spend on national defense.

Someone just got taken to the woodshed - again.

Don't expect an acknowledgment that your facts are right and he was wrong (and that Bernie's wrong).
The way I see it, all those Bernie fans will be coming over to Trump in the fall. So I'm with you Tibs - have bernie keep smacking Hillary right in the mouth
One is a band major (who the **** knew that even existed), and the other is undeclared. The latter wanted to go to Gaulladet University (the deaf college) but was pissed off they didn't have a band of any sort. UM....it's a school for the deaf. Why would they have a band? So yeah....that kinda shows the mentality.

My son's HS Football team held it's annual camp there last year - 3 days, living in the dorms. Really nice little school in DC. I'd never want to go to school in a city, but inside the walls, that's a nice place. Super football field - all turf.

I digress...
Llama farming is a very underrated business model
You all look alike to me
The desire to rob others of their often hard earned salaries is out of control. That "needy" welfare recipients can afford things that I can't while not working for it is maddening. I fear that my stubbornness is what stops me from giving up and joining the dark side. My eldest has a former classmate that is studying abroad in Australia. His financial aid package is basically at 100%. His Instagram account pics are amazing. Meanwhile my daughter has to take loans to cover what I can't afford to pay. On top of this our state colleges have 25% extra tuition "built in" to pay for "needy" students enrichment. So she has to get all of these loans and pay extra for others. It's not like I don't already pay state taxes towards these public universities. They have to stick it to us on tuition inflation also.
My son's HS Football team held it's annual camp there last year - 3 days, living in the dorms. Really nice little school in DC. I'd never want to go to school in a city, but inside the walls, that's a nice place. Super football field - all turf.

I digress...

Oh it' is a gorgeous school. The hearing kids who go there do so because they are majoring in interpreting (Yes, that is a real major and there is a demand for that). But WHY would ANYONE think that a school for the deaf would have a band?????
The desire to rob others of their often hard earned salaries is out of control. That "needy" welfare recipients can afford things that I can't while not working for it is maddening. I fear that my stubbornness is what stops me from giving up and joining the dark side. My eldest has a former classmate that is studying abroad in Australia. His financial aid package is basically at 100%. His Instagram account pics are amazing. Meanwhile my daughter has to take loans to cover what I can't afford to pay. On top of this our state colleges have 25% extra tuition "built in" to pay for "needy" students enrichment. So she has to get all of these loans and pay extra for others. It's not like I don't already pay state taxes towards these public universities. They have to stick it to us on tuition inflation also.

We have joked about getting divorced...my friend who has primary custody and was a SAHM for years has her kids financial aid based on her measly part-time retail job salary, meanwhile Dad who makes 6 figures is paying for college but his income doesn't get counted at all.
We have joked about getting divorced...my friend who has primary custody and was a SAHM for years has her kids financial aid based on her measly part-time retail job salary, meanwhile Dad who makes 6 figures is paying for college but his income doesn't get counted at all.

I almost went there but didn't want to send my blood pressure through the roof. My daughters' now ex-boyfriend is getting financial assistance even though his dad makes six figures and his mom is living with her millionaire boyfriend. She limits her hours at work, even though she's a trauma RN, for the sole purpose of increasing his financial aid package. They just bought him a 2016 Altima!!! That's only one of many similar situations of people my eldest graduated with.

I'm old enough to remember when merit based aid was the standard. For some reason that encouraged hard work and persistence. Qualities that seem to be in short supply these days. So many of the students that I know of who are highly subsidized lack determination and drive. Terrible grades, trouble with the law, having children too young, the list goes on and on of ways that a high percentage of these kids are setting themselves up for failure. It is so frustrating to watch it unfold in motion. When I was in college I knew damn well that it was my shot at not following the life long career challenges of my mother. I knew damn well that having children was going to thwart my efforts at success. This isn't rocket science here. Why is it so hard for some to grasp the realities?
Terrible grades, trouble with the law, having children too young, the list goes on and on of ways that a high percentage of these kids are setting themselves up for failure.

A significant percentage of the population believes that young African-Americans are struggling financially due to racism. The simple, undeniable and absolute truth of the matter is that the greatest predictor of financial hardship - more than race, or age, or religion, or nationality, or whatever - is being born into a single-parent household.



So where are the politicians and leaders and activists telling citizens, "If you're not married, don't have children"? Yep, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Obama, and on and on could step up and tell the unvarnished truth, but instead all we get are excuses and demands that more tax dollars go to those whose own lack of foresight caused their poverty.