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Bernie Sanders - Make America Socialist!

You know, for a guy who loves the idea of spreading other's wealth to people who havent earned it.. He sure does hate that hillary keeps losing states to him yet earning as many or more delegates she never earned... I guess socialized delegates arent on his approved list... Lol
poor Bernie's ship is sinking...but he still needs your money Tibs!

poor Bernie's ship is sinking...but he still needs your money Tibs!
It ain't over till the fat lady sings. You gotta respect the fight Bernie has in him, always standing up for what is right. He is the only candidate that scores marks with me for honesty and integrity. I will continue to support him however long he lasts in this race.

I will pose this:

Who's more stubborn?
Bernie or Kasich

neither are going to win, yet neither are quitting.
I will pose this: Who's more stubborn? Bernie or Kasich neither are going to win, yet neither are quitting.
They both care deeply about the future of America and are alarmed about the front runners of their respective parties. Can't say I blame either one for standing firm. If only the voters had as much resolve, we'd be in a much better place.
Yeah those Bernie supporters are just peachy. So full of integrity and something Brown, real Brown and smelly. Especially the ones in Chi Town.
I sense a disturbance in the force

The Cult of Bernie: How Blind Adoration Has Masked One of America's Most Deceitful Presidential Campaigns


Where Bernie Sanders leads, his supporters will gladly follow. Image from CBSnews.com

This election season, many people have wanted to trust Bernie Sanders. They have wanted to trust him because he seems genuine. Like a happy grandfather who would sit in a rocking chair and would bounce a grandchild on his knee... Yet the true Bernie Sanders is proving himself to be one of the most deceitful and dishonest presidential candidates we've ever had.

And the media is to blame. They needed a horse race and to do that they chose not to vet Bernie Sanders to keep up his likeable image. They embraced him when he appeared on Saturday Night Live. They covered his record-breaking rallies, failing to mention that these rallies took place in college towns with thousands of impressionable first-time voters.

They brushed off any missteps by the campaign with an aw-shucks mentality. They created narratives that favored the campaign and adjusted the expectations for each primary or caucus accordingly. They hyped up his wins and downplayed his losses. They gave him softball interview questions on the Sunday morning shows.

They did all this while ignoring the fact that Hillary Clinton has never trailed in the Democratic primary and that she has built up a lead that has been greater than Barack Obama's ever was during the 2008 primary. The media did all this in an effort to protect Bernie Sanders and to present the illusion that he was a viable candidate for president.

Despite all of this, Bernie Sanders will continue to be trusted by his supporters, who at this point have failed to see through their anointed messiah's halo.

They applaud his attacks of Hillary Clinton and see them as perfectly justifiable. They dismiss his campaign tactics as harmless and just a simple misunderstanding or five. They claim that those who attack people online are merely a small percentage and that they don't really mean it. They aren't concerned about a few million unaccounted for dollars or that the campaign is helping to create a handful of millionaires within its ranks. And they certainly believe that their chosen candidate will win the nomination no matter what. They trust that it will happen.

They both care deeply about the future of America and are alarmed about the front runners of their respective parties. Can't say I blame either one for standing firm. If only the voters had as much resolve, we'd be in a much better place.

So tell me this, Tibs: What makes Bernie Sanders qualified to be President? Seriously, what experience does he have that qualifies him to be (1) commander-in-chief, (2) the spokesperson for America relative to treaties, (3) the person who will appoint Supreme Court justices, and (4) the chief law enforcement officer for the Federal government. Here is what I know about Uncle Bernie:

1. No military experience, at all, of any type, apart from evading the draft in the 1960's. I would not trust him to use the United States military if and when needed. He makes a big to-do about the fact he voted against the Iraq war. So ******* what? He would have voted against the United States entering WWII. He is a pacifist. The fact that he never would use force is not a good thing, Tibs. Strike one.

2. No experience negotiating with foreign leaders, or negotiating much of anything. He has his pet peeves (hates banks, and business in general), and his pet projects (global warming, increasing taxes). Foreign leaders would take him to the cleaners by appealing to his hatred of banking and private industry, and his devotion to global warming. Sanders would gladly enter treaties calling for the United States to increase energy costs massively, hurting our ability to compete in a global market, particularly against nations that don't give a **** about global warming (China, India, Russia, etc.). Strike two.

3. No experience with the judicial system, no education qualifying him for this task, and once again, a political extremist who would use this power to further his pet projects, rather than appoint judges who have exhibited a knowledge and respect for the law. Strike three.

4. No experience in law enforcement, or prosecutorial experience, nor any relevant experience in being entrusted with enforcing the law. One of the primary duties of the President is to see that the laws are faithfully executed - that requirement is in the damn oath of office. We have seen the results of a President who views his role in law enforcement as one where he rewards his friends, and punishes his enemies (Obama - zero voter fraud action, while his IRS is targeting and investigating the tea party). Replay that experience? Pass. Strike four.

I have not gone into Sanders' documented ignorance of basis economic laws, since I have already made that point. I simply outlined Sanders' clear lack of qualifications to perform the functions of the office outlined in Article 2 of the Constitution.
good job in tearing down Hillary...keep it up

The Suicidal Left Throws Bill Clinton Under The Bus

This week, the Bernie Sanders revolution finally ate its own.

The vultures of the hard left forced former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to sink her own carnivorous beak into the withered flesh of her titular husband, former President Bill Clinton, denouncing his key legislative achievements and relegating him to the dustbin of history.

The hubbub began after Bill Clinton ran into opposition from Black Lives Matter activists at one of his speeches. He proceeded to shred them -- accurately -- for their inane focus on supposed police brutality and criminal justice bias rather than saving actual black lives: "I don't know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13-year-old kids hopped up on crack and sent them out onto the streets to murder other African-American children"

And so, Clinton was raked over the coals for gainsaying the mythology of the left: that the criminal justice system penalizes innocent young black men disproportionately, that their sentences are longer than whites', and that police enforcement disproportionately targets young black men.

And Hillary Clinton, in order to stave off the onslaught of a 7,000-year-old socialist loonbag, bravely threw Bill onto a political grenade.

"I have been consistently speaking out about what I would do as president," she said after Bill's implosion, "And I think it's important for people to recognize we have work to do, that there were a lot of people very scared and concerned about high crime back in the day. And now we've got to say, OK, we have to deal with the consequences. And one of the consequences is, in my view, (the) overincarceration of people who should not have been in the criminal justice system."

So tell me this, Tibs: What makes Bernie Sanders qualified to be President? Seriously, what experience does he have that qualifies him to be (1) commander-in-chief, (2) the spokesperson for America relative to treaties, (3) the person who will appoint Supreme Court justices, and (4) the chief law enforcement officer for the Federal government. Here is what I know about Uncle Bernie:

1. No military experience, at all, of any type, apart from evading the draft in the 1960's. I would not trust him to use the United States military if and when needed. He makes a big to-do about the fact he voted against the Iraq war. So ******* what? He would have voted against the United States entering WWII. He is a pacifist. The fact that he never would use force is not a good thing, Tibs. Strike one.

2. No experience negotiating with foreign leaders, or negotiating much of anything. He has his pet peeves (hates banks, and business in general), and his pet projects (global warming, increasing taxes). Foreign leaders would take him to the cleaners by appealing to his hatred of banking and private industry, and his devotion to global warming. Sanders would gladly enter treaties calling for the United States to increase energy costs massively, hurting our ability to compete in a global market, particularly against nations that don't give a **** about global warming (China, India, Russia, etc.). Strike two.

3. No experience with the judicial system, no education qualifying him for this task, and once again, a political extremist who would use this power to further his pet projects, rather than appoint judges who have exhibited a knowledge and respect for the law. Strike three.

4. No experience in law enforcement, or prosecutorial experience, nor any relevant experience in being entrusted with enforcing the law. One of the primary duties of the President is to see that the laws are faithfully executed - that requirement is in the damn oath of office. We have seen the results of a President who views his role in law enforcement as one where he rewards his friends, and punishes his enemies (Obama - zero voter fraud action, while his IRS is targeting and investigating the tea party). Replay that experience? Pass. Strike four.

I have not gone into Sanders' documented ignorance of basis economic laws, since I have already made that point. I simply outlined Sanders' clear lack of qualifications to perform the functions of the office outlined in Article 2 of the Constitution.

I'll answer.... We just had 8 years of it (all of the above with a little exception of #3). What difference does it make?
Steeltime, I'm not going to do your homework for you.

There is plenty of information out there regarding where Bernie Sanders stands on the issues. He's spent the past three decades in Congress, heading multiple commitees including serving as the chair of Committee on Veterans' Affairs. The simple fact he's not in bed with the industrial/military complex is good enough for me, that he'll put the nation ahead of corrupt corporations. I trust his decision making based on his voting record, be it on the Iraq war and other foreign policy issues. He's been consistent in his views, has a fair and reasonable approach to both foreign and domestic policy.

He will clearly need to have experienced military advisors in his cabinet, as is the case with any other presidential candidate, particularly Trump.

So if you're truly interested in Sanders' positions on foreign policy, the military, border security et al, dig right in.

Bernie Sanders on Military & Veterans

Bernie Sanders on ISIS

Bernie Sanders on NATO

Bernie Sanders on Iran

Bernie Sanders on Syria

Bernie Sanders on Immigration
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Sanders visits FDR's grave in New York

Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders toured the home and grave of Franklin D. Roosevelt in New York late Tuesday, connecting his own fight against the "billionaire class" to the work of the 32nd president.

"I think there is a lot that we can learn today from Roosevelt's life and courage, from his willingness to stand up to the most powerful special interests of his time — people he called the economic royalists, people I call the billionaire class today," the Vermont senator said, according to The Associated Press.

"In 1936, when he was re-nominated by the Democratic Party for another term as president, he proudly proclaimed that he welcomed the hatred of the economic royalists — that he stood with the working class and the oppressed people of this country, and that's what he did."

Sanders's pit stop came before a rally in the Hudson Valley in New York, part of a lengthy campaign trip through the state before next week's critical primary.

Later, at a rally at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Sanders commended Roosevelt's "Second Bill of Rights," which called for a right to employment and rights to fair income, housing, medical care, Social Security and education.

"Roosevelt was right back in 1944, and we still have not achieved that goal," Sanders said, according to the AP.

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Steeltime, I'm not going to do your homework for you.

Thank God I do all the homework - otherwise, it would not get done. This is at least the third time I have asked specific questions about Uncle Bernie, and you have failed to answer them.

There is plenty of information out there regarding where Bernie Sanders stands on the issues.

I didn't ask where he "stands on the issues"; I asked what makes him qualified to perform the designated duties of the President, as set forth in Article 2 of the Constitution, and then explained why I believe he is utterly unqualified for those tasks.

Saying "he stands [x] on an issue" means ****. My 10-year old niece has a "position on issues" - does that make her qualified to be President?

So answer the question, or admit you simply cannot effectively do so.

He's spent the past three decades in Congress, heading multiple commitees including serving as the chair of Committee on Veterans' Affairs. The simple fact he's not in bed with the industrial/military complex is good enough for me, that he'll put the nation ahead of corrupt corporations. I trust his decision making based on his voting record, be it on the Iraq war and other foreign policy issues. He's been consistent in his views, has a fair and reasonable approach to both foreign and domestic policy.

What you have done is the logical error known as "begging the question." You say he's qualified to be President because he's qualified to be President and is "fair and reasonable." Those terms are 100% subjective.

I say he has been careless and foolish, and cite specific statements showing his ignorance of all things economic. The only reason he has not caused the nation harm is because he is in such a tiny minority that his views never sway Congress, so he is just the blathering old man, yelling inconsequentially while adults do the work.


So you render your favorable opinions of him based on what? What foreign policy vote? What leadership on any foreign policy question? What has he actually DONE to garner such support?

Yes, he hates business and the military. I get that. But does that qualify him to be the nation's chief law enforcement officer? I say it does not, since he has ZERO experience in law enforcement, or criminal prosecution. NONE. I am literally more qualified for this task than he is.

He will clearly need to have experienced military advisors in his cabinet, as is the case with any other presidential candidate, particularly Trump.

Don't you rag on Trump as being unqualified for the office? And here you admit that Bernie is equally unqualified for arguably the most important job for the President - commander-in-chief.

You get my concern, don't you?

So if you're truly interested in Sanders' positions on foreign policy, the military, border security et al, dig right in.

Bernie Sanders on Military & Veterans
Bernie Sanders on ISIS
Bernie Sanders on NATO
Bernie Sanders on Iran
Bernie Sanders on Syria
Bernie Sanders on Immigration

You should read the material you cite, Tibs. A few highlights from Bernie's own web site and information:

  • He favored deposing Quadaffi, which turns out to have been a MASSIVE mistake by Obama and has played a significant role in the increase in ISIS power.
  • He said he opposed United States military force being used to oppose ISIS. His own site: "I very much fear U.S. involvement in an expanding and never-ending quagmire in that region of the world.” Oh, so his view played a huge role in creating the problem and - no surprise - he is now unwilling to take a part in cleaning up the mess he helped create.
  • Oh, and the laughable claim that he opposes military intervention due to the "expense" - wait, what? He favors spending $25 trillion on single-payer health care but claims he is worried about SPENDING TOO MUCH MONEY?!? Jee-zus.
  • He supports the Iran nuclear deal, which allows Iran to develop nuclear weapons beginning in 2025 and released billions of dollars to that nation.
  • Oh and get this - he thinks the solution to ISIS is to tell the Middle Eastern nations to fix their own ****. Okaaaay. And when they say "no" and Russia intervenes? How about an actual plan instead of, "I'll just pretend nutjobs will be reasonable."
  • He also favors making illegal immigrants U.S. citizens. Bet your ******* *** if he thought that the illegals would register as Republicans, he would have a hammer in his ******* hand and would be building the wall.

Yeahhhhhh, so I'm not impressed with information FROM HIS OWN GODDAMN WEB SITE, Tibs.
Yeahhhhhh, so I'm not impressed with information FROM HIS OWN GODDAMN WEB SITE, Tibs.
No surprise there as Sanders is a sworn progressive with clearly liberal views. What the hell did you expect?

A Trump supporter questioning Bernie Sanders' credentials to be commander-in-chief. Now that's rich.
Later, at a rally at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Sanders commended Roosevelt's "Second Bill of Rights," which called for a right to employment and rights to fair income, housing, medical care, Social Security and education.

This is ... well, it's just scary, Tibs.

"Right to employment"? What does that mean? What if the person is stupid, and lazy, and a thief? Does he have the "right" to employment? Okay, then you ******* hire him.

And a "right" to "fair" income? This from a guy who has never earned any money and has sucked the government tit his entire life.

You do realize, don't you, that politicians do not actually create wealth? They just take it from somebody else - usually somebody who has created wealth - and distribute it to their chosen to buy more votes ... while taking a nice little cut for themselves.

Wake up, Tibs. "Business" and "billionaires" are not the problem - the problem is the club Uncle Bernie has belonged to for the past 30 years, elected office. Take a look at the wealthiest counties in the nation, Tibs:



Hmmm, interesting that the six richest counties in America (population at least 65,000) are these:

1 Loudoun County Virginia - $117,876
2 Fairfax County Virginia - $109,383
3 Howard County Maryland - $108,844
4 Hunterdon County New Jersey - $105,186
5 Arlington County Virginia - $100,474
6 Stafford County Virginia - $97,606

I'm trying to figure out what five of these six counties have in common ... It's coming to me, just let me think a bit. Oh yeah, those five are all stacked around Washington, D.C. Coincidence, I'm sure.

And a "right" to education? What does that mean? "Free education," right? Nothing is free, Tibs - and hilarious that you and Bernie chatter on about "free education." I paid my kids' way through college. How about you two sending me some financial thanks?

No? You guys are generous with other people's money. Funny how your butthole shrinks when YOU are asked to pay for the "free" ****.
No surprise there as Sanders is a sworn progressive with clearly liberal views. What the hell did you expect?

I expect Presidential candidates to have the minimum qualifications for the office.

Uncle Bernie does not, as I have demonstrated with specific data.

A Trump supporter questioning Bernie Sanders' credentials to be commander-in-chief. Now that's rich.

Really? Why don't you search my posts and pull up those where I "support Trump"?

Go ahead.

P.S. There are none. I simply point out the blatant idiocy and hypocrisy of those who criticize Trump. That does not constitute "support" for Trump; it constitutes me pointing out the blatant idiocy and hypocrisy of some Trump detractors.
This is ... well, it's just scary, Tibs.

"Right to employment"? What does that mean? What if the person is stupid, and lazy, and a thief? Does he have the "right" to employment? Okay, then you ******* hire him.

And a "right" to "fair" income? This from a guy who has never earned any money and has sucked the government tit his entire life.

You do realize, don't you, that politicians do not actually create wealth? They just take it from somebody else - usually somebody who has created wealth - and distribute it to their chosen to buy more votes ... while taking a nice little cut for themselves.

Wake up, Tibs. "Business" and "billionaires" are not the problem - the problem is the club Uncle Bernie has belonged to for the past 30 years, elected office. Take a look at the wealthiest counties in the nation, Tibs:



Hmmm, interesting that the six richest counties in America (population at least 65,000) are these:

1 Loudoun County Virginia - $117,876
2 Fairfax County Virginia - $109,383
3 Howard County Maryland - $108,844
4 Hunterdon County New Jersey - $105,186
5 Arlington County Virginia - $100,474
6 Stafford County Virginia - $97,606

I'm trying to figure out what five of these six counties have in common ... It's coming to me, just let me think a bit. Oh yeah, those five are all stacked around Washington, D.C. Coincidence, I'm sure.

And a "right" to education? What does that mean? "Free education," right? Nothing is free, Tibs - and hilarious that you and Bernie chatter on about "free education." I paid my kids' way through college. How about you two sending me some financial thanks?http://steelernation.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=238043

No? You guys are generous with other people's money. Funny how your butthole shrinks when YOU are asked to pay for the "free" ****.

I can't like this post enough.

Why is it that the solution to "inequality" is always to send more money into the government, which already spends 34% of GDP? You want to look at the real inequality, there it is.

This country was founded and became great on the idea that WE GET TO KEEP WHAT WE EARN. It's what motivates us...it's the reason we became pioneers, innovators, the most productive workers in the world...it's what set the United States apart and made it the most economically powerful nation in the world. It's what drives people to better themselves, it's why people all over the world dream of coming here. Yet this idiot wants to change all that. So sick of hearing about people's rights to this and rights to that...no you DON'T have a right to the same things that other people worked their butt off for and earned!

I got my first job at 15 and was never unemployed til the day my daughters were born. I had two jobs all through high school and most of college. My husband put himself through college cutting lawns and just got done paying off his student loans for grad school at age 50. We have a nice life and live in a nice house in a good school district, but beyond that we have never lived beyond our means or gone into consumer debt. I don't have expensive jewelry or fancy cars or go on luxurious vacations. We've tried to do everything right but now we are supposed to do more. Now we are paying tens of thousands of dollars so other people can have health insurance for free or close to it.

And now instead of being able to send our kids to college we are supposed to pay even more than the astronomical amount we already pay in taxes so that everyone else's kids can go to college?

**** that ****.

I'm sick to death of being told we don't deserve what we have worked so hard for and that other people do.
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I'm sick to death of being told we don't deserve what we have worked so hard for and that other people do.
I think your anger is a bit misplaced. You're worried about a more equal distribution of federal spending a la FDR's new deal, to help the working class? Or to make college, health care more affordable? Those are Bernie Sanders' sins? That he wants to go after wall street corruption, uncover the misdeads of the top 1% who stash billions of dollars off-shore and don't pay into the system? That he wants to revoke Citizen's United which corrupts public officials and lines their pockets?

Why not question where federal spending is going to begin with?

I think your anger is a bit misplaced. You're worried about a more equal distribution of federal spending a la FDR's new deal, to help the working class? Or to make college, health care more affordable? Those are Bernie Sanders' sins? That he wants to go after wall street corruption, uncover the misdeads of the top 1% who stash billions of dollars off-shore and don't pay into the system? That he wants to revoke Citizen's United which corrupts public officials and lines their pockets?

Why not question where federal spending is going to begin with?


LOL, that chart is such out of context bullshit and you know it. It's in US dollars, it's not as a percentage of any country's gdp, and it's not per capita.

There is one simple way to make sure companies don't "stash money offshore". That's to make it more financially beneficial to stash it here. That's what's so dumb about the left's war on wall street. It's a naked class warfare attempt to win votes that would ultimately crush the US economy if it was enacted. The bottom line is we are in a global economy.These are multinational corporations we're talking about. They don't have to locate anything here. The more restrictions and taxes you put on business, the fewer that are going to do business here. Why do you fail to understand that simple concept?

Make college more affordable? You mean the way the government has done the last few decades? As I stated my husband put himself through college cutting lawns. That's impossible these days, thanks to the flood of government grants and cheap credit that drives up the tuition costs for everyone who might want to actually PAY for college. You really think putting the federal government in charge of funding state universities is going to make it MORE AFFORDABLE? You mean the way they so responsibly manage social security and medicare? Great idea
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I think your anger is a bit misplaced. You're worried about a more equal distribution of federal spending a la FDR's new deal, to help the working class? Or to make college, health care more affordable? Those are Bernie Sanders' sins? That he wants to go after wall street corruption, uncover the misdeads of the top 1% who stash billions of dollars and don't pay into the system? That he wants to revoke Citizen's United which corrupts public officials and lines their pockets?

This is why you cannot have a guy running for President who is completely ignorant of the Constitution, Tibs.

Citizens United said what every sentient being already knew - the first amendment specifically PROHIBITS the government from suppressing political speech.

You have no business telling a non-profit corporation what to do or say or what it will spend relative to political speech. That ruling is so basic and fundamental that only the truly uninformed believe otherwise. Justice Kennedy's majority decision stated the issue this way: "If the First Amendment has any force, it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for simply engaging in political speech."

The fact that four United States Supreme Court justices felt otherwise is frankly an embarrassment. What would those four justices say about the right to free speech and a titty bar? But those idiots would restrict spending on POLITICAL SPEECH???

And Tibs, the corporations have no right to give the money to the candidates. Those contributions are still subject to campaign finance restrictions.

If you want to start restricting political speech, I guess you are all in favor of the Trump proposal relative to defamation law.

Why not question where federal spending is going to begin with?

How about these facts, Tibs?




The United States spends less on national defense than it does on social security or medicare, and now spends 62% of its annual budget on payments on entitlements and on interest for the debt and 16% on national defense - entitlements are 3 1/2 times the portion of the Federal budget as national defense.

Additionally, the Fed spends about 4% of the GDP on defense, a rate that is lower than it has been since before WWII. This graph shows that Uncle Bernie's meme about "spending so much on the military while children starve" is, as is true with basically every Uncle Bernie meme, absolute fiction:


You want to know the difference? The Constitution actually calls for the Federal government to spend on national defense.
The VA health system used to be a separate entity. The Dems moved it under Dept of Defense. That is how they managed to cut military spending without getting blame for it. Now money has to be spread over healthcare and actual defense. So on paper the spending may go up but it's still inadequate. By design.
I can't help but think that's 27,000 freeloaders hoping Crazy-B gone pay they gas and mortgage with money from his stash.

College kids and aging hippies.

Most of the Bernie supporters I know are the do-gooder college age kids of wealthy parents who have been raised in an educational system that taught them nothing about the benefits of free market economics.