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Bernie Sanders - Make America Socialist!

Bernie just promised to keep fighting all the way through California to the convention

Throw some more dollar bills at Hillary and call her a ***** again!

Ha Ha.....great fun

Is that why he left his campaign team on a runway at State College and hot footed it back to Vermont last night?
Is that why he left his campaign team on a runway at State College and hot footed it back to Vermont last night?

He knew he was gonna lose bad - Cruz did the same thing - left town in a hurry - that's how you can tell somebody is getting landslided, they bolt
Don't need to discuss Bernie any more. He is pretty much done. Most likely will withdraw next Tuesday evening or Wednesday.

Sanders will do reasonably well in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware and Maryland. He has to win all those states and do very well in Pennsylvania to have any reason to keep going.

Clinton will take Tennessee, West Virginia and Kentucky in May. Basically, unless Bernie basically runs the table in April, he cannot justify continuing the fight.

Oh, and another thing I noticed about Bernie ... maybe he is smarter than I have given him credit for?

He will get creamed in Maryland. Maryland is the most Clinton friendly state of them all. I doubt Bernie will even spend time there.
Maybe Bernie went home to plan a comeback and run as an Independent! That would **** Hillary up the *** real good, he'd take all his snowflakes with him

hahahahahahaha - Go Bernie!
jus like I perdicted

it's gonna be a bloodbath

Sanders camp insists it will fight Clinton to bitter end even if it loses at ballot box

Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver appeared on MSNBC. He was asked whether his boss would continue trying to convince party insiders to back him even if he loses both the pledged delegate count and the popular vote to Clinton by the time the primary season wraps up on June 7.

"Are you still going to try to flip superdelegates if you're not winning one of those?" asked MSNBC analyst Steve Kornacki, who contrasted the campaign's populist message with its attempts to outmaneuver Clinton, who is likely to win many more votes than Sanders overall.

Weaver said the Sanders campaign would still be within its rights to try to persuade superdelegates — a group of elected officials and party insiders — to switch from Clinton to Sanders regardless of the state of the delegate count at the Democratic National Convention in July.

"We're going to go to the convention," Weaver said.

He added that the Sanders campaign will be using an electability argument — that Sanders does better than Clinton in hypothetical general election match-ups against Republicans — to flip superdelegates who are currently declared Clinton supporters.

Bernie has only one chance left

Then there's the whole free college thing Bernie's been spewing 'bout...

Despite further bankrupting us, it'll hurt the poor the most.

Bernie’s “Free” College Will Hurt the Poor the Most


The proposal by self-proclaimed socialist Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders to make tuition free at America’s public colleges and universities would provide almost $17 billion in free handouts to already-comfortable American families in the upper half of income distribution. Meanwhile, Bernie’s plan would cause just $13.5 billion to trickle down to families in America’s poor half — the ones who would have considerably more trouble covering room, board, textbooks, travel and other non-tuition costs.

The numbers come from new analysis by The Brookings Institution, a a center-left Washington, D.C.-based think tank.

“Under the Sanders free college proposal, families from the top half of the income distribution would receive 24 percent more in dollar value from eliminating tuition than students from the lower half of the income distribution,” Brookings researcher Matthew M. Chingos explains.

“The non-tuition costs of attending college, including living expenses, are larger than the costs of tuition and fees for most students. Free college, which does not address these expenses, leaves families from the bottom half of the income distribution with nearly $18 billion in annual out-of-pocket college costs that would not be covered by existing federal, state, and institutional grant programs.”

Essentially, then, Chingos found that ridding America’s public four-year colleges and universities — and also its public two-year institutions — of the vexing problem of a tuition price would result in a subsidy for rich people. Rich people could apply their new subsidy to the total cost of attending college. Poor people, while eligible for the same subsidy, would be less able to use it because they would not be able to absorb non-tuition college costs as easily.
I think this should be Bernie's new theme song

Go Bernie!

DNC leaders flee Nevada State Dem Convention, call in sheriff’s deputies and hotel security

DNC leaders flee Nevada State Dem Convention, call in sheriff’s deputies and hotel security as dispute over delegates escalates into violence

Bitterness and violence erupted yesterday at the Democrats’ Nevada State Convention in Las Vegas, as 64 Sanders delegates were disqualified, allowing Clinton to take 7 of the 12 delegates up for grabs. Party officials there ignored a motion from the floor and rammed through a vote according to the wishes of the Clinton campaign. It’s almost as if the Hillary faction genuinely fears for the nomination it supposedly has sewn up.

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog... _over_delegates_escalates_into_violence.html


Helter Skelter!

And. they tried to say Trump's followers were inciting violence. I don't think so. It has been 100% Bernie supporters protesting at Trump events and DNC events. They may have to put Bernie on as Hilldog's VP pick.
Go Bernie!

DNC leaders flee Nevada State Dem Convention, call in sheriff’s deputies and hotel security

DNC leaders flee Nevada State Dem Convention, call in sheriff’s deputies and hotel security as dispute over delegates escalates into violence

Bitterness and violence erupted yesterday at the Democrats’ Nevada State Convention in Las Vegas, as 64 Sanders delegates were disqualified, allowing Clinton to take 7 of the 12 delegates up for grabs. Party officials there ignored a motion from the floor and rammed through a vote according to the wishes of the Clinton campaign. It’s almost as if the Hillary faction genuinely fears for the nomination it supposedly has sewn up.

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog... _over_delegates_escalates_into_violence.html


Helter Skelter!


Is that a political convention, or a Phish concert?
Go Bernie!

DNC leaders flee Nevada State Dem Convention, call in sheriff’s deputies and hotel security

DNC leaders flee Nevada State Dem Convention, call in sheriff’s deputies and hotel security as dispute over delegates escalates into violence

Bitterness and violence erupted yesterday at the Democrats’ Nevada State Convention in Las Vegas, as 64 Sanders delegates were disqualified, allowing Clinton to take 7 of the 12 delegates up for grabs. Party officials there ignored a motion from the floor and rammed through a vote according to the wishes of the Clinton campaign. It’s almost as if the Hillary faction genuinely fears for the nomination it supposedly has sewn up.

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog... _over_delegates_escalates_into_violence.html


Helter Skelter!


This kinda puts the claim that Trumps people were the ones being violent at the protests doesn't it?
Wow, not funny. Not funny at all.

If somebody followed those directions and shook the bottle, then the contents would very likely explode and poison the person. Putting that out as some trick is just sick.


That's comedy gold.

It could be worse they could specify a glass bottle or adding nails.
This kinda puts the claim that Trumps people were the ones being violent at the protests doesn't it?

The whole world is watching!

The whole world is watching!

Nevada Democrats: Sanders Campaign Has Violent Streak

Nevada's Democratic party on Monday warned the Democratic National Committee that Sen. Bernie Sanders' supporters have a penchant for violence and may seek to disrupt the party's national convention in July, as they did during the Nevada convention Saturday.

The allegation is the latest fallout from a divisive Nevada Democratic convention that had to be shut down because security at the Paris Las Vegas hotel could no longer ensure order on Saturday night.

The gathering closed with some Sanders supporters throwing chairs; later, some made death threats against state party chairwoman Roberta Lange.



Hillary fights back

Hillary backers spam Bernie groups with kiddie porn

WASHINGTON – A member of a group supporting Hillary Clinton staged a cyberattack using pornography to infect Facebook pages promoting Bernie Sanders, leading the social media network to take them down temporarily.

At least eight pro-Sanders groups – including Bernie Believers, Bernie or Bust, Bernie Sanders for President and Bernie Sanders is My Hero – were disabled between 9 p.m. and midnight Monday, according to Heavy.com.

The social media groups had about 225,000 members combined.

The pages were inundated with pornographic photos, including pedophilia

Bernie's wife looks like Ron White
connect the dots...


Nevada Democrats: Sanders campaign has violent streak

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Nevada's Democratic party on Monday warned the Democratic National Committee that Sen. Bernie Sanders' supporters have a penchant for violence and may seek to disrupt the party's national convention in July, as they did during the Nevada convention Saturday.

The allegation is the latest fallout from a divisive Nevada Democratic convention that had to be shut down because security at the Paris Las Vegas hotel could no longer ensure order on Saturday night. The gathering closed with some Sanders supporters throwing chairs; later, some made death threats against state party chairwoman Roberta Lange.

Sanders' backers had been protesting convention rules that ultimately led to Hillary Clinton winning more pledged delegates. Clinton won the state's caucuses in February, 53-47, but Sanders backers hoped to pick up extra delegates by packing county and state party gatherings.

Sanders had released a statement Friday night asking supporters to work "together respectfully and constructively" at the convention. But the state party alleged in its letter to the co-chairs of the DNC Rules and By-laws committee, "The explosive situation arose in large part because a portion of the community of Sanders delegates arrived at the Nevada Democratic State Convention believing itself to be a vanguard intent upon sparking a street-fight rather than attending an orderly political party process."

Michael Briggs, a Sanders campaign spokesman, said, "We do not condone violence or encourage violence or even threats of violence." He added that the campaign "had no role in encouraging the activity that the party is complaining about. We have a First Amendment and respect the rights of the people to make their voices heard."

On Saturday, Sanders backers shouted down the keynote speaker, Sen. Barbara Boxer, and others they thought were tilting the rules in Clinton's favor. Protesters shouted obscenities and rushed the dais to protest rulings. The letter by the state party's general counsel, Bradley S. Schrager, warns that similarly chaotic scenes could unfold in Philadelphia, site of the Democratic National Committee's July convention.

"We believe, unfortunately, that the tactics and behavior on display here in Nevada are harbingers of things to come as Democrats gather in Philadelphia in July for our National Convention," Schrager wrote. "We write to alert you to what we perceive as the Sanders campaign's penchant for extra-parliamentary behavior — indeed, actual violence — in place of democratic conduct in a convention setting, and furthermore what we can only describe as their encouragement of, and complicity in, a very dangerous atmosphere that ended in chaos and physical threats to fellow Democrats."

Several Sanders backers have condemned some of the threats against Lange and other actions Saturday. Former state assemblywoman Lucy Flores, a current congressional candidate, said in a statement: "There were actions over the weekend and at the Democratic convention that very clearly crossed the line. Progressives need to speak out against those: Making threats against someone's life, defacing private property, and hurling vulgar language at our female leaders."

State party offices remained closed Monday for security reasons after Sanders supporters posted Lange's home and business addresses, email and cell phone number online. Copies of angry and threatening texts to Lange were included with the letter.

Lange said she'd been receiving hundreds of profanity-laced calls and texts from inside and outside of the U.S., threatening her life and her family. Lange said the restaurant where she works has received so many calls it had to unplug the phone.

"It is endless, and the longer it goes the worse it gets," Lange said in an interview. "I feel threatened everywhere I go."