I know Trog is regretting NOT voting for Trump.
Because Troggy knows.....once Elon is done dismantling the Constitution and makes himself The High Exalted Supreme leader of the United States of Trump, he will comb through the voting records of each and every citizen.
Many non-Trump voters will be systematically executed in a grand, public display of power and authority.
These executions shall instill fear-induced awe across the land and will break the will of the "sick" people. Obedience will soon follow to form the perfect Nation under Trump. The lucky ones will be spared and sent to the re-education camps to be introduced to our newly formed society.
Now, what I have just told you may seem extreme or impossibly far fetched. However, I have learned from many Leftists' sites, this is the plan. This is Project 2025!!!!!!!!!!!!!