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Bill Maher does it again!

Nothing wrong with taking jabs at Trump IMO, he was a fantastic President but an absolute **** human being.
I mean he wasn’t a great President.. those don’t really exist anymore, but he got stuff done… and yes his personal flaws impacted the country sometimes…
Freedom of speech.

Wig is a fan.
I'm guessing that young people watch Joe Rogan and Russell Brand. This gives me hope.
I recently got hip to Brand on YouTube, he's pretty good. Neither one of them is real idealistic on either side, they're more like saying what they see doesn't make sense and kinda Libertarian.
I mean he wasn’t a great President

He was as effective as any President could possibly be given the modern circumstances/setup IMO. He did some things I didn't think were even possible. He said some things I didn't think were possible either, lol. Anybody miss him right about now though?
I'm guessing that young people watch Joe Rogan and Russell Brand. This gives me hope.
I recently got hip to Brand on YouTube, he's pretty good. Neither one of them is real idealistic on either side, they're more like saying what they see doesn't make sense and kinda Libertarian.

I like Russell Brand. He's got a completely different mindset than my own on many things politically/philosophically, but I've never really given a **** about that (we all have our own ideas). He's not afraid to just call it like he sees it. Young people need Joe Rogan and Russell Brand in their lives as neither are hardcore for any side - they're just asking questions, calling out hypocrisy and trying to talk about real things that affects people's lives and how they could be better IMO.
I like Russell Brand. He's got a completely different mindset than my own on many things politically/philosophically, but I've never really given a **** about that (we all have our own ideas). He's not afraid to just call it like he sees it. Young people need Joe Rogan and Russell Brand in their lives as neither are hardcore for any side - they're just asking questions, calling out hypocrisy and trying to talk about real things that affects people's lives and how they could be better IMO.
my "Kids" (in their 20's) watch Crowder, he has some good stuff.
No doubt he'll be taken out soon....
One word that would surely take him out would be "martyr" and George Floyd.
George Floyd was a martyr...so so lets build a statue.
He was as effective as any President could possibly be given the modern circumstances/setup IMO. He did some things I didn't think were even possible. He said some things I didn't think were possible either, lol. Anybody miss him right about now though?
Compared to the drooling half-comatose doorknob we have now he was great. His biggest flaw is all the ammunition he constantly gave the opposition to use against him. Youngkin gives us a glimpse of how a smart, likable persuasive Trump might have fared.
Nothing wrong with taking jabs at Trump IMO, he was a fantastic President but an absolute **** human being.

On what basis? Pelosi a **** human being, along with her cohorts Schiff, Schumer, Nadler. Her ripping up the State of the Union speech for all to see was OK?

From the time he put his had on the Bible to take the oath these scum were committed to getting rid of this outsider. These were **** human beings.

He was constantly provoked into those bombastic, immature responses by the afore mentioned and the media, which brought out the worst in him. I just wished he would just shut the **** up.
Nothing Trump sad or did was on the scale of what these demons did to him.
Anyone who votes based on how much they like the guy has no ******* business voting and should abstain.

You weigh his record against his opponent, and what his opponent has to offer. . That guy got **** done. He earned a second term period.
On what basis? Pelosi a **** human being, along with her cohorts Schiff, Schumer, Nadler. Her ripping up the State of the Union speech for all to see was OK?

From the time he put his had on the Bible to take the oath these scum were committed to getting rid of this outsider. These were **** human beings.

He was constantly provoked into those bombastic, immature responses by the afore mentioned and the media, which brought out the worst in him. I just wished he would just shut the **** up.
Nothing Trump sad or did was on the scale of what these demons did to him.
Anyone who votes based on how much they like the guy has no ******* business voting and should abstain.

You weigh his record against his opponent, and what his opponent has to offer. . That guy got **** done. He earned a second term period.
1. He's listed as a VIP on Epstein's flight logs.
2. Cheated on his wives.

That's what I can think of off the top of my head...but I think that's enough. I get your points and I agree with them...Just because Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of them are disgusting human beings don't make Trump any less, or more of one.
His biggest flaw is all the ammunition he constantly gave the opposition to use against him.

I hear you, but if that was his biggest flaw, I'll take that every day of the week and twice on Sunday. And let's be honest, they were ghouls going after him for everything possible.
I'm guessing that young people watch Joe Rogan and Russell Brand. This gives me hope.
I recently got hip to Brand on YouTube, he's pretty good. Neither one of them is real idealistic on either side, they're more like saying what they see doesn't make sense and kinda Libertarian.

He is also on Rumble. I try not to use YouTube unless they are the only option.

1. He's listed as a VIP on Epstein's flight logs.
2. Cheated on his wives.

That's what I can think of off the top of my head...but I think that's enough. I get your points and I agree with them...Just because Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of them are disgusting human beings don't make Trump any less, or more of one.
I agree. Trump lived for chaos. Seemed like when things were going smoothly he just had to throw some off the wall insult or rant out there. He gave the media way too much ammunition. People say the media / dems were out to get him and what not, but sometimes you just have to suck it up or be tactful. Trump could have demolished the dems / Biden w/o having to act like a spoiled kid.
I agree. Trump lived for chaos. Seemed like when things were going smoothly he just had to throw some off the wall insult or rant out there. He gave the media way too much ammunition. People say the media / dems were out to get him and what not, but sometimes you just have to suck it up or be tactful. Trump could have demolished the dems / Biden w/o having to act like a spoiled kid.
Trump was a Clinton democrat who absorbed a bunch of moderate reform and republicans stances to win but didn’t really get some and way overplayed others

Had he an ounce of tact and one quarter the ego he could have done so much better

You can be a completely devastating adversary And still be tactful snd unifying at other times

Trump was immature too often..

I just hate that he ran on all those outsider principles then really didn’t root out the issues with the insiders…
I agree. Trump lived for chaos. Seemed like when things were going smoothly he just had to throw some off the wall insult or rant out there. He gave the media way too much ammunition. People say the media / dems were out to get him and what not, but sometimes you just have to suck it up or be tactful. Trump could have demolished the dems / Biden w/o having to act like a spoiled kid.
He was catering to his base who loved the "real speak" non-polished messages and direct attacks at his opposition. Personally speaking, there were times when I had to shut off the tv, I couldn't take the arrogance and immaturity. But his America First agenda, foreign policy, economy, security, and job creation were second to none. He brought this country back to greatness and he put the entire world on notice...that is why the Media/Dems went after him like they did. He didn't play ball and the Chinese worked too damn hard to pay off too many politicians and influence Big Tech to have Trump set them back a decade or so. So, China pulls out a virus and gets their Dems/Rinos muppets to tank the economy and get things back on track to destroy this country.
Personally speaking, there were times when I had to shut off the tv, I couldn't take the arrogance and immaturity. But his America First agenda, foreign policy, economy, security, and job creation were second to none.

100% here too.
If only Trump had given away his phone and quit using SM. He should have spent every waking moment dismantling the swamp, and ignored everything else.

but that is not what someone who has never been told no, does.
Desantis = Trump without the baggage
The New "Word" Order. Excellent take on how liberals redefine and misuse words.
So spot on I was able to tolerate his couple of swipes at Trump.

Maher seems to have flipped his politics form liberal scum to more of a moderate democrat stance. He knows they have gone too far.
We were energy independent with Trump. Now we are begging OPEC to raise production. Everything that is tangible around you, rode on a truck. Fuel goes up, everything goes up. Everything.

The unelected bureaucrats that run this country hate you. HATE you. Hillary lost a rigged election and they cannot believe it. Remember when they stopped reporting results on Election night 2016. They had no back up plan. They felt that they did not need one. Now they just stop counting and say it will take a few days to get you our desired result.

Hillary at the presidential debate planted the seed about Russian collusion. Flat out said that she was concerned about the Trump Russian ties and that a reporter should look into them. They were ALREADY shopping the story. They wrote it! It was ALL ******* bullshit. ALL of it. The Clinton campaign concocted the whole damn thing. Every bit of it, and the unelected bureaucrats and compliant corporate media ran with it. They did not want their beloved swamp drained and that is what Trump and his movement threatened to do. It had to be stopped.

ALL that money, ALL that time, Mueller, Weisman, Comey, McCabe, Shift, Impeachments, Vindman, ALL complete ******* horseshit. And they knew it, and they know now, that you now know it. They know, that you know, that they knew it at the time. And they do not give a ******* ****.

Trump was not mean enough on his tweets.

Imagine what could have been done without the unethical, illegal, treasonous DC coup consuming so many resources. Look at the **** storm that has been created in the past year without opposition.
Imagine if Trump had that type of DC. They were never going to welcome him or you. Never.

They hate you. They ******* HATE you, and they are going to make damn sure that you rubes never send another Trump to their town. Just look at the border. Look at what they are offering to settle the child trafficker's, $456,000 per family. Hell Biden, did not even know the amount. They will reduce it and then establish an amount. Bottom line is they are paying people to break the law. Incentivizing an illegal act. Human trafficking is good business for the wrong type of people, It is just another ruse to offer the illegal invader your TAX money to come to the US. YOU are paying for MORE. WE are funding the invasion. Then in the middle of the night they will fly them to Florida. They are laughing at you.

You better believe that they despise you. Look at the treatment and deplorable conditions that people who were standing outside the capitol have received in the DC Jail. In America. Americans, in America. Treated horribly. Americans abandoned in Afghanistan. Left behind by the war machine that Trump sought to decommission.

There is a damned good reason that the counties that surround Washington DC are among the very wealthiest in the US. It is their moat. Their Gloat Moat. Their mantra, **** You, What are You going To Do About It. Rules for Thee, But Not For Me.

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my "Kids" (in their 20's) watch Crowder, he has some good stuff.
I like Crowder alright, but he's extremely right-biased and he tends to do that Hannity/O'Reilly thing and simply talk over anyone trying to make a point that runs counter to his position. I find that a bit tiresome.