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Blue wave my ***!

Tidy up your safe spaces, libtards. It’s going to be a long and painful 6 years for you.

Their freak base is having problems too



It’s open warfare now between the “L” and the “T” of the LGBT movement.

An organization for lesbians has launched a formal online blast at LGBT activists for calling them “transphobes” and they want the LGBT coalition to drop the “L.”

The lesbians argue they are women attracted to women and there’s no room for men who claim they are women.

The activists explained, “Lesbians are biological women who are sexually attracted to, and have sexual and emotional relationships with other biological women, only.”


Their freak base is having problems too



It’s open warfare now between the “L” and the “T” of the LGBT movement.

An organization for lesbians has launched a formal online blast at LGBT activists for calling them “transphobes” and they want the LGBT coalition to drop the “L.”

The lesbians argue they are women attracted to women and there’s no room for men who claim they are women.

The activists explained, “Lesbians are biological women who are sexually attracted to, and have sexual and emotional relationships with other biological women, only.”


We are beginning to see the end of identity politics. Where are the Dems going to go next?
We are beginning to see the end of identity politics. Where are the Dems going to go next?

Isn't it obvious?

Running Centrists Dems is getting them nowhere, old white candidates means losing millennials by the millions, they have to go Hard Left!

Go Bernie Bots!

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Isn't it obvious?

Running Centrists Dems is getting them nowhere, old white candidates means losing millennials by the millions, they have to go Hard Left!

Go Bernie Bots!


Yes, yes, we know that the piddling, know-nothing ignoramus Ocasio-Cortez-Hyphen is not 35 and thereby not old enough to be President, and hence not old enough to be Vice-President, but hey ... average it out and Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez-Hyphen have an average age of 74 so it all works out.
Yes, yes, we know that the piddling, know-nothing ignoramus Ocasio-Cortez-Hyphen is not 35 and thereby not old enough to be President, and hence not old enough to be Vice-President, but hey ... average it out and Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez-Hyphen have an average age of 74 so it all works out.

And combined, they might be able to empty one full bladder.
Love the quote from the DNC clown. "We don't have to match the Republicans' fundraising, we just have to raise enough to get our message out."

Okay. How much would that be?

"The amount the Republicans are raising."
And what is the message they want to get out?
And what is the message they want to get out?

Lol, once they come up with one, they'll announce it I'm sure. What I'm curious about is whether they will go against the rising hard left Socialist segment of the party and start to push back towards the center in an effort to win back mainstream Americans. If they stay far left they might as well get used to getting wiped out in elections at every level.
And what is the message they want to get out?

Well originally it was "A better deal." But after much time with focus groups, they came up with "For the People." Now we all know that is just simply not true. They are for certain people. Mainly illegal immigrants and the science deniers that refuse to accept biology.

They still think they have the rest of the minority vote sewn up, so I doubt that aside from visiting a few black churches for the optics and claiming to carry hot sauce wherever they go, they will have anything different to offer.

Aside from that, it will be business as usual, identity politics and free stuff.
There are 535 members of Congress, Sanders and Cortez make up 2/535ths or 0.37%.

Trump is currently creating a lot of chaos, even my Republican friends at church are getting skittish.
There are 535 members of Congress, Sanders and Cortez make up 2/535ths or 0.37%.

Trump is currently creating a lot of chaos, even my Republican friends at church are getting skittish.

Yea, that's why his approval rate keeps going up. It doesn't matter what percentage Sanders and Cortez make up. She isn't even in the house yet. **** you have no idea what you are talking about. No wonder Tibs likes all your post.
Yea, that's why his approval rate keeps going up. It doesn't matter what percentage Sanders and Cortez make up. She isn't even in the house yet. **** you have no idea what you are talking about. No wonder Tibs likes all your post.

Probably won't happen but it would be hilarious if a Republican ran against her and won in NYC after that district has a "What have we done?" moment.
Probably won't happen but it would be hilarious if a Republican ran against her and won in NYC after that district has a "What have we done?" moment.

Not a snowballs chance in hell a Rep would win there. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy she beat runs and wins the general election.

Go Bernie bots Go!


Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is a proud member of the Democratic Socialists of America, whose platform, like hers, is more Socialist than Democratic. Her dreams of new federal spending would bankrupt the country or require very large tax increases, including on the working class. Her approach foresees government ownership of many private companies, which would decimate the economy and put millions out of work.

Really the point is, what is the Democratic party going to be? I am still a Democrat and when I see somebody that really says she is a Socialist, she is a very charismatic, captivating candidate but if you look at the policies, those are not policies that will be supported very many places across America. If her win makes her into what Kellyanne Conway calls it “the new face of the Democratic party”, the Democratic party will not have a bright future...


Moderates fear the socialist left will wreck the Democrat party

No political organization in the recent history of the world has had a gift for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory quite like the Democratic Party. This is the party that has managed to lose three of the last five presidential elections, despite only once in that period getting fewer votes than the opposition. Although the Democrats nominally hold positions with broad majority support on a wide range of issues, following the heavy losses of the 2010 and 2014 midterms the party found itself in its worst nationwide position since the early 1930s.

Over the last three decades, the party has been virtually wiped out in numerous states between the coasts where it was once competitive (or even dominant). It now holds a legislative majority in just 14 states. You can slice and dice the history of American party politics in all sorts of tedious ways, but there is no clear precedent for such an imbalance. More to the point, there’s no precedent whatever, in the United States or anywhere else, for a situation where one party appears to represent majoritarian opinion and typically gets more votes, but has conclusively been shut out of power.

This mythic certainty that their kingdom will come again — expressed more recently in the mantra that “demographics is destiny” — has prevented Democrats from perceiving the true nature of their predicament.

Oh but wait, you say: Blue wave incoming! Yeah, whatever.

What may be even more impressive than the Democratic record of losing winnable elections is the party's aptitude for finding someone else to blame every time it happens. It was the Russians. It was Ralph Nader. It was the Swift-boat ads. It was liberal complacency. It was gerrymandering. It was all the mean things Republicans said. It was the unfortunate fact that the voters don’t like us all that much

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Go Bernie bots Go!


Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is a proud member of the Democratic Socialists of America, whose platform, like hers, is more Socialist than Democratic. Her dreams of new federal spending would bankrupt the country or require very large tax increases, including on the working class. Her approach foresees government ownership of many private companies, which would decimate the economy and put millions out of work.

Really the point is, what is the Democratic party going to be? I am still a Democrat and when I see somebody that really says she is a Socialist, she is a very charismatic, captivating candidate but if you look at the policies, those are not policies that will be supported very many places across America. If her win makes her into what Kellyanne Conway calls it “the new face of the Democratic party”, the Democratic party will not have a bright future...


Moderates fear the socialist left will wreck the Democrat party

No political organization in the recent history of the world has had a gift for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory quite like the Democratic Party. This is the party that has managed to lose three of the last five presidential elections, despite only once in that period getting fewer votes than the opposition. Although the Democrats nominally hold positions with broad majority support on a wide range of issues, following the heavy losses of the 2010 and 2014 midterms the party found itself in its worst nationwide position since the early 1930s.

Over the last three decades, the party has been virtually wiped out in numerous states between the coasts where it was once competitive (or even dominant). It now holds a legislative majority in just 14 states. You can slice and dice the history of American party politics in all sorts of tedious ways, but there is no clear precedent for such an imbalance. More to the point, there’s no precedent whatever, in the United States or anywhere else, for a situation where one party appears to represent majoritarian opinion and typically gets more votes, but has conclusively been shut out of power.

This mythic certainty that their kingdom will come again — expressed more recently in the mantra that “demographics is destiny” — has prevented Democrats from perceiving the true nature of their predicament. Over the last three decades, the party has been virtually wiped out in numerous states between the coasts where it was once competitive (or even dominant). It now holds a legislative majority in just 14 states. You can slice and dice the history of American party politics in all sorts of tedious ways, but there is no clear precedent for such an imbalance.

Oh but wait, you say: Blue wave incoming! Yeah, whatever.

What may be even more impressive than the Democratic record of losing winnable elections is the party's aptitude for finding someone else to blame every time it happens. It was the Russians. It was Ralph Nader. It was the Swift-boat ads. It was liberal complacency. It was gerrymandering. It was all the mean things Republicans said. It was the unfortunate fact that the voters don’t like us all that much


Lieberman is a corporate Democrat, basically CONservative lite.

Watch this and actually learn something Trumptard.

By the way Trump the Scumbag is polling 21 points below what he was just a few months ago among working white males....put a fork in him, If Mueller doesn't get him first.

The house going to Democrats is a given, will he resign at that point before he is removed will be the only question.
Lieberman is a corporate Democrat, basically CONservative lite.

Watch this and actually learn something Trumptard.

By the way Trump the Scumbag is polling 21 points below what he was just a few months ago among working white males....put a fork in him, If Mueller doesn't get him first.

The house going to Democrats is a given, will he resign at that point before he is removed will be the only question.

Lets make a bet on that....if he resigns by the end of the year all the conservative posters have to publicly admit you were right, if not you must post nothing about Trump for a solid year....
The Young Turds. Haha. They were so wrong about the last election, I hope they are predicting a blue wave. Nothing more sad than a Cenk fanboy.

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Can I recommend that we ban elfie from posting videos for 30 days, unless he gives me 17 minutes of my life back?? Cenk's standard tactic: "Ocasio-Cortez is for protecting social security. 72% of Americans support strengthening social security. Ocasia-Kortez is for children. 94% of Americans are for children."

Yeah, sure. How about converting energy production, transportation, food production, etc. to government control? And taking private property by the millions of acres to effectuate government production?? Because that is socialism, according to ... well, socialists.

"Socialism is the collective ownership by all the people of the factories, mills, mines, railroads, land and all other instruments of production."


Having listened to two of her interviews, I suspect that Ocasio-Sanchez is simply too stupid to know what socialism is. Seriously, she is one of the stupidest people I have ever seen interviewed. If Steeltime's proposal for qualifying all politicians before they run for office were in play - candidates must pass a college-level civics exam, must write every word they read in speeches, must have had at least 10 years in private business or the military, and must pass a psychological screening test - Ocasio-Sanchez would not be a candidate.

Oh, and yes, elfie and Tibs - I clearly predict your response. "TRUMP WOULD FAIL!!" Okay, if he fails, he does not run. I have no problem with that. NONE.

So are you with me on my qualifying test? Seriously, one must pass a test to be a doctor, lawyer, accountant, mortician,etc., and we have no screening of any type for those preening liars known as politicians?!? Explain that to me.

Dems got their platform from the hard core leftists - let them run with it all the way to November!


Democrats Embracing Crazy Could Be A Gift To The GOP

The Democratic Party should be living the dream this year – midterm elections always favor the party out of power. Yet they, and their advocates in the media, are doing everything they can to blow it. Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea that they’d blow it, but it is weird how they seem more interested in embracing crazy than they are in winning.

The conspiracy loons on the left who, thanks to shoddy and biased reporting, have spent the last 18 months actually believing Donald Trump conspired with Vladimir Putin to steal the election. Worse, according to a new YouGov/Economist poll believe the Russians actually changed votes to throw the election to Trump.

Yes, 55 percent of Democrats actually believe the idea that Russia changed votes to favor Trump, either “definitely” or “probably” happened. That’s “forget the grassy knoll, Kennedy committed suicide” level conspiracy stupid. For this to be true it would not only require Trump and Putin to have conspired together, but for everyone investigating that alleged collusion to have been in on it as well since everyone investigating it, from Congress to the Justice Department, has said no votes were changed.

How could so many people believe something so obviously false? It’d be easy to just say they’re stupid; “dumb liberals” and all that. But it’s something worse. It’s the media and the Democratic Party consciously giving people that impression on purpose in an attempt to make their voters think Trump is an illegitimate president. When people who know better, people in positions of trust and authority, say things like, “The Russians ‘hacked’ the election,” there is no doubt of their motive. These are people whose professional currency is words, this many of them this often saying something deliberately misleading isn’t by accident.

Yet when you turn on CNN or MSNBC, no matter the time of day, this conspiracy theory is presented as fact, they’re only just waiting for the handcuffs. There is no critical thinking, no questioning of the narrative they’ve constructed – Hell, they may even believe it themselves at this point they’ve repeated it so often. It’s self-imposed Stockholm Syndrome, if that’s possible, and the audience, or at least more than half of them, have joined in the conga line.

Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could not ask for more fawning media coverage, it makes her campaign’s own press releases read like hate mail. Slathered in the drool of her questioners, however, there lies Olympic-level ignorance. It’d be easy to call her stupid, and I have on social media, but it’s worse than that. Her lack of basic understanding is coupled with the arrogance of certainty. She knows she’s right because she’s been taught socialism works, she feels it does.

When normal Americans hear this clown tossing around terms like everyone needs to pay their “fair share” of taxes, calling for a carbon tax, higher corporate taxes that’s we’ll all pay, and more to cover the cost of “free” this and “free” that and they hide their wallets. But it’s an aphrodisiac to leftists. The more they get turned on the more people get turned off, so I hope Alex is on TV so often people think she has a show. She’ll win her race while damaging her party.

Of course, all of this would be laughed off the public stage if people were thinking logically, thinking straight. But Democrats, in and out of the media, have mastered the manipulation tactic of keeping their supporters on the edge snapping, on the edge of outrage to prevent rational thought. While that allows for the true believers to be easily steered in any direction, that level of dedication also turns off the un-indoctrinated. If the GOP has a hope of bucking midterm history it’s here, in their anger and in their crazy.


Lets make a bet on that....if he resigns by the end of the year all the conservative posters have to publicly admit you were right, if not you must post nothing about Trump for a solid year....

That will never happen. Elfiero is only here to stir the pot. It used to bother me, which was the desired response from the poster Now? Don't care.
That will never happen. Elfiero is only here to stir the pot. It used to bother me, which was the desired response from the poster Now? Don't care.

Once I realized that he was just making stupid **** up to be controversial and troll everywhere, he quit bothering me too. He's more of a sideshow than a valid poster. Certainly not worth getting upset over.
Turning blue states red!


'Trump 2020' banner at Yankee Stadium

Once I realized that he was just making stupid **** up to be controversial and troll everywhere, he quit bothering me too. He's more of a sideshow than a valid poster. Certainly not worth getting upset over.

Elfie, Trog, and 21 just post standard Democrat boilerplate talking points. Not an original thought among them. I don't pay a lot of attention. I know what they're going to say before they do.
Where is the TEA party now? The Social Democrats are the Dems version, and will have the same long-term fate.