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BOOM! ESPN Outside The Lines on the Pats**

Nothin' to see here.

Move along.
And not winning a playoff game for five years

I have been a Tomlin supporter who is coming around to the idea that he just isn't that good. For example, I am tired of watching him be Elmer Fudd to Belechicks's Bugs Bunny. Now Belechick does that to a lot of coaches, but Tomlin has 10 years of experience now and should see it coming.

But that being said, if everyone agrees with you, and sees what you are saying, then what? Where are we? Have we advanced the cause in any way, shape or form? No, and we sit here in the same position, having no power to do anything about the head coach.

So don't get all pissed off at people who don't agree with you, and act like something would change if we all would agree.
I have been a Tomlin supporter who is coming around to the idea that he just isn't that good. For example, I am tired of watching him be Elmer Fudd to Belechicks's Bugs Bunny. Now Belechick does that to a lot of coaches, but Tomlin has 10 years of experience now and should see it coming.
Tomlin simply isn't that smart.

But that being said, if everyone agrees with you, and sees what you are saying, then what? Where are we? Have we advanced the cause in any way, shape or form? No, and we sit here in the same position, having no power to do anything about the head coach.

So don't get all pissed off at people who don't agree with you, and act like something would change if we all would agree.

Tomlin isn't a great coach, he isn't a bad coach, he's an average coach. His natural state is somewhere around 8-8 to 10-6 every year and playoff appearances most years, helped greatly by the fact that the Browns and Bengals are in the same division.
This is a big year for Tomlin. If we go 8-8 again that will be only 1 winning season out of the last 4.

....and that is with the most coveted commodity in the NFL......a HOF QB in his prime.
This is a big year for Tomlin. If we go 8-8 again that will be only 1 winning season out of the last 4.

....and that is with the most coveted commodity in the NFL......a HOF QB in his prime.
Ah-HAH!!! But it won't be a losing season! /sarcasm
Ah-HAH!!! But it won't be a losing season! /sarcasm


Tomlin simply isn't that smart.

Tomlin isn't a great coach, he isn't a bad coach, he's an average coach. His natural state is somewhere around 8-8 to 10-6 every year and playoff appearances most years, helped greatly by the fact that the Browns and Bengals are in the same division.

Tomlin's intelligence level is fine. This isn't brain surgery out there, for crying out loud. It's football. Look at some of these other coaches. If you watched the Eagle/Falcons game, for example, youy have Chip Kelly, supposedly the next smartest coach after Belechick, trying a field goal on 4th and 1 when the other guys haven't slowed you down really the whole second half. With over 2 minutes left, easily enough time for Atlanta. Then you have Dan Quinn, running the ball 3 straight times and handing Philly another chance. What the hell? I think both those guys are smart enough, like Tomlin, but they get caught up in the way maybe it was traditionally done. Belechick doesn't.

As per the 2nd part, again, if everyone on this site agrees that Tomlin is no good, then what?

Tomlin's intelligence level is fine. This isn't brain surgery out there, for crying out loud. It's football. Look at some of these other coaches. If you watched the Eagle/Falcons game, for example, youy have Chip Kelly, supposedly the next smartest coach after Belechick, trying a field goal on 4th and 1 when the other guys haven't slowed you down really the whole second half. With over 2 minutes left, easily enough time for Atlanta. Then you have Dan Quinn, running the ball 3 straight times and handing Philly another chance. What the hell? I think both those guys are smart enough, like Tomlin, but they get caught up in the way maybe it was traditionally done. Belechick doesn't.
That's why I said he is an average coach. Not the best, not the worst, but solidly the 16th best head coach in the NFL. Solidly.

As per the 2nd part, again, if everyone on this site agrees that Tomlin is no good, then what?
Nothin'. The Rooneys don't read this board or listen to us. In another ten years Coach Shades will still be the head coach of the Steelers.
Riiiiiiighhht - running the organization into the ground by not have a losing season in 9 years...that'll do it...

Ha! Nobody loves those non-losing seasons like you, Bermuda!
That's why I said he is an average coach. Not the best, not the worst, but solidly the 16th best head coach in the NFL. Solidly.

Nothin'. The Rooneys don't read this board or listen to us. In another ten years Coach Shades will still be the head coach of the Steelers.

Let's be really honest here. As much as I hate the ******' guy, Belechick is No. 1. That is what baffles me. He'd be the best without cheatin, because he is willing, more than any other coach, to go against the script.. Then you have 31 other guys vying for No. 2. Coaches ascend and descend, like Pete Carroll. By the end of this year, I bet he isn't thought of as highly as he was before. He will be back to the rest like he was a few years ago.

And that is right about the Rooneys. Where I object is when posters say something to the affect of "when will people realize..." OK. I am coming to the realization. Now what? Maybe I was happier when I thought he was a good coach. You know, blind ignorance.
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Does any of this really surprise anyone? The NFL has a blind eye when it comes to tampering with rules as the Pats do.
Let's be really honest here. As much as I hate the ******' guy, Belechick is No. 1. That is what baffles me. He'd be the best without cheatin, because he is willing, more than any other coach, to go against the script.. Then you have 31 other guys vying for No. 2. Coaches ascend and descend, like Pete Carroll. By the end of this year, I bet he isn't thought of as highly as he was before. He will be back to the rest like he was a few years ago.

And that is right about the Rooneys. Where I object is when posters say something to the affect of "when will people realize..." OK. I am coming to the realization. Now what? Maybe I was happier when I thought he was a good coach. You know, blind ignorance.

Now What?.......IMO you play the season and hope to see a team on the rise that competes for a Championship.

If we fail to have another non winning season and do not see growth and development of the players and the team is is not on the rise, then we assess the entire situation in the off season.
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I will never think that Belicheat is a great coach -- HE IS A CHEATER !!! The worst is that he is laughing at all the other teams every week .. I am cheating and there is NOTHING you can do about it ..

one other team tried to do something dishonest and got the HAMMER down .. their coach got a YEAR suspension ..

That is why I only have seen ONE non-steeler game this year so far .. and only because there was NOTHING else on TV. The situation with the Cheaters and the NFL has me very disgusted with the game of football.
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Now What?.......IMO you play the season and hope to see a team on the rise that competes for a Championship.

If we fail to have another non winning season and do not see growth and development of the players the team is is not on the rise, then we ***** the entire situation in the off season.

Great. We assess it. Let's say the season sucks and we all here assess that Tomlin should go. Again, then what?

See, this is my issue. I have no problem with not liking the coach. I object to the "when will people realize?" stuff. So what if we all realize. We have no power to make change. So my point is, dislike all you want, but just lay off the "when will you people realize" **** (I know it wasn't you, I am speaking generally).
I do not agree that Belichick would be #1 without cheating.

It pains me to say it, too, but I just think he is. He goes for that 4th Chip Kelly didn't. He throws the ball in the situation Dan Quinn was in. He keeps attacking when up big. The Steelers ran the same play to Heath Miller in the endzone that the Pats ran to Gronk for a TD. The Pats had it covered because Belechick thinks to tell his DBs to not worry about run support, your job is to cover. Not the Steelers. They hesitate on the play action.
Does any of this really surprise anyone? The NFL has a blind eye when it comes to tampering with rules as the Pats do.

Blind eye?

******* Deflate-gate with M*rsha defined the entire void of time from SB until the opening game. This is beyond WWE.
They are beyond brilliant with keeping the brand out in front, and have learned from the Kardashians that quality and strength of character don't matter in this reality TV society.
I will never think that Belicheat is a great coach -- HE IS A CHEATER !!! The worst is that he is laughing at all the other teams every week .. I am cheating and there is NOTHING you can do about it ..

one other team tried to do something dishonest and got the HAMMER down .. their coach got a YEAR suspension ..

That is why I only have seen ONE non-steeler game this year so far .. and only because there was NOTHING else on TV. The situation with the Cheaters and the NFL has me very discussed with the game of football.

ABSOLUTE truth!!!!!!!!

I do not agree that Belichick would be #1 without cheating.

AGAIN, ABSOLUTE truth!!!!!!!!!!!

It pains me to say it, too, but I just think he is. He goes for that 4th Chip Kelly didn't. He throws the ball in the situation Dan Quinn was in. He keeps attacking when up big. The Steelers ran the same play to Heath Miller in the endzone that the Pats ran to Gronk for a TD. The Pats had it covered because Belechick thinks to tell his DBs to not worry about run support, your job is to cover. Not the Steelers. They hesitate on the play action.

I've said this before, what part of cheating is the good i??? Does he lose 18% or maybe 23% , 46%, how much of his "good" does he lose with out cheating????? It's pretty simple, with out the C-H-E-A-T-I-N-G , he would NOT be as good. CAN not be argued. SORRY if this POPs your bubble, but then again, I'd never apologize for my dislike of the cheatriots.

Salute the nation
Great. We assess it. Let's say the season sucks and we all here assess that Tomlin should go. Again, then what?

See, this is my issue. I have no problem with not liking the coach. I object to the "when will people realize?" stuff. So what if we all realize. We have no power to make change. So my point is, dislike all you want, but just lay off the "when will you people realize" **** (I know it wasn't you, I am speaking generally).

When I say assess the situation I mean the Rooneys. If we are a team on the decline and we have not had a playoff win in 6 years and have had one winning season in 5 years. Then I would suspect that they would weigh the coaches salary versus the loss in stadium revenue from expected no shows and see if there is a point where it makes sense to make a change. I not then no change will be made and next year will be the make or break season.

This is a big year or Tomlin, I hope he succeeds, making the scenario moot.

As far as here.....I don't really give it much thought........Just opinions on an internet message board......
When I say assess the situation I mean the Rooneys. If we are a team on the decline and we have not had a playoff win in 6 years and have had one winning season in 5 years. Then I would suspect that they would weigh the coaches salary versus the loss in stadium revenue from expected no shows and see if there is a point where it makes sense to make a change. I not then no change will be made and next year will be the make or break season.

This is a big year or Tomlin, I hope he succeeds, making the scenario moot.

As far as here.....I don't really give it much thought........Just opinions on an internet message board......
1) The waiting list for season tickets is almost 20 years long. The Rooney's will never not sell out the stadium. 2) The Rooney's will never fire their Rooney Rule hire no matter what. The ONLY way MT leaves the team aside from retiring is if he simply wants more money than they want to pay. Mark my words, in ten years he will still be the head coach of this team.