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Brown to Pats

Mark my words, he will be signing another 2 or more year deal after this year.with the Cheats. They gave him one year to make it look good.
Mark my words, he will be signing another 2 or more year deal after this year.with the Cheats. They gave him one year to make it look good.

Will he...

1. Show up on time?
2. Run the routes as designed?
3. Not go off on social media?

That is a drastic departure from his normal behavior.
Will he...

1. Show up on time?
2. Run the routes as designed?
3. Not go off on social media?

That is a drastic departure from his normal behavior.

I quess we will know as the year plays out. All I know is I will puke if the Cheats win it all again. The league is turning into a disgrace with the players getting what they want.
I have never entered a season less interested in the games. The fix is in and the Pats are designated to win it all again. The season means nothing.
As I said, I do think collusion/orchestration likely happened, and was convinced of it last night, but the more I think about, there are some things that do not make sense.

Why bother demanding a new contract with the Raiders, if the plan was just to force a release from the team?

Why go through making a public apology and expressing a commitment to the Raiders if he was planning to demand a release the next day?

You're probably right, but some things in the sequence of events don't add up.

I hear what you are saying, not every thing lines up. But he agrees to a deal with Pats* within an hour of getting released. He didn't even mull options over, just bam, signed and delivered. It's too much. And just like with Blount and Harrison, they don't even care how obvious it is. The league is so in the tank with them, they just don't care about any outward appearances.
He needed to make an effort to seem as though he was apologetic and remorseful to retain some shred of his image.

The Raiders should have suspended him for 4 games and made him sit 1/4 of the season. Cost them nothing and adds no further drama/distraction to the team.
I want to know what the League's position on this is. They haven't said a f****** word.
I dm'd Schefter and asked who among his colleagues had the balls to publicly question collusion.

The only way anything happens is A. Giant public outcry
Or B. A few of the powerful owners force action... Rodger is a Pats crony
I dm'd Schefter and asked who among his colleagues had the balls to publicly question collusion.

Considering ESPN has provided Brown with his own personal PR reporter, I doubt they'll give any negative reports on the receiver.
I wonder what Jerry Rice thinks about *** Clown now?
Signing this one year deal almost guarantees he doesn't get another payday unless it's for a ****** team. He may end up playing year by year now. Who will sign a 32+ year old to a 3 year deal? Heck, Julio Jones just signed for $66 million and I say he isn't worth it. He doesn't show up every game. I have had him on my fantasy teams for several years now and he has a great game (300 yards or something crazy) and then disappears for a game or two. You can't count on him every week.
GREED, what presidence does this assclown set? I see others following in his footsteps. I'd bet the owners are happy the CBA is soon to be renogotiated just on this premise alone. The players have beef and the owners have beef........... Get ready for a short or no season coming soon to an NFL franchise near you.

Salute the nation
Can’t find link again, but read a story that the raiders are still on the hook for the 29mill.
Sorry if this was asked and answered a few pages ago but are the Raiders on the hook for any of his salary and do they take a cap hit?

The sad thing is they may be, but they had the chance bf cutting him to not pay him at all.
Again, read it but can’t findnit again after a search. Something about drew and the cba...etc etc.
I hear what you are saying, not every thing lines up. But he agrees to a deal with Pats* within an hour of getting released. He didn't even mull options over, just bam, signed and delivered. It's too much. And just like with Blount and Harrison, they don't even care how obvious it is. The league is so in the tank with them, they just don't care about any outward appearances.

People don’t get it... he made a huge deal about getting more guaranteed money... he fully expected to force his way off the team but keep the guaranteed money... he thinks he is smarter than he is ... he wanted to get another team to pay him but play in NE... it didn’t work out...
I have to sit here a listen to commentators spew a bunch of positive bullshit about Brown. They are not allowed to say how they truly feel about the situation.
i hope Marsha has a really poor game tonight in a loss.

i hope she has a great week of practice with her new toy all next week.

I hope she stubs her toe or hurts her pinky in game 2 and then Cheater bABy has to play out the season with a backup cheater QB

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