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******* caption time. (Or thoughts)

This is why I despise you and your scumbag ilk. Deranged men dress up and want to spend time with little kids, sane people know something is seriously wrong with those weirdos, and yet dumbass douchebags bring up ... George ******* Santos?

What the ******* **** does George ******* Santos have to do with mental-patient adult males dressing up in women's clothes and demanding to spend time with little kids?? Nothing, you stupid ******* idiot moron ****-for-brains know-nothing scumbag excuse for a loser bag of skin whose very existences makes the earth a worse place.

The exact same stupid **** happens when Joe Biden does one of his 10,000 corrupt, dirty, creepy grifter activities. He falls down again, whispers like a ******* weirdo, opens the border, destroys the economy, and you stupid cunts chant, BUT TRUMP!! Trump has nothing to do with sleazebag creepy whispering grifter child-groping Biden, you stupid ************.
I like your style Steeltime.
I like your style Steeltime.

😂 Your bad day is about to get worse…Santos is/was a drag queen, your echo chamber far right media has kept it a secret apparently.

WTF is your point? The issue isn't with these mentally unstable individuals dressing up like cartoon versions of a real woman. Not at all. Let people do what makes them happy. But don't take your side show act into schools with impressionable children. Period. Now, if this asshat Santos walked into a grade school acting like you, a *****, then I could see your point.

I could only read part of the article that you posted, it was written for drama seeking people and I couldn't stomach the drivel.
WTF is your point? The issue isn't with these mentally unstable individuals dressing up like cartoon versions of a real woman. Not at all. Let people do what makes them happy. But don't take your side show act into schools with impressionable children. Period. Now, if this asshat Santos walked into a grade school acting like you, a *****, then I could see your point.

I could only read part of the article that you posted, it was written for drama seeking people and I couldn't stomach the drivel.
No idea about Santos and it came from one of those sites where you can't read the whole story, so I couldn't care less. The point that rational people are trying to make is that perverts shouldn't be allowed to perform in front of minors, and certainly not 6 year-olds. Trog, Tibs, do you agree or disagree with that??? Have some balls and answer the question.

Instead, left leaning folks bring up things like Jamie Farr dressing up as Klinger, Tony Curtis in Some Like it Hot, or Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire, acting as if it's the same thing.

Thread is about a drag queen with a little girl.

Tibs says to not discuss HIS children, but it's perfectly acceptable to discuss this as affecting other children.

Flog then charges in, fresh off an *** kicking in the McDonald's kiosk thread, to offer his hide for a beating by bringing up George Santos.

from those responses, we can deduct that both Flog and Fibs agree that drag queens have issues. One that may or may not be true. It's entirely possible that some guys like dressing up as women at times ... which would also be a mental issue one could argue.

Yet looking at Flog's and Fibs' responses, they both agree that drag queens should not be twerking or socializing amongst children. Hell, even drag queen politician Santos says he doesnt agree with drag queens being around children.

Thus, it's not out of the realm of possibilities that Flog and Fibs agree with Santos and are now Conservatives.
WTF is your point? The issue isn't with these mentally unstable individuals dressing up like cartoon versions of a real woman. Not at all. Let people do what makes them happy. But don't take your side show act into schools with impressionable children. Period. Now, if this asshat Santos walked into a grade school acting like you, a *****, then I could see your point.

I could only read part of the article that you posted, it was written for drama seeking people and I couldn't stomach the drivel.
Trog keeps bringing up the Santos thing because he thinks it going to piss us off, but nobody gives a shitt about Santos. You do not have a golden goose, Trog. Give it up.
No idea about Santos and it came from one of those sites where you can't read the whole story, so I couldn't care less. The point that rational people are trying to make is that perverts shouldn't be allowed to perform in front of minors, and certainly not 6 year-olds. Trog, Tibs, do you agree or disagree with that??? Have some balls and answer the question.

Instead, left leaning folks bring up things like Jamie Farr dressing up as Klinger, Tony Curtis in Some Like it Hot, or Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire, acting as if it's the same thing.
What constitutes a “pervert”? Jerry Sandusky and John Wayne Gacy weren’t drag queens.
What constitutes a “pervert”? Jerry Sandusky and John Wayne Gacy weren’t drag queens.
Way to deflect, answer the question, should drag queens be allowed to perform in front of children? Yes, or no will suffice.

But, let me answer your question, perversion is a form of human behavior which deviates from what is considered to be orthodox or normal. Although the term perversion can refer to a variety of forms of deviation, it is most often used to describe sexual behaviors that are considered particularly abnormal, repulsive or obsessive, so yes, both Sandusky and Gacy fit the bill. Now answer the damn question, yes or no.
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Drag queens having story hour in Muslim schools yet?
Works for me, gotta start somewhere.



If they want to leave the state because we're putting a wall up between them and our children, then please ******* go.

And that's 100% what this is about. Nobody cares what twisted ****** up **** you do as an ADULT. As long as you're not grooming kids and you don't go shooting **** up when your cheese falls completely off the cracker.

By all means head to California. I hear they have a very advanced society that the rest of us neanderthals can't even comprehend.
The issue isn't with these mentally unstable individuals dressing up like cartoon versions of a real woman. Not at all. Let people do what makes them happy. But don't take your side show act into schools with impressionable children.

Saying it isn't a mental issue is getting harder and harder to sell.


Way to deflect, answer the question, should drag queens be allowed to perform in front of children? Yes, or no will suffice.

But, let me answer your question, perversion is a form of human behavior which deviates from what is considered to be orthodox or normal. Although the term perversion can refer to a variety of forms of deviation, it is most often used to describe sexual behaviors that are considered particularly abnormal, repulsive or obsessive, so yes, both Sandusky and Gacy fit the bill. Now answer the damn question, yes or no.
“Orthodox and normal” Is the Catholic Church orthodox and normal? Should Catholic priests be allowed to perform in front of children?
“Orthodox and normal” Is the Catholic Church orthodox and normal? Should Catholic priests be allowed to perform in front of children?
Perform what?? A drag show? Helll no!

btw You deflected again.
Perform what?? A drag show? Helll no!

btw You deflected again.
Deflected? How? Aren’t you talking about men dressed up in lavish outfits indoctrinating children? Sounds exactly like Catholic priests.
Deflected? How? Aren’t you talking about men dressed up in lavish outfits indoctrinating children? Sounds exactly like Catholic priests.
The question was: would you lets your young kids attend a drag show. (Even if its a priest) Are you going to answer the question?