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******* caption time. (Or thoughts)

The question was: would you lets your young kids attend a drag show. (Even if its a priest) Are you going to answer the question?
The question was: would you lets your young kids attend a drag show. (Even if it’s a priest) Are you going to answer the question?
What’s taking place at drag shows that makes them “adult”? Aren’t they just female celebrity impersonators?
Would you let your kids watch a movie where two gay men help another man dress in drag so he could dupe a woman into letting him babysit her children? It was called Mrs. Doubtfire and was before the present day culture war.
What’s taking place at drag shows that makes them “adult”? Aren’t they just female celebrity impersonators?
I will take that as a yes. You would let your kids attend a drag show. You are not a very good father. Are you?
Now you are just being stupid.
And how did Mrs. Doubtfire end? He got a job performing in drag on a TV show for kids! What’s the difference, exactly? Please do explain…
Would you let your kids watch a movie where two gay men help another man dress in drag as an old scottish woman so he could dupe a woman his soon to be ex-wife into letting him babysit her his children? It was called Mrs. Doubtfire and was before the present day culture war.

Fixed it for you, moron.

let's see....what's the difference between mrs. doubtfire and the picture below? hmmmm...

Fixed it for you, moron.

let's see....what's the difference between mrs. doubtfire and the picture below? hmmmm...

So some drag is OK, notably old Scottish women. This is getting complicated.
Floggy, your contributions over the last 3 pages summarize everything about you. You are a stupid quisling toady, too neutered by your idiotic left-wing beliefs to form a coherent argument, and instead veer from one stupid left-wing talking point to the next. Let me summarize your recent arguments in this discussion:
  • You compare Catholic priests (the non-rapist kind) to the freak pedophile cross-dressers who insist on performing in front of little kids.
  • You compared Mrs. Doubtfire to freaks wagging their codpieces in front of little kids. And yes, you did.
  • You accuse Iron95 of being "dragged" into a culture war ... while ranting in this very thread about the virtues of fat freaks in dresses wagging their genitals in front of little kids.
  • So you do realize, I hope, that you are deeper into this culture war than anybody else in this thread.
  • Let me end this debate. You are in favor of this:

  • I am not.
Fixed it for you, moron.

let's see....what's the difference between mrs. doubtfire and the picture below? hmmmm...


I am going to go out on a limb here and opine that the cross-dressing freaks became cross-dressing freaks due to mental illness likely related at least in part to massive self-hatred stemming from the fact they are as ugly as ****.
Well, thank you for answering my question by not answering the question. You truly are a pathetic individual.
Its not his fault. God just made him stupid. Maybe that's why he hates the church.
You do not seem to understand that comparing priests and drag queens is not apples to apples.

You see, a small percentage of priests, like the rest of the population, are sexual deviants.
100% of drag queens are sexual deviants.

And no one here cares about the actions of adult sexual deviants EXCEPT where their deviance results in harm to kids.

Priests who are sexually deviant with kids should be punished, as should any other member of the population who is sexually deviant with kids, because a just society ought to protect kids and strongly discourage sexual deviance with or around kids.

So the notion of putting known sexual deviants with kids, especially with regard to influencing and educating kids, is so far from what a just society should do that anyone suggesting this type of thing --- like sexually deviant drag queens reading to kids as a teacher --- is ok, or normal, is just categorically and morally wrong.
You do not seem to understand that comparing priests and drag queens is not apples to apples.

You see, a small percentage of priests, like the rest of the population, are sexual deviants.
100% of drag queens are sexual deviants.

And no one here cares about the actions of adult sexual deviants EXCEPT where their deviance results in harm to kids.

Priests who are sexually deviant with kids should be punished, as should any other member of the population who is sexually deviant with kids, because a just society ought to protect kids and strongly discourage sexual deviance with or around kids.

So the notion of putting known sexual deviants with kids, especially with regard to influencing and educating kids, is so far from what a just society should do that anyone suggesting this type of thing --- like sexually deviant drag queens reading to kids as a teacher --- is ok, or normal, is just categorically and morally wrong.
I believe we have a new post of the year.
Trog keeps bringing up the Santos thing because he thinks it going to piss us off, but nobody gives a shitt about Santos. You do not have a golden goose, Trog. Give it up.
By my count Santos has told less lies about his background than Joe Biden.
By my count Santos has told less lies about his background than Joe Biden.

Goddammit, Ron, Biden grew up in a coal mining family though his dad was a middle-class used car salesman, and was an All-American football player denied his status due to an injury inflicted by a villain named Corn Pop, but overcame that trauma to be on a full academic scholarship at Syracuse law despite the law school reporting that is not true since he had a half-scholarship based on need, and did not plagiarize a paper in law school as once again the law school is just wrong, and graduated 76th in a class of 85 or as Biden describes it, "top half of the class," and who overcame his home burning down by changing time and making it a small kitchen fire, where he was a brave civil rights activist who never attended any civil rights rally and never marched in any civil rights demonstration, who was arrested trying to visit Nelson Mandela but where he never was actually arrested and never tried to visit Mandela. Biden's life story is so amazing that Neil Kinnock stole it! Or vice-versa but goddammit, don't get mired in small details, Ron!

In short, quit being racist against the whitest white guy racist ever to walk the planet!
Goddammit, Ron, Biden grew up in a coal mining family though his dad was a middle-class used car salesman, and was an All-American football player denied his status due to an injury inflicted by a villain named Corn Pop, but overcame that trauma to be on a full academic scholarship at Syracuse law despite the law school reporting that is not true since he had a half-scholarship based on need, and did not plagiarize a paper in law school as once again the law school is just wrong, and graduated 76th in a class of 85 or as Biden describes it, "top half of the class," and who overcame his home burning down by changing time and making it a small kitchen fire, where he was a brave civil rights activist who never attended any civil rights rally and never marched in any civil rights demonstration, who was arrested trying to visit Nelson Mandela but where he never was actually arrested and never tried to visit Mandela. Biden's life story is so amazing that Neil Kinnock stole it! Or vice-versa but goddammit, don't get mired in small details, Ron!

In short, quit being racist against the whitest white guy racist ever to walk the planet!
oh, may god damn your pitch black soul for leaving out the absolute sheer fact that a truck driver killed Joe's first wife and his child after his first wife drove headfirst into the truck driver after crossing the double line on the street - an absolute horrible fact made even more horrible that Joe has to tell it to everyone he encounters and especially those who confuse Beau Biden with Bo Duke. Jesus Christ, Jimmy. Get your **** together.