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Colbert or Tomlin whoever has the final say needs to go

It's amazing....this "so-called" forum fan base......some of you folks seem to have bi polar issues....if I.didn't know this was January I'd swear this was back in October when.we were 3-3....

**** ....we made the.playoffs, closed the season with 4 straight wins and happened to take an.unlucky stroke w Bell having his knee taken out ....at the cusp of the postseason.....we.missed Bell....would we have won.with him in the line-up ? We can't say, but it's a huge task to try and amass a game plan when you are.missing our team MVP whom analysts say is the leagues most dynamic running back.....imagine Dallas w no Murray....imagine Houston w no Arian.....Seattle w no Lynch......we had to alter a substantial part of what we do within a weeks time....

Folks we just played a playoff game ..this wasn't a week 8 loss.....why the **** are you guys so.up in.arms over a loss....a playoff loss without our team.MVP....

This group has reverted back to its week 2 mindset w Tomlin hatred and player criticism....... jokes.....
Suspect as much as you want but Lebeau wanted him too. I saw an interview where he got super excited and giddy when Jarvis ran a 4.9 at his pro day because DL thought that they now had a chance to take him. So you can try your best to always lay blame at the feet of Tomlin, but it's just not legitimate. I'm not defending Tomlin by any means, only pointing out that DL was really excited to get JJ and that he had his hand in that pick as well.

I love how some people want to act as if the draft every year goes as the following:

Tomlin: We are taking "Insert name here"

Everyone else in war room: He is horrible why would we take him

Tomlin: That's my guy

Everyone: Mike we strongly suggest this guy "insert name here", the guy you want is not valuable and will never be any good

*Steelers on the clock*

Tomlin: turn in the card

Everyone: NO!

*pick announced*

*war room is dismayed, rolling their eyes and sighing. Tomlin incredibly delighted*

/\- Sound ridiculous? Because it is, yet many on here would have you believe this is not that far fetched, there is lots of blame to go around folks not just MT.
There's also a video of Tomlin doing the exact same thing with Jarvis
There's also a video of Tomlin doing the exact same thing with Jarvis

As I said I was not defending Tomlin, only pointing out he wasn't the only one who had his hand in it or was excited to get him, DL was as well.
It's amazing....this "so-called" forum fan base......some of you folks seem to have bi polar issues....if I.didn't know this was January I'd swear this was back in October when.we were 3-3....

**** ....we made the.playoffs, closed the season with 4 straight wins and happened to take an.unlucky stroke w Bell having his knee taken out ....at the cusp of the postseason.....we.missed Bell....would we have won.with him in the line-up ? We can't say, but it's a huge task to try and amass a game plan when you are.missing our team MVP whom analysts say is the leagues most dynamic running back.....imagine Dallas w no Murray....imagine Houston w no Arian.....Seattle w no Lynch......we had to alter a substantial part of what we do within a weeks time....

Folks we just played a playoff game ..this wasn't a week 8 loss.....why the **** are you guys so.up in.arms over a loss....a playoff loss without our team.MVP....

This group has reverted back to its week 2 mindset w Tomlin hatred and player criticism....... jokes.....

Oh come now, it was never going to be any other way. You have to know that there were some posters that were sitting and waiting for this team to fall in the playoffs so that they could trot out the old "fire Tomlin", "Colbert must go" threads. There are others who at least have been consistent in their statements and did not disappear during the winning streak and I respect them. But, if you thought that a majority of the die hard "Tomlin is the debil" group were going to remain silent or were suddenly going to come to the other side if/when this team lost in the play offs .... well, that's unrealistic. There is no middle ground given or taken with some of these guys.

As far as last night, it was a playoff game and as a fan, the loss hurt. Offense, Defense, Special Teams and Coaching all led to that performance we saw last night and all are deserving of criticism. But, it was a playoff game that when we were 3-3 I didn't think I was going to see this year.
Oh come now, it was never going to be any other way. You have to know that there were some posters that were sitting and waiting for this team to fall in the playoffs so that they could trot out the old "fire Tomlin", "Colbert must go" threads. There are others who at least have been consistent in their statements and did not disappear during the winning streak and I respect them. But, if you thought that a majority of the die hard "Tomlin is the debil" group were going to remain silent or were suddenly going to come to the other side if/when this team lost in the play offs .... well, that's unrealistic. There is no middle ground given or taken with some of these guys.

As I've said before, it's sad that there's an Elite Fanbase to whom all fans must answer to validate their fandom. To determine if it's true or not. In some of your eyes, Steeler fans who criticize are to be shamed by the town elders during a winning streak, for they have questioned Yon Mighty Tomlin.

As far as last night, it was a playoff game and as a fan, the loss hurt. Offense, Defense, Special Teams and Coaching all led to that performance we saw last night and all are deserving of criticism. But, it was a playoff game that when we were 3-3 I didn't think I was going to see this year.

Then I guess the season was a rousing success.
I know that we are likely going to have some overpriced veterans and their crippling salaries coming off the books before next year. They better get out of the bullshit "Steeler way" and do what EVERY other team does with their cap space and get a couple impact free agents. I can respect the build from within when you're on a run and you have to pay your studs to keep it going. This team isn't that any more, time to change that up and compete on the market or we aren't winning **** any time soon. Especially that putrid *** defense.
Tomlin isn't getting cut but I hope they don't extend him
Post 28, there's even a Zapruderlike film proving it.
Post 28, there's even a Zapruderlike film proving it.

There may or may not be video of it happening, but as usual, we had two posters just flinging **** onto a wall hoping it would stick and no one would ask for an example.
There may or may not be video of it happening, but as usual, we had two posters just flinging **** onto a wall hoping it would stick and no one would ask for an example.

You know full well that you among others are the master of "saying it without saying it" to always leave yourself enough wiggle room to weasel out of any statement or comment. You could give seminars on how to do it and make millions. Like I said it's cute when you do the whole wide eyed, "Who Me???" routine.
There may or may not be video of it happening, but as usual, we had two posters just flinging **** onto a wall hoping it would stick and no one would ask for an example.

Look, you asked where someone said it. I showed you. That is all. As usual you want to kick and scream about stupid **** like you memorize every post ever made here. If you're mad because you missed it running ahead to comment with half *** information to argue with again, then that's on you. Someone said it, period. There is no room to wiggle or debate it. You're not dragging me into your bullshit any more man, so stop trying. You don't even try to talk football any more, it's all preen and bait with you. Have fun with that.
As I've said before, it's sad that there's an Elite Fanbase to whom all fans must answer to validate their fandom. To determine if it's true or not. In some of your eyes, Steeler fans who criticize are to be shamed by the town elders during a winning streak, for they have questioned Yon Mighty Tomlin.

Then I guess the season was a rousing success.

Come on now. You know that I have and will lay blame at Tomlin's feet when I feel that it is deserved. In fact, I blame a good portion of last night's fiasco on him. It's just that with some posters on here, there really is no middle ground. It's all Tomlin; all the time. Unless the team is winning ... then they get quiet. As I said, there are a few of you guys (Tas, yourself, even Topseed) who I respect because it doesn't matter whether the team is winning or losing, you stick to your guns and point out issues that you see that need improving and at least provide solid reasons for your dislike of Tomlin. I don't always agree with you guys, but I do respect your opinions for the most part.

It's the other ones. Let's call them the "Snipers". Negative Nancys that only come around after a loss or during a losing streak in order to satisfy their need to slam Tomlin (and only Tomlin) by any and all means and usually adding not a shred of knowledge or discourse to the threads.

I get the snark/sarcasm in the "rousing success" comment. I understand what you're saying. No, the season wasn't a "rousing" success. It was successful though. Just not to the point where we would have liked it to be. Does that mean that no changes need to be made? You and I both know that they do. Where we may disagree is on what those changes should entail.
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Suspect as much as you want but Lebeau wanted him too. I saw an interview where he got super excited and giddy when Jarvis ran a 4.9 at his pro day because DL thought that they now had a chance to take him. So you can try your best to always lay blame at the feet of Tomlin, but it's just not legitimate. I'm not defending Tomlin by any means, only pointing out that DL was really excited to get JJ and that he had his hand in that pick as well.

I love how some people want to act as if the draft every year goes as the following:

Tomlin: We are taking "Insert name here"

Everyone else in war room: He is horrible why would we take him

Tomlin: That's my guy

Everyone: Mike we strongly suggest this guy "insert name here", the guy you want is not valuable and will never be any good

*Steelers on the clock*

Tomlin: turn in the card

Everyone: NO!

*pick announced*

*war room is dismayed, rolling their eyes and sighing. Tomlin incredibly delighted*

/\- Sound ridiculous? Because it is, yet many on here would have you believe this is not that far fetched, there is lots of blame to go around folks not just MT.

That is a complete load of horse ****. You are creating the most ridiculous of scenarios and presenting it as facts. What makes it worse is you are doing it to attack other members. Please stick to Football and leave your psycho analyst bull **** of other posters mindset out of it. I will not tolerate it.

If you have an opinion on the subject at hand and can do it without attacking or ridiculing others, by all means, share it.

You may surprise and enlighten me by providing a view point that I had not thought of........

But I think your hand is weak.
There may or may not be video of it happening, but as usual, we had two posters just flinging **** onto a wall hoping it would stick and no one would ask for an example.

Do I have a quote? No. But is that the attitude exhibited by most that attack draft picks and blame Tomlin only for the pick? Yes.

I know this is your forte, and no I'm not going to get into a who's "package" is bigger contest with you. I was simply pointing out an attitude that has been shown, whether I have a quote or not to your liking. Let me also say again, I'm not defending Tomlin. Lastly, I have a strange feeling even if I had a specific quote that fit your criteria, it wouldn't matter to you. I was only making an observation, didn't think you'd feel personally attacked as one of said individuals. Everyone on this team and in this organization is accountable, just saying, putting every draft pick that was wrong all on Tomlin is foolish, he plays a major role but nobody is exempt from blame.
.....we.missed Bell....would we have won.with him in the line-up ? We can't say, but it's a huge task to try and amass a game plan when you are.missing our team MVP whom analysts say is the leagues most dynamic running back.....imagine Dallas w no Murray....Dunbar and Randle imagine Houston w no Arian.....A. Blue (R) Seattle w no Lynch......Michael, Turbin and 2 FB's we had to alter a substantial part of what we do within a weeks time....

This group has reverted back to its week 2 mindset .....Maybe because the team did as well?

My point here is that of the three teams you mentioned only one relies on a somewhat unproven R b/u at running back. I realize that no one can plan for every contingency but releasing Blount w/o some kind of plan was pretty dumb.....given Bell's importance to this offense a solid insurance plan was a priority that should have been realized.
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That is a complete load of horse ****. You are creating the most ridiculous of scenarios and presenting it as facts. What makes it worse is you are doing it to attack other members. Please stick to Football and leave your psycho analyst bull **** of other posters mindset out of it. I will not tolerate it.

If you have an opinion on the subject at hand and can do it without attacking or ridiculing others, by all means, share it.

You may surprise and enlighten me by providing a view point that I had not thought of........

But I think your hand is weak.

I said that scenario was ridiculous, but many blame Tomlin only for draft picks as if everyone else in the organization wasn't behind the selection. That was the point I was making, was they must believe either Tomlin decides who they are picking and everyone else who has a say just lets him do it, or they totally disagree and Tomlin makes the selection anyways. I was pointing out how ridiculous it is to blame Tomlin alone for drafts, that is all.

And sir I have seen far worse crap, smack talk, scenarios, arguments, debates than what I posted. Are you threatening to remove me from the board for what I said? As for attacking other members, be honest what I did wasn't even close to what most say toward other members on a daily basis in this forum. If you didn't like what I said fine, I don't like a lot of stuff I read in this forum. The personal attacks on this board against others is overwhelming, are you saying what I said was worse? Fine, maybe my "hand" is weak but I was simply making an objective observation about how people present their blame of Tomlin in a lot of cases. I also say Tomlin deserves blame, but he is not alone.
I love this revisionist history.

Who drafted Jamain Stephens?

Who drafted Kordell, then stuck with him LONG after he'd proven he couldn't do it?

Who drafted Troy Edwards with the 13th overall pick?

Who chose to start Troy Edwards and Courtney Hawkins, as though they were legitimate players?

Who drafted Will Blackwell?

Those late 90's and early 2000s teams sucked for a reason, and it wasn't Mike Tomlin.

The topic at hand is "Colbert or Tomlin whoever has the final say needs to go"

You on the other hand present players from the Tom Donahoe era. Your entire post is completely invalid to the subject at hand.

Neither Colbert or Tomlin were there and no front office or coach is immune to draft busts. None. And no one is implying otherwise.
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I said that scenario was ridiculous, but many blame Tomlin only for draft picks as if everyone else in the organization wasn't behind the selection. That was the point I was making, was they must believe either Tomlin decides who they are picking and everyone else who has a say just lets him do it, or they totally disagree and Tomlin makes the selection anyways. I was pointing out how ridiculous it is to blame Tomlin alone for drafts, that is all.

And sir I have seen far worse crap, smack talk, scenarios, arguments, debates than what I posted. Are you threatening to remove me from the board for what I said? As for attacking other members, be honest what I did wasn't even close to what most say toward other members on a daily basis in this forum. If you didn't like what I said fine, I don't like a lot of stuff I read in this forum. The personal attacks on this board against others is overwhelming, are you saying what I said was worse? Fine, maybe my "hand" is weak but I was simply making an objective observation about how people present their blame of Tomlin in a lot of cases. I also say Tomlin deserves blame, but he is not alone.

Once again, You are reading the thoughts of others (In this case mine) and adding your own perceived actions and outcomes to them.

Here is my objective observation. Many people find when they post their thoughts about a topic and then someone posts a completely absurd and imaginary scenario that has no basis in reality and imply that is how you all think. IT IS OFFENSIVE.
And not only offensive to the posters in the thread who have been attacked by a blanket indictment but to ALL board members who may share the same viewpoint.

The thread topic at hand is a valid topic. All responses on the thread topic at hand are valid. There is no need to smear others for their opinion, you just simply offer your own on the topic at hand.

I agree that therer is far too much attacking of others flying around and I believe that we would have less of it if members would simply stick to the thread topic at hand.
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Just be cool to each other..........
Just be cool to each other..........

Can you make a Steeler Nation t-shirt with that? I'd buy one.

On the topic at hand, don't the Rooney's have final say on the first round pick if there is a division among the others? And didn't someone post a link to an article stating that Tomlin is involved in the picks from the first 3 rounds or so and Colbert handled the rest by himself (maybe it was vice-versa). In any event, they did a pretty good job last year, but they will have to follow that up with another excellent draft this year. While picking 6 to 7 spots lower in the draft. The scouting department will have to step up their game this year. As will Tomlin, Cowher and the assistant coaches who help in the scouting process.