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College Football Week 13

And my point is that your talent level is not my concern. If you were tougher, like UM, you would have won. You didn't. So, you should stop trying to talks smack. EVERY year we hear this crap from you after PSU loses to tOSU. Sour grapes. You can never be classy and just congratulate either UM or tOSU after they beat you. It's excuse, after excuse, after excuse. Here's the reality. The B1G brought PSU into the fold hoping they would counteract the UM/tOSU dominance. PSU has not lived up to the billing. Your team's failure to recruit at a "big boy" level is not our concern. But sitting around, like a little *****, talking smack on teams that beat you damn near every year? Maaaan, **** PSU ... Who are they?
I literally LAUGHED OUT LOUD reading this!!!
The more I thought about my earlier statement and the fact Michigan destroyed my Penn State and how Penn State easily could have beaten OSU, maybe Michigan is as good as their record suggests. They should win the Big 10 championship game against a 4 loss team and if Corum is back healthy, it will be interesting to see them in the playoffs. Their OL is legit and their QB now has some confidence. They may be peaking at the right time.
The more I thought about my earlier statement and the fact Michigan destroyed my Penn State and how Penn State easily could have beaten OSU, maybe Michigan is as good as their record suggests. They should win the Big 10 championship game against a 4 loss team and if Corum is back healthy, it will be interesting to see them in the playoffs. Their OL is legit and their QB now has some confidence. They may be peaking at the right time.
You lost to tOSU. Get the **** over it. Daaayum man. "Coulda" this. "Shoulda" that. You didn't though. Did you?
The more I thought about my earlier statement and the fact Michigan destroyed my Penn State and how Penn State easily could have beaten OSU, maybe Michigan is as good as their record suggests. They should win the Big 10 championship game against a 4 loss team and if Corum is back healthy, it will be interesting to see them in the playoffs. Their OL is legit and their QB now has some confidence. They may be peaking at the right time.
I ate that crow earlier...nice to see I'm not the only one.
And my point is that your talent level is not my concern. If you were tougher, like UM, you would have won. You didn't. So, you should stop trying to talks smack. EVERY year we hear this crap from you after PSU loses to tOSU. Sour grapes. You can never be classy and just congratulate either UM or tOSU after they beat you. It's excuse, after excuse, after excuse. Here's the reality. The B1G brought PSU into the fold hoping they would counteract the UM/tOSU dominance. PSU has not lived up to the billing. Your team's failure to recruit at a "big boy" level is not our concern. But sitting around, like a little *****, talking smack on teams that beat you damn near every year? Maaaan, **** PSU ... Who are they?

I think your issue is you think I'm talking smack. I'm not. I'm giving my opinion on Ohio State. Do you want me to lie and say that this MIchigan game was a fluke and they'lll beat Georgia's *** if they make the playoffs?

From what I heard from OSU fans, they did think last year's loss vs Michigan was a fluke. They were expecting to get back to blowing them out this year. You should hope OSU realizes they have a problem now matching up vs Michigan and make some changes.
I think your issue is you think I'm talking smack. I'm not. I'm giving my opinion on Ohio State. Do you want me to lie and say that this MIchigan game was a fluke and they'lll beat Georgia's *** if they make the playoffs?

From what I heard from OSU fans, they did think last year's loss vs Michigan was a fluke. They were expecting to get back to blowing them out this year. You should hope OSU realizes they have a problem now matching up vs Michigan and make some changes.
Nope, I give all props to UM. They won. That's what matters. Not "coulda" and "shoulda". The results matter. And, when it comes to tOSU/PSU, it doesn't change. One team won. One team lost. So, for fans of the losing team, just accept the loss and hope you can avenge it next year. You won't hear me talk **** on ttun until we beat them again. PSU fans, should just accept that they lost. Not talk about "shoulda" this, or "coulda" that. The fact is that whatever you think you should have or could have done, you didn't.
As far as tOSU making changes to beat ttun, I sure hope they do.
On the other hand, until PSU makes us have to do the same in order to compete with them ..... I won't even worry about them.
Penn st finally scored. Wide open receiver in the end zone.
Kool-Aid is that young man's nickname, right? :oops: