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Conspiracy Wig has entered the building...


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
At this point, it is hard if not impossible to deny that the global covid 19 response has been a grotesque over-reaction.

It may have been reasonable to ask people to stay at home for some short period, like the original 2 week edict, however continuing the shut down and in fact increasing the scope of the shutdown has proven utterly disastrous to not only the U.S. economy, but to the world economy in general.

And at some point, you have to ask quite possibly the 2 most important questions we can possibly consider. (both, btw, supplied by other posters in the Corona thread.)

1) The question is why, when we as a global community have faced worse viruses....did we do THIS?

This is really the key question. The most important thing we can possibly understand about the global response to covid-19. Ultimately, there can really only be 2 "main" reasons that the world at large would subject itself to the kind of social and economic suicide we have all been subjected to by our leadership.

A) The virus is much much worse than we've been told. We are truly being ordered to stay at home and hide because honestly, the reality is covid-19 can and will eradicate a tremendous percentage of the world's population. However we are not being informed of the true direness of the situation because doing so would induce a global panic.

Ok. That seems extreme, but we have to understand that the ENTIRE WORLD has been forced to essentially shut down all its economies, all its production and the peoples of all those countries have been ordered in to a waiting pattern whose end is utterly undefined. There are people suggesting this lockdown could and should remain THROUGH 2021 (see the Governor of N.J.). This is unprecedented in history. While we have had epidemics and pandemics, the world has NEVER completely shut down like this. There must be some very significant reason or explanation and even a 4.5% death rate simply doesn't justify what we've done.

B) The goal of this economic and social shutdown is something far different than the containment of a virus that may kill as many as 4 to 6 percent of the people who get it, and largely focus on the elderly and immune-deficient. If this economic shut-down was limited to a continent or a hemisphere, it may be something we could write off as a major power-grab by some nefarious, powerful force. But the fact that this is essentially a world-wide phenomenon suggests that such a power grab is much much more ubiquitous and sinister than we can realistically imagine.

Uh... that's a bit more out there, but consider - If covid-19 is NOT very nearly a global-extinction event, why on earth is Earth reacting so ridiculously against its self interest? The most likely scenario we are facing here is that the economy is horribly, even critically damaged for decades. Just because an "open up" order is given in the next few weeks does not mean that ALL the businesses that closed down will be able to reopen. And those that do will likely NOT hire back all the people they let go. We will have purposefully and irreparably cut the throat of our own economy as have nearly every country in the world. And we ADDED to that self-harm by borrowing trillions and trillions of dollars against a lightly regulated entity that balances this and most other countries budgets and accounts. We have willingly, even frantically sold our souls to the Federal Reserve for a handful of money we can't even properly use.

So, let's consider where that takes us, logically. You're a reasonable person with a relatively decent sense of fiscal responsibility.

- Your gross national product has just been slashed by as much as 25%. And that's probably generous.
- Your social services load has increased literally exponentially with millions and millions of people going on assistance AND you've decided to dramatically increase benefits to ALL recipients.
- You've accumulated trillions of dollars in debt to fund the above programs and others whose only goal is to essentially shore up failing economic reserves both privately and publicly

How do you solve that problem? How do you even begin to balance that equation?

There is no other choice. There is no possible remedy except to increase taxes and normalize the world economy. You MUST (and we love this expression now) flatten the economic curve by developing and maintaining a global economy. And the ONLY thing in such an economy that has value is the work of the citizenry. This is what the U.S. entire economic structure is already built on. We pay taxes, based on our work and production and that revenue is used (laughably) to pay some small fraction of the interest owed on "money" (read electronic numbers) loaned to us and other countries of the world by the Federal Reserve.

Coming up, the REAL question you need to consider in light of the above...
Flog will kick your *** when he sees this
And now the next question that people have to begin asking very very seriously...

2) People say all this is political, but who is it benefiting?

This is the political equivalent of "follow the money".

If you were to consider even as a remote possibility that the mass over-reaction to covid is NOT based on the fact that it is so very much more dangerous than we've been lead to believe, you have to assume the reaction is therefore either the result of grotesque stupidity or of cold calculated opportunism.

Considering the idea that the over-reaction is based on utter stupidity. While that is certainly possible on a reasonable scale, one would be hard pressed to argue that the majority of the world's leaders are all so overwhelmingly stupid as to over-react to a degree that their entire economic future is jeopardized due to something they just didn't quite understand. Certainly there could be SOME countries that are that unimaginably stupid, but not the whole world. At some point SOME advisor would have said... "Uh... we're kinda jumping the shark here, sir." So it's a difficult sale to suggest that as much as 90 of the world's leaders are all so utterly incompetent from top to bottom.

That leaves us with the calculated exploitation of an opportunity.

It's no secret that Americans, like most residents of 1st word countries have grown quite complacent and attached to their lifestyle. We make a great deal of money an we spend just a little more than we make. (See the debt load for the average American...) The only thing we fear more than losing our stuff, is losing our safety. We NEED to be safe and secure. We NEED to feel as though our little lives are protected and sustainable. And we'll do damn near ANYTHING to maintain that belief/illusion. Indeed, if we are told that a terrible virus has befallen the world and we have to quit our jobs, go home and stay there until we are told its safe to come out, obviously we'll ******* DO THAT.

And one wonders... one truly wonders, when we are told that the only way to avoid horrific financial ruin, poverty, starvation and death is to join a world economy that ensures that all people are taken care of and their basic human needs are provided... Well. You work it out.

So the question is... Who would such a scenario benefit? What would that benefit be? Would such a benefit be sufficiently motivating to undergo a course of action that would decimate the world's economy?
Flog will kick your *** when he sees this

Flog is going to use his lack of common sense, which flogs everyone, to specifically try to flog wig. And in return, Flog will be inflicted with multiple, severe floggings.
There are three groups trying to mold this right now

1. The socialists, who see this as a pathway to universal socialism and the end of capitalism
2. The nationalist movements, who see this as a path to the end of globalist policies
3. The globalists, who are using this as a path to their one world government power grab...

Get your guns ready, cause these dominoes are all leading to a massive conflict down the road
Part 3: Your place on the food chain.

A third question you might want to consider in the light of the global response to covid is:

How much control do I have over my own autonomy?

As I was grabbing some lunch from a local restaurant that is trying to stay alive by taking orders at curbside and providing food through a window, I began to wonder about the legality of asking (read forcing) everyone to shut down their businesses and stay at home.

As far as I know, no LAW has been passed that prohibits a restaurant or bar (or in my case a brewery) owner from simply ignoring the request of the President and his or her Governor and staying open. Indeed, If I were one of those people who had such a business venture and I chose to stay open and as would undoubtedly happen, the police came to shut me down, I would ask in absolute seriousness what law I had broken and what was giving them the right to force me out of business.

Of course there is no "Law", but there is an edict both from the president AND our governors to comply to their demands, and of course we do it. But as you consider that, you realize - your governor just TOLD you to shut down your business, stay at home and hope you don't go bankrupt. He had no specific legal backing. He/she simply issued an executive order.

And if THAT is all fine and dandy legally, what makes it illegal for the same president or governor to issue some other executive order that say, prohibits you from leaving your county? Or some order that requires you to shop at certain retail outlets? Or that requires you to use a specific banking institution?

Consider it. The president and governor said, "We want you to quit your job and stay home and millions upon millions of us did." And if we HADN'T, consider what might have happened from a legal standpoint.

You are, and as we begin to realize it, always have been allowed to operate at the whim and pleasure of your governor and president.

Consider that.
And so you know I'm not just making **** up on the fly - I did look in to state's empowerment to apply "police state" rules to the populace. (And yes, that's what the mandatory shut-down and shutter@home orders are based upon.)

As it turns out, your governor has every right, when he or she invokes a state of emergency to restrict or prohibit movement (physical) of any people or vehicles he deems are unnecessary or threatening to the public good. He or she further has the right to close indefinitely any business or enterprise he or she deems necessary for the public good. The governor may also order any individual to be confined to their home or a center appropriate for the detention of citizens for their own safety and the safety of the people.

And finally, the Governor and the state are under no legal or financial obligation to make any restitution for personal losses due to their enactment of the police state.

Rather than fear-monger, it should be noted that your Governor has the RIGHT. That does not mean he or she will actually invoke measures that severe. Although they can, if they feel the situation warrants it.
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Get your guns ready, cause these dominoes are all leading to a massive conflict down the road

God. Damn. Boating. Accidents.

I have my own theory about covid19. See, the government was getting nervous because we started to know too much of the truth about 9/11. The way the towers came down and the mystery surrounding WTC7. Yes, just about the time it was going to be exposed for the world to see, Covid19 pops up and takes all the attention away from the truth and has everyone focused on the new shiny thing. You know I'm right.
It is all about removing Trump, by destroying his Ace card.....the economy.
Russian collusion....fail.

This is their last chance, in desperation. Who is they? The Globalists, the Chinese, and the Dems.
I don't watch watch much news other than the BBC on PBS. The BBC is a state-run shill most of the time but its coverage of American politics is so VASTLY superior to ABCNBCCBSWAPONYTPUREBS that I can at least watch the news and not have to change the channel when blatantly biased, phony and slanted hit piece **** is passed off as "news."

In any event, I have mistakenly tuned in to CNN a couple of times just to get some general information about potential re-opening of government buildings, like courthouses. I have instead been forced to stomach the most blatant, overt, corrupt, lying Chinese boot-licking and pandering ever broadcast, on any forum. The noxious kowtowing is so severe that I believe the Chicoms would refuse to air the garbage, thinking, "Jesus, this is way too much. Nobody would believe this ****."


If Joe Biden were a network, he'd be CNN. Lying, plagiarizing, lying some more, stumbling around, getting lost, irrational anti-Trump rants, bouts of anger directed at innocent Americans, accusations of racism where none exists, accusing others of sexual harassment and racism while wallowing in such conduct daily.

CNN needs to be gone. The sooner, the better.
I have my own theory about covid19.

Me too.

Going into 2020...

  • Trump is a runaway train
  • Trump rallies are redpilling the landscape.
  • dims are leaving the party in droves
  • Durham is bearing down
  • Biden is a doddering putz
  • All the other dim candidates are drooling, stammering putzes
  • The economy gets hotter with each passing moment.
  • Record employment in all sectors and across all demographics
  • Trump is materially hurting the net worths of chicomm leadership
  • Hunter Biden is all over the screen
  • Russiagate, all the other gates and the 'impeachment' leave the dims looking like the doddering, drooling, stammering putzes they are.
How do you stand against the inevitable if you’re a dim or a chicomm?

We all know the dims and the chicomms have established working relationships. All they need is a plan.

Wuhan erupts. The chicomms shut it down and halt all domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while giving anybody that wants to travel from Wuhan to any international destination a green light.
Europe is flooded with carriers. They come to the US.

We see early infection on our West coast and assume that shutting down inbound travel from China will stop the spread. Then we shut down inbound travel from Europe. Too late. The NYC metro area lights up. It’s 90% of the cases in the US and the basis for the media driven hysteria. Did I mention that the media are the mouthpieces for the dims and the chicomms?

'Shut it all down' for less than a month and everything Trump has accomplished evaporates. We're entering the dark ages.

Bada boom, bada bing. All of the above bullets are erased.

Convince me something different happened. G’head.
Whether intentional or not, the recent events, political/health and economic, are clearly counter to USD hegemony.

Idle economies, rising debt, lowering oil....these are the conditions an enemy of the present world economic order, led by the US, might wish upon others at the start of increasing conflict.
Me too.

Going into 2020...

  • Trump is a runaway train
  • Trump rallies are redpilling the landscape.
  • dims are leaving the party in droves
  • Durham is bearing down
  • Biden is a doddering putz
  • All the other dim candidates are drooling, stammering putzes
  • The economy gets hotter with each passing moment.
  • Record employment in all sectors and across all demographics
  • Trump is materially hurting the net worths of chicomm leadership
  • Hunter Biden is all over the screen
  • Russiagate, all the other gates and the 'impeachment' leave the dims looking like the doddering, drooling, stammering putzes they are.
How do you stand against the inevitable if you’re a dim or a chicomm?

We all know the dims and the chicomms have established working relationships. All they need is a plan.

Wuhan erupts. The chicomms shut it down and halt all domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while giving anybody that wants to travel from Wuhan to any international destination a green light.
Europe is flooded with carriers. They come to the US.

We see early infection on our West coast and assume that shutting down inbound travel from China will stop the spread. Then we shut down inbound travel from Europe. Too late. The NYC metro area lights up. It’s 90% of the cases in the US and the basis for the media driven hysteria. Did I mention that the media are the mouthpieces for the dims and the chicomms?

'Shut it all down' for less than a month and everything Trump has accomplished evaporates. We're entering the dark ages.

Bada boom, bada bing. All of the above bullets are erased.

Convince me something different happened. G’head.

Welcome back Vincent...but that was disturbing to read. It makes so much sense.
I don't think the virus itself was intentional but the hysterical and over the top response is certainly the result of opportunism on the part of those who want to see more and more people forced to depend on centralized power.

Absolutely. I don't even see how that's a question personally.
Me too.

Going into 2020...

  • Trump is a runaway train
  • Trump rallies are redpilling the landscape.
  • dims are leaving the party in droves
  • Durham is bearing down
  • Biden is a doddering putz
  • All the other dim candidates are drooling, stammering putzes
  • The economy gets hotter with each passing moment.
  • Record employment in all sectors and across all demographics
  • Trump is materially hurting the net worths of chicomm leadership
  • Hunter Biden is all over the screen
  • Russiagate, all the other gates and the 'impeachment' leave the dims looking like the doddering, drooling, stammering putzes they are.
How do you stand against the inevitable if you’re a dim or a chicomm?

We all know the dims and the chicomms have established working relationships. All they need is a plan.

Wuhan erupts. The chicomms shut it down and halt all domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while giving anybody that wants to travel from Wuhan to any international destination a green light.
Europe is flooded with carriers. They come to the US.

We see early infection on our West coast and assume that shutting down inbound travel from China will stop the spread. Then we shut down inbound travel from Europe. Too late. The NYC metro area lights up. It’s 90% of the cases in the US and the basis for the media driven hysteria. Did I mention that the media are the mouthpieces for the dims and the chicomms?

'Shut it all down' for less than a month and everything Trump has accomplished evaporates. We're entering the dark ages.

Bada boom, bada bing. All of the above bullets are erased.

Convince me something different happened. G’head.

I don't know how to give rep on this site other than to like the **** out of this theory/summation.
I have my own theory about covid19. See, the government was getting nervous because we started to know too much of the truth about 9/11. The way the towers came down and the mystery surrounding WTC7. Yes, just about the time it was going to be exposed for the world to see, Covid19 pops up and takes all the attention away from the truth and has everyone focused on the new shiny thing. You know I'm right.

Nailed it! ;-)
There is no other choice. There is no possible remedy except to increase taxes and normalize the world economy. You MUST (and we love this expression now) flatten the economic curve by developing and maintaining a global economy. And the ONLY thing in such an economy that has value is the work of the citizenry. This is what the U.S. entire economic structure is already built on. We pay taxes, based on our work and production and that revenue is used (laughably) to pay some small fraction of the interest owed on "money" (read electronic numbers) loaned to us and other countries of the world by the Federal Reserve.
Balderdash. Orange Man Bad. Everyone needs to stay in and eat their government food and take their government check. We’re showing everyone how good it is to be a Democrat.
you forgot one, Wig.

this could also be a disingenuous way to complete the division among us. we have class warfare, race warfare, gender warfare, etc, and so forth. a divide could be further made by those willing to allow the government to be their nanny (socialism) and those wanting less government intrusion (everyone else). Of course there will be those who believe that certain aspects of government intrusion are beneficial, but those will be marginalized by the two majority parties. In also pushing for mail-in votes - where we have been told repeatedly there are no proven examples of cheating that effected any race - there's something sinister at play here. CW2 may very well be on the horizon in our lifetimes ... and getting closer with each passing day leading to Nov 3.
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In also pushing for mail-in votes - where we have been told repeatedly there are no proven examples of cheating that effected any race - there's something sinister at play here. CW2 may very well be on the horizon in our lifetimes ... and getting closer with each passing day leading to Nov 3.

The obsession with mail-in voting makes zero sense, literally none, unless you conclude that the (D)ims want to cheat on a massive scale. Why do I say that?

  • For a party that supposedly wants to protect votes, it is an absolutely uncontested fact that VASTLY more mail-in votes are discarded than in-person votes. "A study of Florida’s past two presidential elections finds that mail ballots were 10 times more likely to be rejected than votes cast at early voting sites or on election day." https://www.miamiherald.com/news/po...-politics/article218654810.html#storylink=cpy
  • So the (D)ims are pushing, like a woman five minutes from delivering, for a method guaranteed to result in millions of ballots being tossed out?? Hmmm. Makes no sense, UNLESS ...
  • One party is confident that it can simply discard unwanted votes. "According to the Real Clear Investigations report, Nueces County Clerk Kara Sands discovered that individual votes were being stolen. Initially, Sands was tipped off by an ex-cop who shared his concerns with mail-in ballots. Sands found piles of mail-in ballots each signed by the same person." https://saraacarter.com/2020-voter-fraud-scandals-a-top-concern/
  • Oh, and SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE! Mail-in voting results in tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, of votes by illegal aliens. Nationwide mail-in voting, where millions of ballots are sent to old addresses, incorrect addresses, addresses where illegals live, empty lots, P.O. boxes is the most sure way to corrupt our elections and undermine my confidence, and the confidence of millions of others, in the process. It's a recipe for manipulating the voting like we haven't seen since Tammany was in power. "Election voter fraud is becoming a major concern ahead of the 2020 presidential election. The Heritage Foundation reports 1,177 proven instances of voter fraud. Judicial Watch found that 900,000 illegal aliens voted in the 2018 midterm election."
  • Anybody who doubts that (D)ims would engage in such rampant voter fraud is not paying attention. (D)ims have a long history of doing so, BEFORE Trump. (D)ims now believe that they are entitled to do ANYTHING to see that Trump is removed from office, be it spying on his campaign, using the NSA and FBI to engage in election-tampering, to lying under oath, to ballot harvesting, to ballot manipulations, to ballot controls and ballot fraud.
I've got a really good friend who also happens to be very liberal. We're talking AOC liberal.

Anyway, he posted some stuff on the FB making fun of people who are protesting the quarantine and I replied "By all means, stay in quarantine, but nobody should be requesting or receiving govt. assistance while they're in quarantine. We simply can't afford to send people money to shore up an insurmountable economic failure."

He freaked out. Pointed out that his taxes have supported bank bailouts, major corp. bailouts, that Trump dismantled the pandemic response team and that we've been coddling and living under the thumb of billionaires for too long.

I replied... "You know, according to the worldometer, the U.S. has done better than almost all our friends and neighbors in terms of death per million. One wonders what THEIR pandemic response teams did so poorly that they have such a higher death rate." Then I asked him, "You hate big business, corporations and ultra wealthy now, what do you think it's going to be like after we've borrowed 6 to 10 trillion dollars from them (The Federal Reserve) and we are at the mercy of investors with enough wealth to reinvest in companies and new industry? They'll take MORE wealth, MORE power and you'll be MORE of a peasant. All because the govt. thought it would be handy to send you a couple $2400 checks which where ridiculously, woefully inadequate to cover your costs. How exactly will you feel about all those big businesses, banks and corporations when your home is foreclosed upon?"

I'm waiting for the reply.
Me too.

Going into 2020...

  • Trump is a runaway train
  • Trump rallies are redpilling the landscape.
  • dims are leaving the party in droves
  • Durham is bearing down
  • Biden is a doddering putz
  • All the other dim candidates are drooling, stammering putzes
  • The economy gets hotter with each passing moment.
  • Record employment in all sectors and across all demographics
  • Trump is materially hurting the net worths of chicomm leadership
  • Hunter Biden is all over the screen
  • Russiagate, all the other gates and the 'impeachment' leave the dims looking like the doddering, drooling, stammering putzes they are.
How do you stand against the inevitable if you’re a dim or a chicomm?

We all know the dims and the chicomms have established working relationships. All they need is a plan.

Wuhan erupts. The chicomms shut it down and halt all domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while giving anybody that wants to travel from Wuhan to any international destination a green light.
Europe is flooded with carriers. They come to the US.

We see early infection on our West coast and assume that shutting down inbound travel from China will stop the spread. Then we shut down inbound travel from Europe. Too late. The NYC metro area lights up. It’s 90% of the cases in the US and the basis for the media driven hysteria. Did I mention that the media are the mouthpieces for the dims and the chicomms?

'Shut it all down' for less than a month and everything Trump has accomplished evaporates. We're entering the dark ages.

Bada boom, bada bing. All of the above bullets are erased.

Convince me something different happened. G’head.

I realize it's tacky to quote yersef, but...

Now that you've watched it all unfold, convince me something different happened. G’head
I have absolutely zero doubts that the Chinese flu scam was used a political weapon. Yes, the flu is here after being spread around the globe, intentionally, by China. Yes, the damn thing has a 0.5% mortality rate. Yes, it is very, very contagious.

But why the ******* **** would we lock down SCHOOLS when the mortality rate among those under 30 is something along the lines of 0.02%???

Finally, back in March and April, I could find Chinese flu cases/hospitalizations/deaths graphs and charts by the dozens for every imaginable category. Now? Good luck finding relevant data as of August, 2020. Nothing about percentage of cases being fatal, no breakdowns by age any more.

The information shut down is in effect and anybody who does not see that is either willfully ignorant, just plain dumb, or both.
...anybody who does not see that is either willfully ignorant, just plain dumb, or both.

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Martin Luther King Jr., noted Republican

Any of you people been watching the dim 'convention'?