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Cope is Leaving the Political Forum

Cope came here to engage, ran a few of his scripted plays, didn't like getting gang tackled for loss in each and every instance, called a timeout and then punted, all the time wagging a finger at those he wanted to engage.

And even the punt was a shank.

(ps. can anyone reach Cam Heyward to see if he is ok with my analogy? i would be super-duper on a downer if I thought anyone might be upset. mmmkay?)

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Last night , I sent my SN profile to Cam Heyward. This morning I learned all my posts have the "Cam Heyward Seal of Approval"
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Pretty sure no one will miss your self-righteous virtue signalling. I know I won't.

Dude was just over the moon being around Cam Heyward in a time of crisis and felt he owed it to Cam to try and change the world and rubes like us.
That didn't last long....
Tell you what Cope...........You tell me what you "learned", and I will tell you you what I "learned".

Here is what I learned............."You cant handle the truth!"

You should go find a nice commie website where every thing is sunshine and unicorns, and where everyone else likes to be lied to. Because here you only get the truth. (unless you run into Tibs)
Pretty much this. And lmao at "discussions we've had". Yeah okay, if you wanna call it that.


Discussions? Me thinks Cope needs to look up the definition of "discussion" as this certainly was not a discussion. Lecture is more apropos.

Adios Cope.

Discussions? Me thinks Cope needs to look up the definition of "discussion" as this certainly was not a discussion. Lecture is more apropos.

Adios Cope.

Like the mantra, "we need to have a 'conversation' in this country."

This was what they really mean. Them lecturing, and you listening and nodding with acknowledgement of your White Privilege and guillt.
I got no hard feelings for Cope. He has a right to his opinion, he shared it. Lotsa folks disagreed. Fair enough. But regarding this...

I ask that you take time to leave news sources behind and talk to people directly about issues that affect them.
Dead on the money. SN is ONE source to talk with people and get some ideas bounced around, but the truth is, SN is very very conservative-minded. There are a few "lefties" but they generally are beaten to a bloody baby-seal pulp. (This is not an attack. I merely point out what we all know. We're pretty set on our personal, political and environmental views and largely we all align pretty well.)

Thus, folks. SN is something of a group-speak think-tank for those principles and ideas that we all generally support. Cope had himself a bit of an epiphany, shared a fairly significant paradigm shift in his point of view and was pretty much hammered for it. His efforts to explain, justify and attempt (rightly or wrongly) to help others experience such an epiphany were dealt with similarly.

I love SN. I have come, over time, to truly appreciate and agree with the generally conservative views more or less espoused by the board. But I can absolutely understand that using SN conversations as your primary political, social, economic, etc. ect. world-view ground zero is a fairly limiting strategy.

(posted with love.)
If you want to speak your mind here you can. If you come here thinking you're going to change people's minds about politics it's generally an exercise in futility everywhere. If you want to talk about how you feel about things and hash things out with people who may not feel the same, it's a pretty good place to do that.

If you're someone who wants to be treated with kid gloves and tiptoed around for expressing your opinions, it's definitely not the place for that. Which I happen to enjoy, most of the time. People say what's on their minds here, without much of a filter. That's not for everyone.
I got no hard feelings for Cope. He has a right to his opinion, he shared it. Lotsa folks disagreed. Fair enough. But regarding this...

Dead on the money. SN is ONE source to talk with people and get some ideas bounced around, but the truth is, SN is very very conservative-minded. There are a few "lefties" but they generally are beaten to a bloody baby-seal pulp. (This is not an attack. I merely point out what we all know. We're pretty set on our personal, political and environmental views and largely we all align pretty well.)

Thus, folks. SN is something of a group-speak think-tank for those principles and ideas that we all generally support. Cope had himself a bit of an epiphany, shared a fairly significant paradigm shift in his point of view and was pretty much hammered for it. His efforts to explain, justify and attempt (rightly or wrongly) to help others experience such an epiphany were dealt with similarly.

I love SN. I have come, over time, to truly appreciate and agree with the generally conservative views more or less espoused by the board. But I can absolutely understand that using SN conversations as your primary political, social, economic, etc. ect. world-view ground zero is a fairly limiting strategy.

(posted with love.)

There are even other Boards to hop on for other perspectives at given times or for temperature checks of public opinion.. The Scout board is very left leaning and although there are many conservative or middle of the roaders there, the woke point of view is definitely sanctioned and most guys play it very close to the vest if they lean right. When I engage there, it's like 1 vs 5 at any given time. I've learned that the statues need to come come down without due process because they were erected without due process, that there is systemic racism in America at all levels and in policing, that disparate drug sentencing laws are a bigger problem for the black family than absentee fathers, that Robert E. Lee was a horrible general and horrible human being, that BLM is really a bunch of different groups and only 1 of those groups is Marxist in its orientation and even if so, it's not that big of a deal; and that the Welfare State and Great Society really did not incentivize single parent families in the black community, that "The Black National Anthem" will not affect NFL ratings, and of course that Donald Trump did collude with the Russians and is a fascist.

So, as you can see, diversity is our strength!
Dead on the money. SN is ONE source to talk with people and get some ideas bounced around, but the truth is, SN is very very conservative-minded. There are a few "lefties" but they generally are beaten to a bloody baby-seal pulp. (This is not an attack. I merely point out what we all know. We're pretty set on our personal, political and environmental views and largely we all align pretty well.)

While I think quite a few here are conservative, I don't know if I would say that everybody here is very very conservative-minded. I won't try to speak for others, but there are a few here that I would consider moderate or perhaps even libertarian.

As for Cope, sure he's entitled to his opinion. And we're entitled to refute that opinion and have some discussion/debate, but he didn't want to have discussions, he wanted to lecture and 'enlighten'. I tried to engage him (courteously) several times and apparently he felt it was either beneath him or that he didn't need to explain himself. That's on him.
While I think quite a few here are conservative, I don't know if I would say that everybody here is very very conservative-minded. I won't try to speak for others, but there are a few here that I would consider moderate or perhaps even libertarian.

And I know of one who is Ogretarian. An Ogretarian does not engage in rational behavior, responds with threats and violence to any cogent thought, makes threats it cannot and will not carry out, and generally is more interested in excretions than discussions, flatulence than intellect.
cope is good people. he does a lot for this board. We should remember this. I was at the same healthy, peaceful protest he was at. (not with him) I came away with a different perspective than he did. But just because we had a different thought process doesn't mean he is a bad person.
Cope is good people. Cope no mean no harm. Cope just try to educate the unwashed masses.

Oh, and Cope leaving the political forum.
I ask that you take time to leave news sources behind and talk to people directly about issues that affect them.

But see...Cope didn't want to speak. He didn't want to have a conversation or a discussion. He wanted to lecture. As we've all noted.

I shared what I DO (not talk about) on a daily basis. I shared about what I've given and done as a mentor for a decade. Making a difference in lives. I don't just talk with these people. I live with them, feed, them, blah blah. Y'all have heard it before.

Would Cope touch one of my posts with a 10-foot pole? Nope. Didn't fit his Liberal agenda. Pretended not to see it.

Then has the audacity to lecture us all one more time on the way out about about WHAT WE SHOULD DO?

He can **** right off. And Cam Heyward agrees with me.
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<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Superb 🤣 <a href="https://t.co/92VUqgGtLk">pic.twitter.com/92VUqgGtLk</a></p>— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) <a href="https://twitter.com/RitaPanahi/status/1281413677313220608?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 10, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

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I honestly think the reason every liberal that attempts to come over into the Political forum eventually leaves is because they are unprepared to really debate. They have had their opinions so coddled by their groups and media and educational institutions that when challenged with some fairly logical and concise debate tactics, they can't deal with it.

The left's positions are so based on emotion and feelings and some illogical "doing what is right" ideology that any honest debate that involves cause and effect, cost and benefit, reality vs. idealism they just can't express themselves or defend their positions with any success.

I am a fairly moderate conservative. And when I first came to this side of the board, I was assailed by conservative debate points, which I mostly agreed with but some I did not. But throughout the entire time I've been here, the STRENGTH of the debate ability of almost 90% of the people on this side of the board is pretty amazing. Steeltime is great with the amount of research he puts into it. Tim brings it every time with solid analysis. Many others too many to name seem not just BELIEVE in conservatism but back it up time and again with real world facts, case studies and data.

I just don't think the Left knows how to debate anymore. They just don't like when ANY of their beliefs are challenged. And that is why the resort to censorship and shame and guilt to win their points.

If you notice how Cope approached this side of the board. He started 5 threads, each one linking to some "study" or "book" and just ASSUMED those sources were 100% correct without any critique. And if someone DID critique his sources, he posted another thread saying disagreement/critical analysis is a sign of some psychological defensive mechanism (I don't really know what else to call "White Fragility").

The truth is Cope brought very little to his debate platform. If he was on a high school debate team he would have gotten an F for his effort. He was not prepared for disagreement. He was not prepared for the factual points his opponents bring to a debate. And he had zero rebuttal. By DEFINITION, Cope was unprepared to debate his ideas.

The truth is conservatives in this country are constantly "debate ready" because we've probably ALL had to debate our points with friends and relatives over the years because we're mostly in the minority (at least those that want to talk about these things). Almost all my position about politics these days I've attacked in my brain from ALL sides I can think of. I question everything. I talk out loud to myself sometimes just to make sure I can articulate my position on issues and think "how does this sound out loud". I rehash and rephrase my arguments constantly to avoid the "traps" every liberal loves to use to try and catch conservatives in some word pickle or "racist" language. I've seen it time and time again.

I see that debate practice here on this board every day. For many of us, we are PREPARED to defend our positions. Cope was not. And that is why he left. He was outgunned on the debate stage. Nothing more, nothing less.

Truthfully, I hope he takes the time and prepares next time. I'm sure Cope has a variety of ideas on politics and religion and society that are worth his time to express and defend. But if he thinks he can just peek his head it, start a few threads linking to very controversial and questionable sources, accusing those that don't agree with him of very derogatory adjectives (racist, backwards, out of touch, xenophobic, etc.), then he should have been more prepared for the blow back and not sweep if all under the rug as "White Fragility". That's insulting to his debate opponent. And any good debate teacher in high school would have told him that.
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Debates are easily won when you have facts and common sense on your side. Then it just turns into making fun of overly emotional mentally handicapped leftists.
I honestly think the reason every liberal that attempts to come over into the Political forum eventually leaves is because they are unprepared to really debate. They have had their opinions so coddled by their groups and media and educational institutions that when challenged with some fairly logical and concise debate tactics, they can't deal with it.

The left's positions are so based on emotion and feelings and some illogical "doing what is right" ideology that any honest debate that involves cause and effect, cost and benefit, reality vs. idealism they just can't express themselves or defend their positions with any success.

I am a fairly moderate conservative. And when I first came to this side of the board, I was assailed by conservative debate points, which I mostly agreed with but some I did not. But throughout the entire time I've been here, the STRENGTH of the debate ability of almost 90% of the people on this side of the board is pretty amazing. Steeltime is great with the amount of research he puts into it. Tim brings it every time with solid analysis. Many others too many to name seem not just BELIEVE in conservatism but back it up time and again with real world facts, case studies and data.

I just don't think the Left knows how to debate anymore. They just don't like when ANY of their beliefs are challenged. And that is why the resort to censorship and shame and guilt to win their points.

If you notice how Cope approached this side of the board. He started 5 threads, each one linking to some "study" or "book" and just ASSUMED those sources were 100% correct without any critique. And if someone DID critique his sources, he posted another thread saying disagreement/critical analysis is a sign of some psychological defensive mechanism (I don't really know what else to call "White Fragility").

The truth is Cope brought very little to his debate platform. If he was on a high school debate team he would have gotten an F for his effort. He was not prepared for disagreement. He was not prepared for the factual points his opponents bring to a debate. And he had zero rebuttal. By DEFINITION, Cope was unprepared to debate his ideas.

The truth is conservatives in this country are constantly "debate ready" because we've probably ALL had to debate our points with friends and relatives over the years because we're mostly in the minority (at least those that want to talk about these things). Almost all my position about politics these days I've attacked in my brain from ALL sides I can think of. I question everything. I talk out loud to myself sometimes just to make sure I can articulate my position on issues and think "how does this sound out loud". I rehash and rephrase my arguments constantly to avoid the "traps" every liberal loves to use to try and catch conservatives in some word pickle or "racist" language. I've seen it time and time again.

I see that debate practice here on this board every day. For many of us, we are PREPARED to defend our positions. Cope was not. And that is why he left. He was outgunned on the debate stage. Nothing more, nothing less.

Truthfully, I hope he takes the time and prepares next time. I'm sure Cope has a variety of ideas on politics and religion and society that are worth his time to express and defend. But if he thinks he can just peek his head it, start a few threads linking to very controversial and questionable sources, accusing those that don't agree with him of very derogatory adjectives (racist, backwards, out of touch, xenophobic, etc.), then he should have been more prepared for the blow back and not sweep if all under the rug as "White Fragility". That's insulting to his debate opponent. And any good debate teacher in high school would have told him that.

Will share an example from a debate on another Board. I said I needed "statistics" to convince me that there is "systemic racism" in policing. A liberal poster dropped a link in reply with no analysis of his own. He believed the hyperlinked study was a slam dunk and "settled science" that "systemic racism" is inherent in our system due to WP and police "target" minorities due to race.

I did read through the link, and toward the end of the conclusions I read this:

"Black Americans are disproportionately likely to be encountered by police, be the victims of violent but non-lethal use-of-force by police, and be the victims of lethal use-of-force by police. However, these observations are fully consistent with the observation that the great majority of individual officers do not disproportionately target black people based on their own personal discretion and do not show racial bias in the use of lethal or non-lethal force conditional on encountering a given individual. Social context is likely to play a significant role in explaining differential encounter rates and their downstream effects on population-level racial disparities in police use-of-force."

I said, "Why are we still debating? Why can't we be glad that it's not an issue of systemic racism, and that we can focus on weeding out bad cops or protocols that may be contributory? It's not systemic racism."

They start with their conclusion based upon feelings, and reason backwards through confirmation bias.
I honestly think the reason every liberal that attempts to come over into the Political forum eventually leaves is because they are unprepared to really debate. They have had their opinions so coddled by their groups and media and educational institutions that when challenged with some fairly logical and concise debate tactics, they can't deal with it.

The left's positions are so based on emotion and feelings and some illogical "doing what is right" ideology that any honest debate that involves cause and effect, cost and benefit, reality vs. idealism they just can't express themselves or defend their positions with any success.

I am a fairly moderate conservative. And when I first came to this side of the board, I was assailed by conservative debate points, which I mostly agreed with but some I did not. But throughout the entire time I've been here, the STRENGTH of the debate ability of almost 90% of the people on this side of the board is pretty amazing. Steeltime is great with the amount of research he puts into it. Tim brings it every time with solid analysis. Many others too many to name seem not just BELIEVE in conservatism but back it up time and again with real world facts, case studies and data.

I just don't think the Left knows how to debate anymore. They just don't like when ANY of their beliefs are challenged. And that is why the resort to censorship and shame and guilt to win their points.

Very astute. When people like Steeltime use articles or books to backup a point they use them for that purpose. It's part of a larger tapestry. A gestalt of knowledge. When Cope throws around an article his entire premise is the article. We are to read the article and agree with it without any push back.

I don't know Cope but I suspect that he is younger than me (49) and IMHO he is easily manipulated by larger than life characters. I get a sense of naivete in his thoughts. His childlike seriousness when he told us that we should be willing to stand in front of Cam Heyward if we disagreed with him, as if we wouldn't? I'm not a star struck child. I've met famous people before and I treat them like anyone else.

I've been a conservative/ libertarian for my entire life. I was living by myself at 15 and have never taken anything from the government or anyone else. My ideas have been tested and proven right time and time again.