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Cope is Leaving the Political Forum

We need Joe Biden to save us from the scourge of smaller government, lower taxes, and a border wall.


Joe Biden was advised by noted pollster Frank Luntz to remain in his basement and campaign from there, because it's working. Biden continues to lead Trump. Democrats are riding high after defeating two cartoons, a pancake mix, a box of rice, and an old lady on a bottle of syrup.
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What a load of horse ****, del. Your entire post is delusional and is a perfect illustration of the self-aggrandizing that is typical of the right during the Trump era.

Sadly, this board is the ultimate circle jerk, the Trump base’s echo chamber, where reasonable discourse and dialogue has long been shunned and thrown wayside. It’s where formerly sane and reasonable conservatives have been sucked into the vortex of Trump’s lies and deception.

Every thread is basically a circling of the wagons where free thought and discourse is ridiculed. The Trump yahoos of the board, the high priests of Trump ideology lay down their version of facts and the truth and the fanboy lapdogs come yapping in approval, drooling over themselves. It’s a self-sustained cycle of disinformation, rhetoric and propaganda. Most of it coming straight from alt right sources and Trump propagandists Hannity & Carlson.

This message board has turned into a complete joke these past four years, where you all backslap each other in jubilation, self-congratulation and adoration. The oneupmanship of who can be more wrong has reached historical levels.

I am glad you all have each other’s backs, that you find solace and comfort here. It is gonna be a painful stretch ahead, as you slowly but surely come to realize how badly you’ve been duped by this carnival barker.

But none of that matters to any of you, as you are stubborn and sure of yourselves, confident as can be. Regardless of the facts on the ground, as America has crumbled under Trump, you drink the kool aid and refuse to take off the rose colored glasses. It’s better this way, easier, to keep pretending none of this is happening. That Trump hasn’t sold the country out to the Russians & the Saudis, that he hasn’t literally brought the country to her knees.

In time, it may be best to scrap this board altogether, hit the ‘ol reset button and start over. It may be too much to bear, too painful to look back how badly Trump Derangement Syndrome affected so many of you, who otherwise were - and are - perfectly smart and reasonable people.

In the end, all will be forgiven, the Republic will survive this attack from within, and life will go on. If anything, America - and Americans - have proven to be resilient, as history has shown. As bad as it’s been, the country will survive Trump, arguably its darkest moment in presidential history, a lower point than both Nixon and James Buchanan.

Hopefully, we will all learn our lesson and be smarter in the future, to never let something like this happen again.

For now, you can get back to giving each other handjobs, continue to play your charades, your smoke & mirror act, as you solemnly bow your heads at the Trump altar of lies, & deception. Have a great day, folks.

NO, The Bullshit is that people like myself have asked you specific questions to have reasonable, thoughtful, and open minded debate that have been ignored. How are you and I so different in our opinions? I want to understand that, I really do. But you ignored my directed questions and continued to hurl insults and fan the flames of your conjecture in those very threads. I even made it a point to call out the people who insulted you in an attempt to bring the level of contempt to a semblance of rational thought and discussion. However, I came to the realization that the collective on this board have grown to understand that although they genuinely want to have a rational conversation over many of the posted topics, it's just not possible with you and the other hyper-emotional and completely irrational falusi Idiotas. You don't want to have conversations, nor do you want to debate topics, no sir! You want to hide behind your keyboard and project onto us all who you want to be, who you wish you were. You are cloaked in arrogance and masked with bravado but we all know it to be a ruse. Csalas.
even more appalling than Cope referring to himself in 3rd person is the misconstrued, illogical focal point that we use Cucktime as a barometer for how to argue and prove a point. Keep in mind that Cucky is an attorney and has seen many, many clients get to sit in Ol' Sparky for merely jaywalking or an unpaid traffic ticket.
Trump has proven time and time again he is beholden to Putin. The fact Trump has remained silent about Russians paying the Taliban bounties for killing US troops is just the latest shocking example. Trump is a traitor who has sold the country out to Russia, and Saudi Arabia, to a lesser extent. .

Del you should probably read Mueller’s response to Trump commuting Stone’s sentence, may give you a bit more understanding of the significance of it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/07/11/mueller-stone-oped/?arc404=true

Who was the last person before Roger Stone sent to prison for lying to Congress?

Oh, and lying to Congress, bad. Congress lying to us? Nothing to see here, move along, nothing of note.

Adam Schiff should be serving 100 life sentences if lying by a Congressman was a crime.

Finally, we know for an absolute fact that Brennan and Clapper lied to Congress.

Brennan Lied About Not Including Steele Dossier In Intelligence Community Assessment On 2016 Russian Election Interference

The new report from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan lied to Congress about whether the dossier authored by Christopher Steele was used in the Obama administration’s Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA).


4 Different Lies James Clapper Told About Lying To Congress

Five years ago to this month, former director of national intelligence James Clapper lied to Congress, and he has been scrambling to make excuses for the ongoing lies and leaks ever since.

In March 2013, Sen. Ron Wyder asked Clapper under oath if the U.S. government was collecting “any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans.” Clapper paused and said, “No, sir. … Not wittingly.” Three months later, Edward Snowden leaked documents revealing that the National Security Agency was in fact collecting in bulk domestic call records and other various internet communications on millions of Americans.

This was the first of many “untruths,” as Clapper likes to call them. Here are other lies Clapper has cooked up since trying to explain his false statements under oath.


Oh, yeah, a private ******* citizen lying about Wikileaks, yeah, hoo-boy, jail time.

Actual ******* intelligence officials blatantly lying and then lying about their lies?

No (D)im cares. At all. Not a whit.

So the Roger Stone thing has not one goddamn thing to do with telling the truth in Congress and instead is 100% political. If you don't see that, you are living in a foreign country.

Wait ...
Yeah, no ****. Corrupt Mueller lost all credibility with his sham hoax witch hunt. But it's still....


Mueller was not corrupt, he was simply suffering dementia. He was a front, a shill. The left used him because they are despicable. Mueller had an amazing career, was a great public servant, but age has rotted his brain. The left damn well knew this and used him as the shield for an army of leftist investigators, 19 lawyers, more than 50 FBI agents, who spent two years and $35 million and found nothing. NOTHING.

Bill Barr had spoken to Mueller after taking over as AG. Barr knew that Mueller, once a very sharp guy, was a dottering old man who should be playing checkers in the park. Barr BEGGED the (D)ims not to put Mueller before Congress to testify since the guy's dementia would be apparent.

Jesus, does the entire planet suffer from memory loss? Do we forget the mumbling, bumbling, stumbling Mueller, confused and unable to recall his own report? And saying that he "never looked into" the Steele dossier??

******* Biden should name Mueller as his VP selection. The two could then run on the campaign slogan, "America ... is that where we are? The thing. Is it 4:30 yet? I want dinner."
Mueller was not corrupt, he was simply suffering dementia. He was a front, a shill. The left used him because they are despicable. Mueller had an amazing career, was a great public servant, but age has rotted his brain. The left damn well knew this and used him as the shield for an army of leftist investigators, 19 lawyers, more than 50 FBI agents, who spent two years and $35 million and found nothing. NOTHING.

Bill Barr had spoken to Mueller after taking over as AG. Barr knew that Mueller, once a very sharp guy, was a dottering old man who should be playing checkers in the park. Barr BEGGED the (D)ims not to put Mueller before Congress to testify since the guy's dementia would be apparent.

Jesus, does the entire planet suffer from memory loss? Do we forget the mumbling, bumbling, stumbling Mueller, confused and unable to recall his own report? And saying that he "never looked into" the Steele dossier??

******* Biden should name Mueller as his VP selection. The two could then run on the campaign slogan, "America ... is that where we are? The thing. Is it 4:30 yet? I want dinner."

Puppet or not, he knew early on that there was no evidence against Trump but he still kept the hoax going for two years at the expense of the tax payers solely to undermine the Trump presidency. I don't care about his past. He pissed away whatever good will he had. He's a corrupt piece of ****.
Puppet or not, he knew early on that there was no evidence against Trump but he still kept the hoax going for two years at the expense of the tax payers solely to undermine the Trump presidency. I don't care about his past. He pissed away whatever good will he had. He's a corrupt piece of ****.

Facts be damned! You're an ardent supporter of Donald Trump so anything you say doesn't hold water.

That's where we're at it sounds like.
I know several black people that are voting Biden because they wish to remain black.

None of my black friends on FB had a problem with what Biden said. They were all like, "Of course". It made perfect sense to them.