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Cope is Leaving the Political Forum

What a load of horse ****, del. Your entire post is delusional and is a perfect illustration of the self-aggrandizing that is typical of the right during the Trump era.

Sadly, this board is the ultimate circle jerk, the Trump base’s echo chamber, where reasonable discourse and dialogue has long been shunned and thrown wayside. It’s where formerly sane and reasonable conservatives have been sucked into the vortex of Trump’s lies and deception.

Every thread is basically a circling of the wagons where free thought and discourse is ridiculed. The Trump yahoos of the board, the high priests of Trump ideology lay down their version of facts and the truth and the fanboy lapdogs come yapping in approval, drooling over themselves. It’s a self-sustained cycle of disinformation, rhetoric and propaganda. Most of it coming straight from alt right sources and Trump propagandists Hannity & Carlson.

This message board has turned into a complete joke these past four years, where you all backslap each other in jubilation, self-congratulation and adoration. The oneupmanship of who can be more wrong has reached historical levels.

I am glad you all have each other’s backs, that you find solace and comfort here. It is gonna be a painful stretch ahead, as you slowly but surely come to realize how badly you’ve been duped by this carnival barker.

But none of that matters to any of you, as you are stubborn and sure of yourselves, confident as can be. Regardless of the facts on the ground, as America has crumbled under Trump, you drink the kool aid and refuse to take off the rose colored glasses. It’s better this way, easier, to keep pretending none of this is happening. That Trump hasn’t sold the country out to the Russians & the Saudis, that he hasn’t literally brought the country to her knees.

In time, it may be best to scrap this board altogether, hit the ‘ol reset button and start over. It may be too much to bear, too painful to look back how badly Trump Derangement Syndrome affected so many of you, who otherwise were - and are - perfectly smart and reasonable people.

In the end, all will be forgiven, the Republic will survive this attack from within, and life will go on. If anything, America - and Americans - have proven to be resilient, as history has shown. As bad as it’s been, the country will survive Trump, arguably its darkest moment in presidential history, a lower point than both Nixon and James Buchanan.

Hopefully, we will all learn our lesson and be smarter in the future, to never let something like this happen again.

For now, you can get back to giving each other handjobs, continue to play your charades, your smoke & mirror act, as you solemnly bow your heads at the Trump altar of lies, & deception. Have a great day, folks.

Honestly Tibs, I can't remember the last time you debated anything. You only link to articles and memes.

I can't remember the last time you stated something YOU believe in, unfiltered from a bias media link. You keep saying you're a "moderate" but I don't remember the last time you criticized anything from the media, the left or whoever other than Trump. Trump this, Trump that.

It's not all about Trump you horseface jackass! It has never always been just about Trump. That's why you are so off-base on so many subjects here.

Trump is just a vehicle to get some things done that needed to get done. He is the great disruptor at a time this country desperately needed a shake up. You see chaos. I see a natural necessity to our political system that was long overdue. Whether that lasts 4 years or 8 years, we'll just have to wait and see. There is no long term harm to our country, except that the left is so willing to basically throw all caution to the wind in an attempt to get rid of "Bad Orange Man".

My God, I see people on Facebook telling me commuting Roger Stone's sentence from like 40 months to 12 months is literally the coming of the apocalypse. The end of our republic. That Trump is now a king. Jesus, take a chill pill already. It was a shoddy, trap induced conviction in a political circus using questionable subpoena powers based on bad intelligence. And read that last sentence twice to make sure you understand it. Because it is 100% true no matter what you think.

You want to debate some of that? Let's go.

WE ridicule free thought and discourse? Are you serious? You don't see how the left is doing this all over the country right now? You are trying to spin that into a right-wing, conservative, republican issue?

Let's debate that as well. I have some time today.
Del you should probably read Mueller’s response to Trump commuting Stone’s sentence, may give you a bit more understanding of the significance of it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/07/11/mueller-stone-oped/?arc404=true

Stone "lied repeatedly to members of Congress. He lied about the identity of his intermediary to WikiLeaks. He lied about the existence of written communications with his intermediary. He lied by denying he had communicated with the Trump campaign about the timing of WikiLeaks' releases. He in fact updated senior campaign officials repeatedly about WikiLeaks. And he tampered with a witness, imploring him to stonewall Congress.

"We made every decision in Stone's case, as in all our cases, based solely on the facts and the law in accordance with the rule of law. The women and men who conducted these investigations and prosecutions acted with the highest integrity. Claims to the contrary are false."

Once you’ve wrapped your head around that, why don’t you check to see what Trump has done since learning the Russians paid the Taliban bounties for the death of our troops in Afghanistan? In fact, check all the threads on this board that were posted in outrage over it.

And finally re Covid, it makes me sad Trump has turned the US into a shithole, with rising cases in friggin July(!) whereby Americans are currently banned from traveling to the EU or Mexico. Your US passport will get you into around 20 or so countries around the world, that’s it. That’s American exceptionalism under the Trump regime. So ******* embarrassing.
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Del you should probably read Mueller’s response to Trump commuting Stone’s sentence, may give you a bit more understanding of the significance of it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/07/11/mueller-stone-oped/?arc404=true

Once you’ve wrapped your head around that, why don’t you check to see what Trump has done since learning the Russians paid the Taliban bounties for the death of our troops in Afghanistan? In fact, check all the threads on this board that were posted in outrage over it.

And finally re Covid, it makes me sad Trump has turned the US into a shithole, with rising cases in friggin July(!) whereby Americans are currently banned from traveling to the EU or Mexico. Your US passport will get you into around 20 or so countries around the world, that’s it. That’s American exceptionalism under the Trump regime. So ******* embarrassing.

So ******* embarrassing.

Tibsy knows embarrassing well, every time he looks in a mirror.
Del you should probably read Mueller’s response to Trump commuting Stone’s sentence, may give you a bit more understanding of the significance of it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/07/11/mueller-stone-oped/?arc404=true

Once you’ve wrapped your head around that, why don’t you check to see what Trump has done since learning the Russians paid the Taliban bounties for the death of our troops in Afghanistan? In fact, check all the threads on this board that were posted in outrage over it.

And finally re Covid, it makes me sad Trump has turned the US into a shithole, with rising cases in friggin July(!) whereby Americans are currently banned from traveling to the EU or Mexico. Your US passport will get you into around 20 or so countries around the world, that’s it. That’s American exceptionalism under the Trump regime. So ******* embarrassing.

It's ironic that the left has wanted Trump to stay in Afghanistan and Syria and insisted that ending endless wars and continued half truths is a threat to our way of life after the hysterics with the war in Iraq.

The left have become ardent neocons fighting the POTUS wanting to get out of these no win M-I-C wars.

It's just weird.

Where are Oliver Stone and Michael Moore when you need them..
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Del you should probably read Mueller’s response to Trump commuting Stone’s sentence, may give you a bit more understanding of the significance of it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/07/11/mueller-stone-oped/?arc404=true

Once you’ve wrapped your head around that, why don’t you check to see what Trump has done since learning the Russians paid the Taliban bounties for the death of our troops in Afghanistan? In fact, check all the threads on this board that were posted in outrage over it.

And finally re Covid, it makes me sad Trump has turned the US into a shithole, with rising cases in friggin July(!) whereby Americans are currently banned from traveling to the EU or Mexico. Your US passport will get you into around 20 or so countries around the world, that’s it. That’s American exceptionalism under the Trump regime. So ******* embarrassing.

Like Mike Flynn, Stone's "crimes" would not have existed without this sham of an illegal investigation founded in total bullshit. He lied about completely inconsequential, insignificant things and was only prosecuted because he had no dirt on Trump with which to cut a deal. If I were Trump I'd have given him a full pardon.

Remember the good old days Tibs, when you swore Trump was a Russian asset, had been since the 80s, that there was real evidence of this and it was all gonna come out?

What happened?
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What a load of horse ****, del. Your entire post is delusional and is a perfect illustration of the self-aggrandizing that is typical of the right during the Trump era.

Sadly, this board is the ultimate circle jerk, the Trump base’s echo chamber, where reasonable discourse and dialogue has long been shunned and thrown wayside. It’s where formerly sane and reasonable conservatives have been sucked into the vortex of Trump’s lies and deception.

Every thread is basically a circling of the wagons where free thought and discourse is ridiculed. The Trump yahoos of the board, the high priests of Trump ideology lay down their version of facts and the truth and the fanboy lapdogs come yapping in approval, drooling over themselves. It’s a self-sustained cycle of disinformation, rhetoric and propaganda. Most of it coming straight from alt right sources and Trump propagandists Hannity & Carlson.

This message board has turned into a complete joke these past four years, where you all backslap each other in jubilation, self-congratulation and adoration. The oneupmanship of who can be more wrong has reached historical levels.

I am glad you all have each other’s backs, that you find solace and comfort here. It is gonna be a painful stretch ahead, as you slowly but surely come to realize how badly you’ve been duped by this carnival barker.

But none of that matters to any of you, as you are stubborn and sure of yourselves, confident as can be. Regardless of the facts on the ground, as America has crumbled under Trump, you drink the kool aid and refuse to take off the rose colored glasses. It’s better this way, easier, to keep pretending none of this is happening. That Trump hasn’t sold the country out to the Russians & the Saudis, that he hasn’t literally brought the country to her knees.

In time, it may be best to scrap this board altogether, hit the ‘ol reset button and start over. It may be too much to bear, too painful to look back how badly Trump Derangement Syndrome affected so many of you, who otherwise were - and are - perfectly smart and reasonable people.

In the end, all will be forgiven, the Republic will survive this attack from within, and life will go on. If anything, America - and Americans - have proven to be resilient, as history has shown. As bad as it’s been, the country will survive Trump, arguably its darkest moment in presidential history, a lower point than both Nixon and James Buchanan.

Hopefully, we will all learn our lesson and be smarter in the future, to never let something like this happen again.

For now, you can get back to giving each other handjobs, continue to play your charades, your smoke & mirror act, as you solemnly bow your heads at the Trump altar of lies, & deception. Have a great day, folks.

There you go again. You fill the whole screen with your whinny *** rant but you dont really say anything. I dare you to accually make a valad point.
Del you should probably read Mueller’s response to Trump commuting Stone’s sentence, may give you a bit more understanding of the significance of it.

Talk about living in an echo chamber. You think Roger Stone's commutation was controversial? Maybe go back to Bill Clinton for a few minutes to review his pardons. The Mark Rich pardon is probably the most scandalous and contemptible use of executive privilege in the history of our country. And don't forget about his brother-in-law and that he used the executive privilege 140 times his last day in office.

And finally re Covid, it makes me sad Trump has turned the US into a shithole

That's funny. The US is a shithole according to the Hungarian troll, but when Trump mentioned that word re: other third world countries that actually are shitholes, it was the apocalypse.

******* turd.
Like Mike Flynn, Stone's "crimes" would not have existed without this sham of an illegal investigation founded in total bullshit. He lied about completely inconsequential, insignificant things and was only prosecuted because he had no dirt on Trump with which to cut a deal. If I were Trump I'd have given him a full pardon.

Remember the good old days Tibs, when you swore Trump was a Russian asset, had been since the 80s, that there was real evidence of this and it was all gonna come out?

What happened?

Like Mike Flynn, Stone's "crimes" would not have existed without this sham of an illegal investigation founded in total bullshit. He lied about completely inconsequential, insignificant things and was only prosecuted because he had no dirt on Trump with which to cut a deal. If I were Trump I'd have given him a full pardon.
It’s shameful you think that. You clearly have very little understanding about the Stone case, or the Mueller investigation, but I won’t hold that against you.

Remember the good old days Tibs, when you swore Trump was a Russian asset, had been since the 80s, that there was real evidence of this and it was all gonna come out?

What happened?
Nothing has happened, nothing has changed. Not a single thing. Trump has proven time and time again he is beholden to Putin. The fact Trump has remained silent about Russians paying the Taliban bounties for killing US troops is just the latest shocking example. Trump is a traitor who has sold the country out to Russia, and Saudi Arabia, to a lesser extent. The fact that doesn’t bother you, that’s your prerogative.
I read what Mueller said. It was legalese jargon trying to defend his sham investigation.

I'll make the whole Russia collusion thing real easy for you to understand Tibs. And let's debate this FIRST POINT since the whole issue is a lot more complex than Mueller.

Do you understand what "Fruit of the Poison Tree" means in law? Let's start there. Do you believe in it? Do you think it is an important part of fairness in prosecution?
Nothing has happened, nothing has changed. Not a single thing. Trump has proven time and time again he is beholden to Putin. The fact Trump has remained silent about Russians paying the Taliban bounties for killing US troops is just the latest shocking example. Trump is a traitor who has sold the country out to Russia, and Saudi Arabia, to a lesser extent. The fact that doesn’t bother you, that’s your prerogative.


Still waiting for any evidence Tibs. The Steele dossier has been entirely discredited and there is not a shred of evidence of Trump colluding with Russia in any way but your fantasy life lives on.
I read what Mueller said. It was legalese jargon trying to defend his sham investigation.

You mean the team who deployed 27 FBI agents and armored vehicles to detain a person of a non-violent white-collar crime with no prior criminal history as a political prop disagrees with their commutation?! Stop the ******* press!
You can not just take the Mueller report as start of a debate on this topic. You have to start at the VERY BEGINNING.

What happened in the fall of 2015 and the start of 2016 is vitally important. You can't just gloss over it and skip to the "good parts" as Tibs likes to do. Skip ahead to the prosecutions and guilty pleas. That's bullshit.

The truth is the sitting President of the Unites States along with his top appointed intelligence officials made up, exaggerated and concocted the severity of Russian influence in our 2016 election (in secret by the way) to try and combat and undermine the growing populist movement of a political opponent and presidential candidate. Wikileaks and the DNC e-mail hacks had absolutely NOTHING to do with Trump or any Republican. Nothing. Russia's standard "stir the pot" using Facebook, internet trolls, message board operatives, etc. had NOITHING to do with Trump or Republicans. In fact the evidence proves Russia was stirring the pot using any issue it could, both far-left AND far-right. The most divisive figures in the 2016 presidential campaign were Trump and Sanders. And THAT is who Russia was promoting, not because they WANTED THEM TO WIN, but because promoting them increased division in our political system (duh!). Like that isn't obvious just looking at this message board from 2015 to now.

Tibs, really. If you want to rehash this point by point, month by month from 2015 to 2018 (the impeachment acquittal), then we can start another thread and do it. But for you to (again) just say "look what Mueller said" and expect me to think THAT is a debate point, please.... Grow some balls.
I. The fact Trump has remained silent about Russians paying the Taliban bounties for killing US troops is just the latest shocking example. .

He remained silent about Qasem Soleimani too.............. until they were scraping him off the asphalt.
I'm not a big fan of Trump but anyone who thinks that Joe ******* Biden is going to save the country has zero credibility.

We need Joe Biden to save us from the scourge of smaller government, lower taxes, and a border wall.