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Cope is Leaving the Political Forum

Very astute. When people like Steeltime use articles or books to backup a point they use them for that purpose. It's part of a larger tapestry. A gestalt of knowledge. When Cope throws around an article his entire premise is the article. We are to read the article and agree with it without any push back.

I don't know Cope but I suspect that he is younger than me (49) and IMHO he is easily manipulated by larger than life characters. I get a sense of naivete in his thoughts. His childlike seriousness when he told us that we should be willing to stand in front of Cam Heyward if we disagreed with him, as if we wouldn't? I'm not a star struck child. I've met famous people before and I treat them like anyone else.

I've been a conservative/ libertarian for my entire life. I was living by myself at 15 and have never taken anything from the government or anyone else. My ideas have been tested and proven right time and time again.

I'm a year younger than you. When we were coming of age, liberalism and progressivism were kind of on the run after the Reagan years and end of Cold War. In fact, as I recall, it was almost a shame for one in the South at least to refer to oneself as a liberal. It seemed liberalism and socialism had been thoroughly discredited as empty theories that would not work in real life. We thought that was the entire meaning of the Cold War that had raged for 40 years and we had won.

As someone pointed out, when communism fell the East imported much of the West's economic ideas and desire for freedom; whereas the West imported the worst of Marxism as political correctness became a dogma here and resulted in an all out assault on free speech.

Now we have a couple of generations of younger adults behind us who are largely unmoored to any sense of American exceptionalism or Constitutional Republic.
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I'm a year younger than you. When we were coming of age, liberalism and progressivism were kind of on the run after the Reagan years and end of Cold War. In fact, as I recall, it was almost a shame for one in the South at least to refer to oneself as a liberal. It seemed liberalism and socialism had been thoroughly discredited as empty theories that would not work in real life. We thought that was the entire meaning of the Cold War that had raged for 40 years and we had won.

As someone pointed out, when communism fell the East imported much of the West's economic ideas and desire for freedom; whereas the West imported the worst of Marxism as political correctness became a dogma here and resulted in an all out assault on free speech.

Now we have a couple of generations of younger adults behind us who are largely unmoored to any sense of American exceptionalism or Constitutional Republic.

Agreed. I'd just add that communism has been in the U.S. for a long time. Especially after WWII.
Agree again. I'm 50. So I am right in that same frame of time where communism, Marxism and the easy leap to totalitarian government is a very real thing to me. I remember it.

In 50 years when I'm long dead and buried, I suspect the "liberals" of that time will start to re-write the facts of the Cold War (i.e. 1950-1990). They will tell the youth in 2070 that it was just a clash of ideals. That one side was not better or greater than the other. I can see it now. They will equate that Reagan = Gorbachev where the truth is everyone that actually LIVED through that time realized that what Reagan did to finally free Eastern Block U.S.S.R and destroy a totalitarian country without ever entering a "war" could be one of the greatest diplomatic accomplishments in the history of human civilization.

Anyone that is living through today, if they think hard enough, can see how liberalism could distort history we are living RIGHT NOW and have experienced in the past 20-30 years. It's just not that hard to think how the Cold War could be spun in an education curriculum to not make communism out to be bad (which it was). Not to hurt Russia's and China's feelings even though their policies during the 20th century cost MILLIOINS of lives. Millions. More than 10 holocausts.

Again, only a fool hides behind labels like "socialism" and "marxism" and "fascism" and "communism". They are all the same thing: collectivism. The erosion of civil liberties and freedoms for the "good of society". The greatest and most deadly totalitarian systems all started with good intentions. It all ends in the same place.
Very astute. When people like Steeltime use articles or books to backup a point they use them for that purpose. It's part of a larger tapestry. A gestalt of knowledge. When Cope throws around an article his entire premise is the article. We are to read the article and agree with it without any push back.

I don't know Cope but I suspect that he is younger than me (49) and IMHO he is easily manipulated by larger than life characters. I get a sense of naivete in his thoughts. His childlike seriousness when he told us that we should be willing to stand in front of Cam Heyward if we disagreed with him, as if we wouldn't? I'm not a star struck child. I've met famous people before and I treat them like anyone else.

I've been a conservative/ libertarian for my entire life. I was living by myself at 15 and have never taken anything from the government or anyone else. My ideas have been tested and proven right time and time again.

I don't know how anyone could be star struck by people. Pants on one leg at a time and the poop still stinks .I've lectured rock stars and buisnessmen worth hundreds of millions, just the same as anyone else. Ok, I did get a little struck awhile ago in a little beach shop in florida. I ran into Chuck Noll and his wife. I locked eyes with them, he just gave a small head nod and grin. I couldn't say a word..haha. Only time in my life I ever got lock jaw. Of course I was a lot younger. That would not have happened now.

I'm not sure why some of the terrible ideas in the world who are absolute proven epic failures, just won't die. No reason to debate a dead rotting horse.

Facts do don't care about your feelings. Facts,logic,reason and most of all common sense. Not tuff stuff here.

I do hate commies,marxists and socialism. Anything that results in destroying the individual and is implemented with an iron hand of oppression that creates misery&despair.

That's excellent, thank you for sharing.

We hear that inability for the Left to draw the lines in their camp by Pelosi's words "people do what people do.."

She's lost.
Agreed. I'd just add that communism has been in the U.S. for a long time. Especially after WWII.

A very very long time. If you haven't read this book.

Our government was littered with hundreds of communists working throughout in the 30s and 40s. Some at the highest levels of Government, like Alger Hiss.

Today they hide in plain site and don't even attempt to hide it.



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A very very long time. If you haven't read this book.

Our government was littered with hundreds of communists working throughout in the 30s and 40s. Some at the highest levels of Government, like Alger Hiss.

Today they hide in plain site and don't even attempt to hide it.


Yessir. Tim recommended this to me a few months ago and boy what an eye-opening read. Highly recommend if you never have.
Yessir. Tim recommended this to me a few months ago and boy what an eye-opening read. Highly recommend if you never have.

Laura Ingalls Wilder's daughter, Rose Wilder Lane, became a communist in the '20s and was active in the movement until her worldwide travels as a journalist allowed her to see the light:


"An ardent Communist in an ardently anti-Communist postwar America, her conversion came when she visited the Caucasus Mountains. While sharing tea with a Russian villager, she encountered an adamant opponent to Communism. Wilder Lane chalked his reaction up to “the opposition of the peasant mind to new ideas, too large for him to grasp…[so] I drew for him a picture of Great Russia, to its remotest corner enjoying the equality, the peace and the justly divided prosperity of his village.” But the villager would not be argued around. It was too vast, too complicated, he insisted: “Too big. At the top, it is too small. It will not work. In Moscow there are only men, and man is not God. A man has only a man’s head, and one hundred heads together do not make one great head.”

The questions provoked by that conversation haunted her for a lifetime. First, she "asked myself dizzily, '[what] is The State? The Communist State—does it exist? Can it exist?'" Second, she wondered “Am I truly free?” Her conclusions: the State (or even the People) is a convenient fiction, an abstraction that distracts from the individuals, those hundred heads, that make the decisions of a nation—and that freedom is synonymous with individualism."
The thing about comedy, well it used to be....it was to be funny. It was to remove oneself from who they are and enjoy the funny things about you and everyone. Jfc. Some of the bests that ever did it, were in this age racist as ****. Richard, Eddy, Chappell, rock, Carlin Burr...etc. it’s an art. It’s not ******* pc.

**** that. Make sure we only do knock knock jokes.

Everything is PC now sadly.
Strange a times these days
Hi guys,

I appreciate the discussions we've had. At this time, since I represent the site, I don't want to dilute the branding of my posts, which is and always will be Pittsburgh Steelers news. Also a big reason why I leave politics out of Drunk Cope threads, since we all just want to talk about the Steelers in the Football Forum anyway.

I ask that you take time to leave news sources behind and talk to people directly about issues that affect them. You may gain different perspectives that you might not have thought about.

Lastly, if you want to write a joke, first ask yourself, would I tell this joke to Cam Heyward? If not, probably best not to write it. If you think he'd be cool with it, go ahead and share away. You all know I'm always up for a good laugh.

If anyone wants to continue political conversations via PM, I'm happy to do so.

I'll see you guys in the other forums, and as always, GO STEELERS!!!

Nobody cares.

If you’re leaving just leave no need to announce it just get the **** out.

And by the way **** you for saying that we are racist simply for being white.
And I know of one who is Ogretarian. An Ogretarian does not engage in rational behavior, responds with threats and violence to any cogent thought, makes threats it cannot and will not carry out, and generally is more interested in excretions than discussions, flatulence than intellect.

**** you and Cope in the face with a cactus. It can be the same cactus or two different cacti but **** you both in the face with a cactus.
Nobody cares.

If you’re leaving just leave no need to announce it just get the **** out.

I'm thinking that Cope, with his ego bruised because he was called out (and he's not used to that), had to make a statement that he 'represents the site' and thus his reason for leaving P&R, to make himself feel a little better, instead of just letting it go and tucking tail like he had done for weeks prior. Nobody would have given a ****.

I said the same thing about the announcement, but whatever, we're all different. And yeah, kind of a dick move IMO to say we're inherently racist just because of the color of our skin.
If you want to speak your mind here you can. If you come here thinking you're going to change people's minds about politics it's generally an exercise in futility everywhere. If you want to talk about how you feel about things and hash things out with people who may not feel the same, it's a pretty good place to do that.

If you're someone who wants to be treated with kid gloves and tiptoed around for expressing your opinions, it's definitely not the place for that. Which I happen to enjoy, most of the time. People say what's on their minds here, without much of a filter. That's not for everyone.

Cope discussed it with Cope; the conclusion was a need to protect the Cope brand.
Hi guys,

I appreciate the discussions we've had. At this time, since I represent the site, I don't want to dilute the branding of my posts, which is and always will be Pittsburgh Steelers news. Also a big reason why I leave politics out of Drunk Cope threads, since we all just want to talk about the Steelers in the Football Forum anyway.

I ask that you take time to leave news sources behind and talk to people directly about issues that affect them. You may gain different perspectives that you might not have thought about.

Lastly, if you want to write a joke, first ask yourself, would I tell this joke to Cam Heyward? If not, probably best not to write it. If you think he'd be cool with it, go ahead and share away. You all know I'm always up for a good laugh.

If anyone wants to continue political conversations via PM, I'm happy to do so.

I'll see you guys in the other forums, and as always, GO STEELERS!!!



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I'm a year younger than you. When we were coming of age, liberalism and progressivism were kind of on the run after the Reagan years and end of Cold War. In fact, as I recall, it was almost a shame for one in the South at least to refer to oneself as a liberal. It seemed liberalism and socialism had been thoroughly discredited as empty theories that would not work in real life. We thought that was the entire meaning of the Cold War that had raged for 40 years and we had won.

As someone pointed out, when communism fell the East imported much of the West's economic ideas and desire for freedom; whereas the West imported the worst of Marxism as political correctness became a dogma here and resulted in an all out assault on free speech.

Now we have a couple of generations of younger adults behind us who are largely unmoored to any sense of American exceptionalism or Constitutional Republic.


I always thought of the Third Way politics espoused by Tony Blair and the Clinton's. Basically co-opt the message of your opponent. Represent it as part of your message, even though you do not believe it. The goal was always Money/Power/Mo Money.

In the 70's and 80's you had a debate between Conservatives and Liberals. Conservatives were winning landslides. Daniel Moyniham and Tip O' Neil vs Ronald Reagan (Nixon won in a landslide in 1972). The debate was good for the country and moved society forward. Thank God for the Hubert Humphreys of the World. They espoused what they truly believed. They were heard by the people and the Country was better for it. That is why it is covered in the first ******* amendment.

Losing an election did not mean they abandoned their principles, those principles still became part of the fabric of our Nation. They were worth fighting for.

The Third Way resulted in ****** policy, half baked by people who did not believe it, so they wrote it to benefit themselves, because that was their true motivating factor.

That ****** policy is being dismantled now. Believe in something, anything, other than yourself.


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I always thought of the Third Way politics espoused by Tony Blair and the Clinton's. Basically co-opt the message of your opponent. Represent it as part of your message, even though you do not believe it. The goal was always Money/Power/Mo Money.

In the 70's and 80's you had a debate between Conservatives and Liberals. Conservatives were winning landslides. Daniel Moyniham and Tip O' Neil vs Ronald Reagan (Nixon won in a landslide in 1972). The debate was good for the country and moved society forward. Thank God for the Hubert Humphreys of the World. They espoused what they truly believed. They were heard by the people and the Country was better for it. That is why it is covered in the first ******* amendment.

Losing an election did not mean they abandoned their principles, those principles became the fabric of our Nation.

The Third Way resulted in ****** policy, half baked by people who did not believe it, so they wrote it to benefit themselves, because that was their true motivating factor.

That ****** policy is being dismantled now.

Biden has already started to plagiarize parts of the Trump message of "Made in America/"Hire Americans" just this week in the Rust Belt. We know by his actions of the past 50 years that he believes none of it. He also doesn't believe the Bernie/AOC messaging that he's allowing to be written into the platform.

He's the ultimate blank canvas, empty suit Trojan Horse at this point.
Is Biden the next Manchurian Candidate?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
I honestly think the reason every liberal that attempts to come over into the Political forum eventually leaves is because they are unprepared to really debate.

What a load of horse ****, del. Your entire post is delusional and is a perfect illustration of the self-aggrandizing that is typical of the right during the Trump era.

Sadly, this board is the ultimate circle jerk, the Trump base’s echo chamber, where reasonable discourse and dialogue has long been shunned and thrown wayside. It’s where formerly sane and reasonable conservatives have been sucked into the vortex of Trump’s lies and deception.

Every thread is basically a circling of the wagons where free thought and discourse is ridiculed. The Trump yahoos of the board, the high priests of Trump ideology lay down their version of facts and the truth and the fanboy lapdogs come yapping in approval, drooling over themselves. It’s a self-sustained cycle of disinformation, rhetoric and propaganda. Most of it coming straight from alt right sources and Trump propagandists Hannity & Carlson.

This message board has turned into a complete joke these past four years, where you all backslap each other in jubilation, self-congratulation and adoration. The oneupmanship of who can be more wrong has reached historical levels.

I am glad you all have each other’s backs, that you find solace and comfort here. It is gonna be a painful stretch ahead, as you slowly but surely come to realize how badly you’ve been duped by this carnival barker.

But none of that matters to any of you, as you are stubborn and sure of yourselves, confident as can be. Regardless of the facts on the ground, as America has crumbled under Trump, you drink the kool aid and refuse to take off the rose colored glasses. It’s better this way, easier, to keep pretending none of this is happening. That Trump hasn’t sold the country out to the Russians & the Saudis, that he hasn’t literally brought the country to her knees.

In time, it may be best to scrap this board altogether, hit the ‘ol reset button and start over. It may be too much to bear, too painful to look back how badly Trump Derangement Syndrome affected so many of you, who otherwise were - and are - perfectly smart and reasonable people.

In the end, all will be forgiven, the Republic will survive this attack from within, and life will go on. If anything, America - and Americans - have proven to be resilient, as history has shown. As bad as it’s been, the country will survive Trump, arguably its darkest moment in presidential history, a lower point than both Nixon and James Buchanan.

Hopefully, we will all learn our lesson and be smarter in the future, to never let something like this happen again.

For now, you can get back to giving each other handjobs, continue to play your charades, your smoke & mirror act, as you solemnly bow your heads at the Trump altar of lies, & deception. Have a great day, folks.

I honestly think the reason every liberal that attempts to come over into the Political forum eventually leaves is because they are unprepared to really debate. .

What a load of horse ****, del. Your entire post is delusional and is a perfect illustration of the self-aggrandizing that is typical of the right during the Trump era.

Sadly, this board is the ultimate circle jerk, the Trump base’s echo chamber, where reasonable discourse and dialogue has long been shunned and thrown wayside. It’s where formerly sane and reasonable conservatives have been sucked into the vortex of Trump’s lies and deception.

Every thread is basically a circling of the wagons where free thought and discourse is ridiculed. The Trump yahoos of the board, the high priests of Trump ideology lay down their version of facts and the truth and the fanboy lapdogs come yapping in approval, drooling over themselves. It’s a self-sustained cycle of disinformation, rhetoric and propaganda. Most of it coming straight from alt right sources and Trump propagandists Hannity & Carlson.

This message board has turned into a complete joke these past four years, where you all backslap each other in jubilation, self-congratulation and adoration. The oneupmanship of who can be more wrong has reached historical levels.

I am glad you all have each other’s backs, that you find solace and comfort here. It is gonna be a painful stretch ahead, as you slowly but surely come to realize how badly you’ve been duped by this carnival barker.

But none of that matters to any of you, as you are stubborn and sure of yourselves, confident as can be. Regardless of the facts on the ground, as America has crumbled under Trump, you drink the kool aid and refuse to take off the rose colored glasses. It’s better this way, easier, to keep pretending none of this is happening. That Trump hasn’t sold the country out to the Russians & the Saudis, that he hasn’t literally brought the country to her knees.

In time, it may be best to scrap this board altogether, hit the ‘ol reset button and start over. It may be too much to bear, too painful to look back how badly Trump Derangement Syndrome affected so many of you, who otherwise were - and are - perfectly smart and reasonable people.

In the end, all will be forgiven, the Republic will survive this attack from within, and life will go on. If anything, America - and Americans - have proven to be resilient, as history has shown. As bad as it’s been, the country will survive Trump, arguably its darkest moment in presidential history, a lower point than both Nixon and James Buchanan.

Hopefully, we will all learn our lesson and be smarter in the future, to never let something like this happen again.

For now, you can get back to giving each other handjobs, continue to play your charades, your smoke & mirror act, as you solemnly bow your heads at the Trump altar of lies, & deception. Have a great day, folks.

Funny. You just proved del's point
When the vast majority of your arguments conflict with each other and are many times in opposition to each other, I would imagine that it would a pretty miserable experience trying and defend them all the time. Probably why Liberals are always angry and resort to emotional personal attacks when presented with conflicting evidence. I'm not speaking of any board members specifically, just an observation of the world at large. Liberals typically go after someone's character immediately (racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe) instead of going after the argument. Most times they don't even address the argument at all, they just tell people they are evil instead. That should say something about the merits of their ideology.
Tibs idea:

I don't like all this, so tear it down.

Good idea. Lets get rid of this football stuff, and American chatter, and replace it with global soccer chat, where you can tell us how great Messi or Figo or Pele is. Tibs will be a great expert!!

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
What a load of horse ****, del. Your entire post is delusional and is a perfect illustration of the self-aggrandizing that is typical of the right during the Trump era.

Sadly, this board is the ultimate circle jerk, the Trump base’s echo chamber, where reasonable discourse and dialogue has long been shunned and thrown wayside. It’s where formerly sane and reasonable conservatives have been sucked into the vortex of Trump’s lies and deception.

Every thread is basically a circling of the wagons where free thought and discourse is ridiculed. The Trump yahoos of the board, the high priests of Trump ideology lay down their version of facts and the truth and the fanboy lapdogs come yapping in approval, drooling over themselves. It’s a self-sustained cycle of disinformation, rhetoric and propaganda. Most of it coming straight from alt right sources and Trump propagandists Hannity & Carlson.

This message board has turned into a complete joke these past four years, where you all backslap each other in jubilation, self-congratulation and adoration. The oneupmanship of who can be more wrong has reached historical levels.

I am glad you all have each other’s backs, that you find solace and comfort here. It is gonna be a painful stretch ahead, as you slowly but surely come to realize how badly you’ve been duped by this carnival barker.

But none of that matters to any of you, as you are stubborn and sure of yourselves, confident as can be. Regardless of the facts on the ground, as America has crumbled under Trump, you drink the kool aid and refuse to take off the rose colored glasses. It’s better this way, easier, to keep pretending none of this is happening. That Trump hasn’t sold the country out to the Russians & the Saudis, that he hasn’t literally brought the country to her knees.

In time, it may be best to scrap this board altogether, hit the ‘ol reset button and start over. It may be too much to bear, too painful to look back how badly Trump Derangement Syndrome affected so many of you, who otherwise were - and are - perfectly smart and reasonable people.

In the end, all will be forgiven, the Republic will survive this attack from within, and life will go on. If anything, America - and Americans - have proven to be resilient, as history has shown. As bad as it’s been, the country will survive Trump, arguably its darkest moment in presidential history, a lower point than both Nixon and James Buchanan.

Hopefully, we will all learn our lesson and be smarter in the future, to never let something like this happen again.

For now, you can get back to giving each other handjobs, continue to play your charades, your smoke & mirror act, as you solemnly bow your heads at the Trump altar of lies, & deception. Have a great day, folks.

You're ******* high. **** you,**** your oppressive commie **** **** party you adore, and **** hungaria.

You're nothing but a **** who sits here trolling and all you wait for is something to go wrong in our country, so you can spew your ******* horseshit.

Go stuff your tampon back in your *** and **** off in your eurotrash shithole.
What a load of horse ****, del. Your entire post is delusional and is a perfect illustration of the self-aggrandizing that is typical of the right during the Trump era.

Sadly, this board is the ultimate circle jerk, the Trump base’s echo chamber, where reasonable discourse and dialogue has long been shunned and thrown wayside. It’s where formerly sane and reasonable conservatives have been sucked into the vortex of Trump’s lies and deception.

Every thread is basically a circling of the wagons where free thought and discourse is ridiculed. The Trump yahoos of the board, the high priests of Trump ideology lay down their version of facts and the truth and the fanboy lapdogs come yapping in approval, drooling over themselves. It’s a self-sustained cycle of disinformation, rhetoric and propaganda. Most of it coming straight from alt right sources and Trump propagandists Hannity & Carlson.

This message board has turned into a complete joke these past four years, where you all backslap each other in jubilation, self-congratulation and adoration. The oneupmanship of who can be more wrong has reached historical levels.

I am glad you all have each other’s backs, that you find solace and comfort here. It is gonna be a painful stretch ahead, as you slowly but surely come to realize how badly you’ve been duped by this carnival barker.

But none of that matters to any of you, as you are stubborn and sure of yourselves, confident as can be. Regardless of the facts on the ground, as America has crumbled under Trump, you drink the kool aid and refuse to take off the rose colored glasses. It’s better this way, easier, to keep pretending none of this is happening. That Trump hasn’t sold the country out to the Russians & the Saudis, that he hasn’t literally brought the country to her knees.

In time, it may be best to scrap this board altogether, hit the ‘ol reset button and start over. It may be too much to bear, too painful to look back how badly Trump Derangement Syndrome affected so many of you, who otherwise were - and are - perfectly smart and reasonable people.

In the end, all will be forgiven, the Republic will survive this attack from within, and life will go on. If anything, America - and Americans - have proven to be resilient, as history has shown. As bad as it’s been, the country will survive Trump, arguably its darkest moment in presidential history, a lower point than both Nixon and James Buchanan.

Hopefully, we will all learn our lesson and be smarter in the future, to never let something like this happen again.

For now, you can get back to giving each other handjobs, continue to play your charades, your smoke & mirror act, as you solemnly bow your heads at the Trump altar of lies, & deception. Have a great day, folks.

So we were supposed to vote for Hillary? Or Biden?