Holy ****, that's a lot of people. Emphasis on the people as Germany's patchwork government certainly hasn't done Ukraine any favors, and they're not going to forget Ostpolitik.
Yes, I wonder how much old Angela misses politics. Lol. Tough time to be brand new for Germany’s government. I gave it a little thought. I mean Germany can’t win no matter what they do.
They are being watched closely. As the economic power of Europe people rightfully except them to Condemn Russia. And when they do( not quickly enough to many) and send Ukraine equipment, people then wonder where the hell they even get it from. Nobody of course trusts the Germans militarily wise. That will take another century.
The Nord 2 was completed in Sept.
55 % of Germans energy comes from Russia. This pipeline will supply 50% of that.
Russian state owned, 11 billion plus To build.
Interestingly enough 50% was financed by companies in Germany, France,England, Austria.
Follow the money. Russians putting pressure on Germany to get it flowing. It means 15 billion a year in Revenues for Russia. The rest of the world says how dare you think about it. Meanwhile if Russia turns off their gas switch. 55 % rely on it. Huge number. Too many eggs in one basket.
Meanwhile the price shoots up to 81$ a megawatt hour. A year ago it was 18.50
Shot up to 180$ in parts of Europe and higher.
They are looking quickly to get LNG from the States or Qatar. But at the most it would cover 10%.
Not nice having to rely so much on other countries for your energy needs. Especially the Russians right now.