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Covid Vaccine

No? No way....really? Someone here tried to say there has been no rising incidences with myocarditis ::cough Flog cough::

But now the CDC does. How quickly will the Liberal AltLeft spin this?

CDC Makes Major Admission About Rushed Vaccine Timeline and Heart Inflammation​

The Centers for Disease Control is considering changing the timeline for the administration of a second Moderna and Pfizer Wuhan coronavirus vaccine dose. The consideration comes after a rushed timeline caused heart inflammation in a number of patients.

"Dr. Sara Oliver, an official at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said the agency was considering making the recommendation for Moderna (MRNA.O) and Pfizer (PFE.N)/BioNTech shots during a meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, a panel of outside advisers to the CDC," Reuters reports.

Currently, the CDC recommends individuals receive their second dose of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines three and four weeks after an initial dose. The government agency may now recommend a second dose eight weeks after the first.

In October a number of European countries limited Moderna's use due to an alarming number of myocarditis cases.

The Swedish health agency said on Oct. 6, 2021 it would pause using the shot for people born in 1991 and later as data pointed to an increase of myocarditis and pericarditis among youths and young adults who had been vaccinated. Those conditions involve an inflammation of the heart or its lining
Meanwhile an Oxford University study show the risk of myocarditis for young people is higher from the vaccine than it is from natural infection.

"In under 40-year-old people...dose two of Moderna has exceeded the risk of myocarditis after infection with a second dose," Dr. Vinay Prasad said about the study. "There have been many people who have been reluctant to take serious the risks of myocarditis after the Moderna product."
"If you're under 40 and if you pool men and women together, there is more myocarditis associated with dose two of Moderna than there is with an infection. That is a bombshell finding," he continued.

When the walls come tumblin' down
When the walls come crumblin' crumblin'
When the walls come tumblin' tumblin' down
Excellent opening. Unarguable logic.

Ottawa Truckers (no known damage, arrests or violence): "It's an insurrection! Sedition! The most serious emergency our city has ever faced!"

BLM (a car actually bursting into flames in front of CNN): "A bit of the outrage being expressed across the country."

🤡 show
CDC Makes Major Admission About Rushed Vaccine Timeline and Heart Inflammation

Wonder when they're going to start running with the narrative that it's all Orange Man's fault?
Wife got the rona. I love her doc. Instantly gives her Paxlovid” anti viral and a **** ton of other proactive treatment. She is a higher risk bc of things but that doc rocks.

My doc said suck on an orange, local Dr fired at my hospital for Rx ivermectin and the other “no no” trump drugs. It’s unreal.

So switching docs.
Doctors get fired for prescribing Ivermectin and then these pigs wonder why we hate them. Sounds like she's in good hands but best wishes. Yeah switch to that person ASAP.
More great vaccine news.

Dr. Ryan Cole speaks out — Alarming rise in cancers due to Vaccine effect on tumor suppression genes​

More from Dr. Cole…

No? No way....really? Someone here tried to say there has been no rising incidences with myocarditis ::cough Flog cough::

But now the CDC does. How quickly will the Liberal AltLeft spin this?

CDC Makes Major Admission About Rushed Vaccine Timeline and Heart Inflammation​

The Centers for Disease Control is considering changing the timeline for the administration of a second Moderna and Pfizer Wuhan coronavirus vaccine dose. The consideration comes after a rushed timeline caused heart inflammation in a number of patients.

"Dr. Sara Oliver, an official at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said the agency was considering making the recommendation for Moderna (MRNA.O) and Pfizer (PFE.N)/BioNTech shots during a meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, a panel of outside advisers to the CDC," Reuters reports.

Currently, the CDC recommends individuals receive their second dose of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines three and four weeks after an initial dose. The government agency may now recommend a second dose eight weeks after the first.

In October a number of European countries limited Moderna's use due to an alarming number of myocarditis cases.

Meanwhile an Oxford University study show the risk of myocarditis for young people is higher from the vaccine than it is from natural infection.

"In under 40-year-old people...dose two of Moderna has exceeded the risk of myocarditis after infection with a second dose," Dr. Vinay Prasad said about the study. "There have been many people who have been reluctant to take serious the risks of myocarditis after the Moderna product."
"If you're under 40 and if you pool men and women together, there is more myocarditis associated with dose two of Moderna than there is with an infection. That is a bombshell finding," he continued.

When the walls come tumblin' down
When the walls come crumblin' crumblin'
When the walls come tumblin' tumblin' down

i think that everyone who suggested these ******* pharma profiteering shitshots were "safe" should get a punch in the face.

The phase 1 testing isnt even done for another 9 months!!
Debate on "The Science" with Canada's Fauci, Friday at 1pm:

So 99.99% of the people don’t get how clinical trials work or what the absurd logic behind the rushed ones in this case really is….
The CDC and FDA have established protocols for approval of a vaccine or medical treatment one it concludes the initial research and development stage

First there are various lab trials that must be done… these are known as preclinical tests. This is when animal testing is often performed.. this can take years in and of itself if the process evaluation shows a potential for major safety issues..

After these conclude the clinical trials on humans begin

These are broken into three phases (technically 4 if you count the post release clinical trial they are supposed to do after the med is available to the public) …and the length and size are highly dependent on various variables.

Its also notesble that vaccines have different standards from typical medications… for obvious reasons that meds can be quit while the vaccine is permanently in a person… so if you look up the fdas medication approval process it’s talking about these phases as a matter of months to a couple years ( you could get a novel medication approved almost always within 5 years) while the vaccine approval process the minimum you can get through the clinical trials is five years, and some can take well over a decade to get approval

Phase 1 is a very small section of people, often numbering under 100 who actually get the treatment … this is meant to weed out initial problems with minimal exposure if things go sideways. it also allows them to get dosages correct on humans.

for a regular med this takes a couple months to a year… but vaccines are in the 1-10 year range depending on how novel the methodology is… a newer one needs longer data pulls before testing is expanded

Phase 2 is a larger trial… hundreds of people and is more diverse to discover general adverse effects and effectiveness that might be harder to pinpoint in the smaller trial… for a vaccine this lasts two to four years, but can be shorter for a regular medication … the initial phase 1 trial people are still monitored for longer term adverse effects that may appear

Finally phase 3 is done after phase two is adequately completed… this entails often thousands of people. This allows a large and diverse segment of people to be tested as well as different reactions to common medical issues the smaller tests often miss
By the end of this phase many non instantaneous adverse effects will be exposed from the phase one , and for the longer studies many long term effects will be discovered as well

For a vaccine this phase takes 2-4 years… for a regular med 1-5….
Now everyone should understand that there is a distinct difference between a vaccine using a previously established medical methodology using a previousy established one adapted for a new treatment, and and a totally novel one…

A good example is that there are already established flu shots for a variety of known strains… occasionally a new strain appears and they adapt an already known flu shot to use the new strain rather than the one they already were using.

The adapted vaccine in these cases can be rushed out… while the virus is new, tge surrounding methods used to inoculate someone have already been through often decades of use, so really the only thing that needs tested is the effectiveness and immeadiate health response to the new virus.

(When the novel swine flu hit a decade and change ago, it was acknowledged in spring and by December they produced 100million vials of effective vaccine for it. Because they used an established methodology, there was virtually no concern for any serious long term effects from it….)

Newer methods require longer clinical testing because less is known about the body’s reaction to the process over time… its just basic common sense really…

Here is the thing… for these vaccines they tried to run all of these trials simultaneously and in an expedited timeframe… it literally contradicted the purpose of running them apart… tge reasons medical personnel started referring to this as still experimental is because the phase four trials we are technically in right now would only be at best phase two if this hadn’t been rushed…

Understand this as well because phase 1 trials are both small and data is too new to really get an idea about the effectiveness and adverse reactions to it… 70% of products that get cleared to start phase one make it to phase 2… some after a decade of tweaking….

Conversely, of that 70% that make it to phase 2, only slightly above 30% make it to stage 3

Of those only 25% will actually get through stage 3

So basically 6% of meds that clear lab trials actually get approved… and many of them get pulled from the market after release as phase 4 trials show issues missed in the first 3

We opted to effectively skip everything but the first phase just on a grand scale… then wonder why the damn things are failing in the timeframe that has a 70% failure rate for new meds…
Thanks Mad.

The frightening thing is the vast majority of the population actually believes the FDA and evil pharma are following established protocols to "do the science".

When you make the observation that the two most recent Commissioners of the FDA --- the guys leading the de facto global regulator --- are now firmly entrenched at......drum roll please.....Pfizer and Moderna --- you begin to get the sense of the sell out that has happened here.

In the same manner that the Military/Industrial Complex has led American leadership by the nose for decades, the cashed up Pharma/Regulatory Complex has now taken this to a new level.

The inter-connectedness of global health/medical regulations and the giant global pharma, sanctioned by FDA officials, has led to unprecedented "coalition of the willing" of Western governments to join with the US/FDA in the war on covid......only to begin understanding, almost 2 years late, that nature dosen't allow conventional human war models. Viruses, like the rest of nature, adapts and will win.

The arrogance of leadership, pharma, regulators, the medical profession, etc. to think that one tool only was even a possible "strategy" is beyond baffling. It is dismal and betrays the concept of the scientific method.

Colds will always exist as the various rhinoviruses and others evolve naturally, Influenza continues its annual migrations to evade human control and covid will do the same.

The only sensible approach has always been to treat covid like the cold/flu: multiple treatments (different strokes for different folks) with special attention to those most likely to be vulnerable.

And the ******* monsters in government, pharma and medicine are doubling down on the god-damned shots, now insisting they are safe for kids......they have NO TESTING that demonstrates efficacy, let alone safety. Not one single MRNA "medicine" has ever passed regulatory scrutiny for use in humans, globally, and now leaders are demonizing those saying "hey, wait a minute..."

You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time.

Its the flu.

Why aren't there resources allocated to destroying Gain of Function labs globally?
Not that I’m upset by any means, where did the **** fauci go? I couldn’t pull a website up or turn on the tube without seeing his lying ***? Now, nothing.
but, @madinsomniac - I was been tole that the VaCcInEs WuRkZ
Not that I’m upset by any means, where did the **** fauci go? I couldn’t pull a website up or turn on the tube without seeing his lying ***? Now, nothing.
I was wondering the same. The guy has been awol for some time. Guess his job is finally done

The massive protest underway in Ottawa and across Canada began with truck drivers objecting to vaccine mandates in their profession before expanding to a much larger rejection of almost all covid restrictions. On Tuesday, it is the “Freedom Convoy” truckers in the forefront again, as the busiest bridge between the United States and Canada has been brought to a standstill by dozens of trucks.

It’s a situation that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says cannot be allowed to continue, and that CNN’s Paula Newton pointed out to anchor Kate Bolduan is not something President Joe Biden and his administration will be able to ignore.

“Truckers blocking the Ambassador Bridge that connects Detroit with Ontario, a huge thoroughfare, super important, halting commercial traffic at the border,” said Bolduan on Tuesday. “Hundreds of truckers have paralyzed the capital city of Ottawa, protesting vaccine requirements.”

“Is it clear to you what’s going to end this at this point?” she asked Newton.

“Absolutely not,” Newton answered. “I’m telling you at the highest levels of government in this country, they are not clear about how this is going to end.”

Newton reported live from Ottawa on both the protest that has effectively shut down the Canadian capitol and is now halting traffic across the border bridge. It’s a crossing that accounts for as much as 27% of the $400 billion in trade across the border each year.

“The Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor is quite an escalation,” she said. “Look, I’ve been up and down these streets. I’ve spoken to them. They say they’re not going anywhere.”

“This started as a protest against that vaccine mandate. It has turned into so much more. People that are here saying, ‘Look, we want it all to end. We want all the restrictions gone now,'” she said, before airing a clip of Trudeau addressing an emergency parliament session.

“Everyone’s tired of COVID. But these protests, these protests are not the way to get through it,” Trudeau said in the clip. “Individuals are trying to blockade our economy, our democracy, and our fellow citizens’ daily lives. It has to stop.”

” Yeah. The question is, how is it going to stop?” said Newton. “Justin Trudeau does not seem like he is going to be getting out here to negotiate or mediate anything.”

“At this point, they are saying that, look, this is a fringe minority. And yet people here say that is not the case, that there is a significant minority,” she continued. “Kate, I will tell you this isn’t something the Biden administration can ignore, especially given those bridge crossings. There could be impacts on the supply chain between the United States and Canada.”

“That’s a great point, Paula,” Bolduan accurately replied.

That would seem to be obviously the point of the blockade and the protest: To become impossible for authorities to ignore. It’s impossible for the world to ignore, as more and more footage streams onto the web every day.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about the truckers’ protest this week already. Authorities and private companies are facing problems on multiple fronts.

Sooner or later the truckers’ demands, and those of the thousands of protesters on foot in Ottawa, will have to be addressed by one or both governments. One way or another.

Watch the clip above, via CNN.
LMAO. Tyrants. Even Democrat Governors are reversing mask mandates, but Senile Xiden and the White House stand behind face diapers.

So 99.99% of the people don’t get how clinical trials work or what the absurd logic behind the rushed ones in this case really is….
The CDC and FDA have established protocols for approval of a vaccine or medical treatment one it concludes the initial research and development stage

First there are various lab trials that must be done… these are known as preclinical tests. This is when animal testing is often performed.. this can take years in and of itself if the process evaluation shows a potential for major safety issues..

After these conclude the clinical trials on humans begin

These are broken into three phases (technically 4 if you count the post release clinical trial they are supposed to do after the med is available to the public) …and the length and size are highly dependent on various variables.

Its also notesble that vaccines have different standards from typical medications… for obvious reasons that meds can be quit while the vaccine is permanently in a person… so if you look up the fdas medication approval process it’s talking about these phases as a matter of months to a couple years ( you could get a novel medication approved almost always within 5 years) while the vaccine approval process the minimum you can get through the clinical trials is five years, and some can take well over a decade to get approval

Phase 1 is a very small section of people, often numbering under 100 who actually get the treatment … this is meant to weed out initial problems with minimal exposure if things go sideways. it also allows them to get dosages correct on humans.

for a regular med this takes a couple months to a year… but vaccines are in the 1-10 year range depending on how novel the methodology is… a newer one needs longer data pulls before testing is expanded

Phase 2 is a larger trial… hundreds of people and is more diverse to discover general adverse effects and effectiveness that might be harder to pinpoint in the smaller trial… for a vaccine this lasts two to four years, but can be shorter for a regular medication … the initial phase 1 trial people are still monitored for longer term adverse effects that may appear

Finally phase 3 is done after phase two is adequately completed… this entails often thousands of people. This allows a large and diverse segment of people to be tested as well as different reactions to common medical issues the smaller tests often miss
By the end of this phase many non instantaneous adverse effects will be exposed from the phase one , and for the longer studies many long term effects will be discovered as well

For a vaccine this phase takes 2-4 years… for a regular med 1-5….
Now everyone should understand that there is a distinct difference between a vaccine using a previously established medical methodology using a previousy established one adapted for a new treatment, and and a totally novel one…

A good example is that there are already established flu shots for a variety of known strains… occasionally a new strain appears and they adapt an already known flu shot to use the new strain rather than the one they already were using.

The adapted vaccine in these cases can be rushed out… while the virus is new, tge surrounding methods used to inoculate someone have already been through often decades of use, so really the only thing that needs tested is the effectiveness and immeadiate health response to the new virus.

(When the novel swine flu hit a decade and change ago, it was acknowledged in spring and by December they produced 100million vials of effective vaccine for it. Because they used an established methodology, there was virtually no concern for any serious long term effects from it….)

Newer methods require longer clinical testing because less is known about the body’s reaction to the process over time… its just basic common sense really…

Here is the thing… for these vaccines they tried to run all of these trials simultaneously and in an expedited timeframe… it literally contradicted the purpose of running them apart… tge reasons medical personnel started referring to this as still experimental is because the phase four trials we are technically in right now would only be at best phase two if this hadn’t been rushed…

Understand this as well because phase 1 trials are both small and data is too new to really get an idea about the effectiveness and adverse reactions to it… 70% of products that get cleared to start phase one make it to phase 2… some after a decade of tweaking….

Conversely, of that 70% that make it to phase 2, only slightly above 30% make it to stage 3

Of those only 25% will actually get through stage 3

So basically 6% of meds that clear lab trials actually get approved… and many of them get pulled from the market after release as phase 4 trials show issues missed in the first 3

We opted to effectively skip everything but the first phase just on a grand scale… then wonder why the damn things are failing in the timeframe that has a 70% failure rate for new meds…
I'll include myself in the .01% that understand how clinical trials work and a product comes to market.

You pretty much nailed this mad, and while I can understand why this was rushed to market, with all the unknowns about this virus, I can't accept the continuing narrative that this vaccine is without issue. We still have to wait and see if the benefits will outweigh the risks, and that will take years. I just wish everyone was open and acknowledged this.