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Covid Vaccine

Really big fan of the Canadians right now. The spirit of liberty and freedom is still alive in North American. Bravo!

Canadians are showing the world what a new revolution looks like. I too am captivated.

Trudeau’s fuel ban backfired bigly​

A "fuel ban", seriously? Trudeau:

Yes. If they had just said, “Hey, these vaccines are new and will give an immediate benefit for the most at risk people” then followed them up with the live weakened virus or dead virus type of vaccine that was only going to take a few more months to get working none of this would have been the potential catastrophe it could be if things go south with long term effects… plus most vaccine hesitant people would be on board with getting tried and true vaccines….

I mean at this point it’s beyond obvious that pfizer is the one controlling the narrative and process for profit… J and J, moderna, and Astrazeneca all have failed to be certified in places or had product pulled or restricted at times… yet pfizer has basically avoided all of that while profiting tens of billions and definitely burying bad data about tge effects…
They have ruined people's lives, killing some.
Really big fan of the Canadians right now. The spirit of liberty and freedom is still alive in North American. Bravo!

Absolutely. Watching those people walking with gas containers - wow - they mean business. Makes me wonder WTH is going on here. I know they're trying to organize one, but time is of the essence. Canada was likely so caught off guard while the pig slime here are doing everything they can to prevent it from happening.
Yes. If they had just said, “Hey, these vaccines are new and will give an immediate benefit for the most at risk people” then followed them up with the live weakened virus or dead virus type of vaccine that was only going to take a few more months to get working none of this would have been the potential catastrophe it could be if things go south with long term effects… plus most vaccine hesitant people would be on board with getting tried and true vaccines….

I mean at this point it’s beyond obvious that pfizer is the one controlling the narrative and process for profit… J and J, moderna, and Astrazeneca all have failed to be certified in places or had product pulled or restricted at times… yet pfizer has basically avoided all of that while profiting tens of billions and definitely burying bad data about tge effects…
They have committed crimes against the citizens of the world
Absolutely. Watching those people walking with gas containers - wow - they mean business. Makes me wonder WTH is going on here. I know they're trying to organize one, but time is of the essence. Canada was likely so caught off guard while the pig slime here are doing everything they can to prevent it from happening.
They are becoming well organized......they had mostly women and children carrying the Jerry cans.....most of them looked empty.....the pictures are worth a sixteen hundred (that's metric for 1000) words!!
Every time you see a Dem who is pro mask and pro mandate not wearing a mask, it’s a reminder that they are not scared at all about Covid. This is a power play. Now that blue states are suddenly lifting mandates tells you that their polling must be a nightmare.

I think the Canada truckers have opened a lot of eyes. I’d guess they’ve seen polls showing mandates are unpopular but didn’t believe just how unpopular. Everyone they associate with are pro mandate so they probably thought the polls were wrong. Then the truckers showed up and they now know that the polls are not only correct but most likely just the top of a huge iceberg.

Their only way out now is to try to claim that their policies worked. It’s too late. Most people know it was bullshit and they were drunk on power.

Can’t wait for Biden’s Mission Accomplished moment at the state of the union.
Canadian liberals moaning at the havoc caused to THEM by SIX DAYS of lockdowns, after they enjoyed basically normal lives while forcing non-politicians into a TWO YEAR lockdown, kids to watch their lives put on hold for TWO YEARS, businesses shut down by the THOUSANDS while not one goddamn politician lost a NICKEL??


Trudeau’s fuel ban backfired bigly​

Trumptardians exercising their hwyte privilege to take flammable liquids into the downtown area without being arrested for cause.

did I get that right?
Lying leftist scum need to be held to account. Everything they told us about the Chinese flu was a lie, and everything they said or did was nothing more than a greasy scam to line their grifting pockets:
  • The Chinese flu did not come from the Chinese Bat Flu Lab.
  • Yes, it did.
  • Lockdowns will prevent an engineered virus from spreading.
  • No, it won't. It's a ******* virus. Not paying the electric bill today does not mean you get free electricity tomorrow.
  • Case in point, Sweden. No lockdown, lefty liars, "Oooohh, they will be ravaged by the Chinese flu."
  • No, they weren't. Not even close. Ranked 20th in per capita Chinese flu mortality out of 31 European countries.
  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/1111779/coronavirus-death-rate-europe-by-country/
  • Florida is going to suffer thousands of deaths, ahhh, Death-Santis!!
  • No, you imbecile, Florida ranks 33rd out of the 50 states in age-adjusted Chinese flu deaths, much better than lefty lockdown loons like New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, D.C. and Michigan.
  • https://www.bioinformaticscro.com/blog/states-ranked-by-age-adjusted-covid-deaths/
  • Shutting down in-person learning protects the kids.
  • No, it doesn't. Kids face basically zero risk from the Chinese flu.
  • Shutting down in-person learning will not harm kids.
  • Yes, it did. Massively. Depression, suicides, lack of hope, drug addiction, overdose deaths, and on and on.
  • Masks work.
  • No, they DON'T ******* WORK, which is why liberals keep getting caught NOT WEARING THEM.
  • Vaccines work.
  • They do. They work well AS A TREATMENT MEASURE. The vaccines have saved a lot of lives AS A TREATMENT MEASURE.
  • Vaccine mandates are lawful.
  • No, they are not.
  • Vaccine mandates will work.
  • No, they don't and instead have the opposite effect.
  • Treatments like vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine don't work and are dangerous.
  • Yes, they work, and no, they are not dangerous. Lies that actually killed people.
  • Shutting down gyms helps fight the virus.
  • No, it doesn't. Not being obese helps fights the virus, shutting down gyms has the wrong goddamn effect.
  • The Chinese flu hospitalization and death statistics are accurate.
  • No, they're not. They have been manipulated from day one.
  • The Chinese flu supported massive loosening on voting, including dropping off hundreds of unverified ballots at "drop-boxes."
  • No, it did not. That was nothing more than a fig leaf for promoting massive vote harvesting and voter fraud.
Everything liberals told us about the Chinese flu was a lie. The sooner we all realize this, the better.

Because we can then look at making the liars pay for their lies.
Last edited:

Over half the deaths seen by this funeral director were likely caused by the COVID vaccines​

He is not alone in seeing this. All his other embalmer friends see it too. All of them. The only possible explanation: the COVID vaccines are killing massive numbers of previously healthy people.​


Fifteen embalmers are all seeing odd fatal clotting in people that first started in 2021. As many as 65% of cases are affected...this evidence is being totally ignored by the mainstream press and medical community as well as the CDC and other HHS agencies. The only explanation that fits all the facts is that the vaccines are killing Americans in massive numbers and should be immediately halted.

Richard Hirschman is a funeral director who spotted really strange clots in dead people after the vaccines rolled out.

Richard has been embalming people for more than 20 years. He lives in Alabama.

Here’s my 53 minute interview where we get into the profound implications of what Richard found: the vaccines are likely killing around 65% of the cases he is seeing today. There is simply no other possible explanation that fits the evidence.

Here are some of the most important things I learned from Richard:
  1. He started noticing the strange clots around May or June 2021. He’d never seen anything like it before in his life. However, he admits they could have started much earlier and he just never noticed them before because he was very busy.
  2. He is not aware of any cases where the strange clots were seen in unvaccinated cases (except for one unvaccinated person who received a transfusion)
  3. He started formally tracking the number of patients with the strange clots in late 2021.
  4. He says currently over 50% of the bodies he embalms have the strange clots which he uniquely associates with the vaccines/boosters. This is the bombshell. The CDC says deaths from the vaccine are 0% and this embalmer, who has no conflicts of interest, says it is now over 50% of the cases he sees. They can’t both be telling the truth. One of them is lying.
  5. In Jan 2022, 37 out of 57 (65% of all cases) had these suspicious clots. That’s huge.
  6. His embalming volume varies by day. Sometimes it is one a day, other days it can be up to 6 or 7. He estimates he does an average of 2 per day, which is over 600 bodies a year. So while these aren’t huge numbers, the numbers are large enough that it is unlikely that the effect they are seeing is just due to small numbers.
  7. He contracts out his services to a variety of funeral homes. In 2020, he’d see a lot of COVID deaths because other embalmers didn’t want to touch those cases. Richard is COVID recovered so he had no problem handling those cases. Now, however, that fear has greatly subsided so now he is seeing more of a representative sample (i.e., unbiased) of people who die. So his “over 50% of deaths” figure is only slightly exaggerated from an embalmer seeing an “unfiltered” set of people.
  8. Younger people tend to be cremated, so he won’t see those cases.
  9. His peers (he’s discussed with 15 of them) see the same thing he does but won’t speak out publicly. I see this in other areas such as school officials being afraid to reveal high rates of myocarditis in their schools. For example, Nikki Daniels, Head of School at Monte Vista Christian School, isn’t speaking out about the four myocarditis cases at their small private school (which translates into a rate of myocarditis that I’d estimate is more than 1 in 100).
  10. The mainstream media, mainstream medical community, and HHS agencies are all ignoring Hirschman and others like John Looney. Only alt-media has reached out to him to write an article.
  11. PolitiFact reached out to try to discredit him but ended up not writing an article presumably because they failed to find anything to attack him on.
  12. There is no other explanation for this that we can figure out. It pretty much has to be a novel injectable product, first used in 2021 that results in blood clots and is injected into well over 50% of the population. There is only one drug that fits that bill: the COVID vaccines.
  13. None of his embalmer friends who have seen the data are planning on getting any more COVID vaccine shots.
  14. Richard is not alone. See this compilation: People who would know.
  15. Fewer than 1% of people who get the shots will die. As Dr. Mike Yeadon points out in the comments below, whether you die or not is likely a combination of how well you “take up” and “replicate” the mRNA, how dangerous the batch is, and other factors.

Could it be caused by 5G?​

A few people speculated it was caused by the 5G deployment in Alabama. No, that’s not it at all. Nothing has changed in the area around Hirschman. We checked.

Could these clots be caused by COVID?​

The Politifact fact checker, Naseem Ferdowsi, has no medical experience at all. She sent a message on Feb 4, 2022 that she was told by an embalmer in Phoenix Arizona that “dark clots have been found in COVID victims long before vaccinations were available.”

There are several problems with hypothesis:
  1. The clots are white fibrous material (clearly the fact checker never actually viewed the video she was fact checking)
  2. The number of COVID deaths in Houston County where Richard works are miniscule. For example, the number of COVID deaths was 9 in January, yet Richard had 37 with these clots.
  3. The percentages do not make sense. Only a tiny fraction of all deaths in January are from COVID. If 65% of the deaths in Houston County in January 2022 were from COVID, that would be front page news.
  4. If these clots were caused by COVID, it’s highly likely someone would have spotted it before 2021 and done a similar video.
  5. Omicron has taken over as the dominant COVID variant in January across the country. Omicron doesn’t kill people. People die with Omicron, not from Omicron. Therefore, if it was COVID-related, the clots would be gone, not at an all-time high.
However, we all know what will happen, don’t we? I think we’ll soon see a PolitiFact article that these clots are caused by COVID...

Estimating total number of people killed by the COVID vaccines from this data​

Hirschman’s data is explosive because it establishes a relative proportion of people affected which we can then use to establish an absolute rate of death.

Is this definitive? No. It’s just another “sanity check” datapoint.

So let’s say the actual rate of vaccine-caused deaths is 40% of all deaths which is less than the 65% rate that Hirschman is seeing.

The CDC says around 65,000 people die a week. So that would be 26,000 people a week killed by the vaccine. He started noticing these deaths in May (they could have started sooner), so let’s just say it’s only been in the last 6 months to be conservative.

26 weeks *26,000 deaths/week=676,000 vaccine-related deaths.

That’s a lot of deaths. So you see why this observation is explosive.

Even if he’s off by 1000X, this vaccine is still too unsafe to be used in humans​

But suppose Hirschman is mistaken by a factor of 1,000 and there were just 676 deaths. That makes these vaccines 3 times more deadly than the smallpox vaccine (which kills 1 in a million) and smallpox is deemed to be too unsafe to use.

So even under the most ridiculous assumptions, there is no other way to interpret this data than to conclude the vaccines are unsafe and should be stopped.

Comments from Dr. Mike Yeadon regarding the mechanism of action​

When assessing causality, one of the key criteria is a plausible mechanism of action. Here you go from Dr. Mike Yeadon.

Steve, I wish I was shocked, but none of us with an understanding that these gene based agents prompt our bodies to manufacture virus spike protein in uncontrolled amounts & in uncontrolled anatomical locations expected spike protein to do what it does in quantity: prompt blood to coagulate.

I’ve received the results of an informal survey conducted on behalf of a financial advisor to their client list. Questions included whether clients or their family members know someone who’s become very ill or died after vaccination & something like 2/3rds of respondents says they did. The results were sent to me to reinforce how commonplace these injuries & deaths are.
I personally know of four deaths and twice as many serious, not yet fatal illnesses after c19 “vaccinations”.

I know indirectly of two who were said to have been covid19 deaths. One was in their 80s & frail and the other, in their 60s, was living with a terminal cancer diagnosis.

Over half the deaths seen by this funeral director were likely caused by the COVID vaccines​

He is not alone in seeing this. All his other embalmer friends see it too. All of them. The only possible explanation: the COVID vaccines are killing massive numbers of previously healthy people.​


Fifteen embalmers are all seeing odd fatal clotting in people that first started in 2021. As many as 65% of cases are affected...this evidence is being totally ignored by the mainstream press and medical community as well as the CDC and other HHS agencies. The only explanation that fits all the facts is that the vaccines are killing Americans in massive numbers and should be immediately halted.

Richard Hirschman is a funeral director who spotted really strange clots in dead people after the vaccines rolled out.

Richard has been embalming people for more than 20 years. He lives in Alabama.

Here’s my 53 minute interview where we get into the profound implications of what Richard found: the vaccines are likely killing around 65% of the cases he is seeing today. There is simply no other possible explanation that fits the evidence.

Here are some of the most important things I learned from Richard:
  1. He started noticing the strange clots around May or June 2021. He’d never seen anything like it before in his life. However, he admits they could have started much earlier and he just never noticed them before because he was very busy.
  2. He is not aware of any cases where the strange clots were seen in unvaccinated cases (except for one unvaccinated person who received a transfusion)
  3. He started formally tracking the number of patients with the strange clots in late 2021.
  4. He says currently over 50% of the bodies he embalms have the strange clots which he uniquely associates with the vaccines/boosters. This is the bombshell. The CDC says deaths from the vaccine are 0% and this embalmer, who has no conflicts of interest, says it is now over 50% of the cases he sees. They can’t both be telling the truth. One of them is lying.
  5. In Jan 2022, 37 out of 57 (65% of all cases) had these suspicious clots. That’s huge.
  6. His embalming volume varies by day. Sometimes it is one a day, other days it can be up to 6 or 7. He estimates he does an average of 2 per day, which is over 600 bodies a year. So while these aren’t huge numbers, the numbers are large enough that it is unlikely that the effect they are seeing is just due to small numbers.
  7. He contracts out his services to a variety of funeral homes. In 2020, he’d see a lot of COVID deaths because other embalmers didn’t want to touch those cases. Richard is COVID recovered so he had no problem handling those cases. Now, however, that fear has greatly subsided so now he is seeing more of a representative sample (i.e., unbiased) of people who die. So his “over 50% of deaths” figure is only slightly exaggerated from an embalmer seeing an “unfiltered” set of people.
  8. Younger people tend to be cremated, so he won’t see those cases.
  9. His peers (he’s discussed with 15 of them) see the same thing he does but won’t speak out publicly. I see this in other areas such as school officials being afraid to reveal high rates of myocarditis in their schools. For example, Nikki Daniels, Head of School at Monte Vista Christian School, isn’t speaking out about the four myocarditis cases at their small private school (which translates into a rate of myocarditis that I’d estimate is more than 1 in 100).
  10. The mainstream media, mainstream medical community, and HHS agencies are all ignoring Hirschman and others like John Looney. Only alt-media has reached out to him to write an article.
  11. PolitiFact reached out to try to discredit him but ended up not writing an article presumably because they failed to find anything to attack him on.
  12. There is no other explanation for this that we can figure out. It pretty much has to be a novel injectable product, first used in 2021 that results in blood clots and is injected into well over 50% of the population. There is only one drug that fits that bill: the COVID vaccines.
  13. None of his embalmer friends who have seen the data are planning on getting any more COVID vaccine shots.
  14. Richard is not alone. See this compilation: People who would know.
  15. Fewer than 1% of people who get the shots will die. As Dr. Mike Yeadon points out in the comments below, whether you die or not is likely a combination of how well you “take up” and “replicate” the mRNA, how dangerous the batch is, and other factors.

Could it be caused by 5G?​

A few people speculated it was caused by the 5G deployment in Alabama. No, that’s not it at all. Nothing has changed in the area around Hirschman. We checked.

Could these clots be caused by COVID?​

The Politifact fact checker, Naseem Ferdowsi, has no medical experience at all. She sent a message on Feb 4, 2022 that she was told by an embalmer in Phoenix Arizona that “dark clots have been found in COVID victims long before vaccinations were available.”

There are several problems with hypothesis:
  1. The clots are white fibrous material (clearly the fact checker never actually viewed the video she was fact checking)
  2. The number of COVID deaths in Houston County where Richard works are miniscule. For example, the number of COVID deaths was 9 in January, yet Richard had 37 with these clots.
  3. The percentages do not make sense. Only a tiny fraction of all deaths in January are from COVID. If 65% of the deaths in Houston County in January 2022 were from COVID, that would be front page news.
  4. If these clots were caused by COVID, it’s highly likely someone would have spotted it before 2021 and done a similar video.
  5. Omicron has taken over as the dominant COVID variant in January across the country. Omicron doesn’t kill people. People die with Omicron, not from Omicron. Therefore, if it was COVID-related, the clots would be gone, not at an all-time high.
However, we all know what will happen, don’t we? I think we’ll soon see a PolitiFact article that these clots are caused by COVID...

Estimating total number of people killed by the COVID vaccines from this data​

Hirschman’s data is explosive because it establishes a relative proportion of people affected which we can then use to establish an absolute rate of death.

Is this definitive? No. It’s just another “sanity check” datapoint.

So let’s say the actual rate of vaccine-caused deaths is 40% of all deaths which is less than the 65% rate that Hirschman is seeing.

The CDC says around 65,000 people die a week. So that would be 26,000 people a week killed by the vaccine. He started noticing these deaths in May (they could have started sooner), so let’s just say it’s only been in the last 6 months to be conservative.

26 weeks *26,000 deaths/week=676,000 vaccine-related deaths.

That’s a lot of deaths. So you see why this observation is explosive.

Even if he’s off by 1000X, this vaccine is still too unsafe to be used in humans​

But suppose Hirschman is mistaken by a factor of 1,000 and there were just 676 deaths. That makes these vaccines 3 times more deadly than the smallpox vaccine (which kills 1 in a million) and smallpox is deemed to be too unsafe to use.

So even under the most ridiculous assumptions, there is no other way to interpret this data than to conclude the vaccines are unsafe and should be stopped.

Comments from Dr. Mike Yeadon regarding the mechanism of action​

When assessing causality, one of the key criteria is a plausible mechanism of action. Here you go from Dr. Mike Yeadon.

F for Failure, since you didnt tag @Ron Burgundy
Anyone else noticed that the fear mongering, mask and shot mandating, lockdown freeloaders have suddenly disappeared from this thread?

Telling isn't it, although they will never, ever admit that they just might have been wrong pushing the agenda for so long.
you mean the ones who masked up, bathed in hand sanitizer, social distanced, cucked themselves, and wore face diapers only to get the WooFloo?
Anyone else noticed that the fear mongering, mask and shot mandating, lockdown freeloaders have suddenly disappeared from this thread?

Telling isn't it, although they will never, ever admit that they just might have been wrong pushing the agenda for so long.

Just wait. Sleepy Joe is going to take credit for ending Covid. It will be a main part of his State of the Union. That's why you see the Blue states now relaxing their mandates/guidance. They see red states leading the way, what Canada is going through. So they are going to lay claim to ending Covid by following the lead of those who've been following the real science.

And our resident trolls will be back - just wait - echoing those sentiments - the vaccines, the masking, the lockdowns worked! See!

you mean the ones who masked up, bathed in hand sanitizer, social distanced, cucked themselves, and wore face diapers only to get the WooFloo?

Yeah, Tibsticles is going to have a much harder re-entry to this thread...after triple masking, triple vaxxing, catching the ChinaVirus, and spreading it to countless people in his businesses.

Floggy's probably had it, but would never admit it. So he will come in screaming "The Vaccines Work!!"
Go Canucks!

New Trucker blockade at North Dakota Canada border​

Triple vaxxed....has Covid for the SECOND time.

Yeah, Tibsticles is going to have a much harder re-entry to this thread...after triple masking, triple vaxxing, catching the ChinaVirus, and spreading it to countless people in his businesses.

Floggy's probably had it, but would never admit it. So he will come in screaming "The Vaccines Work!!"
did .... you .... yes, you did. you committed a cardinal sin.
you assumed Flog's gender.

Yeah, Tibsticles is going to have a much harder re-entry to this thread...after triple masking, triple vaxxing, catching the ChinaVirus, and spreading it to countless people in his businesses.

Floggy's probably had it, but would never admit it. So he will come in screaming "The Vaccines Work!!"
I bet he has seen the light and just doesn't want to come eat crow. His TDS has become so bad he can't admit to any error.