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Covid Vaccine

So basically I was exposed dozens of times during the pandemic including such bad exposures as being in the same vehicle as someone with it, socializing with several people that came down with it immediately afterwards, having a roommate who had it while i was home, and having sex with an ex who was diagnosed with it a couple days later… I also traveled the country during the lockdown and never caught anything

Do you know when i caught it, when during the height of allergy season I was exposed to a ton of sulfur dioxide and my lungs developed bronchitis…then i got exposed after i was already sick… because covid was rarely affecting people whose immune system was healthy… it mostly was fought off without incident by the majority of the exposed

And that 'splains it. Karma. Never go back to the ex for sex, no matter how good. You're lucky you lived having broken that cardinal rule.
And that 'splains it. Karma. Never go back to the ex for sex, no matter how good. You're lucky you lived having broken that cardinal rule.
It was the pandemic lockdown lol she thought she was going to die… it was a weird hookup and her calling me a few days later to say she tested positive was equally weird… and yet i was negative through all that… so I guess it aint sexually transmitted lol
It's just the flu bro - Literally

Right again.

Damn, it's like everyone is dropping the mandates everywhere.

*POOF*. Gone. Adios. It's still here, mind you...but it's also gone. Amazing. David Copperfield level ****.

Damn, it's like everyone is dropping the mandates everywhere.

*POOF*. Gone. Adios. It's still here, mind you...but it's also gone. Amazing. David Copperfield level ****.

“Allowed to return”. I’d have two words when they called me….**** you.
Damn, it's like everyone is dropping the mandates everywhere.

*POOF*. Gone. Adios. It's still here, mind you...but it's also gone. Amazing. David Copperfield level ****.

Does this mean the ridiculous mask wearing in airports and on airplanes is going to be gone soon? Dumbest **** I've ever had to do in my life a few weeks back while flying.
You talkin' about Tibs & Flog?

Just don't say their names three times (like Bloody Mary) and have them return. The collective IQ of this place jumped up a few points since they've been absent.
“Allowed to return”. I’d have two words when they called me….**** you.
Iron. That’s ****** up be nice. You are right.

Correction. I would walk into my bosses office, unzip my fly, pull the piece out and say “you’re allowed to blow me.”
It's just the flu bro - Literally

Right again.

It took two years for the first reporting, and will take at least another 12 months for those who lack critical thought processes to understand this.

Shame on the big pharma, big regulation sycophants who heightened fears for profit.
Just don't say their names three times (like Bloody Mary) and have them return. The collective IQ of this place jumped up a few points since they've been absent.


Utterly comical. Since 2016, Tibsticles has still not been right on a single damned thing. Still.

“Do Covid Precautions Work?” asks New York Times reporter David Leonhardt. “Yes,” he concludes, “but they haven’t made a big difference.”

It’s amazing to see a journalist finally confronting all of the data we’ve discussed for over a year now.

Did Omicron spread less in the parts of the U.S. where social distancing and masking were more common?
The answer is surprisingly unclear.
It is honestly hard to write this without overmuch laughter.

Nationwide, the number of official Covid cases has recently been somewhat higher in heavily Democratic areas than Republican areas, according to The Times’s data. …
No single statistic offers a definitive answer. When I look at all the evidence, I emerge thinking that liberal areas probably had slightly lower Omicron infection rates than conservative areas. But it is difficult to be sure …
Leonhardt then commits a journalism. Rather than compare disease statistics across regions with different containment policies, he takes “Trump vote share” as a proxy for who is being more cautious. To the surprise of nobody outside the New York Times, he finds that greater Trump vote share does not correlate with higher positive test rates.

The lack of a clear pattern is itself striking. Remember, not only have Democratic voters been avoiding restaurants and wearing masks; they are also much more likely to be vaccinated and boosted (and vaccines substantially reduce the chances of infection). Combined, these factors seem as if they should have caused large differences in case rates.
Womp womp. The last two years have been nothing but the triumph of theory over evidence. I can no longer count, all the Twitter exchanges I’ve had, with people who are sure that lockdowns must work because reasons, and who can’t see that they’re nevertheless plainly not working.

The first lesson is that Covid vaccines are remarkably effective at preventing severe illness. …
The second lesson is that interventions other than vaccination — like masking and distancing — are less powerful than we might wish. How could this be, given that scientific evidence suggests that mask wearing and social distancing can reduce the spread of a virus?
This can be, because the “scientific evidence” is of low quality, politically motivated and obviously wrong. Leonhardt, though, is struggling with a very bad case of cognitive dissonance, and he prefers to think it is all down to Omicron being so infectious:

I’ve come to think of the point this way: Imagine that you carry around a six-sided die that determines whether you contract Covid, and you must roll it every time you enter an indoor space with other people. Without a mask, you will get Covid if you roll a one or a two. With a mask, you will get Covid only if you roll a one.
You can probably see the problem: Either way, you’ll almost certainly get Covid.
This is a bad analogy. It’s more like this: You need to inhale 5000 virus particles to have a good chance at infection. An infected cough releases 1 million virus particles. An effective and tightly fitted mask may stop enough droplets to keep all but 100k of those particles out of the air. Those numbers are hypothetical but you get the idea. This is why masks don’t work.

[T]here is a strong argument for continuing to remove other restrictions, and returning to normal life … If those restrictions were costless, then their small benefits might still be worth it. But of course they do have costs.
After two years of social, cultural and economic destruction, we are finally allowed to admit that non-pharmaceutical interventions have downsides.

Masks hamper people’s ability to communicate, verbally and otherwise. Social distancing leads to the isolation and disruption that have fed so many problems over the past two years — mental health troubles, elevated blood pressure, drug overdoses, violent crime, vehicle crashes and more.
If a new variant emerges, and hospitals are again at risk of being overwhelmed, then reinstating Covid restrictions may make sense again, despite their modest effects. But that’s not where the country is today.
Why would Leonhardt ever hope for a return to masks, now that he’s admitted they have no purpose?

It seemed impossible even three months ago, but it’s true: Corona is ending. It’s not over with everywhere, but it will be soon, it’s just a matter of time.

UPDATE: Various commenters report that Leonhardt has been on the containment fence for a while. Michael D’Ambrosio’s hilarious analysis:

For the full effect, you have to follow him regurgitate this story on a monthly basis the last year, each iteration, inching slowly to the obviousness of it all. [1]
I feel bad for the guy, because the final piece of the puzzle is right in front of him... if only he should for a moment re-run his "Trump counties have slightly higher mortality than Biden counties" for, say, 2019 or 2009 and discover the same pattern was there all along. He is SO CLOSE....
Or maybe he can just google "why do people die at slightly higher rates in rural areas compared to urban areas" and maybe he will find the answer all along, right from his favorite institution:
[1] (one such iteration of his "journalism" https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/08/briefing/covid-death-toll-red-america.html
I know people that rushed ( even driving to a different county) to get " the shot". I wonder how they really feel about having that concoction in their bloodstream now? I know they don't want to think about it. They don't want to be confronted. They are scared!

At this point, if a person has a heart attack, blood clot, or other medical issue after having " the shot" even years later, will the medical community investigate if it was caused by the experimental concoction?
Damn, it's like everyone is dropping the mandates everywhere.

*POOF*. Gone. Adios. It's still here, mind you...but it's also gone. Amazing. David Copperfield level ****.

Just like the Canadian Truckers and the Freedom convoy in the US...Look it up on Youtube. Nothing! No one is reporting on it for the last 10 days.

The millennial generation experienced 61,000 excess death in the second half of 2021.

CDC data shows the Millennial generation suffered a “Vietnam War event,” with more than 61,000 excess deaths in that age group in the second half of 2021, according to an analysis by a former Wall Street executive who made a career of crunching numbers at BlackRock.

Millennials, about ages 25 to 40, experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality in the fall, he said, describing it as the “worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.” It was the highest increase in excess deaths of any age group last year, seven times higher than the Silent Generation, those who are older than 85.

And the increase coincided with the vaccine mandates and the approval of the booster shots.

He said the insurance expert with whom he worked is presenting the data to a financial group and will reveal his identity. “If you’re on Wall Street and you still think Pfizer and Moderna are good buys, I’ve got news for you: There’s some catalysts coming that are probably not going to be good for holding those stocks,” he said.

Dowd said he also had examined the Pfizer clinical trial data provided by whistleblower Brook Jackson, concluding it, and the fact that Pfizer has tried to hide it, point to “clinical fraud.”

He also posted tables showing excess mortality for Gen X — about age 41 to 56 — since August 2021 was 101,000. The Baby Boomers saw 306,000 excess deaths during the same period.