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Covid Vaccine

Now that you see the comparison I made that you clearly misinterpreted, you shift to attacking it. Spin, backpedal, and dance floggy. Fact - some people do suffer long term from Covid, and some people do suffer long term from the vaccines. Prove me wrong.
There’s nothing to prove, Tim. You already stated that I would have to wait for you to be proven right. Your speculation is not proof.
"100%. Vaccine injuries happen any number of months after the jabs. Just like long covid, there are also lasting repercussions to the shots, which we don't still fully understand. We will be a decade before we understand the repercussions."
My sister had long lasting repercussions from the vax. It triggered some sort of full-body rheumatism and she could barely walk or lift her hands above her waist.
Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic are positive it came from the vaccine. She needed massive doses of Prednisone to abate it for six months which in turn made half her hair fall out.
There’s nothing to prove, Tim. You already stated that I would have to wait for you to be proven right. Your speculation is not proof.
My daughter inlaw is proof. Call her up she would love to tell you all about it.
From my standpoint, there is enough evidence, circumstantial or not, that would preclude me from ever seeking yet another booster.
Others are free to get one every 4 months for the rest of their lives if that's their choice, just don't act like you have the right to force others to do so.

I've said before, we won't have the "facts" for years, and it's way past time people begin to realize this.
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There’s nothing to prove, Tim. You already stated that I would have to wait for you to be proven right. Your speculation is not proof.

I said you would have to wait to see the full ramifications. We ALREADY know people suffer long term from the vaccines. See Ron Burgundy's post. Watch the news. Pull your head away from CNN and MNSBC.

So yeah...you do have to prove me wrong or you can just stfu.
My sister had long lasting repercussions from the vax. It triggered some sort of full-body rheumatism and she could barely walk or lift her hands above her waist.
Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic are positive it came from the vaccine. She needed massive doses of Prednisone to abate it for six months which in turn made half her hair fall out.

According to Dr. Floggy, this is pure speculation and we have no proof that your sister (if she actually even exists) went through this (if she even actually got the vax, if she actually existed). Speculation. All of it. You may not even have a sister.
Floggy: "You're speculating, we don't know if there are long term effects from the shots."

::cough cough::
  • Myocarditis - damages the heart (some or all of that damage lasts for life); symptoms and treatments can last for months or years
  • Pericarditis - can last weeks or months
  • Bell's Palsy - depending on the nerve damage, recovery can take two to six months. Some symptoms last longer, and some never fully recover.
  • Guillain Barre syndrome - can take months or years to recover from
  • We can't even get into Cardiac events and the # of people who have heart attacks within days/weeks of their shots. Many die so I guess that isn't really long term. They just be dead right away.
  • I think miscarriages cause lifelong issues for the families, no?
  • Testicular swelling, erectile dysfunction, Vaginal/Uterine Haemorrhage, menstrual disorders can all last and last and last
  • There are unknown numbers of permanently disabled people as a result of the vaccine. VAERS alone shows nearly 55,000 people. That's but ONE database for reporting
  • Thrombocytopenia can last for months/years depending on the cause of the low blood platelets
  • Hepatitis - can last for months, years
I'm not going on. Pfizer's own documents show they identified/admit to nearly 1,300 side effects of their Covid jab: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/...oc-5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf#page=30 (see page 30)
my brother is 57 years old. had never had any form of anxiety or panic attacks. 2 weeks after the shot he started getting these crazy panic attacks. he can explain why but he just al of a sudden cant catch his breathe and panics over nothing. might be coincidence but it is kinda ****** up on the timing
NIH hiding Covid-related data, refusing to comply with FOIA requests, being sued.

Because it proves it came from a lab. Whether it was for a bio-weapon or vaccine doesn't matter. What matters is they let it out and allowed it to spread around the world. They lied about bat bullshit wet market origin as a cover too while the military came in and destroyed evidence or took it away.

Yet nobody holds these clowns accountable, the lefties won't even speak ill of their commie comrades. Which tells me a lot.
My sister had long lasting repercussions from the vax. It triggered some sort of full-body rheumatism and she could barely walk or lift her hands above her waist.
Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic are positive it came from the vaccine. She needed massive doses of Prednisone to abate it for six months which in turn made half her hair fall out.
Which is very different than Nick Nemeroff not having immediate side effects and then suddenly dying from the vaccine several months later as Tim speculates.
Which is very different than Nick Nemeroff not having immediate side effects and then suddenly dying from the vaccine several months later as Tim speculates.

You have tried for 2 pages to claim there are no long term side effects to the vaccines. SMH.
Over what, a year later, it suddenly kills him? THAT makes sense to you?
100%. Vaccine injuries happen any number of months after the jabs. Just like long covid, there are also lasting repercussions to the shots, which we don't still fully understand. We will be a decade before we understand the repercussions.
This is how the argument started. You’re trying to deflect that you were absolutely wrong.
This is how the argument started. You’re trying to deflect that you were absolutely wrong.

LOL, you can neither prove it did or didn't. Given unusual excess mortality and given the long-term negative health impacts the vaccines cause, we all are well within our rights to suspect any sudden death of any young person potentially being related to the vaccines. He just "died in his sleep" at 32.
Good God.

Stunning official Canadian data show vaccines now RAISE the risk of death from Covid

Vaccinated people are now more likely to be hospitalized or die from Covid, even after adjusting for fact they're older than the unvaccinated, according to official government estimates from the Canadian province of Manitoba.

In May, the most recent month for which figures are available, only 9 percent of Covid deaths and 14 percent of hospital admissions in Manitoba occurred among unvaccinated people, even though they are 17 percent of the population.

Manitoba, which has about 1.4 million residents, also provides figures that are adjusted for the fact that vaccinated and boosted people tend to be older.
Those show that in May, vaccinated but unboosted people were about 50 percent more likely to be hospitalized or die of Covid than unvaccinated people. People who had received boosters had roughly the same risk of hospitalization or death as the unvaccinated.

(Red is unvaccinated, green is vaccinated, blue is boosted. See how the green bar is higher? That means vaccinated people are more likely to die of Covid. Otherwise, everything is fine.)

These figures and estimates differ markedly from those the Centers for Disease Control have provided for American Covid deaths. But they are likely to be far more accurate. American hospitals and health authorities classify Covid deaths and hospitalizations as occurring in the unvaccinated until proven otherwise.

Countries with national health insurance can match their vaccination registries more easily against hospital admissions and deaths, and they have consistently shown much higher percentages of Covid deaths in vaccinated people.

Still, the data from Manitoba appear to mark the first time that any government agency has actually found a higher risk of death in vaccinated people.




An analysis published Friday in the journal Science Advances found that 42% of people with regular menstrual cycles said they bled more heavily than usual after vaccination. Meanwhile, 44% reported no change and around 14% reported a lighter period. Among nonmenstruating people — those post-menopause or who use certain long-term contraceptives, for example — the study suggests many experienced breakthrough or unexpected bleeding after their Covid shots.

The survey included over 39,000 people 18 to 80 years old who were fully vaccinated and had not contracted Covid. The study authors cautioned, though, that the percentages do not necessarily represent the rate of menstrual changes in the general population, since people who observed a difference were more likely to participate. The survey’s aim was simply to provide evidence for future studies, not to establish cause and effect.
LOL, you can neither prove it did or didn't. Given unusual excess mortality and given the long-term negative health impacts the vaccines cause, we all are well within our rights to suspect any sudden death of any young person potentially being related to the vaccines. He just "died in his sleep" at 32.
Here’s another article saying you’re wrong.

Floggy: "You're speculating, we don't know if there are long term effects from the shots."

::cough cough::
  • Myocarditis - damages the heart (some or all of that damage lasts for life); symptoms and treatments can last for months or years
  • Pericarditis - can last weeks or months
  • Bell's Palsy - depending on the nerve damage, recovery can take two to six months. Some symptoms last longer, and some never fully recover.
  • Guillain Barre syndrome - can take months or years to recover from
  • We can't even get into Cardiac events and the # of people who have heart attacks within days/weeks of their shots. Many die so I guess that isn't really long term. They just be dead right away.
  • I think miscarriages cause lifelong issues for the families, no?
  • Testicular swelling, erectile dysfunction, Vaginal/Uterine Haemorrhage, menstrual disorders can all last and last and last
  • There are unknown numbers of permanently disabled people as a result of the vaccine. VAERS alone shows nearly 55,000 people. That's but ONE database for reporting
  • Thrombocytopenia can last for months/years depending on the cause of the low blood platelets
  • Hepatitis - can last for months, years
I'm not going on. Pfizer's own documents show they identified/admit to nearly 1,300 side effects of their Covid jab: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/...oc-5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf#page=30 (see page 30)
And the worst one yet.

Brain damage.
Here’s another article saying you’re wrong.

Pfizer's own documents refute this.

And I listed out all of the side effects of the vaccines that can last, in some cases, for life. A post you wouldn't touch. Each of these, and more, are side effects of the vaccines.

  • Myocarditis - damages the heart (some or all of that damage lasts for life); symptoms and treatments can last for months or years
  • Pericarditis - can last weeks or months
  • Bell's Palsy - depending on the nerve damage, recovery can take two to six months. Some symptoms last longer, and some never fully recover.
  • Guillain Barre syndrome - can take months or years to recover from
  • We can't even get into Cardiac events and the # of people who have heart attacks within days/weeks of their shots. Many die so I guess that isn't really long term. They just be dead right away.
  • I think miscarriages cause lifelong issues for the families, no?
  • Testicular swelling, erectile dysfunction, Vaginal/Uterine Haemorrhage, menstrual disorders can all last and last and last
  • There are unknown numbers of permanently disabled people as a result of the vaccine. VAERS alone shows nearly 55,000 people. That's but ONE database for reporting
  • Thrombocytopenia can last for months/years depending on the cause of the low blood platelets
  • Hepatitis - can last for months, years
Pfizer's own documents refute this.

And I listed out all of the side effects of the vaccines that can last, in some cases, for life. A post you wouldn't touch. Each of these, and more, are side effects of the vaccines.

  • Myocarditis - damages the heart (some or all of that damage lasts for life); symptoms and treatments can last for months or years
  • Pericarditis - can last weeks or months
  • Bell's Palsy - depending on the nerve damage, recovery can take two to six months. Some symptoms last longer, and some never fully recover.
  • Guillain Barre syndrome - can take months or years to recover from
  • We can't even get into Cardiac events and the # of people who have heart attacks within days/weeks of their shots. Many die so I guess that isn't really long term. They just be dead right away.
  • I think miscarriages cause lifelong issues for the families, no?
  • Testicular swelling, erectile dysfunction, Vaginal/Uterine Haemorrhage, menstrual disorders can all last and last and last
  • There are unknown numbers of permanently disabled people as a result of the vaccine. VAERS alone shows nearly 55,000 people. That's but ONE database for reporting
  • Thrombocytopenia can last for months/years depending on the cause of the low blood platelets
  • Hepatitis - can last for months, years


Reuters (in the Liberal bag) or medical studies? They've been posted. You know, by scientists, research organizations, medical doctors, universities. I'll go with them over Reuters.

I said the vaccines cause hepatitis. You provide an article saying they don't cause "hepatitis in children." LMAO. You suck at this.

Pfizer's own documents show they do cause hepatitis. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/...oc-5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf#page=30





You can choose to believe Pfizer...you know, who supposedly tested the vaccines and who tried to hide these documents (available to you via FOIA request), or you can be a sheep and believe Reuters.

You're a sheep, so.
Wow. Canada has gone full communist. Watch this exchange.
