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Covid Vaccine

Come on Floggy, SAY IT.....

Omicron is ______ lethal than Delta......

You can fill in the blank. Come on. It's right there in your Yale report. You've been spotted the C and the T. Spell CAT. Come on man....loosen your man bun, take your tampon out and just spit it out.
But that’s not what you said…
Floggy...it's really simple. The INITIAL variant was the most deadly. Subsequent variants HAVE BEEN LESS SO. Those are facts.
Quit trying to change the argument.
I looked into that. 12 pills a day. Do you notice any benefit?

I do what wifey says, benefit? I feel good. I just do 6. 2 of each every morning. then before work take a mitomaxO2 and a Deepblue.
be prepared to spend approximately 200 bucks a mo. for 2.

Sne also into all this essential oil stuff.
yes honey, whatever you say.
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FFS, the second damn paragraph refutes the theory that viruses always weaken as they mutate.
second paragraph absolutely does state that.
for reference:

Although new variants are an expected part of the evolution of viruses, monitoring each one that surfaces is essential in ensuring we—in the U.S. and globally—are prepared. This is especially true if a new variant is more aggressive, highly transmissible, vaccine-resistant, able to cause more severe disease—or all of the above, compared with the original strain of the virus.

yet, somehow, someway as they list the variants, that isnt the case as they fizzle out.
how conveniently odd, Flog. how conveniently odd. o.d.d. odd.
But that’s not what you said…

Quit trying to change the argument.

You're like a NYT reporter that takes messages out of context so as to twist.

My first statement you won't quote was

Notice how he conveniently leaves out the scientific fact that viruses generally mutate over time and become more contagious but less lethal. It's the natural evolution of viruses.


Except this virus has in fact followed the evolution that I said "MOST" viruses do. Covid19 has mutated and with each mutation has become more contagious and less lethal.

Now can you point to a variant in the rapidly changing 2 years that was perhaps a tad more lethal by some measure? Sure.

But when you track the lethality of the variants from beginning to where we are now, the line on the graph for lethality has dropped over time (with variations). Covid is following the pattern of nearly every other virus ever.

Now go on and say it....

Omicron is less_________________than Delta....

Fill in the blanks...LMAO
FFS, the second damn paragraph refutes the theory that viruses always weaken as they mutate.
No one said they always do. They usually do. And appear to be doing so in this case. Weaken not meaning less contagious but meaning less virulent-which is not just due to the virus itself mutating to a weaker version but also due to the immunity in the population from previous infections. I mean logic (and science) tells us that the original mutation would likely be the most dangerous because it was so novel to human immune systems.
No one said they always do. They usually do. And appear to be doing so in this case. Weaken not meaning less contagious but meaning less virulent-which is not just due to the virus itself mutating to a weaker version but also due to the immunity in the population from previous infections. I mean logic (and science) tells us that the original mutation would likely be the most dangerous because it was so novel to human immune systems.
No one said they always do. They usually do. And appear to be doing so in this case. Weaken not meaning less contagious but meaning less virulent-which is not just due to the virus itself mutating to a weaker version but also due to the immunity in the population from previous infections. I mean logic (and science) tells us that the original mutation would likely be the most dangerous because it was so novel to human immune systems.
We’re discussing Covid. Tim’s “facts” are wrong.
The INITIAL variant was the most deadly. Subsequent variants HAVE BEEN LESS SO. Those are facts.
In general, Viruses mutate down. This is probably due to simple evolution. More deadly strains kill off the transmitters. People that survive them have sufficient immune responses. That is why most real problematic illnesses are either first time strain or a strain that has been out of circulation for a long time, like the swine flu a decade ago… they do become more contagious in many cases though…

The one exception is when a highly deadly virus like ebola mutates down to a less deadly version that meets that perfect ratio of contagious level- transmission time- and lethality.. so it spreads well plus kills lots of people… fortunately we haven’t seen that since the dark ages
While this is mildly entertaining, I'm not sure what the purpose of this thread is anymore.

Madinsomniac's last post pretty much covers it, and Flog's avatar title is spot on.
It's mostly Tim trying to talk sense to Floggy, which I learned a long time ago is a waste of time.
Democrats good, Republicans bad.
Democrats right, Republicans wrong.
Bend everything to fit.
We’re discussing Covid. Tim’s “facts” are wrong.

And as pointed out, you have selectively removed the comments from the context.

You've now reduced yourself to nitpicking to try to win a point.

I've already corrected you on this and you know exactly what the context was.

And you now have multiple people correcting your ridiculous stance.
Yep. Berenson was right.
Also Deborah Birx, aka "Scarflett O'Hara", now saying that she knew the vaccines wouldn't be very effective.
Kinda wondered why she quietly retired in the middle of the pandemic.

I looked into that. 12 pills a day. Do you notice any benefit?
San Diego Steeler and Indy Steel

Look at Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.5.
I drink this everyday and have for 3 years now.
I noticed an immediate difference, and the rare times I have missed a day for whatever reason, it is very noticeable.
Remember when Hank Gathers died on the court due to a cardiac event and everyone was so stunned because it was so rare? Now, it's just run of the mill stuff.

Damn. Just read through all of this. Look through the sources. ****.

One of my favorite parts was this data from Australia. The chart below represents hospitalizations (both ICU and non-ICU).

Light blue - unvaccinated. Green - 4 f'ing doses of vaccines. Notice how the unvaccinated bars remain consistent over time and the rise in the green bars...the more doses, the more vulnerable you are to hospitalization.

Also, last November, Reuters was reporting people unvaccinated were 16x more likely to die than those vaxed. Their latest data? 1.3x. With passing time...funny how that number drops.

It gets worse when you compare the extreme ends of the official NSW dose-response data: the unvaccinated versus those vaccinated with four or more doses.



People who’ve received four doses or more are around 100 times more likely to be hospitalized than those who are unvaccinated.

Pay attention to the UK data analyses as well.
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It's mostly Tim trying to talk sense to Floggy, which I learned a long time ago is a waste of time.
Democrats good, Republicans bad.
Democrats right, Republicans wrong.
Bend everything to fit.

It's a waste of time. Much like the current administration and 8 years of Obama.

Some people just can't and won't admit to being wrong. Ever. Period!

Even when the truth is as bright as the sun. They'll deny it. It's really interesting to observe.

I find it strange. If I'm wrong about something, **** I'll be the first to say it. Dang I was totally wrong on that.

This covid cold mutation is now nothing more than a political fear tool they will use to every benefit they can squeeze out of it.
More bad vaccine news. Yes I know, Berenson big bad. 'Cept...here's the study and the summary: https://www.researchgate.net/public...rm_differential_analysis_among_municipalities

We could not observe a mortality-reducing effect of vaccination in Dutch municipalities after vaccination and booster campaigns. We did find a 4-sigma-significant mortality-enhancing effect during the two periods of high unexplained excess mortality. Our results add to other recent findings of zero mRna-vaccine effectiveness on all-cause mortality, calling for more research on this topic.

New paper suggests Covid mRNA vaccination rates are linked to increases in overall deaths

Higher use of Covid mRNA shots correlates with a small but notable increase in all-cause mortality, according to a new paper from a Dutch researcher.

The paper draws on Dutch city- and town-level data on vaccinations and deaths to show that areas with high Covid vaccination rates have recently had high rates of all-cause mortality - deaths of all types, Covid or not.

Like many other European countries with high vaccination rates, the Netherlands has had high all-cause mortality for most of the last year, even when Covid deaths are excluded.

(Today, European statisticians reported yet another week of above-normal mortality, with almost 8,000 more weekly deaths than would be expected in midsummer:)
The finding in the new paper is particularly striking because the Netherlands has very high Covid vaccination levels nationally, so the differences between cities are relatively small. Almost every city had vaccination rates between 70 and 90 percent - mostly mRNA shots from Pfizer and Moderna, along with some DNA/AAV vaccines.

The paper found a “vaccination-correlated mortality rate” of about 5 percent of total mortality, meaning that 5 percent of deaths were skewed in patterns that reflected vaccination rates.

As the paper explains, the pattern does not prove that vaccinations actually caused those deaths, merely that the correlation exists. Still, since last summer, highly vaccinated countries have generally posted non-Covid death increases of 5 to 10 percent, the 5 percent figure is far from implausible.

A 5 percent increase in deaths may seem small, but by historical standards it is a huge annual change. It would translate into almost 175,000 extra deaths annually in the United States and more in Europe.


Redert finishes his discussion by acknowledging his paper’s “many shortcomings,” including its lack of age-stratified data, but writes:

Our main result remains alarming and calls for more research on the effect of current covid vaccines on all-cause mortality.
Brenson. I will have to look them up. Thanks Trog, by being a dumb *** you brought out info that I did not know about.

Alex Berenson, specifically. Former New York Times writer believe it or not. Has a Substack you can subscribe to or just visit. Main topic he writes about is Covid. Much of the time he posts about medical studies and research he finds.

Alex Berenson is a former New York Times reporter and the author of 13 novels, three non-fiction books, and the Unreported Truths booklets. His newest book, PANDEMIA, on the coronavirus and our response to it, was published on Nov. 30

It's a waste of time. Much like the current administration and 8 years of Obama.

Some people just can't and won't admit to being wrong. Ever. Period!

Even when the truth is as bright as the sun. They'll deny it. It's really interesting to observe.

I find it strange. If I'm wrong about something, **** I'll be the first to say it. Dang I was totally wrong on that.

This covid cold mutation is now nothing more than a political fear tool they will use to every benefit they can squeeze out of it.
we-dont-dump-food-on-the-floor-not-im-watching-1284730.pngThe current Dim party.
It's mostly Tim trying to talk sense to Floggy, which I learned a long time ago is a waste of time.
Democrats good, Republicans bad.
Democrats right, Republicans wrong.
Bend everything to fit.
Yep, this thread became boring long ago, watching Tim destroy Flog the dumbass was entertaining for awhile but got old really fast when it became apparent the dumbass Biden voter was incapable of learning anything,
Yep, this thread became boring long ago, watching Tim destroy Flog the dumbass was entertaining for awhile but got old really fast when it became apparent the dumbass Biden voter was incapable of learning anything,
Yeah, it's pretty pointless and has been for a long time. But, I keep checking in here. It is like re-watching Super Bowl XXX twice a day for the last 20 years and hoping for a different outcome.