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Covid Vaccine

Excerpts below. SADS seems to be real.

US Life Expectancy Falls Again in ‘Historic’ Decline

Aside from COVID, causes of death listed as contributors to this loss of life expectancy include accidental deaths, drug overdoses, heart disease, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. As you might expect, the idea that the COVID shots might have something to do with it is completely dismissed, even though it’s the proverbial elephant in the room...

Across the world, excess mortality has dramatically risen since the start of the pandemic, and barely a day now goes by without a healthy adult suddenly dropping dead with no apparent cause. People have died during live broadcasts, in the middle of speeches and during dinner.

Clearly, they were feeling well enough to go to work, to an event or a restaurant, and something caused them to instantaneously die without warning. These are the people making up these excess death statistics. They shouldn’t be dead, yet something took them out.

While COVID-positive deaths were part of the equation in 2020, excess deaths really took off after the rollout of the COVID jabs, and in 2021 far exceeded deaths labeled as COVID deaths.4...

Healthy Athletes Dropping Dead at Record Numbers

Campbell also reviews the individual case of Rob Wardell, a 37-year-old champion mountain biker who died in his sleep mere days after winning the Scottish MTB XC championship.6 His partner, Katie Archibald tweeted:7

“I still don’t understand what’s happened; if this is real; why he’d be taken now — so healthy and happy. He went into cardiac arrest while we were lying in bed. I tried and tried, and the paramedics arrived within minutes, but his heart stopped and they couldn’t bring him back.”
Wardell is just one of several hundred athletes who have suddenly dropped dead, worldwide, and the one common denominator is that they all had one or more COVID jabs.

Between January 2021 and August 2022 (a period of 19 months), at least 1,249 athletes suffered cardiac arrest or collapse after COVID injection, and at least 847 died,8 with more being recorded as reports come in. Historically, the annual average of sudden death in athletes has been between 299 and 69,10 so this is clearly nowhere near normal, regardless of what the “fact checkers” say.

Campbell goes on to review a paper in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology,11,12 which notes that 80% of athletes who die suddenly have no symptoms of family history of heart disease.

The authors suggest using genetic testing to identify athletes at risk of sudden cardiac death. Still, with the dramatic uptick in athletes suddenly dying, it seems beyond unreasonable to attribute such deaths to undiagnosed preexisting heart disease.

Excess Death Trends in England and Wales

Excess deaths are also soaring in England and Wales.16 As reported by The Telegraph17 August 18, 2022, for 14 out of the past 15 weeks, England and Wales have averaged an extra 1,000 non-COVID deaths per week above the seven-year average, and the percentage of people dying at home is disproportionally higher than expected (28.1% higher than statistical norm).

If this trajectory continues, the number of non-COVID excess deaths in the U.K. will outpace COVID deaths in 2022.
According to The Telegraph, the spike in excess deaths became very noticeable around the end of April 2022, and if this trajectory continues, the number of non-COVID excess deaths will outpace COVID deaths in 2022. The top three causes of non-COVID deaths in England and Wales are currently cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancers.18

Excess Deaths Should Be BELOW Average in 2022

Campbell also reviews data19 from the British Office for National Statistics that highlight an important point. People who under normal circumstances would have died in 2022 from old age and natural causes, already died from COVID, either in 2020 or 2021.

COVID (and state-enforced mistreatment of patients) caused the premature death of many, even if only by some months or a couple of years. And, since so many elderly had already died who statistically should have died this year, the excess death rate in 2022 should actually be BELOW average. But it’s not. It’s way higher so, clearly, something is very wrong.

People who should have decades of life expectancy left are the ones dying. As just one example, “an unprecedented series of sudden deaths among healthy children and adolescents” is being reported in Greece,20 and “forensic experts are unable to provide any clear explanation for this.” Between January 2020 and June 2022, unexplained deaths among children under the age of 19 rose from 70 to 138.

What’s Killing Younger Healthy People?

Since COVID-19 isn’t killing younger, healthy people, what is? What changed in 2021 that might have such a devastating effect on people’s health? Well, the most obvious change is that 67.7% of the global population has received at least one dose of the experimental COVID shots,21 and doctors and scientists have elucidated several mechanisms by which these gene transfer technologies might injure or kill. As reported by vaccine safety blogger Steve Kirsch:22

“Normally death rates don’t change at all. They are very stable. It would take something REALLY BIG to have an effect this big. The effect size is 12-sigma.23 That is an event that would only happen by pure chance every 2.832 billion years. That’s very rare. It’s basically never.
The universe is only 14 billion years old which is 1.413. In other words, the event that happened is not a statistical ‘fluke.’ Something caused a very big change … Whatever it is that is causing this, it is bigger and deadlier than COVID and it’s affecting nearly everyone.”
What you did was misquote the article. Badly. You butchered it. You really do suck at this Flog.

Your quote: "At four weeks, vaccine 63.2% effective for previously uninfected vs. immunity from SARS Cov-2 of 62.9%". You cherry picked data and tried to blend it together in a new sentence, and change the context, once again. You messed up weeks with months, badly. You compared 63.2% (vaccinated immunity at 4 WEEKS, the peak) with 62.9% (natural immunity at 4 MONTHS). At 4 MONTHS, vaccinated immunity was 15.5% LOL. At 4 months, natural immunity was at 62.9%....

What the article actually said: "Among unvaccinated children, the estimated effectiveness of omicron infection against reinfection with omicron was 90.7% at 2 months and 62.9% at 4 months"

Months. Not weeks. MONTHS.

"sO you'Re sAyInG vAkSeeN GooDer"
- Dr. Floggy
The vaccines DON'T FREAKING WORK! Period, end of story. That has become totally obvious at this point. It was a great idea, and I'm sure a lot of us were on board with it in the beginning, but now we know.
Maybe if you have risk factors for dying from this man made virus, then it might be worth the risk to get jabbed. But for the average person, nah. I've seen personally too many people have strange health issues pop up immediately after the shot, with one friend of my brothers drop dead. (still trying to find out details on that one)
As I sit here bored out of my mind with the Chinese flu, ya, it ain't no joke. I'm only on day 2, but as of now I do not regret deciding to not ever get another covid shot.
The vaccines DON'T FREAKING WORK! Period, end of story. That has become totally obvious at this point. It was a great idea, and I'm sure a lot of us were on board with it in the beginning, but now we know.
Maybe if you have risk factors for dying from this man made virus, then it might be worth the risk to get jabbed. But for the average person, nah. I've seen personally too many people have strange health issues pop up immediately after the shot, with one friend of my brothers drop dead. (still trying to find out details on that one)
As I sit here bored out of my mind with the Chinese flu, ya, it ain't no joke. I'm only on day 2, but as of now I do not regret deciding to not ever get another covid shot.

Nor will you later. You'll be thankful. You'll have NATURAL immunity vs. MAN MADE injected who knows what. And that natural immunity in every study everywhere so far proves to be better than the shot. See my analysis of the NEJM article. Actually you don't need to analyze it. It states it clearly that natural immunity is superior.

Just hope you don't lose tastes/smell or have long covid. Rare. Otherwise, you're stronger for having it.
Nor will you later. You'll be thankful. You'll have NATURAL immunity vs. MAN MADE injected who knows what. And that natural immunity in every study everywhere so far proves to be better than the shot. See my analysis of the NEJM article. Actually you don't need to analyze it. It states it clearly that natural immunity is superior.

Just hope you don't lose tastes/smell or have long covid. Rare. Otherwise, you're stronger for having it.

I'm pounding the supplements and so far so good. Already feeling much better. Fever seems to be gone. Still tired and dizzy with a headache.
The first day was a real kick in the ***, but how I feel now, I've had colds that felt worse.
Flog, when you look at this chart, the number of deaths is on the side and years are at the bottom, not the opposite like you will mis-interpret.
you're welcome. just trying to keep you from looking like more of a clown than you are.


Of course. Great article. From the corrupt NPR, no less.

"Researchers??? I listen to what MEDIKULL DOKTORS say!!! The arrogance!" /Floggy

Floggy, Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California and her researchers are mentioned throughout the article. Floggy? Flog? Fl.....

Of course. Great article. From the corrupt NPR, no less.

"Researchers??? I listen to what MEDIKULL DOKTORS say!!! The arrogance!" /Floggy

Floggy, Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California and her researchers are mentioned throughout the article. Floggy? Flog? Fl.....

it say SIENTISSES - not medikul doktorus1!!!
Doktur Jill be have this under kuntrowl


Vaccine-Injured Pilots Scared to Come Forward​

Freedom Flyers Founder Josh Yoder​

No commentary.


New study by Hopkins and Harvard medical researchers warns against boosters for young adults…

MeDikAL DoKturs!


We estimate that 22,000 - 30,000 previously uninfected adults aged 18-29 must be boosted with an mRNA vaccine to prevent one COVID-19 hospitalisation. Using CDC and sponsor-reported adverse event data, we find that booster mandates may cause a net expected harm: per COVID-19 hospitalisation prevented in previously uninfected young adults, we anticipate 18 to 98 serious adverse events, including 1.7 to 3.0 booster-associated myocarditis cases in males, and 1,373 to 3,234 cases of grade ≥3 reactogenicity which interferes with daily activities. Given the high prevalence of post-infection immunity, this risk-benefit profile is even less favourable.

University booster mandates are unethical because:
1) no formal risk-benefit assessment exists for this age group;
2) vaccine mandates may result in a net expected harm to individual young people;
3) mandates are not proportionate: expected harms are not outweighed by public health benefits given the modest and transient effectiveness of vaccines against transmission;
4) US mandates violate the reciprocity principle because rare serious vaccine-related harms will not be reliably compensated due to gaps in current vaccine injury schemes;
5) mandates create wider social harms.

Flog, you can take your 15 masks off now

Flog, you can take your 15 masks off now

Floggy: "Over? Over!? It will never, ever be over and it will never, ever NOT be deadly!! JFC!!"


Flog, you can take your 15 masks off now
When the monkey pox vax comes out, I highly recommend trog get it.
When the monkey pox vax comes out, I highly recommend trog get it.

You're acting like he hasn't already had it twice.
Here is the real question… last I heard tgere wasn’t a side effects warning sheet with the covid vax because it was too new to have proven side effects…. If there hasn’t been enough time to determine the side effects, how in the ******* world do they get to say its proven to be safe?
Here is the real question… last I heard tgere wasn’t a side effects warning sheet with the covid vax because it was too new to have proven side effects…. If there hasn’t been enough time to determine the side effects, how in the ******* world do they get to say its proven to be safe?
i'm waiting for them to say the WooFloo Fakesine is also helpful to prevent various other diseases.
i'm waiting for them to say the WooFloo Fakesine is also helpful to prevent various other diseases.
They already did. Biden alluded that the vax can prevent cancer. That was the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
Here is the real question… last I heard tgere wasn’t a side effects warning sheet with the covid vax because it was too new to have proven side effects…. If there hasn’t been enough time to determine the side effects, how in the ******* world do they get to say its proven to be safe?
No worries!!
The Pfizer Phase 1 study endpoint is Nov 22, 2022. So, after the scientists compile the data, do the "science thing" then they will tell us about the safety.
FDA has a long established process for this, just so that dangerous drugs do not get into the population.