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Covid Vaccine

And I certainly don’t want to believe Covid itself is responsible for many of the excess deaths because my entire family has had it, most of us twice. But I have seen nothing that disproves that theory 🤷🏻‍♀️

I agree. Likewise, nothing we have seen disproves the theory that the vaccines are leading to excess mortality.

We have seen factual evidence that the CDC is 'not' investigating VAERS reports....
That autopsies of suspected vaccine deaths are not happening.....
That Israel didn't study their "VAERS" reports for over a year....
That when Israel DID commission outside virology experts to study them, they found damning results THEN covered it up because it was that bad...

We all, every one of us, have reason to continue to suspect the vaccines are killing and injuring far more people than they should be.

Reference Zona's post. Far less dangerous drugs/vaccines have been pulled from the market. These vaccines simply aren't even studied as they should be. That's not even up for argument.

Let's hope Ron Desantis' decree goes through and real studies happen. Then maybe we will all find out the truth. I hoped we could depend on Israel. We were let down.
Does it get any more damning than this? I can't wait for the Twitter dump that concerns Covid and the Government.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Legal (AFL) released the fourth set of shocking documents obtained from litigation against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealing further concrete evidence of collusion between the CDC and social media companies to censor free speech and silence the public square under the government’s label of “misinformation.”

This nearly 600-page release of documents contains new appalling information. Among these include the fact that Twitter ran a “Partner Support Portal” for government employees and other “stakeholders” to submit posts that it would remove or flag as “misinformation” on its platform. Documents obtained by AFL show Twitter enrolling one government employee, through their personal Twitter account, into this Portal. We know from other publicly related documents, that Facebook has copied this approach for election-related censorship.

This production also reveals that the U.S. government was actively working to “socially inoculate”–or brainwashing–the public against anything that threatened its narrative. It did so by using aligned Big Tech corporations to monitor and manipulate users for the purposes of censoring unapproved information and pushing government propaganda. For example, Facebook sent written materials to the CDC in which it bragged about censoring more than sixteen million “pieces of content” containing opinions or information the U.S. government wanted suppressed.

Finally, the documents reveal the CDC was “collaborating with UNICEF, WHO and IFCN member and leading civil society organization Mafindo” to mitigate “disinformation.”
Mafindo is a Facebook third-party fact-checking partner based in Indonesia that is funded by Google.

What is clear is that the United States government, Big Tech platforms, and international organizations were fully entangled in an intricate campaign to violate the First Amendment, to silence the American people, and to censor dissenting views.

AFL’s first release of documents revealed the explicit collusion between the CDC and Big Tech to censor what the Biden Administration deemed “misinformation” and push covert COVID-19 propaganda. AFL’s second release built the evidentiary record showing that CDC specifically sent Facebook and Twitter-specific posts to take down, throttle, censor, or flag. AFL’s third release revealed that the CDC’s mask guidance policies for school children were driven by political polling by liberal dark money group The Kaiser Family Foundation rather than science.

Read through as we highlight the most damning findings from this fourth production of government documents:


  • In August 2021, the head of Google’s News Lab for the Asia Pacific region (“APAC”), Irene Jay Liu, emailed CDC Vaccine Confidence Strategist Elisabeth Wilhelm to invite her to the APAC “Trusted Media Summit.” (pg. 404)

  • CDC’s Vaccine Confidence Strategist then emailed the event planner for Google’s APAC Trusted Media Summit, noting her excitement over being invited to what she referred to as “the coolest misinformation fighting speakeasy.” (pg. 404)

  • She was then invited to the summit to give a keynote addressing how the CDC was working with WHO and other international organizations to address a so-called “infodemic” and using “social inoculation” to mitigate it. (pg. 425)


  • On May 10, 2021, Todd O’Boyle at Twitter recommended Carol Crawford at CDC to enroll in Twitter’s Partner Support Portal, which he described as “the best way to get a spreadsheet like this reviewed.” (pg. 183)
  • He also indicated that Tweets sent by Carol had either already been “actioned” and if they had not, he would ask the “team to review.”

  • On May 11, 2021, the CDC official enrolled her personal Twitter account into Twitter’s Partner Support Portal, which allowed “a special, expedited reporting flow in the Twitter Help Center.” (pg. 182)


  • Included in this release of documents is a Facebook slide deck that appears to show Facebook acting as an editor and content moderator, boasting its extensive censorship work to the CDC.
  • Specifically, Facebook brags, “We remove claims about the existence or severity of COVID-19 … includ[ing] Claims that COVID-19 is no more dangerous … than the common flu or cold.” (pg. 46)

  • Facebook uses incredibly vague and nebulous standards to judge information (pg. 50).

  • In its “Widely Debunked Vaccine Hoaxes” section, Facebook even claims that “natural immunity is safer than vaccine acquired immunity” despite 1) widespread knowledge at the time that the vaccines did not prevent transmission and 2) what we now know: more vaccinated people are dying now than unvaccinated. (pg. 51).

  • Finally, Facebook boasts of removing over 16 Million posts on Facebook and Instagram, including over 2 million between February and May 19, 2021. (pg. 53):

Statement from Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Vice-President and General Counsel:

In recent months, millions of Americans have witnessed the peeling of the ‘misinformation’ onion. Beneath each layer of shocking details about a partnership between the federal government and Big Tech is yet another layer of connections, conspiracy, and collaboration between power centers that seek to suppress information from the American people. We are proud to play a leading role in fighting for the rights of all Americans and revealing this vital information to the American people,” said Gene Hamilton.
Medical Doctors. Excerpts below.

COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Myocarditis and Pericarditis​

A growing body of peer-reviewed scientific evidence links heart issues with the mRNA vaccines.

So much so that the CDC and other government authorities in the United States and around the world now recognize that the COVID-19 vaccines are causing myocarditis—heart inflammation which is considered more severe than pericarditis because it causes inflammation of the heart muscle.

In June 2022, the FDA’s Tom Shimabukuro, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A., identified as part of the CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Coordination Unit, reported that: “Current evidence supports a causal association between mRNA COVID-19 vaccination and myocarditis and pericarditis.”

Six months later, as of Dec. 2, 2022, there have been a total of 35,718 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis reported to the government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.

An Australian Cardiologist Speaks Out​

After witnessing as many as 70 cases of vaccine-related heart conditions similar to Eskandar’s, Australian Cardiologist Dr. Ross Walker is now saying publicly that he believes there should be a ban on the use of mRNA booster vaccines.

According to Walker, the mRNA vaccines are “very pro-inflammatory,” he told Daily Mail Australia. “ He contended that The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization should never have mandated mRNA vaccines.

“I’ve seen many people getting vaccine reactions, who get symptoms for about three to six months afterwards,” Walker said. “I’ve seen 60-70 patients in my own practice over the past 12 months who have had similar reactions.”https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-... myocarditis,after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.

Those reactions have included shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and chest pain, he continued.

Eskandar said that even though her symptoms began immediately after the vaccine, doctors originally denied the connection, telling her it only happens to teenage boys.

“You can’t breathe,” she said. “You can’t sit, you can’t lay down. It’s horrible. You actually feel like you’re having a heart attack.”

Changing Recommendations​

After conducting a thorough review of the scientific evidence, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the Florida Surgeon General, directed his state to no longer recommend any COVID-19 vaccines for men under 39 because of safety concerns.

Drs. Walker and Ladapo are not the only medical professionals voicing concerns about the safety, efficacy, and necessity of the COVID-19 vaccines, especially for children and young adults.

Among the doctors who have called for the COVID-19 vaccination campaigns to be halted is Japanese cardiovascular surgeon Dr. Kenji Yamamoto. In a letter published in the peer-reviewed journal Virology, Yamamoto argued that the COVID-19 booster shots are not safe.

In particular, Yamamoto voiced concern over an adverse effect of the vaccine known as vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT). Not only that, but since the administration of the vaccine, Yamamoto has seen an increase in the risk of infection among his patients at the Okamura Memorial Hospital in Shizuoka in Japan. Specifically, he cites that many of his patients have contracted severe infections due to “inflammation after heart surgery.” Yamamoto believes that his patients’ suppressed immunity is a result of COVID-19 vaccination.

A Turning Tide?​

Several high-profile medical doctors have themselves experienced severe side effects after being vaccinated.

Vaccine researcher Dr. Gregory Poland from Rochester, Minnesota has been struggling with life-debilitating tinnitus.

Belgian immunologist, whom The Atlantic described as “one of Europe’s best-known champions of medical research,” Michel Goldman, was battling lymphoma. He had devastating side effects after his third Pfizer vaccine: severe night sweats, exhaustion, and engorged lymph nodes.

A scan taken after the vaccine revealed that the 67-year-old had a barrage of new lesions, “like someone had set off fireworks inside [his] body.”

Goldman suspected that the COVID booster had made him sicker. His brother, who is also a doctor as well as the head of nuclear medicine at the Université Libre de Bruxelles hospital, suspected as much as well.

The rapid progression of Goldman’s angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma following the BNT162b2 mRNA booster was published as a peer-reviewed case report in the journal Frontiers in Medicine in November 2021. Since its publication, the case study has been viewed 383,411 times.

While Poland and Goldman still seem to be champions of COVID-19 vaccines, many doctors who once advocated for universal COVID-19 vaccination have since changed their minds.

British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra initially encouraged the widespread use of COVID-19 vaccines.

But then Malhotra’s father passed away suddenly of cardiac arrest after receiving the jab.

His father’s death prompted Malhotra to begin researching the safety profile of the vaccines. Based on his findings, he no longer believes the theoretical benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the very real risks.

Politicians are also becoming more vocal about ending vaccine mandates.

On Dec. 7, 2022, Senator Ron Johnson led a roundtable discussion called Covid-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries.

The next day, the House voted for an $858 Billion Defense Bill that included a repeal of the vaccine mandate for the military.

COVID-19 Infection Milder, COVID-19 Vaccines Not Safe or Effective​

Cardiologist Dr. Ross Walker called to halt only the mRNA vaccines for young adults in favor of non-mRNA options. But a growing body of scientific literature (some of which has been retracted for political reasons), as well as state data and testimony from clinicians, has shown that none of the existing COVID-19 vaccines is as safe or effective as advertised.

At the same time, with Omicron and other strains replacing the other, more virulent SARS-CoV-2 variants, COVID-19 infection seems to be becoming milder.

Dr. Malhotra said in a recent interview “… this vaccine is not completely safe, and has unprecedented harms”. He concluded in a peer-reviewed article published in the Journal of Insulin Resistance that a “pause and reappraisal of global vaccination policies for COVID-19 is long overdue.”
Says the expert on nothing.

Dumbshit, the point is this: The data show a LOT of excess death in a nation with 96% double-shot.

The excess death number EXCLUDES Covid deaths. Statisticians can literally plug in the well-documented mortality rate for the 96% double-shot and the 4% not double-shot x the number of Covid cases and get a number. They did that. The excess death figure is STILL far too high.

So the nation has excess deaths NOT caused directly by Covid infection. With me so far?????

Since 96% of the population has double-shots, TSF ponders if perhaps - stay with me here - the excess deaths might in fact be related to the shots. He notes the numerous studies showing heart disease triggered by the shots, the documented surge of healthy young people dropping dead, and says perhaps there is a causal relationship between the shots and the excess deaths, particularly where nobody has come up with a more viable alternative. Zona says that more study is needed and notes several approved medications pulled from the market due to serious side-effects.

You say, "shOw mE StuDyiEs ProViNg VaX caUz DeAd PeoPLe."

Your turn, Floggy SB.
I love how “genocidal” has changed to “perhaps a causal relationship”.

The vast majority of people wear seatbelts and the number of traffic fatalities has recently increased. Does that mean there is perhaps a causal relationship between a wearing seatbelt and being killed in a traffic accident?
I love how “genocidal” has changed to “perhaps a causal relationship”.

The vast majority of people wear seatbelts and the number of traffic fatalities has recently increased. Does that mean there is perhaps a causal relationship between a wearing seatbelt and being killed in a traffic accident?
Thats my analogy. You can't have it!
I love how “genocidal” has changed to “perhaps a causal relationship”.

The vast majority of people wear seatbelts and the number of traffic fatalities has recently increased. Does that mean there is perhaps a causal relationship between a wearing seatbelt and being killed in a traffic accident?
no, it's because you libtards are building smaller "climate friendly" cars that crush their owners when hitting a traffic cone. And to top it off, you call it a "smart car" oh, the irony!
no, it's because you libtards are building smaller "climate friendly" cars that crush their owners when hitting a traffic cone. And to top it off, you call it a "smart car" oh, the irony!
No, todays cars are much safer than the tanks that were driven decades ago.
I think we can all agree with Berenson's comments here.

1/ I realize talking about this stinks. I realize many (perhaps most) people who got the mRNAs are aware that they were deceived - even if they will never admit it. They have no plans to get more or let their kids have the shots and just want to forget that 2021 ever happened...
2/ But we can't, in part because the hard core of mRNA fanatics in the public health bureaucracy will not stop pushing the shots - and in part because the mandates last year must NEVER be repeated, and that means letting people know the severity of the risk forced on them...
3/ And I can talk about the stunning rise in all-cause mortality over and over - but unfortunately, one individual story is likely to have much more impact. (Which is exactly why the vaccine advocates constantly highlighted the deaths of unvaccinated people last year.)
4/ I'm sorry if Grant Wohl's family prefers no one discuss what might have caused his death. But he was a public figure and publicly pro-mRNA shot and his wife is a huge jab advocate. Trying to shame/silence those of us raising serious questions about mRNA safety will not fly...
5/ Especially since mRNA advocates have spent far too much time finger-wagging and too little actually investigating potential issues around the vaccines for almost two years now. So, no, I will not stop trying to figure out how risky these novel biological products really are...
6/ I just wish some of the people who spent 2021 trying to force them into the arms of BILLIONS of people would join me in that investigation.

One might even say they have an obligation to do so.

Grant's cause of death revealed. Written by his wife, huge mRNA proponent, as was Grant:

An autopsy was performed by the New York City Medical Examiner’s Office. Grant died from the rupture of a slowly growing, undetected ascending aortic aneurysm with hemopericardium. The chest pressure he experienced shortly before his death may have represented the initial symptoms. No amount of CPR or shocks would have saved him. His death was unrelated to COVID. His death was unrelated to vaccination status. There was nothing nefarious about his death.

These types of aneurysms are a known side effect of the vaccines.

But she's sure it had nothing to do with the vaccine. Which was not proven.
I think we can all agree with Berenson's comments here.

1/ I realize talking about this stinks. I realize many (perhaps most) people who got the mRNAs are aware that they were deceived - even if they will never admit it. They have no plans to get more or let their kids have the shots and just want to forget that 2021 ever happened...
2/ But we can't, in part because the hard core of mRNA fanatics in the public health bureaucracy will not stop pushing the shots - and in part because the mandates last year must NEVER be repeated, and that means letting people know the severity of the risk forced on them...
3/ And I can talk about the stunning rise in all-cause mortality over and over - but unfortunately, one individual story is likely to have much more impact. (Which is exactly why the vaccine advocates constantly highlighted the deaths of unvaccinated people last year.)
4/ I'm sorry if Grant Wohl's family prefers no one discuss what might have caused his death. But he was a public figure and publicly pro-mRNA shot and his wife is a huge jab advocate. Trying to shame/silence those of us raising serious questions about mRNA safety will not fly...
5/ Especially since mRNA advocates have spent far too much time finger-wagging and too little actually investigating potential issues around the vaccines for almost two years now. So, no, I will not stop trying to figure out how risky these novel biological products really are...
6/ I just wish some of the people who spent 2021 trying to force them into the arms of BILLIONS of people would join me in that investigation.

One might even say they have an obligation to do so.

Grant's cause of death revealed. Written by his wife, huge mRNA proponent, as was Grant:

These types of aneurysms are a known side effect of the vaccines.

But she's sure it had nothing to do with the vaccine. Which was not proven.
You do know that there was such a thing as aortic aneurysms before there was ever such a thing as a covid vaccine, don't you?

What evidence do you have that these are a "known side effect of the vaccines"?
You do know that there was such a thing as aortic aneurysms before there was ever such a thing as a covid vaccine, don't you?

What evidence do you have that these are a "known side effect of the vaccines"?

I do know that.

Heart attacks and myocarditis and pericarditis and countless other maladies happened before the vaccines too.

Pfizer's side effects documents listed a couple hundred side effects, including these types of aneurysms.

You can no more prove the vaccine didn't cause it than I can prove it did.

Back to the point of all of my posts...they should be investigated. Like VAERS, they are not being.

Do you support real analysis of these reports and the potential damages the vaccines are causing?
You do know that there was such a thing as aortic aneurysms before there was ever such a thing as a covid vaccine, don't you?

What evidence do you have that these are a "known side effect of the vaccines"?
I do know that.

Heart attacks and myocarditis and pericarditis and countless other maladies happened before the vaccines too.

Pfizer's side effects documents listed a couple hundred side effects, including these types of aneurysms.

You can no more prove the vaccine didn't cause it than I can prove it did.

Back to the point of all of my posts...they should be investigated. Like VAERS, they are not being.

Do you support real analysis of these reports and the potential damages the vaccines are causing?
Can you post the Pfizer document that cited aortic aneurysms as a side effect of the vaccines? Are you talking about VAERS reports, which are reports of things that happened to people after getting vaccines? Which unless they are happening more often than in the background population, are meaningless? Or do you have some data that shows aortic aneurysms occurred at a higher rate in vaccinated populations?

Can I “prove the vaccines didn’t cause it?” Of course not. I can’t prove a peanut butter sandwich didn’t cause it. That’s not how scientific study works. The way you prove possible causation is by showing that something happens more often with x than it does without x. There’s no way to prove something didn’t cause something else.
Myocarditis and pericarditis are not aortic aneurysms. I don’t dispute the vaccines carry a small increased risk of these in certain populations. Neither do the vaccine manufacturers. There are even a small number of deaths confirmed from vaccine induced myocarditis. Not in dispute.
Last edited:
Can you post the Pfizer document that cited aortic aneurysms as a side effect of the vaccines? Are you talking about VAERS reports, which are reports of things that happened to people after getting vaccines? Which unless they are happening more often than in the background population, are meaningless? Or do you have some data that shows aortic aneurysms occurred at a higher rate in vaccinated populations?

Can I “prove the vaccines didn’t cause it?” Of course not. I can’t prove a peanut butter sandwich didn’t cause it. That’s not how scientific study works. The way you prove possible causation is by showing that something happens more often with x than it does without x. There’s no way to prove something didn’t cause something else. You can only say there is no evidence that would show that something caused something else.
Myocarditis and pericarditis are not aortic aneurysms. I don’t dispute the vaccines carry a small increased risk of these in certain populations. Neither do the vaccine manufacturers.
From your article: 401,887 people reported to have side effects after getting Pfizer BioNTech Covid Vaccine.
Among them, 6 people (0.0%) have Aortic aneurysm rupture.

6 people out of the hundreds of millions who got the vaccine. How does this compare to the incidence of aortic aneurysms in people prior to the vaccine?
According to this article about 15000 people in the US die from ruptured aortic aneurysms every year. But I guess these 6 and Grant Wahl must have been caused by the vaccines.
These are great examples of exactly how vaccine disinformation works.
Myocarditis and pericarditis are not aortic aneurysms. I don’t dispute the vaccines carry a small increased risk of these in certain populations. Neither do the vaccine manufacturers. There are even a small number of deaths confirmed from vaccine induced myocarditis. Not in dispute.
The bottom line is, COVID has mutated itself into a nothing-burger. Why put yourself at risk to prevent a couple days of feeling bad?
Can you post the Pfizer document that cited aortic aneurysms as a side effect of the vaccines? Are you talking about VAERS reports, which are reports of things that happened to people after getting vaccines? Which unless they are happening more often than in the background population, are meaningless? Or do you have some data that shows aortic aneurysms occurred at a higher rate in vaccinated populations?

Can I “prove the vaccines didn’t cause it?” Of course not. I can’t prove a peanut butter sandwich didn’t cause it. That’s not how scientific study works. The way you prove possible causation is by showing that something happens more often with x than it does without x. There’s no way to prove something didn’t cause something else.

Go look up Pfizer side effects, from their documents. Posted here somewhere. Aneurysms were one of the hundreds of side effects listed. I'm not going searching and re-posting stuff that's here.