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Covid Vaccine

Science may be honing in on why vaccinated people keep getting Covid over and over.

mRNA Behind the Reoccurrence of COVID-19 Symptoms in Fully Vaccinated Individuals?​

Unintended consequences potentially explain vaccine failure from the outset

One of the curious findings from the original randomized trials of mRNA vaccines was an explosive rate of early infection after the first injection as compared with placebo.

In a recent paper from Sfera et al, the description of pathological syncytia or fusion between immune cells is described: “The LNP technology, to put it simply, mimics viral envelopes with externalized phosphatidylserine (ePS), a universal “eat me” signal, that directs immune cells to engulf the particle.

Epoch Times Photo

Sfera A, Thomas KG, Sfera DO, Anton JJ, Andronescu CV, et al. (2022) Do Messenger RNA Vaccines Induce Pathological Syncytia?. Int J Pathol Clin Res 8:137. doi.org/10.23937/2469-5807/1510137

However, as ePS is also a potential “fuse me” signal, LNP may inadvertently facilitate the formation of pathological syncytia. Moreover, ePS may activate a disintegrin and metalloprotease 10 and 17 (ADAM10) (ADAM 17), master regulators of syncytia formation, contributing further to the unintended consequence of cell-cell fusion…

As mRNA vaccines are based on pre-fusion epitopes, the fusion pathology may be undeterred, allowing viral infection by syncytia formation to continue unabated. This is significant, as it could account for the reoccurrence of COVID-19 symptoms in fully vaccinated individuals.”

The authors point out that SARS-CoV-2 utilizes more than just the ACE2 receptor to gain entry into the fused cells and by overlooking this possibility, vaccine developers have made a blunder. This is further complicated by the choice of lipid nanoparticles and polyethylene glycol which facilitate entry into organs were syncytia as well as Spike protein will incite inflammation and immune system regulation.

Sfera also considers pregnancy: “Several studies demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 can activate HERV-W, an ancestral gene that encodes for the physiological placental fusogen syncytin-1 responsible for the merger of trophoblasts during the early pregnancy. This suggests that the reproductive post-vaccine events may be triggered by the furin cleavage site pathology.” Such processes could occur in the gravid uterus and compound the bleeding and clotting risks of ill-advised vaccination is this special population.

In summary Sfera et al point out the following blind spots of well-funded DARPA consultants, BARDA funded academic researchers, and later by Pfizer and Moderna in mRNA vaccine development:

1) pathologic syncytia formation,

2) use of lipid nanoparticles with PEG,

3) failure to consider SARS-CoV-2 could use alternative points of cell entry other than ACE2 (metalloprotease pathway, antibody dependent enhancement, cell penetrating peptides, viroporins).

With billions of people rushed into indiscriminate mRNA vaccination, virologists and immunologists will be picking up the pieces of a failed vaccine campaign that has left so many at risk for more SARS-CoV-2 infections and progressive complications over the months and years to come.


Sfera A, Thomas KG, Sfera DO, Anton JJ, Andronescu CV, et al. (2022) Do Messenger RNA Vaccines Induce Pathological Syncytia?. Int J Pathol Clin Res 8:137. doi.org/10.23937/2469-5807/1510137
Having worked with medicines for 45 years, here are a few, off the top of my head, that are no longer on the market, but there are more.

Mind you, unlike the Covid vaccine, these medications went through the full list of FDA requirements before reaching the public.

Vioxx - your arthritis is cured! Oops, cardiac failure/stroke

Propulsid - no more acid reflux! Can you live with the cardiac arrhythmias?

Raptiva - my psoriasis is gone! And so is my brain

Baycol - steaks are back on the menu! Um, renal failure

Rezulin - my A1C is back to normal! that pesky liver failure

Zantac - heartburn is a thing of the past. it's hip to have cancer

Point being, just because the FDA says it's safe, that's not necessarily true.

Is this vaccine safe? Maybe, but there are enough reports out there telling me that it should be looked into. I do take issue with the "trust me" crowd, saying unequivocally that there is no possibility that these vaccines aren't safe, because history tells otherwise.

Well, yeah, conspiracy theorist but it's not like you have some background, education, experience and training in pharmaceuti ...

Never mind.
The article talks about excess deaths, genius.

As in, more than expected; above the norm; an increase over preceding years.

The question is, "What's causing the increased deaths compared to years past?" You fail to grasp even the very question under discussion, Floggy. I previously reamed your laughably-inadequate math abilities (wHat aRe thE oDDs wHeN yOu MulTiPLy 0.6 bY iTsElf FivE TimEs???). Now I have to explain that you don't even understand the question being discussed.

Some have you on ignore. I can see their point.
No, you clearly don’t get it. What does one have to do with the other?

The excess deaths are 1 per 2,500 people including 100 who are unvaccinated. You're baselessly attributing that death to the vaccine even though the other 2,399 vaccinated made it through the year alive and well.
If a 90 year-old gets the Covid booster in September and goes about his life until December when he gets Covid and dies, it’s a Covid-linked death, not a Covid vaccine death as there is a physiological connection to former and not the later.
If a 90-year-old gets a covid booster in September, shouldn't there be a reasonable expectation that the 90-year-old would not 1) catch covid and 2) die from it? Otherwise what the hell is the booster good for?
That's absolutely inferred in your sentence. "Yes, and 20 some million Australians got vaccinated, more than 96% are alive and well." You list one and only one thing in your sentence claiming 96% are alive and well. By referencing only one thing, you are inferring there's a correlation between 96% living and the vaccine.

On objective statement would be "20 some million Australians got vaccinated, another 10 million have natural immunity, Covid treatments have improved, and more then 96% are alive and well."
No, the only thing inferred is that the vaccine didn’t bring about their demise. It had absolutely nothing at all to do with Covid deaths. That was your delusional mind ******* with your easily manipulated imagination again.
If a 90-year-old gets a covid booster in September, shouldn't there be a reasonable expectation that the 90-year-old would not 1) catch covid and 2) die from it? Otherwise what the hell is the booster good for?
Uh, you familiar with 90 year-olds? They die from the common cold.
No, you clearly don’t get it. What does one have to do with the other?

The excess deaths are 1 per 2,500 people including 100 who are unvaccinated. You're baselessly attributing that death to the vaccine even though the other 2,399 vaccinated made it through the year alive and well.

Jesus Christ, it's like talking to a 5-year old in the grocery check-out line who wants some gum. Here is what I have said at least two times and counting:
  • The excess deaths number in the tens of thousands in the United States, and the thousands in Australia.
  • Those excess deaths are NOT due to Covid since the calculations already take the Chinese flu into account.
  • In fact, if those excess deaths include the vaccinated dying of Covid, what the hell good is the vaccine??
  • The thousands (or tens of thousands) of excess deaths include a very large percentage who were vaccinated. A vast majority, in fact.
  • The excess deaths refer to deaths that are statistically askew, abnormal. You get that, right??
  • 90-year olds lived and died before Covid. Your obsession with 90-year olds is bizarre and has nothing to do with EXCESS deaths.
  • Therefore, the evidence shows a significant number of excess (unexplained) deaths NOT due to Covid and NOT due to the fact that 15,000 people born in 1932 all decided to die this year.
  • The VAST majority of those who constitute the excess deaths were vaccinated.
  • Correlation does NOT equal causation, but correlation sure as hell does not DISPROVE causation either.
Get it? If not, have a 3rd grader explain it to you.
Uh, last I checked there weren't vaccines and boosters for the common cold.
Vaccines help a person immune system, they don’t replace it with a younger version of itself. They aren’t a force field either.
Jesus Christ, it's like talking to a 5-year old in the grocery check-out line who wants some gum. Here is what I have said at least two times and counting:
  • The excess deaths number in the tens of thousands in the United States, and the thousands in Australia.
  • Those excess deaths are NOT due to Covid since the calculations already take the Chinese flu into account.
  • In fact, if those excess deaths include the vaccinated dying of Covid, what the hell good is the vaccine??
  • The thousands (or tens of thousands) of excess deaths include a very large percentage who were vaccinated. A vast majority, in fact.
  • The excess deaths refer to deaths that are statistically askew, abnormal. You get that, right??
  • 90-year olds lived and died before Covid. Your obsession with 90-year olds is bizarre and has nothing to do with EXCESS deaths.
  • Therefore, the evidence shows a significant number of excess (unexplained) deaths NOT due to Covid and NOT due to the fact that 15,000 people born in 1932 all decided to die this year.
  • The VAST majority of those who constitute the excess deaths were vaccinated.
  • Correlation does NOT equal causation, but correlation sure as hell does not DISPROVE causation either.
Get it? If not, have a 3rd grader explain it to you.
Present the data that shows that non-Covid excess deaths are DISPROPORTIONATELY higher among the vaccinated. NUMERATOR/DENOMINATOR. If the vast majority of people are vaccinated, and the vast majority of non-Covid excess deaths are among the vaccinated, that doesn’t make it DISPROPORTIONATE.

Honest to God! No way you were a lawyer, no way.
Present the data that shows that non-Covid excess deaths are DISPROPORTIONATELY higher among the vaccinated. NUMERATOR/DENOMINATOR. If the vast majority of people are vaccinated, and the vast majority of non-Covid excess deaths are among the vaccinated, that doesn’t make it DISPROPORTIONATE.

Honest to God! No way you were a lawyer, no way.
93.17% of all attorneys would ignore your ignorance.
The other 42.72% would continue to engage in conversation with you.

Steeltime resides in the 100% who would mock you. Relentlessly.

We fully understand that the vax is for people who want it, and those with some underlying health issues... as well as the older crowd whose immunosystems are not the same strength as say school age children and teenagers and college aged kids. Yet you're not grasping that. Or you believe that this biblical virus is a plague similar to the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs in the Middle East and made oil for us. I commend you for your undying devotion to the virus, but you're not willing to see that there are questions to be asked about this vaccine - and as pointed out above, MANY vaccines/medications have had recalls due to them not working as expected or compromising some other body organ/process.
Present the data that shows that non-Covid excess deaths are DISPROPORTIONATELY higher among the vaccinated. NUMERATOR/DENOMINATOR. If the vast majority of people are vaccinated, and the vast majority of non-Covid excess deaths are among the vaccinated, that doesn’t make it DISPROPORTIONATE.

86% of all statistics are made up.

Honest to God! No way you were a lawyer, no way.

But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Which, to be fair, puts me waaaaaay ahead of you on the informational front.
93.17% of all attorneys would ignore your ignorance.
The other 42.72% would continue to engage in conversation with you.

Steeltime resides in the 100% who would mock you. Relentlessly.
You’re learning Flog math!
No, the only thing inferred is that the vaccine didn’t bring about their demise. It had absolutely nothing at all to do with Covid deaths. That was your delusional mind ******* with your easily manipulated imagination again.

Uh, you familiar with 90 year-olds? They die from the common cold.

But when they die from Covid, the world must be locked down, amirite?

Should we revisit the "who Covid kills and who it doesn't" topic again?
Vaccines help a person immune system, they don’t replace it with a younger version of itself. They aren’t a force field either.

The polio vaccine essentially eradicated....polio.

Vaccines that work...work.
When u got nothing….

No...it's when you just get fed up arguing logic with the aspergers kid at the back of the short bus who keeps eating his boogers while saying "nuh-uh dummy!"

All hail the holy vaccine and the righteous noble pharmaceutical companies who deliver us from peril.

Blessed are the Branch Covidians for they shall never waver from the blessed holy clot shot.

When u got nothing….

Says the expert on nothing.

Dumbshit, the point is this: The data show a LOT of excess death in a nation with 96% double-shot.

The excess death number EXCLUDES Covid deaths. Statisticians can literally plug in the well-documented mortality rate for the 96% double-shot and the 4% not double-shot x the number of Covid cases and get a number. They did that. The excess death figure is STILL far too high.

So the nation has excess deaths NOT caused directly by Covid infection. With me so far?????

Since 96% of the population has double-shots, TSF ponders if perhaps - stay with me here - the excess deaths might in fact be related to the shots. He notes the numerous studies showing heart disease triggered by the shots, the documented surge of healthy young people dropping dead, and says perhaps there is a causal relationship between the shots and the excess deaths, particularly where nobody has come up with a more viable alternative. Zona says that more study is needed and notes several approved medications pulled from the market due to serious side-effects.

You say, "shOw mE StuDyiEs ProViNg VaX caUz DeAd PeoPLe."

Your turn, Floggy SB.
Says the expert on nothing.

Dumbshit, the point is this: The data show a LOT of excess death in a nation with 96% double-shot.

The excess death number EXCLUDES Covid deaths. Statisticians can literally plug in the well-documented mortality rate for the 96% double-shot and the 4% not double-shot x the number of Covid cases and get a number. They did that. The excess death figure is STILL far too high.

So the nation has excess deaths NOT caused directly by Covid infection. With me so far?????

Since 96% of the population has double-shots, TSF ponders if perhaps - stay with me here - the excess deaths might in fact be related to the shots. He notes the numerous studies showing heart disease triggered by the shots, the documented surge of healthy young people dropping dead, and says perhaps there is a causal relationship between the shots and the excess deaths, particularly where nobody has come up with a more viable alternative. Zona says that more study is needed and notes several approved medications pulled from the market due to serious side-effects.

You say, "shOw mE StuDyiEs ProViNg VaX caUz DeAd PeoPLe."

Your turn, Floggy SB.
Regardless of whether or not there are excess deaths from the vax it was never in my life before now common for 5 year olds to have myocarditis. It was never common for people to have fibrous blood clots.
Regardless of whether or not there are excess deaths from the vax it was never in my life before now common for 5 year olds to have myocarditis. It was never common for people to have fibrous blood clots.

"yEaH? sYtE mE a PeeR rEviEwEd sTuDy ShOwiNg 5-year OLds nOt GeT hEaRt DuZeeZe BeFoRe!"
- Floggy Shortbus
And that is what I and millions of skeptics want to happen. Study the deaths and injuries. The CDC still isn't, from what anyone can tell.

I posted the Israel MoH news. They DID study the reports after sitting on them for a year. Commissioned an outside medical research team to do the study. Their results are captured on video and damning. Then Israel covered it up.

Autopsies are not being done on people who died suspiciously after being vaccinated. I've posted supporting evidence of this.

We all would like these types of studies to be happening. I personally want to know the vaccines 'truly' are safe. My kids have them. My parents have them. My sister has them. My friends have them. I want to believe they are safe having taken them.

I want to be wrong. The data we do have is enough for millions of us to be highly suspect.
And I certainly don’t want to believe Covid itself is responsible for many of the excess deaths because my entire family has had it, most of us twice. But I have seen nothing that disproves that theory 🤷🏻‍♀️