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Covid Vaccine

More great news for the vaccines. I'm grabbing my popcorn, waiting for this information to be called misinformation because it goes against current narratives spewed by Walgreens commercials and the CDC.

Possibly the most important study on COVID shots might explain why COVID never seems to end​

...when it comes to the immune system, artificially juicing up the body to create antibodies with long-term tolerance to a pathogen is a recipe for disaster. Amid thousands of papers on COVID and the vaccines, a new German paper published in Science Immunology should be the headline story this week. Although the subject matter is very dense, the implication of it is that the Pfizer shots (and possibly other mRNA spike protein shots) caused the immune system to misfire, thereby creating an endless feedback loop of viral immune escape, perpetuating the pandemic in the macro, and creating immune suppression for the individuals who received them.

THE STUDY: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.ade2798

The vexing question of 2022 is why the virus is even still with us to this day. Why is it that so many countries in the Pacific Rim that did so well in 2020 and 2021 now have a bigger problem in 2022 with less virulent strains of COVID? Why does it appear the pandemic will never end and so many people continue to get the virus multiple times? None of this is normal.

Wherever you turn, the most vaccinated countries are not only experiencing rampant side effects from the shots, but worse outcomes from COVID itself following their endless booster campaigns.

To be continued....

A group of German researchers tested for which specific antibody levels spike at what time. Specifically, they tested the Pfizer shot against the AstraZeneca shot and discovered something very concerning. Increasingly over time, and particularly with three doses of Pfizer, the immune response switched from the more neutralizing IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies to the non-neutralizing “tolerating” IgG4 antibodies:

High levels of neutralizing SARS-CoV-2-antibodies are an important component of vaccine-induced immunity. Shortly after the initial two mRNA vaccine doses, the IgG response mainly consists of the pro-inflammatory subclasses IgG1 and IgG3. Here, we report that several months after the second vaccination, SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies were increasingly composed of non-inflammatory IgG4, which were further boosted by a third mRNA vaccination and/or SARS-CoV-2 variant breakthrough infections. IgG4 antibodies among all spike-specific IgG antibodies rose on average from 0.04% shortly after the second vaccination to 19.27% late after the third vaccination. This induction of IgG4 antibodies was not observed after homologous or heterologous SARS-CoV-2 vaccination with adenoviral vectors [emphasis added].

Why is this so important?

Importantly, this class switch was associated with a reduced capacity of the spike-specific antibodies to mediate antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis and complement deposition. Since Fc-mediated effector functions are critical for antiviral immunity, these findings may have consequences for the choice and timing of vaccination regimens using mRNA vaccines, including future booster immunizations against SARS-CoV-2 [emphasis added].

So not only do these shots fail to produce the first line of defense antibodies known as IgA in the mucosal, something we knew from day one, but even the blood-based antibodies are increasingly the wrong type. This problem seems to get worse over time and with more doses of the shot, which correlates perfectly with numerous studies showing negative efficacy increasing over time, with more doses, and how the vaccinated take longer to clear the virus.

This topic is both very dense and fascinating. You can find clear explanations of this study about IgG4 antibodies in layman’s terms here, here, and here. But the important outcome for us from a policy standpoint is understanding the deadly subterfuge that has been foisted upon 5.5 billion people of the world and how it will be used with many more novel vaccines coming down the pipeline. The medical establishment successfully convinced the world that a vaccine is nothing more than simply stimulating an antibody response and is something that can be done within days of discovering a virus. This is why they now seek to get vaccines approved not based on accurate clinical trials and clinical outcomes but on “immunobridging” – the measuring of antibody levels. Indeed, this is how they got the bivalent booster shots and the JYNNEOS monkeypox vaccine approved and how they plan to get future shots approved.

However, merely measuring antibody levels in the abstract is meaningless and potentially masks harms to the body. God designed our bodies to create the right sort of antibodies, in the right amount, at the right time, in the right place. Any fault in any of those factors can create auto-antibodies, Trojan horse antibodies (antibody dependent disease enhancement) or a misfiring of the immune system, which is some form of original antigenic sin or pathogenic priming that teaches the body to tolerate a specific strain of the virus or respond for a wrong strain. This is why vaccines take years to develop. And this is before we even discuss the fact that these shots are not even vaccines, but are gene therapies that code your body to produce a pathogenic spike that was the result of gain-of-function research and seems to potentially damage every organ system, particularly the cardiovascular system.

In the case of the COVID shots, what the German study discovered is that over time and with increased doses it actually trains your body to tolerate rather than fight the virus it was designed to destroy. The other class of blood-based antibodies are designed to neutralize pathogens; however, the IgG4 class was specifically designed to tolerate innocuous cells (that don’t reproduce) that it repeatedly contacts, such as pollen or peanut particles. They serve an important role and help ensure that people don’t respond with excessive inflammation to everyday encounters with pollen, but to see 20% of the antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 (it was as high as 42% in those experiencing infection after boosters) be something that tolerates it is astounding … and dangerous! In other words, whereas your IgG1 or IgG3 antibodies are like the SWAT team, your IgG4 antibodies are like social workers. You don’t want social workers responding to replicating pathogens like the SARS-CoV-2 spike.

The long-term implications of this study are still unclear, but like every earth-shattering finding, this one will not be studied by governments. If this shot is really upregulating an IgG4 response for most of the population, it could easily explain why herd immunity is out the window with SARS-CoV-2. It’s literally teaching the body to not only respond to the wrong pathogen but to tolerate its existence and not remember to fight it. Also, what does this mean long-term for people who don’t create pro-inflammatory antibodies to defend against pathogens? What sort of damage is being done by not having the virus sufficiently neutralized before it invades the system so deeply?

As Kilian Schober, one of the authors of the study, notes (after calling our interpretation of the study too “simplistic”),”Our findings do, however, raise some questions about how to proceed.” But in the past, we used to answer those questions before experimenting on humans, not begin to raise them (and then never answer them) after 5.5 billion people were already injected with the product.
You make a habit of avoidance.
Which makes interacting pointless, the hypocrisy running deep, the indoctrination set in stone and not allowing an honest response, less he be exposed.
Other than showing him a fool, which is always entertaining, he continues to believe. The answers won't be know for years, if ever.
We should question science rather than believe it, because that's the only way we learn anything of consequence.
On the 600+ previous pages you can't seem to find. Follow Deshaun. Go that direction (back)

You mean 600+ pages of…

Take out all the social media innuendo and Substack articles and you’d be lucky to have 6 pages.

Where is the vaccine opposition among the major medical associations, medical schools and health systems? It doesn’t exist.
You mean 600+ pages of…

Take out all the social media innuendo and Substack articles and you’d be lucky to have 6 pages.

Where is the vaccine opposition among the major medical associations, medical schools and health systems? It doesn’t exist.
and if - and i'm sure it might be - produced and pasted below, you'd skip right over it. as you've done for 600+ pages. even J'Xiden questions you.

You make our arguments for us sometimes, even when you don't get the point.


You made the point, that tiny little percentages matter to you until they don't.

0.0013 of humans stricken by Covid died. You lost your mind over that tiny percentage. Because people died. 99.87% survived. Big number you didn't care about.

10% of doctors 2 years ago questioned the vaccines, Covid treatments, called out the science. A number 7,692 greater than .0013, yet you call it meaningless because the number is just too small.

0%. The number of healthy children who've died from Covid. Another tiny % number, one you refuse to even acknowledge. Must jab all kids 5 times!

Percentages matter to you...until they don't.
What’s the percentage of humans that died from the vaccine? Name one child killed by the vaccine. You havent a clue but… WE NEED TO INVESTIGATE because people are posting on Twitter!
Ok, here you go:

Here is the link to the Pfizer mRNA trials:

directly cut/paste:

Actual Study Start Date :April 29, 2020
Estimated Primary Completion Date :January 31, 2023
Estimated Study Completion Date :January 31, 2023

With regard to how these things are supposed to go, look here:

Phase I​

Phase I trials are concerned primarily with establishing a new drug's safety and dose range in about 20-100 healthy volunteers. How a drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized and excreted by the human body is called Pharmacokinetics. This is determined through frequent blood draws (usually in an inpatient environment) to check for the level of drug in the blood plasma.

Pharmacokinetic trials are usually considered Phase I trials regardless of when they are conducted during a drug's development. Dosage range of a new drug is determined by administering increasingly larger doses to one or more groups of subjects, who are closely monitored for harmful side effects. The goal is to learn the maximum tolerated dose that does not produce unacceptable side effects.

Phase I studies may involve risks even though an investigational drug has passed the Preclinical phase of testing. Phase I studies typically offer little or no benefit to the volunteer subjects; therefore they typically are compensated for their time and effort. Although usually conducted with healthy volunteers, Phase I trials are sometimes conducted with severely or terminally ill patients, for example those with AIDS or cancer.

A Phase I trial takes several months to complete. About 70 percent of experimental drugs pass this initial phase of testing.

Phase II​

Phase II studies determine the effectiveness of an experimental drug on a particular disease or condition in approximately 100 to 300 volunteers. This phase may last from several months to two years.

A Phase II trial answers the question, "Does Drug X improve Disease Y?"

A secondary objective for a Phase II trial is to ascertain therapeutic dose level and dosing frequency.
This answers the questions, "What quantity of Drug X works better on Disease Y, (1 mg, 2 mg or 3 mg)?" and "Does Drug X work better on Disease Y taken once or twice a day?"

Most Phase II studies are randomized, which means that subjects are assigned randomly (by chance not by choice) to receive either the experimental drug, a standard treatment or a placebo (harmless, inactive substance). Those who receive the standard treatment or placebo are called a control group.

Randomized Phase II studies are often double-blind, which means that both subject and physician don't know which treatment is being used. Blinding prevents any unscientific influence on the study results that could be caused by knowledge of the treatment. In a single-blind study, only the subject is unaware of the treatment used.

Since larger numbers of patients receive a treatment in Phase II studies than in phase I studies, there is a greater chance to observe and compile side effect information. Subjects in a Phase II trial may benefit from their participation if they receive an active treatment. Approximately 33 percent of experimental drugs which pass Phases I and II will go on to Phase III.

from here: https://med.uc.edu/depart/psychiatry/research/clinical-research/crm/trial-phases-1-2-3-defined

So, these new mRNA drugs had no pre-clinical evaluation, then had aborted phase 1 and phase 2 combined clinicals last lasted about 2-3 months. The manufacturers did not, and could not have completed phase 3, and most certainly have not completed further studies about adverse events post approval. The FDA approved opioids, and still does, and approved Vioxx and removed that.

Here is some handy information about Pfizer and ongoing lawsuits......one has to ask if this is now a litigation firm with a sideline in pharmaceuticals:

Pfizer Lawsuits​

Pfizer has faced thousands of lawsuits filed for medical injuries caused by some of its most popular drugs. It has also set a record for the largest fine paid for a health care fraud lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice. Pfizer paid $2.3 billion in fines, penalties, and settlement for illegal marketing claims and allegations of fraud for the promotion and sales of arthritis medication Bextra (valdecoxib). The company has also faced legal challenges over other products including transplant drug Rapamune, neurology drugs Geodon and Lyrica, Shiley heart valves, Celebrex, and Trovafloxacin.

Some of the Pfizer lawsuits have been dismissed, others have been settled, and still others remain in court systems. Some of the most notable lawsuits have included:


As part of a larger group of proton pump inhibitor lawsuits, Pfizer faced a number of Protonix lawsuits after it acquired drug company Wyeth who had been accused of marketing the drug for unapproved uses. In 2013, Pfizer agreed to pay $55 million to settle illegal marketing claims and in 2016, paid $784 million for accusations that Wyeth had overcharged Medicaid for Protonix. The company may still be facing PPI lawsuits for kidney injuries caused by Protonix.


An estimated 13,000 Prempro lawsuits were filed against Pfizer acquisition, Wyeth by women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The lawsuits were largely settled by 2012 for about $1.2 billion.


Pfizer faced about 3,000 Chantix lawsuits filed by people who claimed they experienced suicidal thoughts and psychiatric disorders after using Chantix for smoking cessation. Pfizer set aside about $288 million and at least some of the cases were settled. A new lawsuit against Pfizer was filed in September for reported carcinogenic chemical contamination of Chantix and the generic form of Chantix. A similar case had already been dismissed in at least two other district courts.


Thousands of medical injury lawsuits have been filed against multiple pharmaceutical companies including Pfizer, over claims that testosterone replacement therapy was marketed for unapproved disorder “Low-T” and may have resulted in serious heart damage in men who did not need the medication. Other drug companies have paid $ billions to settle their cases, however many of the Pfizer Depo-testosterone lawsuits were dismissed.


About 700 federal and hundreds of state Zoloft drug injury lawsuits were filed against Pfizer, claiming the company actively promoted the use of the SSRI antidepressant, Zoloft to pregnant women despite knowledge of birth defect risks from their research. These cases have been dismissed by several courts over conclusions that there was not enough evidence to prove a link between birth defects and Zoloft use. Concerns have continued to be raised, particularly with women who claim their children developed Autism and other developmental disorders. Some of these families may still be considering lawsuits against Pfizer.


Effexor was also an antidepressant medication originally produced by Wyeth which has also been the cause of multiple lawsuits. Wyeth had been accused of misleading advertising claims by the FDA in 2007 and in 2012, people began filing drug injury lawsuits. People who filed Effexor lawsuits claimed that it caused birth defects, and separately, suicidal thoughts and behaviors. In September 2015, most Effexor lawsuits were dismissed but some of the plaintiffs may have been eligible to refile. Other lawsuits have been filed and largely dismissed for medications including blood thinner Eliquis and cholesterol medication Lipitor.

Notwithstanding claims relating to this product, the drug/medical device remains approved by the U.S. FDA.

from here: https://www.drugdangers.com/manufacturers/pfizer/
Last edited:
What’s the percentage of humans that died from the vaccine? Name one child killed by the vaccine. You havent a clue but… WE NEED TO INVESTIGATE because people are posting on Twitter!

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating the case of a 13-year-old Saginaw County boy who died in his sleep three days after getting his second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in mid-June.

The county health department confirmed the investigation, telling the Free Press that the medical examiner's office conducted an autopsy and the death was reported to the state health department as well as the CDC.

"The investigation as to whether there is a correlation between his death and vaccination is now at the federal level with CDC," said a joint statement issued by Saginaw County Health Department Medical Director Dr. Delicia Pruitt and Health Officer Christina Harrington.

"Meanwhile, the health department continues to encourage families to speak with their physicians to weigh their own risks and benefits of vaccination."

The boy, Jacob Clynick, lived in Zilwaukee and had just completed eighth grade when he got his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine June 13 at a Walgreens store, said Tammy Burages, his aunt.

Jacob was healthy, she said, and had no known underlying medical conditions. He was looking forward to starting classes in the fall as a freshman at Carrollton High School.

He complained of common post-vaccine symptoms, she said, in the two days between his immunization and death, which included fatigue and fever.

SAGINAW COUNTY, Mich. (WJRT) - An investigation has been completed into the death of a 13-year-old Saginaw boy who died a few days after receiving his second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Jacob Clynick died last June and a number of agencies, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, investigated his death to see whether the vaccine played any role.

It was an extensive investigation that took quite some time, but they found no evidence that there was any relationship between the vaccine and the Clynick's death.


In the end, the CDC and local investigators concluded that there was no evidence of a causal relationship between vaccine administration and Clynick's death. An exact cause of his death was never determined.


he just dieded while sleep, @Troglodyte
much like you must have done 40 years ago

certainly you see the correlation between the initial belief that the vaccine was the cause, only for the medical authorities to say it wasn't.
if you were capable of critical thinking, you'd wonder then what caused the death of a 13 year old boy who was healthy prior to getting the second jab. alas, we know that is far beyond your mental grasp.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating the case of a 13-year-old Saginaw County boy who died in his sleep three days after getting his second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in mid-June.

The county health department confirmed the investigation, telling the Free Press that the medical examiner's office conducted an autopsy and the death was reported to the state health department as well as the CDC.

"The investigation as to whether there is a correlation between his death and vaccination is now at the federal level with CDC," said a joint statement issued by Saginaw County Health Department Medical Director Dr. Delicia Pruitt and Health Officer Christina Harrington.

"Meanwhile, the health department continues to encourage families to speak with their physicians to weigh their own risks and benefits of vaccination."

The boy, Jacob Clynick, lived in Zilwaukee and had just completed eighth grade when he got his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine June 13 at a Walgreens store, said Tammy Burages, his aunt.

Jacob was healthy, she said, and had no known underlying medical conditions. He was looking forward to starting classes in the fall as a freshman at Carrollton High School.

He complained of common post-vaccine symptoms, she said, in the two days between his immunization and death, which included fatigue and fever.

SAGINAW COUNTY, Mich. (WJRT) - An investigation has been completed into the death of a 13-year-old Saginaw boy who died a few days after receiving his second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Jacob Clynick died last June and a number of agencies, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, investigated his death to see whether the vaccine played any role.

It was an extensive investigation that took quite some time, but they found no evidence that there was any relationship between the vaccine and the Clynick's death.


In the end, the CDC and local investigators concluded that there was no evidence of a causal relationship between vaccine administration and Clynick's death. An exact cause of his death was never determined.


he just dieded while sleep, @Troglodyte
much like you must have done 40 years ago

certainly you see the correlation between the initial belief that the vaccine was the cause, only for the medical authorities to say it wasn't.
if you were capable of critical thinking, you'd wonder then what caused the death of a 13 year old boy who was healthy prior to getting the second jab. alas, we know that is far beyond your mental grasp.
No. Critical thinking is considering the thousands of other kids that received the vaccine on the same day and are alive and well. Assuming it was the vaccine that killed the kid is basing a conclusion on a very weak correlation.
You mean 600+ pages of…

Take out all the social media innuendo and Substack articles and you’d be lucky to have 6 pages.

Where is the vaccine opposition among the major medical associations, medical schools and health systems? It doesn’t exist.

I'll repeat. I've posted hundreds, if not thousands of studies by this point beyond Substack or Berenson (both of which have been tremendous sources of actual reporting, not gaslighting like NBC does). You've ignored the CDC, JAMA, NEJM, the WHO, international studies, studies in Israel.

We can only provide data. We can't make you consume it or learn.
What’s the percentage of humans that died from the vaccine? Name one child killed by the vaccine. You havent a clue but… WE NEED TO INVESTIGATE because people are posting on Twitter!

No one knows Floggy. We know they are dying from the vaccine. All vaccines have killed people.

The evidence shows the number is really high. Higher than prior vaccines combined.

(hit the back button)
Ok, here you go:

Here is the link to the Pfizer mRNA trials:

directly cut/paste:

Actual Study Start Date :April 29, 2020
Estimated Primary Completion Date :January 31, 2023
Estimated Study Completion Date :January 31, 2023

With regard to how these things are supposed to go, look here:

Phase I​

Phase I trials are concerned primarily with establishing a new drug's safety and dose range in about 20-100 healthy volunteers. How a drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized and excreted by the human body is called Pharmacokinetics. This is determined through frequent blood draws (usually in an inpatient environment) to check for the level of drug in the blood plasma.

Pharmacokinetic trials are usually considered Phase I trials regardless of when they are conducted during a drug's development. Dosage range of a new drug is determined by administering increasingly larger doses to one or more groups of subjects, who are closely monitored for harmful side effects. The goal is to learn the maximum tolerated dose that does not produce unacceptable side effects.

Phase I studies may involve risks even though an investigational drug has passed the Preclinical phase of testing. Phase I studies typically offer little or no benefit to the volunteer subjects; therefore they typically are compensated for their time and effort. Although usually conducted with healthy volunteers, Phase I trials are sometimes conducted with severely or terminally ill patients, for example those with AIDS or cancer.

A Phase I trial takes several months to complete. About 70 percent of experimental drugs pass this initial phase of testing.

Phase II​

Phase II studies determine the effectiveness of an experimental drug on a particular disease or condition in approximately 100 to 300 volunteers. This phase may last from several months to two years.

A Phase II trial answers the question, "Does Drug X improve Disease Y?"

A secondary objective for a Phase II trial is to ascertain therapeutic dose level and dosing frequency.
This answers the questions, "What quantity of Drug X works better on Disease Y, (1 mg, 2 mg or 3 mg)?" and "Does Drug X work better on Disease Y taken once or twice a day?"

Most Phase II studies are randomized, which means that subjects are assigned randomly (by chance not by choice) to receive either the experimental drug, a standard treatment or a placebo (harmless, inactive substance). Those who receive the standard treatment or placebo are called a control group.

Randomized Phase II studies are often double-blind, which means that both subject and physician don't know which treatment is being used. Blinding prevents any unscientific influence on the study results that could be caused by knowledge of the treatment. In a single-blind study, only the subject is unaware of the treatment used.

Since larger numbers of patients receive a treatment in Phase II studies than in phase I studies, there is a greater chance to observe and compile side effect information. Subjects in a Phase II trial may benefit from their participation if they receive an active treatment. Approximately 33 percent of experimental drugs which pass Phases I and II will go on to Phase III.

from here: https://med.uc.edu/depart/psychiatry/research/clinical-research/crm/trial-phases-1-2-3-defined

So, these new mRNA drugs had no pre-clinical evaluation, then had aborted phase 1 and phase 2 combined clinicals last lasted about 2-3 months. The manufacturers did not, and could not have completed phase 3, and most certainly have not completed further studies about adverse events post approval. The FDA approved opioids, and still does, and approved Vioxx and removed that.

Here is some handy information about Pfizer and ongoing lawsuits......one has to ask if this is now a litigation firm with a sideline in pharmaceuticals:

Pfizer Lawsuits​

Pfizer has faced thousands of lawsuits filed for medical injuries caused by some of its most popular drugs. It has also set a record for the largest fine paid for a health care fraud lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice. Pfizer paid $2.3 billion in fines, penalties, and settlement for illegal marketing claims and allegations of fraud for the promotion and sales of arthritis medication Bextra (valdecoxib). The company has also faced legal challenges over other products including transplant drug Rapamune, neurology drugs Geodon and Lyrica, Shiley heart valves, Celebrex, and Trovafloxacin.

Some of the Pfizer lawsuits have been dismissed, others have been settled, and still others remain in court systems. Some of the most notable lawsuits have included:


As part of a larger group of proton pump inhibitor lawsuits, Pfizer faced a number of Protonix lawsuits after it acquired drug company Wyeth who had been accused of marketing the drug for unapproved uses. In 2013, Pfizer agreed to pay $55 million to settle illegal marketing claims and in 2016, paid $784 million for accusations that Wyeth had overcharged Medicaid for Protonix. The company may still be facing PPI lawsuits for kidney injuries caused by Protonix.


An estimated 13,000 Prempro lawsuits were filed against Pfizer acquisition, Wyeth by women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The lawsuits were largely settled by 2012 for about $1.2 billion.


Pfizer faced about 3,000 Chantix lawsuits filed by people who claimed they experienced suicidal thoughts and psychiatric disorders after using Chantix for smoking cessation. Pfizer set aside about $288 million and at least some of the cases were settled. A new lawsuit against Pfizer was filed in September for reported carcinogenic chemical contamination of Chantix and the generic form of Chantix. A similar case had already been dismissed in at least two other district courts.


Thousands of medical injury lawsuits have been filed against multiple pharmaceutical companies including Pfizer, over claims that testosterone replacement therapy was marketed for unapproved disorder “Low-T” and may have resulted in serious heart damage in men who did not need the medication. Other drug companies have paid $ billions to settle their cases, however many of the Pfizer Depo-testosterone lawsuits were dismissed.


About 700 federal and hundreds of state Zoloft drug injury lawsuits were filed against Pfizer, claiming the company actively promoted the use of the SSRI antidepressant, Zoloft to pregnant women despite knowledge of birth defect risks from their research. These cases have been dismissed by several courts over conclusions that there was not enough evidence to prove a link between birth defects and Zoloft use. Concerns have continued to be raised, particularly with women who claim their children developed Autism and other developmental disorders. Some of these families may still be considering lawsuits against Pfizer.


Effexor was also an antidepressant medication originally produced by Wyeth which has also been the cause of multiple lawsuits. Wyeth had been accused of misleading advertising claims by the FDA in 2007 and in 2012, people began filing drug injury lawsuits. People who filed Effexor lawsuits claimed that it caused birth defects, and separately, suicidal thoughts and behaviors. In September 2015, most Effexor lawsuits were dismissed but some of the plaintiffs may have been eligible to refile. Other lawsuits have been filed and largely dismissed for medications including blood thinner Eliquis and cholesterol medication Lipitor.

Notwithstanding claims relating to this product, the drug/medical device remains approved by the U.S. FDA.

from here: https://www.drugdangers.com/manufacturers/pfizer/

Alex Berenson is an idiot!!!!
Ok, here you go:

Here is the link to the Pfizer mRNA trials:

directly cut/paste:

Actual Study Start Date :April 29, 2020
Estimated Primary Completion Date :January 31, 2023
Estimated Study Completion Date :January 31, 2023

With regard to how these things are supposed to go, look here:

Phase I​

Phase I trials are concerned primarily with establishing a new drug's safety and dose range in about 20-100 healthy volunteers. How a drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized and excreted by the human body is called Pharmacokinetics. This is determined through frequent blood draws (usually in an inpatient environment) to check for the level of drug in the blood plasma.

Pharmacokinetic trials are usually considered Phase I trials regardless of when they are conducted during a drug's development. Dosage range of a new drug is determined by administering increasingly larger doses to one or more groups of subjects, who are closely monitored for harmful side effects. The goal is to learn the maximum tolerated dose that does not produce unacceptable side effects.

Phase I studies may involve risks even though an investigational drug has passed the Preclinical phase of testing. Phase I studies typically offer little or no benefit to the volunteer subjects; therefore they typically are compensated for their time and effort. Although usually conducted with healthy volunteers, Phase I trials are sometimes conducted with severely or terminally ill patients, for example those with AIDS or cancer.

A Phase I trial takes several months to complete. About 70 percent of experimental drugs pass this initial phase of testing.

Phase II​

Phase II studies determine the effectiveness of an experimental drug on a particular disease or condition in approximately 100 to 300 volunteers. This phase may last from several months to two years.

A Phase II trial answers the question, "Does Drug X improve Disease Y?"

A secondary objective for a Phase II trial is to ascertain therapeutic dose level and dosing frequency.
This answers the questions, "What quantity of Drug X works better on Disease Y, (1 mg, 2 mg or 3 mg)?" and "Does Drug X work better on Disease Y taken once or twice a day?"

Most Phase II studies are randomized, which means that subjects are assigned randomly (by chance not by choice) to receive either the experimental drug, a standard treatment or a placebo (harmless, inactive substance). Those who receive the standard treatment or placebo are called a control group.

Randomized Phase II studies are often double-blind, which means that both subject and physician don't know which treatment is being used. Blinding prevents any unscientific influence on the study results that could be caused by knowledge of the treatment. In a single-blind study, only the subject is unaware of the treatment used.

Since larger numbers of patients receive a treatment in Phase II studies than in phase I studies, there is a greater chance to observe and compile side effect information. Subjects in a Phase II trial may benefit from their participation if they receive an active treatment. Approximately 33 percent of experimental drugs which pass Phases I and II will go on to Phase III.

from here: https://med.uc.edu/depart/psychiatry/research/clinical-research/crm/trial-phases-1-2-3-defined

So, these new mRNA drugs had no pre-clinical evaluation, then had aborted phase 1 and phase 2 combined clinicals last lasted about 2-3 months. The manufacturers did not, and could not have completed phase 3, and most certainly have not completed further studies about adverse events post approval. The FDA approved opioids, and still does, and approved Vioxx and removed that.

Here is some handy information about Pfizer and ongoing lawsuits......one has to ask if this is now a litigation firm with a sideline in pharmaceuticals:

Pfizer Lawsuits​

Pfizer has faced thousands of lawsuits filed for medical injuries caused by some of its most popular drugs. It has also set a record for the largest fine paid for a health care fraud lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice. Pfizer paid $2.3 billion in fines, penalties, and settlement for illegal marketing claims and allegations of fraud for the promotion and sales of arthritis medication Bextra (valdecoxib). The company has also faced legal challenges over other products including transplant drug Rapamune, neurology drugs Geodon and Lyrica, Shiley heart valves, Celebrex, and Trovafloxacin.

Some of the Pfizer lawsuits have been dismissed, others have been settled, and still others remain in court systems. Some of the most notable lawsuits have included:


As part of a larger group of proton pump inhibitor lawsuits, Pfizer faced a number of Protonix lawsuits after it acquired drug company Wyeth who had been accused of marketing the drug for unapproved uses. In 2013, Pfizer agreed to pay $55 million to settle illegal marketing claims and in 2016, paid $784 million for accusations that Wyeth had overcharged Medicaid for Protonix. The company may still be facing PPI lawsuits for kidney injuries caused by Protonix.


An estimated 13,000 Prempro lawsuits were filed against Pfizer acquisition, Wyeth by women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The lawsuits were largely settled by 2012 for about $1.2 billion.


Pfizer faced about 3,000 Chantix lawsuits filed by people who claimed they experienced suicidal thoughts and psychiatric disorders after using Chantix for smoking cessation. Pfizer set aside about $288 million and at least some of the cases were settled. A new lawsuit against Pfizer was filed in September for reported carcinogenic chemical contamination of Chantix and the generic form of Chantix. A similar case had already been dismissed in at least two other district courts.


Thousands of medical injury lawsuits have been filed against multiple pharmaceutical companies including Pfizer, over claims that testosterone replacement therapy was marketed for unapproved disorder “Low-T” and may have resulted in serious heart damage in men who did not need the medication. Other drug companies have paid $ billions to settle their cases, however many of the Pfizer Depo-testosterone lawsuits were dismissed.


About 700 federal and hundreds of state Zoloft drug injury lawsuits were filed against Pfizer, claiming the company actively promoted the use of the SSRI antidepressant, Zoloft to pregnant women despite knowledge of birth defect risks from their research. These cases have been dismissed by several courts over conclusions that there was not enough evidence to prove a link between birth defects and Zoloft use. Concerns have continued to be raised, particularly with women who claim their children developed Autism and other developmental disorders. Some of these families may still be considering lawsuits against Pfizer.


Effexor was also an antidepressant medication originally produced by Wyeth which has also been the cause of multiple lawsuits. Wyeth had been accused of misleading advertising claims by the FDA in 2007 and in 2012, people began filing drug injury lawsuits. People who filed Effexor lawsuits claimed that it caused birth defects, and separately, suicidal thoughts and behaviors. In September 2015, most Effexor lawsuits were dismissed but some of the plaintiffs may have been eligible to refile. Other lawsuits have been filed and largely dismissed for medications including blood thinner Eliquis and cholesterol medication Lipitor.

Notwithstanding claims relating to this product, the drug/medical device remains approved by the U.S. FDA.

from here: https://www.drugdangers.com/manufacturers/pfizer/
OMG, JFC, now your just making things up. - Dr Flog
Alex Berenson Social Media bs here.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020.

The FDA originally said that they were prepared to release 500 pages per month in a response to the Freedom of Information (FOI) request filed on behalf of Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) requesting the safety data.

Instead, in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January.

Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents to its website.

One of the documents contained in the latest data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Table 5, found on page 11 of the document shows an ‘Important Potential Risk’, and that risk is listed as ‘Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), including Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Reporatory Disease (VAERD)’.


Pfizer claimed in their confidential document that up to 28th Feb 2021, they had received 138 cases reporting 317 potentially relevant events indicative of Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease. Of these 71 were medically significant resulting in 8 disabilities, 13 were life-threatening events, and 38 of the 138 people died.

Of the 317 relevant events reported by 138 people, 135 were labelled as ‘drug ineffective’, 53 were labelled as dyspnoea (struggling to breathe), 23 were labelled as Covid-19 pneumonia, 8 were labelled as respiratory failure, and 7 were labelled as seizure.

Pfizer also admitted that 75 of the 101 subjects with confirmed Covid-19 following vaccination, had severe disease resulting in hospitalisation, disability, life-threatening consequences or death.

But Pfizer still definitively concluded, for the purposes of their submitted safety data to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the very data that was needed to gain emergency use authorisation and make them billions and billions of dollars, that ‘None of the 75 cases could be definitively considered as VAED’.

But Pfizer then went on to confirm that based on the current evidence, VAED remains a theoretical risk.
Alex Berenson Social Media bs here.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020.

The FDA originally said that they were prepared to release 500 pages per month in a response to the Freedom of Information (FOI) request filed on behalf of Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) requesting the safety data.

Instead, in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January.

Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents to its website.

One of the documents contained in the latest data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Table 5, found on page 11 of the document shows an ‘Important Potential Risk’, and that risk is listed as ‘Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), including Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Reporatory Disease (VAERD)’.


Pfizer claimed in their confidential document that up to 28th Feb 2021, they had received 138 cases reporting 317 potentially relevant events indicative of Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease. Of these 71 were medically significant resulting in 8 disabilities, 13 were life-threatening events, and 38 of the 138 people died.

Of the 317 relevant events reported by 138 people, 135 were labelled as ‘drug ineffective’, 53 were labelled as dyspnoea (struggling to breathe), 23 were labelled as Covid-19 pneumonia, 8 were labelled as respiratory failure, and 7 were labelled as seizure.

Pfizer also admitted that 75 of the 101 subjects with confirmed Covid-19 following vaccination, had severe disease resulting in hospitalisation, disability, life-threatening consequences or death.

But Pfizer still definitively concluded, for the purposes of their submitted safety data to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the very data that was needed to gain emergency use authorisation and make them billions and billions of dollars, that ‘None of the 75 cases could be definitively considered as VAED’.

But Pfizer then went on to confirm that based on the current evidence, VAED remains a theoretical risk.
Wow. Those numbers are scary.
There is no way this is safe, and thus it cannot have positive efficacy.

Occam's razor tells us what we need to know.

Crime of the century!

Enabled by FDA!

Promoted by all levels of government, globally!

Paid for by taxpayers in the short term, and by individual victims and their families long term!
I'll repeat. I've posted hundreds, if not thousands of studies by this point beyond Substack or Berenson (both of which have been tremendous sources of actual reporting, not gaslighting like NBC does). You've ignored the CDC, JAMA, NEJM, the WHO, international studies, studies in Israel.

We can only provide data. We can't make you consume it or learn.
NONE of those organizations opposes the Covid vaccines, NONE!

There is consensus, not debate. You have gaslit yourself into thinking otherwise.
Ok, here you go:

Here is the link to the Pfizer mRNA trials:

directly cut/paste:

Actual Study Start Date :April 29, 2020
Estimated Primary Completion Date :January 31, 2023
Estimated Study Completion Date :January 31, 2023

With regard to how these things are supposed to go, look here:

Phase I​

Phase I trials are concerned primarily with establishing a new drug's safety and dose range in about 20-100 healthy volunteers. How a drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized and excreted by the human body is called Pharmacokinetics. This is determined through frequent blood draws (usually in an inpatient environment) to check for the level of drug in the blood plasma.

Pharmacokinetic trials are usually considered Phase I trials regardless of when they are conducted during a drug's development. Dosage range of a new drug is determined by administering increasingly larger doses to one or more groups of subjects, who are closely monitored for harmful side effects. The goal is to learn the maximum tolerated dose that does not produce unacceptable side effects.

Phase I studies may involve risks even though an investigational drug has passed the Preclinical phase of testing. Phase I studies typically offer little or no benefit to the volunteer subjects; therefore they typically are compensated for their time and effort. Although usually conducted with healthy volunteers, Phase I trials are sometimes conducted with severely or terminally ill patients, for example those with AIDS or cancer.

A Phase I trial takes several months to complete. About 70 percent of experimental drugs pass this initial phase of testing.

Phase II​

Phase II studies determine the effectiveness of an experimental drug on a particular disease or condition in approximately 100 to 300 volunteers. This phase may last from several months to two years.

A Phase II trial answers the question, "Does Drug X improve Disease Y?"

A secondary objective for a Phase II trial is to ascertain therapeutic dose level and dosing frequency.
This answers the questions, "What quantity of Drug X works better on Disease Y, (1 mg, 2 mg or 3 mg)?" and "Does Drug X work better on Disease Y taken once or twice a day?"

Most Phase II studies are randomized, which means that subjects are assigned randomly (by chance not by choice) to receive either the experimental drug, a standard treatment or a placebo (harmless, inactive substance). Those who receive the standard treatment or placebo are called a control group.

Randomized Phase II studies are often double-blind, which means that both subject and physician don't know which treatment is being used. Blinding prevents any unscientific influence on the study results that could be caused by knowledge of the treatment. In a single-blind study, only the subject is unaware of the treatment used.

Since larger numbers of patients receive a treatment in Phase II studies than in phase I studies, there is a greater chance to observe and compile side effect information. Subjects in a Phase II trial may benefit from their participation if they receive an active treatment. Approximately 33 percent of experimental drugs which pass Phases I and II will go on to Phase III.

from here: https://med.uc.edu/depart/psychiatry/research/clinical-research/crm/trial-phases-1-2-3-defined

So, these new mRNA drugs had no pre-clinical evaluation, then had aborted phase 1 and phase 2 combined clinicals last lasted about 2-3 months. The manufacturers did not, and could not have completed phase 3, and most certainly have not completed further studies about adverse events post approval. The FDA approved opioids, and still does, and approved Vioxx and removed that.

Here is some handy information about Pfizer and ongoing lawsuits......one has to ask if this is now a litigation firm with a sideline in pharmaceuticals:

Pfizer Lawsuits​

Pfizer has faced thousands of lawsuits filed for medical injuries caused by some of its most popular drugs. It has also set a record for the largest fine paid for a health care fraud lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice. Pfizer paid $2.3 billion in fines, penalties, and settlement for illegal marketing claims and allegations of fraud for the promotion and sales of arthritis medication Bextra (valdecoxib). The company has also faced legal challenges over other products including transplant drug Rapamune, neurology drugs Geodon and Lyrica, Shiley heart valves, Celebrex, and Trovafloxacin.

Some of the Pfizer lawsuits have been dismissed, others have been settled, and still others remain in court systems. Some of the most notable lawsuits have included:


As part of a larger group of proton pump inhibitor lawsuits, Pfizer faced a number of Protonix lawsuits after it acquired drug company Wyeth who had been accused of marketing the drug for unapproved uses. In 2013, Pfizer agreed to pay $55 million to settle illegal marketing claims and in 2016, paid $784 million for accusations that Wyeth had overcharged Medicaid for Protonix. The company may still be facing PPI lawsuits for kidney injuries caused by Protonix.


An estimated 13,000 Prempro lawsuits were filed against Pfizer acquisition, Wyeth by women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The lawsuits were largely settled by 2012 for about $1.2 billion.


Pfizer faced about 3,000 Chantix lawsuits filed by people who claimed they experienced suicidal thoughts and psychiatric disorders after using Chantix for smoking cessation. Pfizer set aside about $288 million and at least some of the cases were settled. A new lawsuit against Pfizer was filed in September for reported carcinogenic chemical contamination of Chantix and the generic form of Chantix. A similar case had already been dismissed in at least two other district courts.


Thousands of medical injury lawsuits have been filed against multiple pharmaceutical companies including Pfizer, over claims that testosterone replacement therapy was marketed for unapproved disorder “Low-T” and may have resulted in serious heart damage in men who did not need the medication. Other drug companies have paid $ billions to settle their cases, however many of the Pfizer Depo-testosterone lawsuits were dismissed.


About 700 federal and hundreds of state Zoloft drug injury lawsuits were filed against Pfizer, claiming the company actively promoted the use of the SSRI antidepressant, Zoloft to pregnant women despite knowledge of birth defect risks from their research. These cases have been dismissed by several courts over conclusions that there was not enough evidence to prove a link between birth defects and Zoloft use. Concerns have continued to be raised, particularly with women who claim their children developed Autism and other developmental disorders. Some of these families may still be considering lawsuits against Pfizer.


Effexor was also an antidepressant medication originally produced by Wyeth which has also been the cause of multiple lawsuits. Wyeth had been accused of misleading advertising claims by the FDA in 2007 and in 2012, people began filing drug injury lawsuits. People who filed Effexor lawsuits claimed that it caused birth defects, and separately, suicidal thoughts and behaviors. In September 2015, most Effexor lawsuits were dismissed but some of the plaintiffs may have been eligible to refile. Other lawsuits have been filed and largely dismissed for medications including blood thinner Eliquis and cholesterol medication Lipitor.

Notwithstanding claims relating to this product, the drug/medical device remains approved by the U.S. FDA.

from here: https://www.drugdangers.com/manufacturers/pfizer/
Where is the “594 days”? Wasn’t that your premise for claiming that the trials had been aborted?

The trials ended before the ESTIMATED completion dates, so what?
NONE of those organizations opposes the Covid vaccines, NONE!

There is consensus, not debate. You have gaslit yourself into thinking otherwise.

To be a blind sheep.

Those organizations issued papers, scientific research, data - all of which refuted dozens of your arguments. None of which have you ever backed down on.

You trust these organizations, till you don't. Small percentages matter to you...till they don't.

You are King Waffle.
To be a blind sheep.

Those organizations issued papers, scientific research, data - all of which refuted dozens of your arguments. None of which have you ever backed down on.

You trust these organizations, till you don't. Small percentages matter to you...till they don't.

You are King Waffle.
I don’t have dozens of arguments. I believe the vaccine are safe and they work and as such, are supported by every major medical association.

You’re the one with a dozen anti-vax arguments.

Reality is on my side. Two years in, I can find a DOZEN different places offering the Covid vaccine within five miles of my house and no resistance or protest in between.
I don’t have dozens of arguments. I believe the vaccine are safe and they work and as such, are supported by every major medical association.

You’re the one with a dozen anti-vax arguments.

Reality is on my side. Two years in, I can find a DOZEN different places offering the Covid vaccine within five miles of my house and no resistance or protest in between.
You can believe all you want but the data says otherwise despite the paid for claims by these agencies.
I don’t have dozens of arguments. I believe the vaccine are safe and they work and as such, are supported by every major medical association.

You’re the one with a dozen anti-vax arguments.

Reality is on my side. Two years in, I can find a DOZEN different places offering the Covid vaccine within five miles of my house and no resistance or protest in between.

In a shorter sentence, you're a sheep.

You've stated the vaccine has killed no one. You believe they work (with a documented 15% efficacy), and you believe all doctors support continued vaccination (see the pathetic uptake of boosters at this point).

You are beyond help. An ideologue.

I'm questioning it, rightfully as millions and millions are because the data overwhelmingly shows something is wrong.
Speaking of data - none of the resident Vaccine Ideologues has touched the German autopsy study or Israel covering up data from an in depth study on the vaccines.

Well....the following is pursuant to the Heidelberger studies I previously posted about, regarding findings from the autopsies of the vaccinated dead. If Kubicki gets his way, like Desantis, we may have another deep investigation going (that should have been done long ago).

VP of German Parliament calls for investigation; Deaths Related to Covid Vaccines.

“More and more experts are asking why there’s such a high mortality rate, and now Wolfgang Kubicki, the Deputy Speaker of the Bundestag, also wants to know.
In an interview with the newspaper “Die Welt”, he called for autopsies and a review of all deaths following the Corona vaccination. In the interview, Kubicki refers a study by Heidelberger pathologies Peter Schirrmacher, who concluded 30% of all deaths following inoculation that he examined were caused by the vaccination….
‘Do you still have confidence in the vaccine in the current situation?’ ‘No, I never did. And especially not now since more and more strangeness is coming to light. As we now know, the first vaccine didn’t work, and no we’re already at the fourth vaccination. It was so called side-effect-free. It was supposedly so well tested and definitely wouldn’t cause long term damage. Baloney. So here we are now with an excess mortality in November of 19% compared to previous year. We’ve had an increase in people complaining about the side effects such as skin problems, heart muscle inflammation, inflammation in general. I must say, all the critics were apparently right. That’s why I have very, very little confidence in the untested new vaccine."
In a shorter sentence, you're a sheep.

You've stated the vaccine has killed no one. You believe they work (with a documented 15% efficacy), and you believe all doctors support continued vaccination (see the pathetic uptake of boosters at this point).

You are beyond help. An ideologue.

I'm questioning it, rightfully as millions and millions are because the data overwhelmingly shows something is wrong.
Again, why do you choose such a small forum for such a widespread conspiracy?

Some are paying the price for not getting boosted. I’m sure this is the first you’ve heard because you live in an ideological bubble.
