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Covid Vaccine

I am just going to put this here.
I’m sure Tim will be along to summarize and/or cut and paste the important things for Trog to cry about and deny……

I've been saying all along, you can't just look at VAERS. You have to look at the CMS (where the Medicare data comes from) and half a dozen other systems.

Why post excerpts? He's right.

The FlogOFTBs will say "Substack!" "Misinformation!" Despite this weekend being the weekend where the EPA even came out and said the lab-leak theory is correct.

It's funny. I've been labeled with a "False Information" flag so many times for posting that masks don't work. So many of us knew they didn't. We were right.

And for saying the virus came from a lab leak in China. It literally IS the WuFlu. Misinformation they said. You're a Chinese hating racist!

Right again.

"Just wait" right Floggy?
Bomma and Fauci funded it, and Fauci and friends profit from their flu shot solution.
We all know where it came from, I want to know exactly who funded it and then authorized it's release. I guarantee it was no accident. The timing and everything that came of it stinks to high heaven and heads need to roll.
USA Today headline:

Energy Department finds COVID-19 most likely emerged from lab leak​

NBC headline:

U.S. Energy Department assesses with 'low confidence' Covid may have originated from Chinese lab leak​

The Energy Department? Is the CDC/Homeland Security now monitoring power usage?
The Energy Department? Is the CDC/Homeland Security now monitoring power usage?
Wtf is the energy dept anyways? This is truly the first I’ve early heard of them.
Another worthless government department that needs cut.
I disagree at least in theory. National electric infrastructure is one of the few things I want direct Governmental oversight of. Now in practice they are nearly worthless and woefully underfunded. We should be putting serious money into upgrading and hardening our power production and transmission grid. It is of utmost importance to everything we do now in this Country. They should be cleaning up and modernizing the Nuclear Regulatory Codes and pushing for the permitting and construction of many new modern clean nuclear facilities. It is the only feasible way to go Electric in this Country and actually lower the carbon footprint and overall air pollution. Whether or not you believe in global warming it is not a bad thing to accomplish these things with a clean and highly efficient option. Properly regulated it would provide cheap clean power for the entire Country without the issues that come with almost every other source.
Wtf is the energy dept anyways? This is truly the first I’ve early heard of them.

There are like 12 labs under DOE, like Los Alamos. Clearly, they must be cancelled.

What a tremendous article. My fave excerpts below.


Medical students report rates of depression up to 30% higher than the general population. About 400 U.S. physicians commit suicide annually, with the rate for female physicians four times higher than among other female professionals. A 2015 survey reported that 13% of male physicians and 22% of female physicians suffered from alcohol abuse or dependence. A 2021 study found that 63% of U.S. physicians experienced burnout, with one in five intending to leave their practice within two years. These statistics attest to medicine’s core problem that affects the welfare of patients and the health, sanity, and professional longevity of physicians. It is this: we physicians have traded in our former gods for ersatz idols.

To estrange themselves further from their calling, doctors bow as never before to the state and the corporation. They grovel before the altar of the “electronic health record,” or EHR, a corporate creation that widgetizes and dehumanizes doctor and patient. In 2016, MDs spent almost 40% of their patient care time (now surely higher) pecking on computers. No wonder they retire or leap from ledges.

With the advent of EHRs, weekly meetings of the clinical staff where I once worked no longer included discussions of actual patients. Instead we war-gamed how to enter EHR data so as to satisfy insurers, the government, and our corporate overseers. Such trends are as congenial to good medicine as spike proteins are to coronary arteries.

Events of the past three years highlighted an even more ominous problem. Physicians jettisoned their souls and became felons as they shilled for their new gods. They hacked off body parts of confused minors. They foisted dangerous drugs—remdesivir and gene shots—upon us without informed consent, that is, the transmission of truthful information about risks, benefits, and alternatives. Some practitioners even refused treatment to those unwilling to acquiesce.
The profession to which I have devoted five decades is sinking fast. I hesitate these days to seek a medical appointment for myself, so dissolute has medicine become. Doctors, in order to save yourselves, you must decentralize your work away from large groups with their soul-sucking cultures and toward small, intimate groups and solo practices. True, you will earn less—perhaps a lot less—and in the process you will need to decide your purpose in life, why you are here. Stop being Big Pharma’s *******, and learn about natural treatments. Be healers, not ideologues. Develop parallel systems of medical training and care that emphasize prevention and the treatment of the whole person. Not only do we need to save lives. We need to save our profession and our souls.



Hayden Panettiere has broken her silence on the death of her younger brother, Jansen, thanking everyone for their love and also revealing how they're told he died.

In a statement to ABC News Monday, the Panettiere family says, "Though it offers little solace, the Medical Examiner reported Jansen’s sudden passing was due to cardiomegaly (enlarged heart), coupled with aortic valve complications."

Working out at the gym, and dying suddenly at 24 due to heart attack​


Longtime minor league pitcher Matt Pobereyko died Friday near Chicago, his family announced on Monday. Pobereyko was 31.

Pobereyko collapsed suddenly on Friday in his apartment before being found by his girlfriend, his brother, Daniel, told NBC News. The Hammond, Ind., native was living in Warrenville, a western suburb of Chicago, during the offseason of the Mexican Pacific Winter League.

His current team, Saraperos de Saltillo, issued a statement on Saturday claiming that the pitcher died of a heart attack, but a spokesperson for the DuPage County Coroner's Office said the death was "still pending investigation" and that it could take nearly eight weeks for a formal cause of death to be determined.

Daniel Pobereyko said his brother's death came as a shock to the entire family, including their parents, who had visited him earlier that week.

"He just dropped and that's all we know," Daniel Pobereyko said.
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I disagree at least in theory. National electric infrastructure is one of the few things I want direct Governmental oversight of. Now in practice they are nearly worthless and woefully underfunded. We should be putting serious money into upgrading and hardening our power production and transmission grid. It is of utmost importance to everything we do now in this Country. They should be cleaning up and modernizing the Nuclear Regulatory Codes and pushing for the permitting and construction of many new modern clean nuclear facilities. It is the only feasible way to go Electric in this Country and actually lower the carbon footprint and overall air pollution. Whether or not you believe in global warming it is not a bad thing to accomplish these things with a clean and highly efficient option. Properly regulated it would provide cheap clean power for the entire Country without the issues that come with almost every other source.

What we should do and what we're going to do are not the same. Just like other government agencies that "could" be good ,but are not used for good.

So much needs rebuilt. Which isn't going to happen without a serious deep cleaning of government agencies across the board. It will never happen with this 2 party control system here.
The Energy Department? Is the CDC/Homeland Security now monitoring power usage?
I think you have some govt folks trying to call bs on those playing politics
China and US funded. Bomma didn't want the work done here. His only wise move. Leaked from lab in China. Yes. What will be done? Nothing.
What a tremendous article. My fave excerpts below.

View attachment 10569

Medical students report rates of depression up to 30% higher than the general population. About 400 U.S. physicians commit suicide annually, with the rate for female physicians four times higher than among other female professionals. A 2015 survey reported that 13% of male physicians and 22% of female physicians suffered from alcohol abuse or dependence. A 2021 study found that 63% of U.S. physicians experienced burnout, with one in five intending to leave their practice within two years. These statistics attest to medicine’s core problem that affects the welfare of patients and the health, sanity, and professional longevity of physicians. It is this: we physicians have traded in our former gods for ersatz idols.

To estrange themselves further from their calling, doctors bow as never before to the state and the corporation. They grovel before the altar of the “electronic health record,” or EHR, a corporate creation that widgetizes and dehumanizes doctor and patient. In 2016, MDs spent almost 40% of their patient care time (now surely higher) pecking on computers. No wonder they retire or leap from ledges.

With the advent of EHRs, weekly meetings of the clinical staff where I once worked no longer included discussions of actual patients. Instead we war-gamed how to enter EHR data so as to satisfy insurers, the government, and our corporate overseers. Such trends are as congenial to good medicine as spike proteins are to coronary arteries.

Events of the past three years highlighted an even more ominous problem. Physicians jettisoned their souls and became felons as they shilled for their new gods. They hacked off body parts of confused minors. They foisted dangerous drugs—remdesivir and gene shots—upon us without informed consent, that is, the transmission of truthful information about risks, benefits, and alternatives. Some practitioners even refused treatment to those unwilling to acquiesce.
The profession to which I have devoted five decades is sinking fast. I hesitate these days to seek a medical appointment for myself, so dissolute has medicine become. Doctors, in order to save yourselves, you must decentralize your work away from large groups with their soul-sucking cultures and toward small, intimate groups and solo practices. True, you will earn less—perhaps a lot less—and in the process you will need to decide your purpose in life, why you are here. Stop being Big Pharma’s *******, and learn about natural treatments. Be healers, not ideologues. Develop parallel systems of medical training and care that emphasize prevention and the treatment of the whole person. Not only do we need to save lives. We need to save our profession and our souls.

Hard to believe that in October, I'll have been retired for 5 years, but I will attest that even then an inordinate amount of time was spent on EHR (which has some good aspects), and bowing to the Center for Medicare Services to attain 5 star ratings, and therefore more money. The pressure was on to meet goals and obtain numbers.
Did patient care suffer as a result, you bet. My niece is a pediatrician in NYC and has questioned her decision to go into medicine, not because she's lost the compassion to heal, but the bureaucracy and hoops that she must jump through to provide that care.
Flog is certainly absent now that the DOE and FBI are saying this came from a Wuhan lab.
Flog is certainly absent now that the DOE and FBI are saying this came from a Wuhan lab.

Yes,but Dr. Fauci says no, so everyone else is wrong. He and his commie pals are not responsible for the deaths of millions of people and a horrible flu shot that does more harm than help.

Oh and the use of their man made pandemic to win a presidential election using a brain dead criminal.
Flog is certainly absent now that the DOE and FBI are saying this came from a Wuhan lab.

And that the NY Times said masks don't work
And that NBC ran stories on studies definitively showing natural immunity is superior to vaccination
And that near universally now outlets are saying the lockdowns were more damaging than beneficial
And that social distancing didn't work

@Confluence gonna love this. Open the link and watch the interview. Remember, some here believe the scientific community is honest, just doing God's work.


Polls show that public trust in the scientific establishment has suffered immensely in the wake of Covid. That’s prompted many to ask questions about conflicts of interest. Today, with the help of a watchdog group, we look at the issue of government scientists collecting royalty payments from pharmaceutical companies for discoveries made while working on your dime.

Adam Andrzejewski: So our data shows at OpenTheBooks.com that every single year, NIH doles out $32 billion in federal grant-making to 56,000 entities. And that basically buys you the entire American health care space.

Adam Andrzejewski of the watchdog group Open The Books says the National Institutes of Health, or NIH, accumulates great influence with the power to decide which scientists and projects get all those taxpayer billions.

Adam Andrzejewski: Buys you a lot of friends, buys you a lot of allies, and there's great incentive to stay on the establishment narratives that NIH disseminates on public health policy.

And he says there’s reason to question who or what is influencing those policies.

Under a 1984 law known as Bayh-Dole, government scientists have a unique arrangement. They can collect royalties from pharmaceutical companies for discoveries they make while working for us.

Andrzejewski: So here’s how the third-party royalty complex works. You have a government scientist funded by taxpayers, and they work in a government lab that's also funded by taxpayers. And when they have an invention, they have a special situation. The NIH, National Institutes of Health, then licenses that invention —

Sharyl: An invention meaning a drug or a device?

Andrzejewski: — yes, or therapeutic, to the private sector. And the private sector then pays royalties back to NIH. NIH then distributes those royalties on a split, a royalty split schedule, back to the scientist.

Details of those royalty payments to government scientists are kept as strictly held secrets.

Republican Senator Rand Paul tried to pry some of them loose when questioning Dr. Anthony Fauci, then head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Sen. Rand Paul: Can you tell me that you have not received a royalty from any entity that you ever oversaw the distribution of money and research grants?

Anthony Fauci: Um, well first of all, let’s talk about royalties

Paul: That's the question. No, that’s the question (Crosstalk) Have you ever received a royalty payment from a company that you later oversaw money going to that company?

Fauci: You know, I don’t know as a fact, but I doubt it.

Paul: It’s not just about you. Everyone on the vaccine committee — have any of them ever received money from the people who make vaccines? Can you tell me that? Can you tell me if anybody on the vaccine approval committees ever received any money from (Crosstalk)... people who make the vaccines?

Fauci: Sound bite number one, are you gonna let me answer a question? Ok. So let me give you some information. First of all, according to the regulations, people who receive royalties are not required to divulge them even on their financial statement, according to the Bayh-Dole Act.

Sharyl: And he literally told Congress more or less, "It's none of your business. I don't have to tell you these things," which is pretty surprising because it would seem to be important.

Andrzejewski: So during the pandemic, I think the American people started to ask the question, "Just how close is big government to big pharma?”

Open The Books sued to try to get some of the hidden answers. That lawsuit unearthed 3,000 pages of royalty payments to NIH scientists from 2010 to 2021. During that time, 2,407 government scientists received $325 million in secretive royalty payments, averaging out to more than $135,000 each.

But much is left unknown. NIH redacted or blacked out key details.

Andrzejewski: We don't know who paid it. We don't know how much each individual scientist received. We can only see their names and count the number of times that each scientist received a payment. And they also redacted the invention, the license number or the patent number.

Sharyl: How does this stand, do you think, to impact the work the government does on behalf of public health? What conflicts arise?

Andrzejewski: So every single one of those individual, third-party royalty payments has the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Take the example of Covid vaccines. Andrzejewski says the first Covid vaccine to get government approval was Pfizer’s, which happens to be part of an NIH royalty-sharing agreement.

Sharyl: Does that mean NIH helped invent the vaccine and then licensed some of the technology to Pfizer?

Andrzejewski: Yes.

Sharyl: What does that imply?

Andrzejewski: Right, exactly. The NIH invented certain aspects of the vaccine that was licensed to Pfizer. When they developed it, they have to pay that royalty. And so, and so NIH was receiving tens of millions of dollars from Pfizer on those royalty payments.

Sharyl: What are the outstanding questions to be answered in sort of the big picture, not about the individual scientists, but from a public standpoint?

Andrzejewski: We need to be able to follow the money. Unelected bureaucrats are running the entire American health care complex without any scrutiny. They're basically telling the American people, "Sit down, shut up, pay up. We'll run things." And that's not how the federal government is supposed to operate.

Sharyl (on-camera): By the way, Fauci has refused to quantify all of his personal royalty payments, but has implied they are very small.
Moderna paid NIAID $400 M, and had received $1.7B previously.

They are the new kids.
pFizer are the pros. How much did they get, and how much got kicked back?