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Covid Vaccine

You know full well he was talking about the "taxpayer provided education" - i.e., elementary through highschool.

I'm slowly watching my county, one of the richest in the nation, crumble.

45 minutes away, in Baltimore, they have 23 schools where NOT ONE SINGLE STUDENT is proficient in math. Thus a 61% exodus from MD.

I'll be a part of that % leaving when my kids are out of college.
Places on the west coast crumbled at a larger city level. Look at once great cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle just turn into homeless camps at every corner.

This government has really let the people down. Your county is happening in all 50 states.

It’s sad how we attack each other based on political party. The real enemy has always been politicians both parties. They are on tv arguing and saying they are going to this and that. But if that was the case these counties wouldn’t crumble.

Nobody in DC gives a **** about any of us. As long as their pockets get fat. That’s all they care about. They’ve done a good job at turning americans against each other though. I’ve never seen such a political divide in some time.

Liberals and conservatives in my real world interactions are not scary people. They are just normal hard working americans working their 40-60 hour work weeks trying to get by.

Everytime I see this trans, gang banging, racist, etc thrown on the twitter and tik tok links on here and the internet. I cannot help but laugh.

The internet has created a stereotype to both sides and many people believe that’s real life.
Places on the west coast crumbled at a larger city level. Look at once great cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle just turn into homeless camps at every corner.

This government has really let the people down. Your county is happening in all 50 states.

It’s sad how we attack each other based on political party. The real enemy has always been politicians both parties. They are on tv arguing and saying they are going to this and that. But if that was the case these counties wouldn’t crumble.

Nobody in DC gives a **** about any of us. As long as their pockets get fat. That’s all they care about. They’ve done a good job at turning americans against each other though. I’ve never seen such a political divide in some time.

Liberals and conservatives in my real world interactions are not scary people. They are just normal hard working americans working their 40-60 hour work weeks trying to get by.

Everytime I see this trans, gang banging, racist, etc thrown on the twitter and tik tok links on here and the internet. I cannot help but laugh.

The internet has created a stereotype to both sides and many people believe that’s real life.
Excellent points. Far too many worship politicians and their party, combine that with the news outlets and social media, it's no wonder the country is divided.
Real life is going out and helping your neighbor.
Excellent points. Far too many worship politicians and their party, combine that with the news outlets and social media, it's no wonder the country is divided.
Real life is going out and helping your neighbor.
The New York Times is waking up.

Floggy still stands pat...."Masks work!!"

Hey Floggy....you know when I say "just wait?" This is what we wait for. More and more evidence that we were right. More is coming my friend. Much more is coming.

The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?​

The most rigorous and comprehensive analysis of scientific studies conducted on the efficacy of masks for reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses — including Covid-19 — was published late last month. Its conclusions, said Tom Jefferson, the Oxford epidemiologist who is its lead author, were unambiguous.

“There is just no evidence that they” — masks — “make any difference,” he told the journalist Maryanne Demasi. “Full stop.”

But, wait, hold on. What about N-95 masks, as opposed to lower-quality surgical or cloth masks?

“Makes no difference — none of it,” said Jefferson.

What about the studies that initially persuaded policymakers to impose mask mandates?

“They were convinced by non-randomized studies, flawed observational studies.”

What about the utility of masks in conjunction with other preventive measures, such as hand hygiene, physical distancing or air filtration?

“There’s no evidence that many of these things make any difference.”

These observations don’t come from just anywhere. Jefferson and 11 colleagues conducted the study for Cochrane, a British nonprofit that is widely considered the gold standard for its reviews of health care data. The conclusions were based on 78 randomized controlled trials, six of them during the Covid pandemic, with a total of 610,872 participants in multiple countries. And they track what has been widely observed in the United States: States with mask mandates fared no better against Covid than those without.

More in the link......

@Confluence gonna love this.


The Biden administration’s refusal to acknowledge the power of natural immunity against COVID-19 is an eye-opening example of the widespread collusion and corruption permeating what feels like all aspects of American lives. Despite numerous reputable experts and bombshell studies—including a significant one last week in The Lancet—revealing natural immunity’s important role against COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic, the war against the human body’s natural defense mechanism has been, at the very least, troubling to witness. The fight to repeatedly discredit natural immunity as a damaging theory emphasizes the immensely persuasive leverage the pharmaceutical industry has over our government and mainstream media. It also confirms that a more extensive and scandalous agenda is at play—completely ignoring what is best for the health of the American people and humanity as a whole. Instead, as pointed out by former Blackrock advisor Edward Dowd, big pharma is using on the human population the same Bill Gates business model used in the eighties in software—selling solutions to the problems they create. In this case, “Destroy the natural immunity, then sell follow-on products once that’s destroyed for symptoms and disease control.”
Bill Gates funded the recent article in The Lancet. What is his motive? Dependent upon life-long customers, the healthcare industry is the fastest-growing industry in the nation and, for that matter, the world. The effort to suppress information on natural immunity during the politicized and hugely profitable pandemic is deliberate and far-reaching. Helping cast doubt on natural immunity—while categorizing those leery of experimental vaccines as part of the maligned “anti-vaxxers” group—on May 12, 2020, the center-left nonprofit Mother Jones published an article titled “Anti-Vaxxers Have a Dangerous Theory Called ‘Natural Immunity.’ Now It’s Going Mainstream.” With significant funding from Bill Gates’ partner, Planned Parenthood supporter, and Trump critic, the MacArthur Foundation, the article reinforced attacks on President Trump’s goal at the time of keeping the country open by calling out “fringe groups” and promoting that “infectious disease experts all agree that the “herd immunity” approach would be catastrophic.”

In March 2020, Dr. Fauci was asked: "Is a person likely to be immune once they caught the coronavirus?"

Fauci: "You would assume that there would be substantial immunity post infection."

Why did Fauci later deny natural immunity when mandating mRNA vaccines? pic.twitter.com/nT5UbfT7u3
— kanekoa.substack.com (@KanekoaTheGreat) February 18, 2023

Looking Back at the Politicized Attack on Natural Immunity
On Oct. 31, 2020, in an article with a view quite different from the one published last week, The Lancet published a paper titled “Scientific consensus on the COVID-19 pandemic: we need to act now.” With funding linked to Bill Gates and one of the article’s authors being then-Chief of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital Rochelle Walensky, the widely distributed message from the study was that “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection” and that “the consequence of waning immunity would present a risk to vulnerable populations for the indefinite future.” Labeling natural herd immunity as “a dangerous fallacy unsupported by scientific evidence,” Walensky and others instead called for strategies advocated by The World Health Organization (WHO), including physical distancing, face masks, lockdowns, contact tracing, and isolation, all while the world awaited the vaccines.

To support their “scientific consensus,” the Lancet paper promoted the “John Snow Memorandum,” written in response to the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) and signed by Walensky. The Snow memorandum declared there was “no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural immunity.”
The group maintained this theme for many months, announcing in January 2022 in the BJM the need for “an urgent call for global “vaccine plus” action.” With Walensky now head of the CDC, the group requested that the WHO (which supports “vaccine plus”) and national governments unequivocally declare SARS-CoV-2 an airborne pathogen, promote the use of high-quality face masks for indoor gatherings, advise on adequate ventilation and air filtration systems, set criteria to relax transmission measures based on “test, trace, isolate,” and support urgent efforts to achieve global vaccine equity.

JAMA article: Durable antibody response 20 months after covid recovery.

The evidence of immunity after covid recovery is overwhelming. Are you ready to rescind your signature from the debunked John Snow Memorandum yet, @CDCDirector?https://t.co/hLjnov6dbD
— Jay Bhattacharya (@DrJBhattacharya) February 23, 2022

With that in mind, looking back at President Trump’s COVID strategy prior to the October 2020 Lancet article, it is crucial to remember that the former president planned to embrace what critics called “a dangerous and discredited herd immunity via mass infection strategy.” Without a doubt, Trump’s objective of avoiding shutting down the entire country and adopting a more practical approach was a very real threat to the fear-based global COVID narrative promoted by Gates, WHO, Wellcome, and others, which, significantly included the long-awaited massive clinical trial set to begin once the rushed experimental and long-planned mRNA COVID-19 injections were ready to be pushed into the arms of all Americans and the world at large.

With Trump’s objective in mind, on Aug. 26, 2020, his Coronavirus Advisor, Dr. Scott Atlas, arranged a closed press roundtable with medical experts to discuss the president’s herd immunity strategy. For the discussion, Atlas invited Dr. Jay Bhattacharya from Stanford, Dr. Martin Kulldorff from Harvard, Dr. Joseph Lapado from UCLA, and Dr. Cody Meissner from Tufts—all of whom supported this approach—to speak with the President, Vice President, and other administration officials about the pandemic response. Among those invited, Dr. Deborah Birx refused to attend the discussion, emailing Mark Short, VP Pence’s Chief of Staff, the day before the meeting, offering to “go out of town or whatever to give the WH cover” for her absence. Birx, who pushed heavily for the discredited mask mandates, described the medical experts Atlas invited as “a fringe group without grounding in epidemics, public health or on the ground common sense experience.”


On Aug. 27, 2020, the day after the roundtable and a week after Democratic nominee Joe Biden promised to lead the nation out of a “season of darkness,” President Trump accepted the Republican nomination for the 2020 presidential race against Democrat and scandal-ridden Biden. In a speech to the nation, Trump noted that the cost of Biden’s fear-based shutdown, should he become president, “would be measured in increased drug overdoses, depression, alcohol addiction, suicides, heart attacks, and economic devastation.” With mainstream media visibly against him, Trump explained his administration’s very different approach, remarking, “To save as many lives as possible, we are focusing on the science, the facts, and the data. We are aggressively sheltering those at highest risk, especially the elderly, while allowing lower-risk Americans to safely return to work and to school, and we want to see so many of those great states be opened by Democrats. We want them to be open. They have to be open. They have to get back to work.”

Like clockwork, a day later, on Aug. 28, 2020, the move to discredit herd immunity persisted, including by the WHO, which released a video titled “WHO’s Science in 5 on COVID-19—Herd Immunity—Aug. 28, 2020.” Asserting that society should “talk about herd immunity in the context of a vaccine” to eliminate the “great human cost” that would occur with reaching it naturally, WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan remarked, “so our strategy is to vaccinate enough people rather than just letting people get infected.” Conveniently, in what certainly strengthened the mass vaccination narrative coming around the corner, existing treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were immediately labeled as ineffective in treating COVID. Thus, with no effective remedy available, Swaminathan stated that until there was a vaccine, slowing the spread with stringent measures was the only option.

On Oct. 5, 2020, a month before the presidential election, Atlas coordinated another meeting between senior Trump administration officials, including HHS Secretary Alex Azar and medical experts Dr. Bhattacharya, Dr. Kulldorff, and Dr. Sunetra Gupta. On Oct. 4, the day before the meeting, the medical experts released the aforementioned Great Barrington Declaration (GBD), which endorsed the herd immunity approach supported by President Trump and Atlas. Not surprisingly, in a coordinated assault, the GBD was swiftly shut down by Fauci and Collins. Immediately following the meeting, Azar tweeted about the science and data from around the world discussed at the gathering, which offered a “strong reinforcement” of Trump’s strategy to protect the vulnerable while opening schools and the workplace. Of course, in what is most likely criminal and well-funded, Trump lost the election, and Joe Biden became president.

CDC estimates SARS-CoV-2 has infected more than 100 million Americans, and evidence is mounting that natural immunity is at least as protective as vaccination. Yet public health leadership says everyone needs the vaccine.https://t.co/lAqZaGHq5A
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) September 15, 2021
A year later and several months into the COVID-19 mass vaccination campaign, with Biden and the conspirators behind the Great Reset controlling the lives of unsuspecting Americans, the attack on natural immunity persisted—despite eighty-one studies praising the more robust and longer-lasting power of natural immunity. According to The Epoch Times, a secret meeting to discuss whether or not individuals with innate immunity should be exempt from getting COVID-19 vaccines took place on Oct. 12, 2021. The meeting, organized by U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, included Dr. Anthony Fauci, CDC Director Dr. Walensky, NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, then White House vaccine coordinator Dr. Bechera Choicair, Dr. Paul Offit, Dr. Michael Osterholm, Akiko Iwasaki, and vaccine tyrant Dr. Peter Hotez.

Yet, despite research demonstrating that natural immunity was long-lasting and superior to COVID-19 vaccination, the meeting did not change the CDC’s vaccination policy. Instead, Fauci and the others downplayed that protection, insisting it is inferior to vaccine-induced immunity. Dr. Bhattacharya, who did not participate in the meeting, condemned how such an influential discussion occurred behind closed doors with only a few people attending, telling the Epoch Times, “It was a really impactful decision that they made in private with a very small number of people involved. And they reached the wrong decision.” Corroborating the evidence in support of natural immunity, on an Oct. 7, 2021, episode of Morning Wire, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine professor Dr. Marty Makary, who accused the CDC of cherry-picking the data to support whatever they’ve already decided,” remarked:

“The data on natural immunity are now overwhelming. It turns out the hypothesis that our public health leaders had that vaccinated immunity is better and stronger than natural immunity was wrong. They got it backwards. And now we’ve got data from Israel showing that natural immunity is 27 times more effective than vaccinated immunity. And that supports 15 other studies.”

Natural Immunity wins again. New England Journal Study: Natural immunity “protection was higher than that conferred after the same time had elapsed since receipt of a second dose of vaccine among previously uninfected persons.” https://t.co/aEFHKfXQUi
— Marty Makary MD, MPH (@MartyMakary) June 12, 2022

Remarkably, on Nov. 5, 2021, thanks to a FOIA request submitted on behalf of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) by attorney Aaron Siri, it was revealed that the CDC does not collect data on people who have acquired natural immunity. According to Siri, with evident proof that those vaccinated with COVID-19 jabs spread the virus, this revelation presents questions about vaccine mandates, notably how vaccines can be mandated for individuals who may not need them and who could be at a greater-than-average risk of experiencing an adverse reaction to the experimental shots. Surely frustrated by the duplicity of the CDC and well-versed on why natural immunity is superior to vaccine immunity, Siri wrote:

“The CDC’s excuse for not having a shred of evidence of the naturally immune transmitting the virus is that “this information is not collected.” What?! No proof! But yet, the CDC is actively crushing the rights of millions of naturally immune individuals in this country if they do not get the vaccine on the assumption they can transmit the virus. But despite clear proof the vaccinated spread the virus, the CDC lifts restrictions on the vaccinated?! That is dystopian.

The facts about natural immunity are simple—see
this link for exchange with CDC regarding same. Every single peer-reviewed study in this exchange with the CDC has found that the naturally immune have far greater than 99% protection from having COVID-19, and this immunity does not wane. In contrast, the COVID-19 vaccine provides, at best, 95% protection, and this immunity wanes rapidly. I am no mathematician, but a constant 99% seems preferable to a 95% that quickly drops. And, while the vaccinated readily transmit the virus, not so for the naturally immune.

The lesson, yet again, is not that health authorities should never make mistakes. They will. It happens. The lesson is that civil and individual rights should never be contingent upon a medical procedure. Everyone, the naturally immune or otherwise, who wants to get vaccinated and boosted should be free to do so. But nobody should be coerced by the government to partake in any medical procedure.”

(1/2) Aaron Siri describes the actions his law firm is taking on behalf of ICAN to have the CDC lift restrictions on those with natural immunity https://t.co/65ZlXZzxoS@AaronSiriSG @delbigtree pic.twitter.com/v1onX9SoR8
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) November 21, 2021

In January 2022, five months after issuing a media statement declaring that COVID-19 vaccination offers higher protection than a previous COVID-19 infection, the CDC published a report emphasizing that the opposite is true with the Delta variant, as noted in the Defender. At the same time, as previously mentioned, Walensky and the other signatories of the John Snow Memorandum called for a “vaccine-plus strategy,” aggressively supporting vaccines and restrictive measures while dismissing natural immunity. Speaking of the new CDC data, Dr. Vinay Prasad, associate professor of epidemiology and biostatistics and the University of California, pointed out that it finally confirms the power of natural immunity supported by Israeli data, which shows “if you have had COVID-19 and recovered, your probability of catching the virus again and getting sick so you require hospitalization is very, very, very low.” Prasad expressed disappointment in the lack of “gold standard” randomized control trials on the subject since the well-funded FDA could have compelled such trials. Disappointed, he remarked, “we have a very low regulatory standard which is something I have quite a problem with.”

Indeed, the FDA’s deficient regulatory standards are explicit in the Pfizer documents released in April 2022, thanks to Siri and ICAN. The records confirm that the company, which has made billions off its experimental COVID-19 shots, was aware that natural immunity was as effective as its experimental vaccine at preventing severe illness. Analyzing the “first bombshell” in the trove of documents, journalist Kim Iverson commented:

Yet rather than say people with natural immunity don’t seem to need the vaccine … Pfizer instead spun their conclusion and said, ‘final efficacy results show that the vaccine provided protection against COVID-19 for participants with or without evidence of prior infection.”

Further exposing the profit-driven politicized attack on natural immunity, the Twitter files released by Elon Musk show that former FDA Commissioner and Pfizer board member Dr. Scott Gottlieb pressured Twitter to take action against a post accurately noting that natural immunity is superior to COVID-19 vaccination.

As a Pfizer board member, it is Scott Gottlieb's fiduciary duty 2maximize Pfizer's profits

Scott Gottlieb is also a paid CNBC "medical expert."

Despite the scientific literature, Gottlieb told CNBC viewers his product is better than natural immunity#PfizerFiles #TwitterFiles pic.twitter.com/JgNm5u7nr7
— Avatar Jordan (@jprince_cheryl) January 10, 2023
Screenshot / CDC / Myths and Facts About COVID-19 Vaccines, updated Feb. 26, 2023[/caption]

The Lancet Article & Motive Behind Sudden Shift in Message

Discussing the Lancet’s Feb. 16, 2023 article, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense, said:

“The Lancet is finally acknowledging what doctors and scientists have been gaslit for saying for years—that natural immunity provides superior protection to experimental vaccines.”

Indeed, the study found that immunity obtained from infection was often more powerful and waned more slowly than immunity from two doses of an untested mRNA vaccine.

Still, the motives behind the study coming out now must be considered. One of the authors, Dr. Christopher Murray, is the director of The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), a Gates-funded institute “largely responsible for the notoriously exaggerated mortality calculations that overestimated COVID deaths by 20-fold at the COVID pandemic’s outset,” as pointed out by Kennedy. Offering additional insight into the Lancet study findings, Dr. Meryl Nass, internist and epidemiologist remarked:

“While framing this as an acknowledgment that natural immunity confers protection, what it is also doing is providing tacit agreement that government-imposed policies restricting travel are acceptable. It furthermore provides tacit approval of vaccine passports.”

Strengthening the strategically crafted message (similar to Fauci’s emergency teleconference shaping the story on the origins of COVID), a paper published last month in Cell Host & Microbe, co-authored by Fauci, concludes that coronaviruses and other predominately mucosal respiratory viruses “have not been controlled by licensed or experimental vaccines.” In other words, they admit the vaccines haven’t succeeded, yet mainstream media continues to spread the message that vaccination is the best way to protect against COVID-19. Linking the findings published in Cell and The Lancet with Gates and Fauci’s recent admission that the vaccines are failing, Nass elucidated that the end goal is to accept no blame but instead craft the script so the message is clear that more money is needed to develop new types of vaccines.

With a future increasingly intertwined with technology like the mRNA vaccines and technocrats like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates repeatedly practicing for the next catastrophe while inching closer to transhumanism, it’s not surprising that, as they half admit the COVID-19 vaccines are failing, they also make a hard push for more vaccines. Unquestionably, natural immunity is the enemy.

Vaccine supporters and apologists here have said...

The health agencies and the government were "learning". WRONG. They intentionally deceived us all, in coordinated fashion.

@Confluence has said over and again corporate greed (Pfizer) drove this world-wide lie to inject the planet.

I'm starting to believe him.

@Troglodyte laughed at natural immunity. It was the pathway out. Has been since mankind existed. It was the way out here. Everything we did from masking to mandates was backwards and wrong, the way we did it.
Last edited:
Says the guy trying to argue that Mississippi is a blue state.
you - YOU - specifically asked about Mississippi. I only gave you the absolute facts that again destroyed your house of cards.

Screenshot / CDC / Myths and Facts About COVID-19 Vaccines, updated Feb. 26, 2023[/caption]

The Lancet Article & Motive Behind Sudden Shift in Message

Discussing the Lancet’s Feb. 16, 2023 article, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense, said:

“The Lancet is finally acknowledging what doctors and scientists have been gaslit for saying for years—that natural immunity provides superior protection to experimental vaccines.”

Indeed, the study found that immunity obtained from infection was often more powerful and waned more slowly than immunity from two doses of an untested mRNA vaccine.

Still, the motives behind the study coming out now must be considered. One of the authors, Dr. Christopher Murray, is the director of The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), a Gates-funded institute “largely responsible for the notoriously exaggerated mortality calculations that overestimated COVID deaths by 20-fold at the COVID pandemic’s outset,” as pointed out by Kennedy. Offering additional insight into the Lancet study findings, Dr. Meryl Nass, internist and epidemiologist remarked:

“While framing this as an acknowledgment that natural immunity confers protection, what it is also doing is providing tacit agreement that government-imposed policies restricting travel are acceptable. It furthermore provides tacit approval of vaccine passports.”

Strengthening the strategically crafted message (similar to Fauci’s emergency teleconference shaping the story on the origins of COVID), a paper published last month in Cell Host & Microbe, co-authored by Fauci, concludes that coronaviruses and other predominately mucosal respiratory viruses “have not been controlled by licensed or experimental vaccines.” In other words, they admit the vaccines haven’t succeeded, yet mainstream media continues to spread the message that vaccination is the best way to protect against COVID-19. Linking the findings published in Cell and The Lancet with Gates and Fauci’s recent admission that the vaccines are failing, Nass elucidated that the end goal is to accept no blame but instead craft the script so the message is clear that more money is needed to develop new types of vaccines.

With a future increasingly intertwined with technology like the mRNA vaccines and technocrats like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates repeatedly practicing for the next catastrophe while inching closer to transhumanism, it’s not surprising that, as they half admit the COVID-19 vaccines are failing, they also make a hard push for more vaccines. Unquestionably, natural immunity is the enemy.

Vaccine supporters and apologists here have said...

The health agencies and the government were "learning". WRONG. They intentionally deceived us all, in coordinated fashion.

@Confluence has said over and again corporate greed (Pfizer) drove this world-wide lie to inject the planet.

I'm starting to believe him.

@Troglodyte laughed at natural immunity. It was the pathway out. Has been since mankind existed. It was the way out here. Everything we did from masking to mandates was backwards and wrong, the way we did it.
Some here will require the Cliff Notes edition.
What??? OMG LOL

You're blending two separate threads Floggy. One thread was your innacurrate reply to Steeltime's response. The other came from your weak attempts to defend your hypocritical trip to FL.

You're lost. Find your way back

View attachment 10548

You suck at this.

Not a single student can do math at grade level in 53 Illinois schools. For reading, it’s 30 schools – Wirepoints​

And they spend a TON on these kids.

Nope. Scroll back. Steeltime’s post was in response to me providing a link that showed… you CHOOSE to live in a county and area ruled by democrats. SAME THREAD.

You, of all people, really shouldn’t be casting stones when it comes to not being able to do math.
More great news for the vaccines, via New Zealand.

The government data from New Zealand shows that for each age group, the more you vax, the more likely you are to die from COVID.



FOIA request response: Total ACM deaths per month by vax status

Nope. Scroll back. Steeltime’s post was in response to me providing a link that showed… you CHOOSE to live in a county and area ruled by democrats. SAME THREAD.

You, of all people, really shouldn’t be casting stones when it comes to not being able to do math.

Two threads. Steeltime took your inane points in a separate direction.

You, Florida: https://www.steelernation.com/forums/threads/covid-vaccine.36523/post-1032861

Steeltime, he began a new thread about the "multiple" deflective points you were trying to dance with: https://www.steelernation.com/forums/threads/covid-vaccine.36523/post-1033127

You can continue to post your inane argument that several others have destroyed. Your visit to Florida was hypocrisy in action. Me landing in MD 31 years ago is not in the vicinity of being comparable...as...has...been...explained...to....you.
Excellent points. Far too many worship politicians and their party, combine that with the news outlets and social media, it's no wonder the country is divided.
Real life is going out and helping your neighbor.
So long as they don't have really annoying Christmas decorations that make noise all night. 😂
It just keeps getting more cosy. NIH got $400M in royalty payments, paid to staff, in 12 years from 2010 to 2022. And that amount again, in one year, from one firm with the mRNA shot:

The higher royalties stemmed from Moderna’s December agreement with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, or NIAID, whose researchers helped design Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine. NIAID is part of the National Institutes of Health.

Moderna agreed to license certain NIAID patent rights covering discoveries that informed the design of Moderna’s vaccine. Under the agreement, Moderna paid NIAID $400 million in the fourth quarter, and will pay royalties on future vaccine sales in the low-single-digits as a percent of sales, the company said.

NIAID is Fauci's former employer, a sub of NIH.

Only recently and under court order has the NIH begun disclosing the amount of money changing hands with the private sector for these innovations. As officials slow-walk the royalty data release, we can say that the NIH and its scientists received an estimated $400 million in third-party paid royalties between March 2010 and today and that they dole out around $32 billion a year in research grants across the medical community. Concurrently, decisions inside the NIH, the Food and Drug Administration, and the wider Department of Health and Human Services were made regarding product approvals, public health guidance, and continuing research priorities.

These huge financial stakes make it critical for patients and the public to have full transparency from the NIH. People, the press, pundits, and watchdogs must be able to follow the money.

However, in the production of this information, the NIH is redacting every individual payment amount, the identity of the payer, and the patent license numbers. So we know hundreds of millions of dollars enrich the NIH and its scientists, but the NIH refuses to tell who is paying, at what amounts, and for which innovations. It renders these document dumps effectively useless.
They're all on the same team....
Say it ain't so JMM....comeon man


There are areas that do show a difference, although they are all outside Mordor on the Potomac.

The fact that there is any red on this graph at all disappoints me more than the difference between the two.


Sigh....too few real Patriots and Conservative thinkers left to stem the tide, I fear.
