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Covid Vaccine

I wonder if Bronny was vaxxed?


Lebron James said in 2021, "Everyone has their own choice to do what they feel is right for themselves and their family and things of that nature. I know that I was very skepticism [sic] about it all. But after doing my research and things of that nature, I felt like it was best suited for not only me but my family and my friends.”

L. James support for Covid shot

Lebron James said in 2021, "Everyone has their own choice to do what they feel is right for themselves and their family and things of that nature. I know that I was very skepticism [sic] about it all. But after doing my research and things of that nature, I felt like it was best suited for not only me but my family and my friends.”

L. James support for Covid shot

What a stupid ****. If he had actually done research, he wouldn't have stuck his kid with that toxic experimental garbage that doesn't do dick for the virus, it can however royally **** you up. We also have zero idea the long term effects of this stuff.

Bronny James. Heart attack. Just wait indeed.

And this.

In groundbreaking research presented Wednesday, statistician and Luzern University professor Dr. Konstantin Beck said data show miscarriages and stillbirth rates in 2022 corresponded directly to COVID-19 vaccination among pregnant women in Switzerland nine months earlier.

Switzerland saw a historic drop in the rate of live births in 2022.

Every month that year, there were fewer births than there had been on average over the previous six years, for an overall reduction of 8.5% in the national birth rate.

In some places, the drop was even more significant — Zurich had a 16.5 % drop in its birth rate.

The last comparable drop in births, 13%, was during the 1914 mobilization of the Swiss Army at the start of World War I, when most young men went off to fight the war.

The 2022 plummet in birth rates came on the heels of a small “Corona baby boom” — a 3% spike in birth rates in 2021, that had followed the pandemic lockdown.

COVID-19 vaccination rates among Swiss women in 2021 and early 2022 corresponded very closely to the drop in birth rates nine months following vaccination.


ICAN FOIA: Moderna Data Shows Alarming Lot Specific Data on mRNA Shots​

The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) published its FOIA Moderna lot data on July 6, and it shows an alarming number of Adverse Events (AEs) and Severe Adverse Events (SAEs). Maybe those data underlie one reason the CDC put attorney Aaron Siri and his team through the wringer to obtain the information. UncoverDC reported similar findings in its article on documents concerning the Moderna Spikevax trial data obtained by FOIA in a lawsuit brought by Defending the Republic. Those analyzing the data are finding the AEs and SAEs seem to be Lot specific. The ICAN press release states it is already known that VAERS data show “certain Moderna vaccine lots appear to be responsible for a disproportionate number of reported deaths and injuries.”

ICAN makes publicly available the “lot, dose, and distribution” information for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, but it has not been without a fight with CDC and HHS. According to the ICAN press release, the CDC first responded “with heavily redacted and virtually useless documents.” ICAN then filed a lawsuit on Nov. 2, 2022, against CDC and HHS to obtain the specific and now-published data. Why would CDC and HHS not want to make such data available to Americans? Do those agencies not exist to serve the public interest? In any case, the data now shared by ICAN fills in some critical blanks, such as the total number of doses shipped per Lot.

Making Sense of ICAN’s FOIA Data: Vaersaware.com​

The Vaersaware.com website published by WelcomeTheEagle88 (Alberto Benavidez)helps make visual and logical sense of the ICAN Moderna data. ICAN was given 325 Lots, with a total of 332,004,800 doses released. Benavidez produced an Excel worksheet with 22 pages using a “heat-map” visual to help clarify his analysis. He did the same for the Pfizer data.

The ICAN data is featured in an interactive dashboard format “still in beta” on the Vaersaware.com website, making it easier to look at lot numbers, where those lots landed, doses shipped, and important data related to “Lot# toxicity,” among other data points. All the data from the Vaersaware.com site is fully downloadable in Excel format. The Excel worksheet makes it very easy to see the troubling “Lot Toxicity” in some of the lots in the ICAN dataset that is difficult for the average reader to parse.

Benavidez also provides additional data not provided by the ICAN documents, such as Moderna lot expiration dates. The expiration dates are verified with Moderna’s own expiration date lookup tool. The site also features information on the Lot numbers in the ICAN report but not in the VAERS report and vice versa. In the downloadable format, one can view the “no ican but vaers” and the “no vaers but ican” analysis. Benavidez is well-acquainted with the VAERS data and continues to audit and investigate COVID-19 mRNA technology data on the VAERS site from several angles, as shown in his website’s various dashboards.

It is important to understand that 8 possible categories of events are listed in the columns in his Excel worksheets, 5 of which are SAEs—the more severe the event, the hotter the color.


SAEs and AEs/Eagle
The deaths to doses ratio is an important metric in his worksheets. It is represented in the last column listed to the right. The author also makes it evident with his visuals which lots were the most toxic and provides an Excel worksheet sorted by doses with their accompanying Lot#.


Benavidez writes in his July 18 substack that the Moderna tranche “came with much less information” than the data generally provided by Pfizer—“no provider information, only state and zip code details. No unique shipment date per delivery/lot. No mention of cutoff dates showing how far the information goes to.” However, unlike Pfizer, he explains Moderna provided “foreign lots but not the countries the lots went to.” As a result of the missing attributions in the foreign data, Benavidez says he “stuffed all ‘Foreign’ data into Alberta, Canada.”


Cutoff Dates?/https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/exclusive-ican-obtains-critical-moderna-bc4
Benavidez makes another critical observation in his analysis. He says there is no way to know from this data “how many doses went into arms.” Admittedly, there is still much to digest and understand in the data provided by ICAN.


Doses in Arms/https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/icans-moderna-lot-tranche-analysis?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

Is Moderna Hiding Data From ICAN?​

In his July 19 substack Gary Hawkins (Deepdots substack) questions and confirms Benavidez’s observation that there are missing lot numbers from the ICAN tranche of data. Hawkins and Benavidez show with evidence and thoughtful analysis that the ICAN FOIA is missing 958 Lot numbers, which “have reports in VAERS.”


Missing Lots/Hawkins/https://deepdots.substack.com/p/further-info-on-the-958-missing-lotsbatches

Benavidez hypothesizes that the “many deaths” reported in VAERS, especially those related to “foreign versus domestic lots,” may explain the discrepancy. He conjectures that it is almost as if Moderna is hiding something. One of his examples shows that “Lot#939600 is not a part of the [ICAN] tranche” but shows 15 deaths in Taiwan. Another, “Lot#3001442— shows 20 deaths from Italy, 5 from the Netherlands, and 1 from Poland.”


VAERS NOT ICAN/https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/where-is-the-rest-of-the-moderna?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web

Italy, Netherlands, Poland/https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/where-is-the-rest-of-the-moderna?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web

Benavidez speculates the missing domestic data may be because some of the lot numbers are “fairly recent as per their expiration date” and not yet ready for FOIA.


Domestic Data Missing/https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/where-is-the-rest-of-the-moderna

Getting data from the government about COVID-19 shots has been exceedingly difficult. Organizations like Del Bigtree’s ICAN, Defending the Republic, Naomi Wolf, and others are working night and day to get documents from the government. And they are doing it while the “CDC erases about a gigabyte of information in 476,230 reports from the VAERS database,” as reported in Nov. 2022. It is no wonder the American public is still not convinced that some of these shots caused great harm. It is disheartening and, frankly, borders on evil to see our government seemingly try to hide such essential and potentially life-saving information from Americans.
"We cannot ascribe everything to the vaccine, but, by the same token, we cannot ascribe nothing,"

-- Elon Musk

Wise man.

Demonstrate Forbes has established a fact.

It's an opinion.

X—the recently rebranded version of Twitter—removed a fact-check from a Tuesday post by company owner Elon Musk that linked the cardiac arrest suffered by college basketball player Bronny James to the Covid-19 vaccine—the latest assertion from the billionaire who’s increasingly promoting conspiracy theories and fringe ideas.

Written just like every single anti-vaccine-smear campaign or fact check has been for 3 years. No facts, save for to call the accuser a heretic, a conspiracy theorist, and assert their position is the right one.

Establish Bronny's heart attack (extremely, utterly, out of this world rare) isn't because of the vaccine.

We wait.
Dismisses 100% of facts that don't support his ideology. Scientist says he's wrong. Crickets.
He believed the science, and the scientists, and the government organization of scientists, until their reporting did not conform to his political messaging.

So he has been quiet, and will only trade his silly oblique one liners in this thread for many, many months, because his position is unabashedly indefensible.
Anecdotal to be sure, but just found out that a childhood neighbor just died. Granted, she was 70, but had no medical issues, fully vaxxed, heart attack, gone quick.

I'm sure it's just a co-winkydink.
Demonstrate Forbes has established a fact.

It's an opinion.

Written just like every single anti-vaccine-smear campaign or fact check has been for 3 years. No facts, save for to call the accuser a heretic, a conspiracy theorist, and assert their position is the right one.
What!?!? Anti-vax?

Forbes reported the fact check was removed. They weren’t the fact checkers.
Establish Bronny's heart attack (extremely, utterly, out of this world rare) isn't because of the vaccine.
How about I just provide all the times you attributed a heart attack or death to the vaccine only to be proven wrong? The Stanford soccer player’s family and Damar Hamlin kindly ask you to **** off.
I’m the one waiting, remember?
Sure the mRNA treatment doesn't cause any of this. We have never seen young athletes have heart attacks on the playing field in numbers like this ever. Started just after the mRNA treatment was mandated by sanctioning bodies but that isn't what caused it. :rolleyes:

STILL none of us who refused to take the mRNA jab regret that decision.
Sure the mRNA treatment doesn't cause any of this. We have never seen young athletes have heart attacks on the playing field in numbers like this ever. Started just after the mRNA treatment was mandated by sanctioning bodies but that isn't what caused it. :rolleyes:

STILL none of us who refused to take the mRNA jab regret that decision.
Literally everyone that I know that's still catching Covid has been fully jabbed.
My daughter is the only one in my family that got the jabs, first 2. for work.
I still worry about future damage.
more so, with evidence coming out now.

some people are just blind to reality,
she has had covid twice since.

My wife and I one time.
Son never.

2 days of uncomfortableness.
then done.

**** pharma.

oh and **** this government.
oh and **** the people who accept and believe everything it spews.

we have indeed become a banana republic.
have a nice day.

last thought.... anyone here have a cabin on a lake I can purchase?
Last edited:
What!?!? Anti-vax?

Forbes reported the fact check was removed. They weren’t the fact checkers.

Did Forbes not accuse him of being anti-conspiracy?

How about I just provide all the times you attributed a heart attack or death to the vaccine only to be proven wrong? The Stanford soccer player’s family and Damar Hamlin kindly ask you to **** off.

In neither case was it proven there was no causal link between their attacks and the vaccine. None.
I’m the one waiting, remember?

You'll wait till hell freezes over because your obtuse *** refuses to accept any scientific facts that don't fit your ideology.

You've been provided thousands of examples. And we've listed over and over and over all of the things we said for 3 years that came to be true. We waited. We were right.

Keep waiting. More keeps coming to light.
Literally everyone that I know that's still catching Covid has been fully jabbed.

I know not ONE single person who refused the jab who has had Covid more than 1 time. Every multiple-infected person I know took the jab.

We purebloods took the right path.
Yay mRNA!

COVID Vaccines Show 24 Times More Adverse Reactions Than Others​

The latest report on adverse reactions to vaccines in Western Australia has revealed that COVID-19 vaccinations have 24 times the rate of adverse reactions in the state compared to all other vaccines.

According to the state’s vaccine safety surveillance report (pdf), COVID-19 vaccines showed that for every 100,000 COVID-19 vaccines administered, 264 adverse events following immunisations (AEFIs) were recorded.

For all other vaccinations, 11.1 AEFIs were recorded, making the COVID-19 vaccines 23.8 times more likely than non-COVID-19 vaccines to result in adverse events.

Table showing numbers of vaccines administered and adverse events reported, with rate of adverse events, for non-COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 vaccines, 2021. (Image from the Department of Health in Western Australia)
The rate of adverse events varied among different types of COVID-19 vaccines.

The Spikevax (Moderna) vaccine recorded 281.4 AEFIs per 100,000 doses, Comirnaty (Pfizer) recorded 244.8, and the Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) vaccine, which was removed from the vaccine program after reports emerged of blood clotting in younger people, recorded 306.

Adverse events following vaccination can range from mild, such as a sore arm, to serious conditions, such as anaphylaxis, thrombosis with thrombocytopaenia syndrome (TTS), Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), myocarditis, and pericarditis.

Collaboration Continues With 3-in-1 Super Jab​

Meanwhile, despite these concerns, the Australian government’s partnership with Moderna to produce vaccines using experimental messenger RNA technology to prepare for the next pandemic means these vaccines are here to stay.

The company has been forming a trifecta jab to address the main respiratory viruses—influenza, COVID-19, and RSV to maintain its market share amid the falling revenue of vaccine companies as the health crisis subsides.

Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine sales of US$18.4 billion in 2022 are expected to dive to $5 billion this year.

Recently, it was granted expedited approval by Australia’s authority for medicines for its mRNA-1345 (RSV vaccine), meaning that the company will be able to launch the vaccines in Australia before any other country in the world.

A spokesperson from Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration told the Epoch Times that Moderna was granted an accelerated approval process on March 30 after satisfying all of the following criteria:

  • the medicine is new
  • the medicine is for the treatment, prevention, or diagnosis of a life-threatening condition
  • no other medicines that are intended to treat, prevent or diagnose the condition are included in the Australian drug register or there is substantial evidence that this medicine provides a significant improvement in efficacy or safety of the treatment, prevention or diagnosis of the condition compared to those goods already included in the register
  • there is substantial evidence that the medicine provides a major therapeutic advance.
However, phase 3 clinical trials for Moderna’s mRNA version of the seasonal influenza vaccine have been underwhelming, showing a high rate of side effects.

Although the vaccine generates a strong immune response against the A strains of the flu, its efficacy against B strains is not better than existing approved vaccines.

Additionally, 70 percent of trial participants who received the shot reported adverse reactions such as headaches, swelling, and fatigue compared to 48 percent for the conventional flu vaccine.
Everyone in my family that's had the experimental covid shot has gotten covid at least twice after.

No shot here, my youngest son the same. We never got it. Not that we would know of if we ever did.

Not a day goes by I ever regret NOT getting stuck with that ****. I'm certain it would **** up my immune system.
My parents haven't felt the same since multiple injections and boosters and now regret taking it after finding out what absolute **** it is.
I tried to talk them out of it because they're the poster children for good health and healthy living.

You can thank the 24/7 fear porn by our government and media. You know the trusted sources on TV.

Lebron James said in 2021, "Everyone has their own choice to do what they feel is right for themselves and their family and things of that nature. I know that I was very skepticism [sic] about it all. But after doing my research and things of that nature, I felt like it was best suited for not only me but my family and my friends.”

L. James support for Covid shot
Jason Whitlock doesn't think either Lebron or Bronny took the vax. Or Tom Brady either.
