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Covid Vaccine

We have a vaccine that does not prevent infection, nor does it prevent the spread of infection.
The logic(?) now presented is that it prevents you from developing worse case infections.

Wouldn't the same results occur from actually acquiring a case of Covid? :unsure:

And I do agree that the worldwide consensus about the vaccine is right and growing more so each day.


On August 31, 2023, roughly two weeks before the latest COVID booster recommendation by FDA/CDC/ACIP, independent researchers published an online, open-access analysis announcing…it is possible to distinguish, by tryptic digestion, followed by mass spectrometry analysis, synthetic Spike proteins originated from the translation of the mRNA vaccines from natural Spike circulating in biological fluids.

In other words, the researchers devised a method to determine how long the synthetic spike protein created by mRNA vaccines was present in the human body of vaccinated individuals.

This was a big deal. Their approach represents the first proteomic detection of recombinant Spike in vaccinated subjects. How long did they find it lasted?

They write, “The specific PP-Spike fragment was found in 50% of the biological samples analyzed, and its presence was independent of the SARS CoV-2 IgG antibody titer. The minimum and maximum time at which PP-Spike was detected after vaccination was 69 and 187 days, respectively.” Below is a chart from their study comparing the detection of the spike protein in the body of vaccinated and “after infection non vaccinated.

The FDA and CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) didn’t care and approved the new COVID booster anyway calling for yearly boosters ‘like the flu shot.’

The mRNA vaccine technology used against a circulating coronavirus is a new, never-before-used approach and method. Proper safety testing and an understanding of what happens when you repeatedly inject billions is unknown. Why? Well because it was an emergency we were told…we just didn’t have time. You understand right?
Yet, with the newly updated booster announced by the CDC for 6 months and older, with no exceptions we are still aggressively injecting. Why? America is the outlier with its cavalier approach to experimenting on its population as new warnings appear almost weekly from this injectable tech platform.

The CDC states mRNA vaccines use mRNA created in a laboratory to teach our cells how to make a protein that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. The Covid vaccine’s one and only purpose is to create that spike protein. It has only one job.

Do you think regulators or the pharmaceutical companies making the shots cared to understand what else that spike did after it was created or how long it persisted?

Pfizer’s Nonclinical overview submitted to FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, a document which doctors had to sue the agency in court to obtain, states:

“The protein encoded by the RNA in BNT162b2 is expected to be proteolytically degraded like other endogenous proteins…Therefore, no RNA or protein metabolism or excretion studies will be conducted.”

In other words, we aren’t going to bother looking because one can’t find what one doesn’t search for.

Side note, this same approach is used in most other vaccines on the CDC schedule as regulatory agencies allow the companies a free pass to not evaluate shots for “carcinogenic or mutagenic potential.

Two years later, public assertions like the one from The Infectious Disease Society of America still regularly repeated estimates that the spike proteins generated by COVID-19 vaccines last up to a few weeks.

The flashing warning of public health ignorance and medical neglect carried all the way to CDC’s ACIP meeting in 2022, two years into the most aggressive vaccine campaign in world history when Professor of Pediatrics at Nationwide Children’s Hospital Dr. Pablo Sanchez asked the therapeutic head of Moderna’s respiratory vaccine division the following question:

I’ve asked this before and I just don’t have a clear idea about how long the spike protein the messenger RNA in our bodies produce…how long has it been detected in patient serum or tissues or even in animal studies? Do you know how long it may persist in blood or serum or tissues?

To this question, Rituparna Das, Moderna’s Therapeutic Area Head of Respiratory Vaccines and the company’s ACIP lead answered:

The spike protein, ah, availability I believe is on the order of days, but, like less than a week. But I will confirm that with our tox [toxicology] folks as well.

No one knew for sure, not even the injectable product’s manufacturer, and more importantly, no one cared to know.

Yet the spike continued to turn up as the culprit in more pathogenic insults to humanity. In 2023, researchers reporting circulating spike protein detected in post–COVID-19 mRNA vaccines myocarditis stated:

“A notable finding was that markedly elevated levels of full-length spike protein, unbound by antibodies, were detected in the plasma of individuals with post vaccine myocarditis, whereas no free spike was detected in asymptomatic vaccinated control subjects”

The CDC/ACIP response was that the benefits outweigh the risks…simplistic, insulting, and lacking transparency talking down to the people being targeted by this novel shot.

The authors of the August 2023 suggested that the spike protein may be integrating into the human cells. A similar, and in ways more detailed, warning was just given by well-respected cancer genomics researcher at the University of South Carolina Phillip Buckhaults, Ph.D. during his recent testimony in front of the South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Committee which he stated, among other things, that:

  • The Pfizer mRNA vaccine is contaminated with the plasmid DNA vector that was used as the template for in vitro transcription reaction.
  • This DNA could cause rare but serious side effects like death from cardiac arrest.
  • The DNA can and likely will integrated into the genomes of transfected cells.
  • There is a very real hazard for genome modification of long-lived somatic cells, which could cause sustained autoimmune attacks towards that tissue.
  • There is also a theoretical risk of future cancer, depending on the piece of DNA and site of integration.

The CDC’s website states the following outdated and scientifically lazy explanation, at best, of what happens to human DNA after being injected with COVID-19 shots.


According to Professor Buckhaults, this is just not true…at all.

Two further points raised by Professor Buckhaults were first, that the plasmid DNA contamination was not present in the material used in Pfizer’s initial vaccine trials for regulatory approval. It was only after approval and rapid scale-up of manufacturing did the company used questionable, scientifically reckless techniques which led to the contamination. Second, Professor Buckhalut’s lab, a world leader in this type of research, estimates that each vaccination contains about 200 billion pieces of plasmid DNA encapsulated in the lipid nanoparticle.

We know it is now a basic technique to find the synthetic spike in vaccinated individuals. Perhaps even more troubling, it’s basic genetic research to find out if the plasmid DNA is integrating into and forever changing the DNA/genetics of vaccinated individuals yet health agencies and labs just don’t seem to want to look.

With the CDC clearly not willing to do even the most basic steps to regain the public trust lost, as new director Cohen claimed was her main goal, the public must back away further from an apparently rogue government body. As prominent scientists and doctors denounce the agency and its products, we have hit breakaway speeds into historically uncharted territory as public health agencies, once a fixture running in the background of America, have become a cyclic, menacing threat with each new booster rollout campaign.
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FFS. I cannot tell you one thing that Stephen Colbert or Jimmy Kimmel have said about the Covid vaccine. This is way out there, even for you.

We know you watch this on loop

Google is your friend. These asshats communicate propaganda to millions. Reality. You're in denial.



Again, you are way out there…

Because I documented that your media is funded and propped up by George Soros? Prove the content wrong.

You're an AltLefty feeding on Soros' propaganda...and you don't bother to ever question it. That's...'out there'
It goes farther than that with Trog, though.
He NEVER attacks the original data/sources, he attacks who chooses to post it.
I mean, how does he react when FoxNews carries a live feed of Biden's press conference?
Is it now fakenews or unreliable because FoxNews carried the broadcast, even if Biden said something he'd normally agree with?
Does Trog then change his stance and begin to hate Biden because FoxNews showed him speaking?
Quite the conundrum, eh?

He's a spin and dance artist.

We know you watch this on loop

Google is your friend. These asshats communicate propaganda to millions. Reality. You're in denial.

View attachment 11724

View attachment 11725

Because I documented that your media is funded and propped up by George Soros? Prove the content wrong.

You're an AltLefty feeding on Soros' propaganda...and you don't bother to ever question it. That's...'out there'

Yeah, I don’t stay up that late to watch either of their shows. Sounds like they live inside your head though.

I guess every major medical organization is corrupted by Soros as well? Everything is a conspiracy…
Yeah, I don’t stay up that late to watch either of their shows.

No surprise. As I've said, you get the majority of your news from Lester Soros Holt.

I guess every major medical organization is corrupted by Soros as well? Everything is a conspiracy…

Pharmas control our media. The single largest advertiser in the USA, bar none. Add Soros' influencing/controlling 30 major news outlets?

A squirrel with downs syndrome could stumble on that acorn Floggy.

You've been called lots of things. Smart's never been one of them.
No surprise. As I've said, you get the majority of your news from Lester Soros Holt.

Pharmas control our media. The single largest advertiser in the USA, bar none. Add Soros' influencing/controlling 30 major news outlets?

A squirrel with downs syndrome could stumble on that acorn Floggy.

You've been called lots of things. Smart's never been one of them.
😂 Says the guy who has it all figured out but toils away in the obscurity of Steeler Nation Politics and Reigion board.

Really, what kind of idiot?
😂 Says the guy who has it all figured out but toils away in the obscurity of Steeler Nation Politics and Reigion board.

Really, what kind of idiot?

I do have it all figured out. At least this topic. This is a diversion. Right the moment I have dinner about to come out of the oven (I'm the cook in the house), watching MNF with my parents (blessed they are alive) and checking my portfolios.

This is idle time.

You sweat to reply when you put the effort into it.

I've said a million times, you are the reason I subscribe here. You entertain me like a lap dog. And like a dog, you are always going to come back.

718 pages and we still don't have a society that believes everyone has a right to healthcare choices, and you know who you are.

Scare tactics, belittlement and even outright draconian measures have been used to push an agenda. I also care not what the "experts" have to say as many if not all have a financial investment in what comes out of their mouths. Me, I'm living on lifetime saving choices and just smart enough not to let the media sway my opinion. I'm also educated sufficiently in the sciences not to be hoodwinked by all of this. Follow the science, right?

I don't care if anyone chooses to get every booster available, or double mask, or be afraid to fly, dine out or gather in groups. Knock yourself out, just don't expect, or demand that others follow suit. You do you and I'll respect that, is it too much to ask you do the same?

Why is Charlie Daniels Long Haired County Boy rattling in my head.
718 pages and we still don't have a society that believes everyone has a right to healthcare choices, and you know who you are.

Scare tactics, belittlement and even outright draconian measures have been used to push an agenda. I also care not what the "experts" have to say as many if not all have a financial investment in what comes out of their mouths. Me, I'm living on lifetime saving choices and just smart enough not to let the media sway my opinion. I'm also educated sufficiently in the sciences not to be hoodwinked by all of this. Follow the science, right?

I don't care if anyone chooses to get every booster available, or double mask, or be afraid to fly, dine out or gather in groups. Knock yourself out, just don't expect, or demand that others follow suit. You do you and I'll respect that, is it too much to ask you do the same?

Why is Charlie Daniels Long Haired County Boy rattling in my head.

Rationalized, reasoned commentary is no longer permitted. Even if you have a medical degree.

Put on the mask, salute the party, march in line.
718 pages and we still don't have a society that believes everyone has a right to healthcare choices, and you know who you are.

Scare tactics, belittlement and even outright draconian measures have been used to push an agenda. I also care not what the "experts" have to say as many if not all have a financial investment in what comes out of their mouths. Me, I'm living on lifetime saving choices and just smart enough not to let the media sway my opinion. I'm also educated sufficiently in the sciences not to be hoodwinked by all of this. Follow the science, right?

I don't care if anyone chooses to get every booster available, or double mask, or be afraid to fly, dine out or gather in groups. Knock yourself out, just don't expect, or demand that others follow suit. You do you and I'll respect that, is it too much to ask you do the same?

Why is Charlie Daniels Long Haired County Boy rattling in my head.

A little bit ago it was announced that they have an air transmission version of Mrna vaccines and gene therapies… they are starting to float the idea about mass vaccinations by air without consent, though that is probably a few years off…

That is a scary enough invasion of privacy, however this, along with some recent comments from various sources, has renewed panic about the old fringe globalist agenda about forced biological social reprogramming.

Now as far as I know.. that is still decades away, but the aerosol delivery system was one of the wish items for the ideology to be realized …

Not long ago MRNA was floated by proponents of the immoral concept as a potential means to that end… and later it was verified that it theoretically could be possible…

For those of you that don’t stay fluent in horribly evil plans based in good intentions, it is the idea that “For the greater good” people should be chemically or mechanically reprogrammed to have a universal set of morals… basically if everyone thinks the “ right” way we will end all human suffering…

This is a step beyond the normal “government reprogramming centers” evil “ultra liberal”and “ultra conservative” governments have done in the past…

The proponents wanted either aerosol spray or ingestible water based options because they believed it would be better to do it without public knowledge to stem resistance…

This isn’t pie is the sky conspiracies either… a lot of papers have been written about it advocating the concept. It’s rarely reported on because I am certain if anyone publicly advocated for it both the liberals and the conservatives would freak out about it
The only American POTUS ever to be at war for his two full terms was also a NoBel Peace Prize Winner, before he even took office, which never made sense but was a political deal. Same here.

Award shows have been nothing more than political messaging for over a generation.

it helps keep the sheep in the herd, as you can see above.

LMAO....Obama won the Nobel peace prize and no one still to this day can figure out why.

Notice Dr. Robert Malone wasn't awarded the prize?

You are so easily swayed by propaganda.
Propaganda? It’s a fact. You are so easily swayed by delusion.
Propaganda? It’s a fact. You are so easily swayed by delusion.

Like a patient with dementia, your feeble debate skills are degrading over time. Such a weak retort.

It is a propaganda award aimed at buttressing the belief in the perfect shots while NOT acknowledging the inventor of mRNA technology himself.

You watch Lester Holt. We fully understand you are blind.
Like a patient with dementia, your feeble debate skills are degrading over time. Such a weak retort.

It is a propaganda award aimed at buttressing the belief in the perfect shots while NOT acknowledging the inventor of mRNA technology himself.

You watch Lester Holt. We fully understand you are blind.
Conspiracy theory, a false claim and Lester Holt.

Talk about a weak retort!
Like dancing around land mines.

Zona: "Side effects of the vaccine are statistically significant and should warrant further studies."
Your M.O. strawman argument when you have nothing. Who says the side effects aren’t being studied? Hmmm? Hmmmm?