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Covid Vaccine

Myles Garrett just got the ClotShot and is rumored to be playing after healing.

it's a miracle!
RSV can be bad.......................for certain people, with certain comorbidities, you know, just like the virus that started in China.

One size doesn't fit all, whether were talking hats or certain viruses.

so it sometimes causes people to die in motorcycle accidents?
The extent of the indoctrination of this virus and the vaccine that followed will never be overcome. Even rationally minded people have been convinced that we should continue to fear it. From Trump when this first broke, to Biden to Fauci we've been programed to not question anything, only obey.
The extent of the indoctrination of this virus and the vaccine that followed will never be overcome. Even rationally minded people have been convinced that we should continue to fear it. From Trump when this first broke, to Biden to Fauci we've been programed to not question anything, only obey.

I'm still stunned seeing people walking around wearing N95s.

For the first time the other day, I laughed at someone. I was on business travel. (like I will be next week). On a plane. People in front of me, young, clear Biden voters, both wearing N95s. Not old, looked healthy enough. MASKED THE F UP. I was seated, they sat down in the row in front of me. I laughed. Not at them, just laughed. No one knew why, except for me.

Sheep are ridiculous.
I'm still stunned seeing people walking around wearing N95s.

For the first time the other day, I laughed at someone. I was on business travel. (like I will be next week). On a plane. People in front of me, young, clear Biden voters, both wearing N95s. Not old, looked healthy enough. MASKED THE F UP. I was seated, they sat down in the row in front of me. I laughed. Not at them, just laughed. No one knew why, except for me.

Sheep are ridiculous.
I started laughing at them from the beginning in ‘20, especially at the sheep wearing masks in their cars and walking around outside. I haven’t stopped.
Masks. Not just for people.
Of course!

FDA Shuts Down Enquiries About DNA Contamination in Covid Vaccines​

The recent findings of DNA fragments in the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines has led many to question why the FDA, which is responsible for monitoring the quality and safety of the vaccines, has failed to sound the alarm.

For years, the FDA has known about the risk posed by residual DNA in vaccines. Its own guidance to industry states:

“Residual DNA might be a risk to your final product because of oncogenic and/or infectivity potential. There are several potential mechanisms by which residual DNA could be oncogenic, including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes or insertional mutagenesis following DNA integration.”
Put simply, the FDA acknowledges the possibility that fragments of DNA left over by the manufacturing process can be incorporated into a patient’s own DNA, to potentially cause cancer.

FDA and WHO guidelines consider the amount of residual DNA in a single dose of traditional vaccine should not exceed 10 ng (one billionth of a gram).

But this limit – used for traditional vaccines – is unlikely to be relevant to the mRNA vaccines whose lipid nanoparticles can penetrate inside cells to deliver the mRNA efficiently.

A recent preprint paper by Speicher et al analysed batches of the monovalent and bivalent mRNA vaccines in Canada.

The authors found “the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose.”..........

Is the FDA Concerned?​

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to insist that any residual DNA contamination in the Covid vaccines is not a problem and that it “stands behind its findings of quality, safety, and efficacy for the mRNA vaccines.”

“While concerns have been raised previously as theoretical issues, available scientific evidence supports the conclusion that the minute amounts of residual DNA do not cause cancer, or changes to a person’s genetic code,” added the FDA.

The FDA would not provide the “available scientific evidence” to support its claim, but it’s worth noting that the vaccines’ own product labels show that genotoxicity and carcinogenicity tests were not carried out prior to their use.
More good vax news.

'Hyperprogressive' Cancers Due to COVID Vaccine-Induced IgG4 Antibodies

Antibodies from the IgG4 subclass turbocharge existing cancers​

SUMMARY: mRNA COVID vaccines, previously not used outside of small laboratory animal studies, were given to billions of people after perfunctory and rushed clinical trials. As scientists learned in 2022, mRNA vaccines cause a ‘class switch’ to IgG4 antibodies. Another study found that this specific antibody subclass is associated with more aggressive cancer growth and causes hyperprogressive cancer disease in mice and humans.

IgG4 antibodies are usually created in response to persistent irritants such as worms. Unfortunately, repeat injections of mRNA Covid vaccine are perceived by our immune systems as a “persistent irritant” and cause the IgG4 antibody switch.

The “persistent irritation” effect possibly occurs not only because of repeat injections but also due to mRNA gene expression never stopping in half of the vaccinated people.

Unfortunately, a 2020 study published in the British Medical Journal’s Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer suggests that having more IgG4 antibodies — of ANY kind - enhances cancer progression. The study by Wang et al. was done two years before the discovery of mRNA vaccine-related class switch to IgG4 antibodies - https://jitc.bmj.com/content/8/2/e000661

The study authors found cancer-enhancing effects of any IgG4 antibodies in people and laboratory mice....

The study details Wang et al.’s multidimensional investigation of IgG4 in a wide array of patients with cancer and tissues with both in vitro and in vivo experiments. Again, this research was done in 2020, well before the effects of Covid vaccines on IgG4 could be seen.

After collecting blood and tissue samples from 82 patients, scientists found that greater levels of IgG4 were associated with higher grade (cancer grade is the tumor’s degree of malignancy) and poor prognosis.

...much more in the link....
The vast majority of medical organizations!!
The AMA!!
The American Academy of Pediatrics!!!

They allllll ssaaayyyyyy......

Here's a different look into those organizations and why, like the gubmint - you'd be wary to trust them on many fronts.

Behold, the Regime Unveils Its New Catchphrase for All Political Dissent: “Stochastic Terrorism”

...The left didn’t become culturally hegemonic without knowing how to win a fight. And they know the best maxim for victory is this: instead of winning an argument, it’s better to prevent the argument from happening at all.

And earlier this month, several recently-skinsuited institutions stepped up to do just that in a letter to Merrick Garland:

Dear Attorney General Garland,

On behalf of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the Children’s Hospital Association, collectively representing more than 270,000 physicians and more than 220 children’s hospitals across the country, we write to urge you to investigate the organizations, individuals, and entities coordinating, provoking, and carrying out bomb threats and threats of personal violence against children’s hospitals and physicians across the U.S.

These coordinated attacks threaten federally protected rights to health care for patients and their families. The attacks are rooted in an intentional campaign of disinformation, where a few high-profile users on social media share false and misleading information targeting individual physicians and hospitals, resulting in a rapid escalation of threats, harassment, and disruption of care across multiple jurisdictions. Our organizations have called on technology companies to do more to prevent this practice on digital platforms, and we now urge your office to take swift action to investigate and prosecute all organizations, individuals, and entities responsible.

The targets of the letters immediately realized its purpose.

Major medical institutions demanding that the DOJ arrest and imprison their critics represents a new low in how far the American regime will go to quash criticism. But this tactic did not come out of nowhere. Liberals and the left have been stealthily and subversively designing a justification for sweeping speech crackdowns for the past decade, under the label of “stochastic terrorism.”

Stochastic-what? Ten years ago, nobody had even heard of this. But now, it’s everywhere.

Basically, “stochastic terrorism” is the idea that, when somebody on the right criticizes somebody, they aren’t really just making a political argument. Instead, they are trying to “stoke hatred” in the expectation that some random third party will be “radicalized” and then commit political violence on their behalf.

In the modern sense of the phrase, “stochastic terrorism” was first coined by a left-wing blogger in 2011, who used it to describe the nefarious terrorist activities of, er, Sean Hannity:

Stochastic terrorism is the use of mass communications to incite random actors to carry out violent or terrorist acts that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable. In short, remote-control murder by lone wolf.

This is what occurs when Bin Laden releases a video that stirs random extremists halfway around the globe to commit a bombing or shooting.

This is also the term for what Beck, O’Reilly, Hannity, and others do.

The stochastic terrorist is the person who is responsible for the incitement. For example they go on radio or television and stir up hatred toward a particular person or group.

The random actor, or “lone wolf” as the term is used in law enforcement and intel, is the person who responds to the incitement by carrying out the violent or terrorist act against the target person or group. For example they shoot someone or detonate a bomb. While their action may have been statistically predictable (e.g. “given sufficient provocation, someone will probably do such-and-such”), the specific person and the specific act are not yet predictable.


There's much more in the link.

No one here but one person will be surprised by these medical organizations collective approach to quashing speech, censorship, and any opposing thoughts.

They are corrupt in many ways as well.
Had my annual physical yesterday, cuz well, I'm at the extreme limits of middle age.
Was offered a flu shot, which I accepted because I always do, and being upper middle age thought it appropriate.

Shockingly, no mention was given on the never ending boosters.
The vast majority of medical organizations!!
The AMA!!
The American Academy of Pediatrics!!!

They allllll ssaaayyyyyy......

Here's a different look into those organizations and why, like the gubmint - you'd be wary to trust them on many fronts.

Behold, the Regime Unveils Its New Catchphrase for All Political Dissent: “Stochastic Terrorism”

...The left didn’t become culturally hegemonic without knowing how to win a fight. And they know the best maxim for victory is this: instead of winning an argument, it’s better to prevent the argument from happening at all.

And earlier this month, several recently-skinsuited institutions stepped up to do just that in a letter to Merrick Garland:

The targets of the letters immediately realized its purpose.

Major medical institutions demanding that the DOJ arrest and imprison their critics represents a new low in how far the American regime will go to quash criticism. But this tactic did not come out of nowhere. Liberals and the left have been stealthily and subversively designing a justification for sweeping speech crackdowns for the past decade, under the label of “stochastic terrorism.”

Stochastic-what? Ten years ago, nobody had even heard of this. But now, it’s everywhere.

Basically, “stochastic terrorism” is the idea that, when somebody on the right criticizes somebody, they aren’t really just making a political argument. Instead, they are trying to “stoke hatred” in the expectation that some random third party will be “radicalized” and then commit political violence on their behalf.

In the modern sense of the phrase, “stochastic terrorism” was first coined by a left-wing blogger in 2011, who used it to describe the nefarious terrorist activities of, er, Sean Hannity:


There's much more in the link.

No one here but one person will be surprised by these medical organizations collective approach to quashing speech, censorship, and any opposing thoughts.

They are corrupt in many ways as well.

Professional medical organizations are more about politics and power than they are about actual medicine. That's probably true of any professional organization, but I only have (had) over 45 years dealing with the prior.
Of course!

FDA Shuts Down Enquiries About DNA Contamination in Covid Vaccines​

The recent findings of DNA fragments in the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines has led many to question why the FDA, which is responsible for monitoring the quality and safety of the vaccines, has failed to sound the alarm.

For years, the FDA has known about the risk posed by residual DNA in vaccines. Its own guidance to industry states:

Put simply, the FDA acknowledges the possibility that fragments of DNA left over by the manufacturing process can be incorporated into a patient’s own DNA, to potentially cause cancer.

FDA and WHO guidelines consider the amount of residual DNA in a single dose of traditional vaccine should not exceed 10 ng (one billionth of a gram).

But this limit – used for traditional vaccines – is unlikely to be relevant to the mRNA vaccines whose lipid nanoparticles can penetrate inside cells to deliver the mRNA efficiently.

A recent preprint paper by Speicher et al analysed batches of the monovalent and bivalent mRNA vaccines in Canada.

The authors found “the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose.”..........

Is the FDA Concerned?​

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to insist that any residual DNA contamination in the Covid vaccines is not a problem and that it “stands behind its findings of quality, safety, and efficacy for the mRNA vaccines.”

“While concerns have been raised previously as theoretical issues, available scientific evidence supports the conclusion that the minute amounts of residual DNA do not cause cancer, or changes to a person’s genetic code,” added the FDA.

The FDA would not provide the “available scientific evidence” to support its claim, but it’s worth noting that the vaccines’ own product labels show that genotoxicity and carcinogenicity tests were not carried out prior to their use.
This bottom part is necessary for all 8 factor approvals and is the key part of Phase 3 clinical studies and phase 4 post-marketing studies.

Not only was there pFraud at pFizer, there was clearly criminal negligence at FDA.
Professional medical organizations are more about politics and power than they are about actual medicine. That's probably true of any professional organization, but I only have (had) over 45 years dealing with the prior.
This has been the case for about a century.
So I for one will be very upset when the rona folks go away.

We will No longer be able to get out of things with, “sorry we have covid” anymore. Saying sorry we have the flu just never worked. Ahhh back to the family outings I guess.