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Covid Vaccine

1. You posted saying that the obese should not vote and your link showed a map of obesity for THE UNITED STATES, not the world, you blithering imbecile.

2. You did not read the link I provided, I see. Here, let me summarize what it says by quoting what it says since you are too ******* lazy and stupid to do so:

Combined data for 2015 through 2017 allowed for assessment by major racial/ethnic categories and found that non-Hispanic black adults had the highest prevalence of obesity (38.4%) overall, followed by Hispanic adults (32.6%) and non-Hispanic white adults (28.6%).

Therefore, bigot, imbecile, dolt, moron, dullard, your snide comment about obesity restricting voting implicated far more blacks and Hispanics than whites. In short, you posted a racist comment.

No way are you a lawyer. No way!

Sure, chief. Then you just got spanked in a debate by a non-lawyer.

Feel better?
P.S. Dr. Flogstain's anticipated reply:


Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Adult Obesity in the United States: CDC’s Tracking to Inform State and Local Action​

Yeah, it’s not a direct relationship. I had a free condo for a week in North Myrtle Beach last summer. Not very black, but very fat. Found out it’s one of the fattest metro areas in the nation.
1. You posted saying that the obese should not vote and your link showed a map of obesity for THE UNITED STATES, not the world, you blithering imbecile.

2. You did not read the link I provided, I see. Here, let me summarize what it says by quoting what it says since you are too ******* lazy and stupid to do so:

Therefore, bigot, imbecile, dolt, moron, dullard, your snide comment about obesity restricting voting implicated far more blacks and Hispanics than whites. In short, you posted a racist comment.

Sure, chief. Then you just got spanked in a debate by a non-lawyer.

Feel better?
You claimed a direct relationship. Which is absurd. Go ahead, show me how Canton, Ohio and Myrtle Beach are more black than Detroit, They’re both more obese.

And you suck at math. Just because the obesity RATE is higher among blacks and Hispanics doesn’t mean there are more of them.
You are the exception to the rule Jimmy, good for you. We live in a country where we are tempted by food on every corner. As I pointed out, it wasn't always that way.

Yeah, but I'm no exception to the rules for Americans over the past 30 years. I simply don't have the option of consuming calories without concern or failing to exercise. Oh, I guess I could do so but would be debilitated by now so no thanks.

I may be an exception in that I accept the fact that every part of my life - every one - is the result of MY choices and MY behavior. I don't blame diabetes for my limitations. I don't blame my parents or society or some other factor for how I look and feel. If I am too heavy, I moderate my calorie intake and exercise more. If I don't like my job, I change it. If I don't like my diet, I work with my wife and we cook something else. That simple.

As I have written several times previously, Americans are spoiled and no longer accept the consequences for their own actions. That is why the Excuse Industry (racism, and sexism, and white supremacy, and systemic racism and genderism, and math is racist, and on and on and on and on) is so successful today and why failure is accepted ("Be Happy With Your Obese Self!").
You’re comparing killing unborn children with taking a weight loss drug? 🤣

No, I'm comparing the style of argument. Liberals are infamous for making the populace feel sympathy for the 1.2% of people that need a true abortion, so as to justify mass abortion as a means of birth control. Likewise, mass use of drugs like Jardiance for the infinite few who medically cannot control weight ends up being a mass use drug for the lazy.

you’re claiming the vast majority are just lazy pigs. In any case if there’s a drug that could help them get to a lower weight where they might be able to be healthier and more active, why on earth would that bother you? Because they aren’t as perfect as you?

If it helps people, I'm for it. The result though is that for the smaller percentage that need it, the mass percentage abuse it so as to continue a poor lifestyle. I know personally 3 people who are on Ozempic for one reason only. Literally one reason. To lose weight. They are people who don't want to change diet and/or work out. That is the issue. There are a % of people who NEED these drugs. The Pharmas look at the balance sheet and realize they can make billions and doctors prescribe them to everyone who wants to lose weight.

Those 3 people each went to their docs, said "I'm overweight, what can I do?" Doc said "take Ozempic."

That's wrong. It's happening everywhere.

And the Jardiance commercial you hate so much is focused mostly on lowering A1-C, not on “eat whatever you want and get skinny!” In fact these drugs affect appetite so hopefully could help people with changing up their eating habits. I doubt any doctor recommends these drugs and doesn’t recommend lifestyle changes to go with them.

See above. Doctors everywhere, due to the money chain, are prescribing Ozempic and similar drugs to patients who are not diabetics simply as a weight-loss drug.
We’ve had this conversation before. I have used “anti-vax” as a shorthand in the context of vaccine misinformation whether it be Covid or other vaccines. Well aware that most people here are not opposed to vaccines in general. However much of the misinformation comes from people and sites that ARE anti-vax, and not just anti-Covid vax.

His analogy is basically making the point that taking a weight loss drug is something that needs to be “justified” as if it’s some sort of moral failing.

Wrong. It doesn't need to be justified. Weight loss should first and always be about controlling diet, moving, doing exercise. If the patient doesn't have a medical condition that leads to their obesity, the first thing they should do BEFORE taking a drug is the above.

We now live in a world where it's gone backwards. Instead of doing the logical and the natural - eat better, exercise, move - we spend money for the elixir.

It's the wrong way to address the problem.

Do none of you have friends or family who are overweight or obese? You think they are all lazy pigs?

I do. Several. One, my first cousin. Grew up with her. Not obese. Massively obese. She is close to 325lbs. Surprised she is still alive to this day to be honest. Does not care, never has.

I hate to say this publicly, but she is lazy. Lives in a trailer. Eats whatever she wants, and lives how she wants. Doesn't listen to doctors, change diet, exercise, etc.

I did not realize I was spending time among the perfectly fit of the world (fyi while I’m about 10 lbs overweight according to the medical charts, I do not have any medical conditions and do not take any drugs except a multivitamin and an occasional Advil. Just in case some of you are wondering if I’m taking this personally.

I'm not perfect. Never have been.

But what I have done is listen to my doctor. 2.5 years ago, very overweight, high blood pressure and other issues he said lose weight.

I did.

I didn't ask for a pill to fix it.
Obesity is avoidable. 100% avoidable. You equate "slightly overweight" with the degree of corpulence that causes Type 2 diabetes. Wow, talk about apples and oranges. Hey, those are two things the obese don't eat!

And statements like, "If I just look at sugar it all comes right back on" is a refrain that is just not true. No, "looking" at food does not cause weight gain unless you mean look at it before scarfing down another 6 donuts.

The pill is a lie. Taking the pill does nothing - NOT ONE THING - to address the cause. Instead, it operates as an excuse. Doctors should refuse to give anybody the pill unless they show they will eat better and exercise. This pill is exactly like some medication that would delay somewhat the adverse effects from smoking. "Live longer while you kill yourself with cigarettes!"

And spare me your moral lecturing about being fat. You have zero clue - not one speck of a hint of a shadow of a clue - how difficult it is for a Type 1 diabetic to lose weight. See, it's like this - when we exercise, our blood sugar drops. If we don't consume calories to counteract that effect, we go into something that is dangerous and fatal for up to 10% of Type 1 diabetics called hypoglycemia, i.e., low blood sugar. So for me to lose weight, I am forced to balance burning calories with glucose intake to counterbalance low blood sugar with insulin intake to avoid hypoglycemia while still avoiding high blood sugars that long-term trigger blindness and death.

And my body mass is such that my bicep is bigger than my neck size, and I have to have suits custom fit because my chest is 16" bigger than my waist - and I turn 63 next month. If I can stay extremely fit, where exercise is a balancing act unlike any fat people will ever have to face, then nobody else can make an excuse sufficient to convince me they are fat because of something other than their lifestyle.

So when I hear fat people claim "it's genetics" or that they "gain weight just looking at ice cream cakes" as opposed to sitting on the couch and downing a quart of ice cream, I know the truth: fat people are fat due to poor diet and lack of sufficient exercise. That's it. Obese people are obese due to diet and lack of exercise. That's it. It really is. Making excuses does not help alcoholics or drug addicts or fat people.

So I say, "No thanks" to your "oh, I look at sweets and gain weight" claim. It's just not true and an excuse. You are not obese because you have a good diet and exercise. See how that works? But the refrain about "just looking at food" is a lie fat people tell themselves and others to excuse the fact they are fat or even obese. Time for fat people to stop making excuses, control their diet, exercise and not take a pill to fool themselves into thinking they are taking care of themselves.

End of rant.

Given I know you are a diabetic, I consider you a bit of an expert on the topic. So....

Liberals live to be apologists and make excuses for the dregs and malcontents. It gives their meaningless lives meaning.
Now it's not the fat people's fault that they're fat.
List of people who mentioned race:


And of course you're wrong:

“Directly related” 😂 so trite and commonly used by ignorant tools making **** up.

No way are you a lawyer. No way!

One day back and you couldn't keep from starting off on the wrong foot.
He is not wrong.
Blacks are only 13% of the population, yet there are a disproportionate number of blacks that are obese, as there are a disproportionate number of blacks that commit crime and are in jail, as there are a disproportionate number of black children in fatherless homes, as there are a disproportionate number of blacks on welfare as there are a disproportionate number of blacks that play Pro basketball.
One day back and you couldn't keep from starting off on the wrong foot.
He is not wrong.
Blacks are only 13% of the population, yet there are a disproportionate number of blacks that are obese, as there are a disproportionate number of blacks that commit crime and are in jail, as there are a disproportionate number of black children in fatherless homes, as there are a disproportionate number of blacks on welfare as there are a disproportionate number of blacks that play Pro basketball.

"Stop being racist. And correct."
- Dr. Flogstain, Moral Conscience and Know-it-all
Obesity is avoidable. 100% avoidable. You equate "slightly overweight" with the degree of corpulence that causes Type 2 diabetes. Wow, talk about apples and oranges. Hey, those are two things the obese don't eat!

And statements like, "If I just look at sugar it all comes right back on" is a refrain that is just not true. No, "looking" at food does not cause weight gain unless you mean look at it before scarfing down another 6 donuts.

The pill is a lie. Taking the pill does nothing - NOT ONE THING - to address the cause. Instead, it operates as an excuse. Doctors should refuse to give anybody the pill unless they show they will eat better and exercise. This pill is exactly like some medication that would delay somewhat the adverse effects from smoking. "Live longer while you kill yourself with cigarettes!"

And spare me your moral lecturing about being fat. You have zero clue - not one speck of a hint of a shadow of a clue - how difficult it is for a Type 1 diabetic to lose weight. See, it's like this - when we exercise, our blood sugar drops. If we don't consume calories to counteract that effect, we go into something that is dangerous and fatal for up to 10% of Type 1 diabetics called hypoglycemia, i.e., low blood sugar. So for me to lose weight, I am forced to balance burning calories with glucose intake to counterbalance low blood sugar with insulin intake to avoid hypoglycemia while still avoiding high blood sugars that long-term trigger blindness and death.

And my body mass is such that my bicep is bigger than my neck size, and I have to have suits custom fit because my chest is 16" bigger than my waist - and I turn 63 next month. If I can stay extremely fit, where exercise is a balancing act unlike any fat people will ever have to face, then nobody else can make an excuse sufficient to convince me they are fat because of something other than their lifestyle.

So when I hear fat people claim "it's genetics" or that they "gain weight just looking at ice cream cakes" as opposed to sitting on the couch and downing a quart of ice cream, I know the truth: fat people are fat due to poor diet and lack of sufficient exercise. That's it. Obese people are obese due to diet and lack of exercise. That's it. It really is. Making excuses does not help alcoholics or drug addicts or fat people.

So I say, "No thanks" to your "oh, I look at sweets and gain weight" claim. It's just not true and an excuse. You are not obese because you have a good diet and exercise. See how that works? But the refrain about "just looking at food" is a lie fat people tell themselves and others to excuse the fact they are fat or even obese. Time for fat people to stop making excuses, control their diet, exercise and not take a pill to fool themselves into thinking they are taking care of themselves.

End of rant.
Not everyone is as perfectly disciplined as you. And the punishment for that should be death I guess, even if there’s a pill that might help prevent it. Got it.
Well, I'm certain we would all get a good laugh out of that. The percentage of the population that is overweight has increased dramatically over let's say the last 20 years. Why is that? I will agree that there is a certain genetic component to this and that everyone's metabolism slows as we age, but it can't be the only excuse. Some do struggle with weight no matter what, but our lifestyle contributes to the majority.

Just for fun, I pulled out my high school year book from 1969, and in my senior class of 275 kids, I could only identify 5 as being possibly overweight, and only one that appeared to be obese. It isn't that we ate better, at the time I didn't realize that we were poor and I ate what was put on the table, but we didn't consume as much. Heck, look at the size of a dinner plate from 50 years ago, they look like a salad plate today. And at the risk of sounding older than I am, well OK I am, we didn't vegetate in front of the TV all day, but were outside until sunset.
Yeah again, what is the point of this? Fat people are morally failing? Congratulations enjoy your superiority. If my grandma who I loved was obese I’d still be glad there was a pill that might help her get a littler healthier and live a little longer. You all would say “Screw her it’s all her fault how dare she take a pill that might help her, lazy pig”. Disingenuous.
“And statements like, "If I just look at sugar it all comes right back on" is a refrain that is just not true. No, "looking" at food does not cause weight gain unless you mean look at it before scarfing down another 6 donuts.”

Obviously that was hyperbole. No one gains weight from looking at food. The point is people’s bodies and metabolisms change for a variety of reasons. It’s not always easy to adjust. Get back to me when you’ve birthed three children, spent two years with bilateral vestibulopathy that caused you to have to hold onto walls to walk and gone through menopause.
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Liberals live to be apologists and make excuses for the dregs and malcontents. It gives their meaningless lives meaning.
Now it's not the fat people's fault that they're fat.
Lol, who cares if it’s their fault or not? Do you want your beloved fat grandma to die because she doesn’t control her weight through diet and exercise? Or would you encourage her to take the pill that might help her lose weight and make her healthier. It’s super easy in the abstract to say people deserve the effects of their failures to be perfect but in real life most people are more compassionate than that.