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Covid Vaccine

Fauci and friends funded the research in Wuhan, then claimed it was natural as a coverup. Occam's Razor, plus follow the money.
all that is in there, too.
as i've said before - the cover up started in March when they released the paper stating it was natural. how could they possibly have known it was a natural occurrence when it just appeared two months prior?
Fauci and friends funded the research in Wuhan, then claimed it was natural as a coverup. Occam's Razor, plus follow the money.

Cents thair is no total proooffffff, we MOOST conclude it was be come from an animuh!! JFC!! /Dr. Flogstain
This is where the word overwhelming comes in. The preponderance of evidence says this is a manmade virus. The bulk of it. The majority of it.
Says who? You? You’re not an authority on the matter, don’t delude yourself. Every agency has expressed reservations in their confidence.
Why have you provided NONE to the contrary?
Several government agencies have. I DEFER to them. You think you’ve figured something out they haven’t. You’re an arrogant asshat.
Have you provided any article that says for 100% certainty the Covid Vaccines don't kill anyone?
😂 It’s pretty damn close, is it not? You have to include a lot of decimals to get 9’s to show up. Idiot!
Bingo. Lester Holt, Rachel Madcow, PMSNBC have told you - as a good little Lefty soldier - "We must not ever admit the virus leaked from the lab, because we love China."
😂 I haven’t any idea what either one has said about the origin. You’re obsessed.
You operate in religion. You follow doctrine. You live on talking points and political positions.
😂 says the guy who references The Epoch ******* Times!
Says who? You? You’re not an authority on the matter, don’t delude yourself. Every agency has expressed reservations in their confidence.

It's all out there. If you'll stop ignoring it. We've provided much of it here for you. You won't consume it, because your religious leaders tell you what to believe, despite the evidence.

Several government agencies have. I DEFER to them. You think you’ve figured something out they haven’t. You’re an arrogant asshat.

THREE years ago. You stick to your dogma based on 3 year old opinions.

😂 It’s pretty damn close, is it not? You have to include a lot of decimals to get 9’s to show up. Idiot!

Wait, do we finally have a slight, tiny, little concession from FlogTard???!!!??? You've been telling us the vaccines have harmed no one.

This is miraculous!

Now if we can just get you to admit that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines on the market (countless drugs were pulled from the market for far lesser safety signals), then we are getting somewhere.

😂 I haven’t any idea what either one has said about the origin. You’re obsessed.

Now that's just straight up denial.

😂 says the guy who references The Epoch ******* Times!

From the guy who never looks at data and always sullies the source, denying himself an opportunity to weigh studies and evidence.

No. YOU obviously didn’t read the huge caveat in the conclusion. 😂 Of course the Epoch Times didn’t mention it.

I read it. I'll re-post it here.

Conclusion: Although our cohort size is small, our results suggest that vaccination status of hospital-admitted COVID-19 patients may not be instructive in determining mortality risk. This may reflect that within the general population, those individuals at highest risk for COVID-19 mortality/immune failure are likely to be vaccinated. Importantly, the value of vaccination may be in preventing hospitalization as opposed to stratifying outcome among hospitalized patients, although our data do not address this possibility. Additional research to identify factors predictive of aberrant immunogenic responses to vaccination is warranted.

This conclusion doesn't refute the indicators discovered.

Among COVID-19 patients, mortality rate was significantly higher among Vax vs. NVax patients (p=0.002). The Charlson’s Comorbidity Index score (CCI) was also significantly higher among Vax vs. NVax COVID-19 patients. However, the mortality risk remained significantly higher (p=0.02) when we compared COVID-19 Vax vs. NVax patients with similar CCI score, suggesting that additional factors may increase risk of mortality.

You can try to put lipstick on this pig, and explain it away. You'll obfuscate and twist and bend to minimize the findings.

There's no mistaking the fact that the results should be of great concern and warrant further study.

And remember, this came from Australia, the country you revered and saluted for forcing mass vaccinations and locking her people down severely.
Just a random thought because this thread is about the virus that originated in China......., we can all agree on that, can't we?

I retired about 6 years ago and at the time was surprised to see the hypertension medication losartan was being made in China. No problem with quality control there, right?
So, I recently stopped by my old place of employment only to be told that 50-75% of the available generic drugs are now produced in China and pretty much the balance in India.

If the ChiCom's meant to do something nefarious, they no longer need a virus to do it.
Just a random thought because this thread is about the virus that originated in China......., we can all agree on that, can't we?

I retired about 6 years ago and at the time was surprised to see the hypertension medication losartan was being made in China. No problem with quality control there, right?
So, I recently stopped by my old place of employment only to be told that 50-75% of the available generic drugs are now produced in China and pretty much the balance in India.

If the ChiCom's meant to do something nefarious, they no longer need a virus to do it.
You'd think there would be a national reserve of necessary drugs/medicines, and local supply chains, but that would lessen the reliance on globalism.
Dr. Flogstain, esquire and graduate of the LaFayette school of motel management, did not view this, but says nonsense anyway.

"i gRadUaTeD ToP 95%, jUsT LiKe tHe PrEziDeNt!"
- Dr. Flogstain, walking champion, food connoisseur, Top Chef - Pangolin Edition champion, dead-dog expert, Vax/Shotz expert, Chinese flu consultant
Thank you Japan.

The seven researchers of the preprint, affiliated with Asahikawa Medical University, Tokyo Medical University Hospital, MCL Corporation, Kyoto, Okamura Memorial Hospital, Tokyo University of Science, and Kokoro Medical Corporation in Japan, assert that the risks associated with blood transfusions from individuals injected with the mRNA COVID-19 shots encompass a wide range of potential complications.
“The impact of these genetic vaccines on blood products and the actual damage caused by them are unknown at present. Therefore, in order to avoid these risks and prevent further expansion of blood contamination and complication of the situation, we strongly request that the vaccination campaign using genetic vaccines be suspended and that a harm–benefit assessment be carried out as early as possible.

As we have repeatedly stated, the health injuries caused by genetic vaccination are already extremely serious, and it is high time that countries and relevant organizations take concrete steps together to identify the risks and to control and resolve them.”
“Although it is unknown at present whether secondary damage is caused by transfusion of blood products derived from genetic vaccine recipients, it is necessary for medical institutions and administrative organizations to respond and investigate cooperatively, keeping various possibilities in mind, because the mechanisms such as the toxicity of the spike protein itself and the effects of the LNPs and modified mRNA on the immune response have not been fully elucidated and are still under study.

It should be emphasized that a significant proportion of the COVID-19 PVS (post-vaccination syndrome) in mRNA vaccine recipients is due to toxic spike proteins, and the inclusion of structures in the receptor-binding domain within these proteins that may induce prion disease is particularly alarming.”
“It is expected that the situation will already be complicated because, in contrast to previous drug disasters, genetic vaccination was implemented on a global scale and simultaneously for a substantial number of people. This means, as in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, or even more critically, that there is an urgent necessity for legislation and international treaties explicitly elucidating bilateral and multilateral agreements concerning the management of blood products. These legal frameworks should delineate regulations governing the handling of blood products and establish protocols for governmental compensation and response to issues and hazards associated with these products, including penalties and prohibitions. For example, the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 may be helpful, but given the WHO’s strong push for genetic vaccination, another framework may be needed.”
Another study showing 'turbo cancers' on the rise in the vaxed. More investigation needs to happen.

Turbo Cancer Deaths Surge in Vaxxed 15 to 44-Year-Olds

An alarming new study has revealed a dramatic surge in Covid mRNA vaccinated young people dying from turbo cancers.

According to a new study, official government data shows a shocking spike in turbo cancer deaths in young people aged 15- to 44 years old since 2021.

In the last three years, doctors have been reporting skyrocketing cases of deadly turbo cancers.

People who have been vaccinated with Covid mRNA injections have been suffering from a high incidence of these fast-developing cancers.

Some doctors are reporting that cancers are so rapidly developing that their patients are dying within a week of being diagnosed.

An alarming new study has revealed a dramatic surge in Covid mRNA vaccinated young people dying from turbo cancers.

According to a new study, official government data shows a shocking spike in turbo cancer deaths in young people aged 15- to 44 years old since 2021.

In the last three years, doctors have been reporting skyrocketing cases of deadly turbo cancers.

People who have been vaccinated with Covid mRNA injections have been suffering from a high incidence of these fast-developing cancers.

Some doctors are reporting that cancers are so rapidly developing that their patients are dying within a week of being diagnosed...

But even with the caveat of missing codes, he said, the remaining 92% of coded deaths in 2021 and 70% of coded deaths in 2022 revealed “a strong signal of cancer deaths in the young.

“We show a large increase in mortality due to malignant neoplasms that started in 2021 and accelerated substantially in 2022.

“The increase in excess deaths in 2022 is highly statistically significant (extreme event),” Dowd wrote in his report.

“The results indicate that from late 2021 a novel phenomenon leading to increased malignant neoplasm deaths appears to be present in individuals aged 15 to 44 in the UK.”

The study’s results in the rate of cancer deaths above the historic norm in 2022 for ages 15-44 in the U.K. included:
  • A 28% rise in fatal breast cancer rates in women.
  • An 80% increase in pancreatic cancer deaths among women and a 60% increase among men.
  • A 55% increase among men in colon cancer deaths and a 41% increase in women.
  • A 120% increase in fatal melanomas among men and a 35% increase in women.
  • A 35% increase in brain cancer deaths among men and a 12% rise in women.
  • A 60% increase in cancer death rates among men in cancers “without site specification” and a 55% increase among women.
The report: https://phinancetechnologies.com/Hu...Neoplasm Deaths 15-44 - Individual Causes.htm