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Covid Vaccine

As @Steeltime has REPEATEDLY said to you, listen to the clip. They are her words, filmed. Not some writer's "interpretation" of what she/he wants you to read.

Which evidence is more iron-clad? A clear, unedited video clip of an event or an article written by someone about said event?

Logical people: Video evidence.
Flogtard: "I'll take the propaganda that supports my ideology please."

Go to the Twitter clip. Go to the FoxNews Clip (hint: It is underneath the Cuomo clip) and go to about 0:37. There, Dear Tard...you will hear direct from Dr. Birx's mouth - "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection, and I think we overplayed the vaccines."

What's next, are you going to share some written interview from ESPN about Caitlyn Clark and scream "See! Birx never said that, dipshit! Hahaha"?
As @Steeltime has REPEATEDLY said to you, listen to the clip. They are her words, filmed. Not some writer's "interpretation" of what she/he wants you to read.
Uh huh. Listen to the VERY FIRST thing she says in the first clip and what she says IMMEDIATELY before your out of context quote in the second clip and then get back to me on what was said.

“We never said it wasn’t out of context” in 3,2,1…
Which evidence is more iron-clad? A clear, unedited video clip of an event or an article written by someone about said event?
Does she say the vaccine were very effective?
Logical people: Video evidence.
Flogtard: "I'll take the propaganda that supports my ideology please."

Go to the Twitter clip. Go to the FoxNews Clip (hint: It is underneath the Cuomo clip) and go to about 0:37. There, Dear Tard...you will hear direct from Dr. Birx's mouth - "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection, and I think we overplayed the vaccines."

What's next, are you going to share some written interview from ESPN about Caitlyn Clark and scream "See! Birx never said that, dipshit! Hahaha"?
“If we take something out of context, we’re right!”

Logical people read what you claim and think “Wait, that sounds outrageous. Why is this the first time I’m hearing about this?” You’re so desperate to have your delusion come true you don’t question it.
It wasn't a study, you ******* douchebag :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Those were facts submitted as part of Maine Rep. Sampson's formal motion (HP1466) to establish a task force to investigate excess deaths in Maine
You can’t be this stupid. Well, maybe you can. How were the facts obtained? What was it that you shared that showed the increases in excess mortality?
Wrong again, see above.

The only beings you work into a frenzy are those dogs you kill on your 93 mile daily walks.
Says the attention ***** who takes his dog to loud crowded fraternity parties.
Thanks for admitting we were rights years and 600 pages ago saying (before it happened) the lockdowns would cause these exact issues.

Can you point me to those pill mills in MD? I've lived here for 34 years and have yet to see one. It's not like in Blow Dick, NC where you can drive for an hour and only see a Dorrah Generugh Store.
Disassociating yourself from WV? Coward.
She destroys almost your entire narrative. Sure, she gives some lip service to effectiveness to placate the overlords but then goes on to say we should study whether w should have been giving this vaccine to less at-risk populations among many other things you absolutely deny. You see only what you are conditioned to see but don't comprehend the magnitude of what this really says about your worship of false narratives and lies. This calls into question almost every single thing the left pushed on us, yet you cling to these lies.
She destroys almost your entire narrative. Sure, she gives some lip service to effectiveness to placate the overlords but then goes on to say we should study whether w should have been giving this vaccine to less at-risk populations among many other things you absolutely deny. You see only what you are conditioned to see but don't comprehend the magnitude of what this really says about your worship of false narratives and lies. This calls into question almost every single thing the left pushed on us, yet you cling to these lies.
WTF are you talking about? I don’t care if they study it or not. What I deny is the assertion that it should not have been given to pretty much everyone and that it’s more dangerous than Covid itself.
WTF are you talking about? I don’t care if they study it or not. What I deny is the assertion that it should not have been given to pretty much everyone and that it’s more dangerous than Covid itself.
And you have no basis in fact for that that does not come from biased sources like pharma or govt.

You believe them, suspending critical thinking, as has been demonstrated through these 850ish pages.

And you have no basis in fact for that that does not come from biased sources like pharma or govt.
I’ve posted dozens of studies published in major medical journals. If they’re not the ones providing facts, who is?
You believe them, suspending critical thinking, as has been demonstrated through these 850ish pages.

“Them” the people you would turn to in the event of a medical emergency. You retard.
She destroys almost your entire narrative. Sure, she gives some lip service to effectiveness to placate the overlords but then goes on to say we should study whether w should have been giving this vaccine to less at-risk populations among many other things you absolutely deny. You see only what you are conditioned to see but don't comprehend the magnitude of what this really says about your worship of false narratives and lies. This calls into question almost every single thing the left pushed on us, yet you cling to these lies.

"cAn YoU CiTe FoUrR SoUrCeZ fOr TeH SoUrCe YoU JuSt CiTeD?"
- Dr. Flogstain Booster Shortbus, walking champion, ded dog dragger, golf course trespasser, Top Chef - Pangolin Edition champion, Vax Lover, Booster aficionado, Covid "expert," elderly killer, Weight Watchers before picture model, and lockdown lover
I’ve posted dozens of studies published in major medical journals. If they’re not the ones providing facts, who is?

“Them” the people you would turn to in the event of a medical emergency. You retard.
No, most well qualified medicines, practices, therapies and treatments, trusted because they work over time, are clearly beneficial to the very large majority of people.

But that is not the Covid shot story, or the Covid "scamdemic" story at all. It's quite the opposite, and you are literally just too fuucking stupid to understand it.

Perhaps when this same information on hundreds of pages here is spoonfed to you, like pablum with your milk, you will begin to comprehend the monstrous destruction wrought on innocent people around the world.
Floggy: such a wonderful person, mocking drug overdoses perpetuated by his masters in government to further their own political purposes.
Perhaps you’re unaware? Or generally clueless. Drug addicts travelled to WV and Florida from other states to get pain meds. Government oversight and restrictions are bad… until they’re not.

No, most well qualified medicines, practices, therapies and treatments, trusted because they work over time, are clearly beneficial to the very large majority of people.

But that is not the Covid shot story, or the Covid "scamdemic" story at all. It's quite the opposite, and you are literally just too fuucking stupid to understand it.

Perhaps when this same information on hundreds of pages here is spoonfed to you, like pablum with your milk, you will begin to comprehend the monstrous destruction wrought on innocent people around the world.
Hundreds of pages of social media nonsense. Widely available around the world, recommended by every major medical organization. Reality.
Uh huh. Listen to the VERY FIRST thing she says in the first clip and what she says IMMEDIATELY before your out of context quote in the second clip and then get back to me on what was said.

“We never said it wasn’t out of context” in 3,2,1…

You have denied repeatedly she made the quote she made. You are wrong. She said what she said and you're now tryna walk it back.

Does she say the vaccine were very effective?

What she said was (why do we have to repeat **** for you that a 2nd grader could comprehend) - ""I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection, and I think we overplayed the vaccines.""

"If we take something out of context, we’re right!”

Do explain how her direct quote was taken out of context. We'll wait.
You can’t be this stupid. Well, maybe you can. How were the facts obtained?

You first claimed there was no data to support the Rep's claims in the Insta video.
Then when I posted the data, her data, data that was formally submitted to the Maine Legislature - you asked for the study that backed it up.
You'll have to call the Rep's office for that.
You're good at calling people, remember?

What was it that you shared that showed the increases in excess mortality?

It was a graph.

Says the attention ***** who takes his dog to loud crowded fraternity parties.

You kill your dogs. I however, care for mine. I do everything I can to avoid keeping them locked up alone in hotel rooms whenever possible.

Disassociating yourself from WV? Coward.


You're this stupid. Coward? I'm happy to share personal ****.

I was born in Virginia. Lived there till I was 2.
Family moved to WV. Lived there till I was 17 (fifteen years).
Family moved to VA. Lived and went to school there for 4 years.
I moved to Maryland. Have lived here for 34 years.

I'm proud to be from WV. In fact, working right now on buying some beautiful mountain-top property right near my hunting camp. Having a cabin built on top. I love going back.

Your turn coward. Like the Hamas protesting lunatics, all you AltLeft Liberals hide behind masks.
Hundreds of pages of social media nonsense. Widely available around the world, recommended by every major medical organization. Reality.

The same major medical organizations that support cutting the breasts off of teenage girls, puberty blockers, and hormone therapy.

Those same political heavily-funded organizations.
WTF are you talking about? I don’t care if they study it or not. What I deny is the assertion that it should not have been given to pretty much everyone and that it’s more dangerous than Covid itself.
By even asking the question she is all but admitting it shouldn't have been given to everyone and that the cost benefit analysis is not working in their favor. IF it actually had more benefit than risk, why would she have even mentioned you ******* dolt.
Perhaps you’re unaware? Or generally clueless. Drug addicts travelled to WV and Florida from other states to get pain meds. Government oversight and restrictions are bad… until they’re not.

This has literally nothing to do with the fact you - an obese blowhard tax leech - mocked Americans who overdose.

I get it; bloated fat-***** have a tough time with reasoning since they are constantly distracted by vicious hunger pangs. Nonetheless, try to follow the discussion.

Or have a 2nd grader explain it to you.

Your turn coward. Like the Hamas protesting lunatics, all you AltLeft Liberals hide behind masks.

I don't know, Tim. I suspect a lot of the lefties hide behind masks because they are just ugly. If you looked like most of those lefty freak weirdos with facial tats, bizarre piercings, purple hair, and grotesquely ugly facial features, you might be inclined to do so as well.
Do explain how her direct quote was taken out of context. We'll wait.
Are you serious?

Immediately before that she said “you should get vaccinated and boosted because we do believe it will protect you” Immediately after she said “people worry about it not protecting against sever infection and hospitalization. It will”

Things like this are why I say you’re delusional. Anybody hearing her statement in its entirety realizes the quote is out of context, not you. How?
This has literally nothing to do with the fact you - an obese blowhard tax leech - mocked Americans who overdose.
Mocked them how? I mocked the fact that the states of WV and FLA enabled the opioid epidemic with lax restrictions and oversight.

You seem especially deranged today. Did you have to ask a woman to reach the whey protein on the top shelf for you.
Are you serious?

Immediately before that she said “you should get vaccinated and boosted because we do believe it will protect you” Immediately after she said “people worry about it not protecting against sever infection and hospitalization. It will”

Things like this are why I say you’re delusional. Anybody hearing her statement in its entirety realizes the quote is out of context, not you. How?

Her transcript (reminder, THAT clip - the clip with Neil Cavuto - was from July 2022 - to give you some real context. That affects every bit of this):

"...and you're in the middle of this wave, what's gonna save you right now is Paxlovid. But once we get through this wave, during that lull, you should get vaccinated and boosted because we do BELIEVE it will protect you, particularly if you're over 70. I knew these vaccines were not gonna protect against infection and I think we overplayed the vaccines and it made people then worry that it's not gonna protect against severe disease and hospitalization, it will but let's be very clear, 50% of the people who died from the Omicron surge were older and...[clip ends]"

Now let's examine the full context.
  • It's from 2022. In Covid terms, that's a damned long time ago.
  • Two, she says "Paxlovid will save you." We've learned a lot about that drug in the past 2 years, and it isn't the wonder drug she then purported it to be.
  • Notice the "particularly if you are over 70" bit. No one here has disagreed that its worth the RISK to take the clot shotz if you are older. Those 50 and under, no.
Now, given this was 2 years ago, when Covid was still a thing about half the country was still worried about, yes the context matters. They were still supporting mass vaccination. No one's getting boosted now, so those comments no longer play. But for her to admit THEN that they overplayed the vaccines - meaning they sold the drug as a wonder drug that would prevent infection, hospitalization and death - and when it didn't people said then said they were bullshit...she's right. They overplayed them. Massively. And had to continually walk their narrative backwards...

If you get the shot, you won't get Covid.
Well, you may get Covid, but it will prevent hospitalization and death.
Well, you may still get Covid and go to the hospital, but you won't die.
Well wait...you might get Covid, go to the hospital and die, but at a lower rate than the unvaxxed.

The context of this being from 2022 and her admitting then that the vaccines wouldn't protect you against infection and that they (the Gubmint) lied to Americans (overplayed it) is profound...given that context.

They recommend the flu vaccine for everyone, what makes the Covid vaccine different? Other than the flu vaccine not being opposed by many for political reasons.

As has been pointed out for 600 pages of this thread, the vaccines (that come with risk) provide no risk-reward benefit for many parts of the population - infants, children, teens, and those in their 20s (probably even those in their 30s).

We've provided countless scientific studies and research articles that show this risk reward benefit for different age groups.

Recommending the Covid vaccine for everyone is fools science. You admit you still believe everyone should have it.

This is why you are a clown.