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Crazed school shooter, OMG, assault rifles! Media ready to GO CRAZY, MAN, GO CRAZY!!

The trans movement is now a legit domestic terrorist threat.

There is something very dark and evil brewing within the transgender community. As it stands now, the trans movement is plagued by confusion, mental illness, manipulation, and a demonic spirit that’s festering like a rancid boil. But things have gotten even worse, thanks to media, politicians, and celebrities who are pushing this notion that “disagreement” or “debate”on this controversial issue is somehow akin to literal “genocide” against trans people. This messaging has propelled this already disturbing movement into a whole new and violent direction.


If you’ve been paying attention lately, you’ll have noticed the subtle transformation from so-called “victims” to “terrorists” that’s taken place within the trans community.

We’re starting to see a lot of very agressive and violent marketing campaigns from the LGBTQ. For example, the “Trans Rights…Or Else” movement showcases mentally and emotionally unbalanced people, literally threatening the public with guns.

Accept us, or else…

Or else what?

Well, the shirts they’re wearing leave little to the imagination.

These t-shirts transgender activists are pictured wearing are a text book example of “domestic terrorism.”



But it gets worse…

Next week, on April 1st the LGBTQ community has a Trans Day of Vengeance planned.
And again, there’s the word “genocide.”


Will this group still go through with this violent/vengeful meetup after yet another “trans shooting”?


After all, these angry, confused people are proud of being “radical.” It’s actually part of their name in some cases… and this is about so-called “genocide,” right?


Furthermore, the media loves these gun-toting trannys. They’ve been fawning and cheering on these “vengeful” transgender groups for eons. So much so, that Tucker finally called them out just a couple of days before this latest transgender school shooting.

The timing was eerie, to say the least…

And quite predictably, all this vengence and hate has resulted in the bloody mass shooting at a Christian school by a transgender girl, masquerading as a boy.

Audrey Hale plotted a twisted and deadly murder spree at her former school, slaughtering 3 innocent children and 3 adults.

To any sane/normal-thinking person this signifies a huge problem within the trans community. Women don’t usually run around committing mass-murder like this.

Who is radicalizing these kids?

That’s what acclaimed journalist Glenn Greenwald would like to know.


And filmmaker Mike Cernovich artfully pointed out that no other group, per capita, is committing more violence than Transgenders are.


So, what gives – what’s really going on here?

Marjorie Taylor Greene asked a darn good question recently that could help answer why we’re seeing so many women become “mass shooters” suddenly.

Is it hormones?
JFC, up until about 4-5 years ago, “transgenderism” was a mental illness labeled as gender dysphoria. Then without reason, the AMA had it removed from listed mental disorders. People need to stop making excuses for this stuff and indulging the delusions of these people. They need help, not affirmation.

As I said earlier, just wait. In 10 years, we will be having the same discussion about pedophiles. The Left will turn them into sympathetic victims and any condemnation of their perversions (and illegal acts) will get you thrown in the gulag.

Just wait.
The internet, giving these sick people legitimacy and a platform, and prescribing antidepressant drugs like candy has caused a lot of this.

Wasn't no gdamned gender dysphoria when I was growing up in the 70s and 80s....
That comment reminded me of this Bill Maher segment.
It may have been posted somewhere on these forums already, but this is so good it's worth another look.

JFC, up until about 4-5 years ago, “transgenderism” was a mental illness labeled as gender dysphoria. Then without reason, the AMA had it removed from listed mental disorders. People need to stop making excuses for this stuff and indulging the delusions of these people. They need help, not affirmation.

The problem is that there is none. No therapy, the way we imagine therapy to be.

Currently, there are no psychological interventions that have been shown to reduce gender dysphoria. Therapies that aim to change a child or adolescent’s gender identity are considered unethical. (For example, the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) issued a statement on June 6, 2022, which formally apologized for “behavior therapy’s contributions to the development and practice of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression change efforts.”)

When you Google "therapy available for trans" you get this type of therapy...

It's important to remember that hormone therapy is only one of the treatments for gender dysphoria. Others include voice therapy and psychological support. The decision to have hormone therapy will be taken after a discussion between you and your clinic team.

Gender-Affirming Therapy​

View basic concerts when providing psychotherapy to those who are gender diverse.
Gender Affirming Therapy is a therapeutic stance that focuses on affirming a patient’s gender identity and does not try to “repair” it.

Will this group still go through with this violent/vengeful meetup after yet another “trans shooting”?

Wondering if there will be FBI informants in the crowd stirring folks up?
This **** is a tragedy. How sad is it that you open this thread and the topic is transgenderism rather than the folks who died.

I blame the idiot who started this thread.

But to be fair. the amount of time a mass murder remains a story is directly proportional to the number of white males involved in the killing. I said that because of the alphabet identity of the shooter, this story would disappear like a Chinese bribe near the Biden family and look at this - this morning's NYT headlines:

Screenshot 2023-03-28 224024.png

Huh ... looks like one story may be missing. Wonder why, wonder why.
The second amendment was ratified in 1791, that's 232 years the citizens of this country have been allowed to own guns.
So why is it that it's only become an issue in the last 30 years or so? These events are tragic, no doubt, but their cause has
little to do with the gun itself.
The second amendment was ratified in 1791, that's 232 years the citizens of this country have been allowed to own guns.
So why is it that it's only become an issue in the last 30 years or so? These events are tragic, no doubt, but their cause has
little to do with the gun itself.

It's the collapsing of a moral society. Everything twisted and immoral is at forefront. The collapse of the family. A government that is corrupted beyond voting repair. Instead of treating mental illness we ignore it and pass it off as normal and give it special elevated status.
y'all some racist mufuckers in here.
found Flog's burner account

Of course. The alphabet community is trying to keep the manifesto from being released.

LGBTQ activists fighting tooth and nail to keep transgender shooters’ manifesto BURIED​

The shooter, Audrey Hale, was killed on scene by fast-acting police officers.

We know that Audrey attended the Christian school at one time, so was her motive revenge?

Mental illness?

Left-wing indoctrination?

Trans hormones?

All of the above?

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry is reporting that Audrey’s parents may have known a lot more about what their daughter was up to than we realized.

Could they have stopped her?


However, according to disgraced AG Merrick Garland, supposedly nobody knows Audrey’s motive.

Unfortunately for Merrick, nobody believes that hogwash. We all know the killer wrote a manifesto.

It’s categorically laughable to suggest officials aren’t fully aware of the motive of the shooter.

However, the public may never know what really happened… LGBTQ activists are fighting tooth and nail to keep the manifesto buried and as of now, the Nashville police are refusing to release it.

We’re hearing LGBTQ activists are fighting to keep the manifesto buried because they believe if it’s made public, it will place their movement in jeopardy.

“It should not be published,” Jordan Budd, the executive director of Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE), told Newsweek. “The focus should be on how this was able to happen in the first place. There should not be such easy access to deadly weaponry.
“Charles Moran, the national president of Log Cabin Republicans, a GOP organization that advocates for equal rights for LGBTQ+ Americans, also told Newsweek that there are “serious consequences” for the public release of the manifesto.
“While it would certainly give insight into the motivations of this deeply troubled individual that could help shed light into root causes, we know from tragedies like this that additional glorification of the shooter could inspire others to take similar violent acts for attention,” Moran said.
Laura McGinnis, a spokesperson for PFLAG, agreed, telling Newsweek that publication of these documents could increase the risk of contagion. She said that while the manifesto could help law enforcement and policymakers identify potential warning signs to prevent future tragedies, ultimately, “the contents don’t change the outcome of the tragedy.”
“Regardless of the shooter’s intentions, the real issue here is the ease of access to deadly weapons in Tennessee and elsewhere,” Budd said, adding, “All children, no matter who their parents are or how they identify, should feel safe and supported at school. That includes a world free from gun violence.”

The truth is, trans activists want to keep the manifesto buried so the public can’t witness how their destructive rhetoric has radicalized so many young people, turning them into ticking time bombs.

In addition, if the manifesto is released and shines a light on the mental illness within the violent and radicalized trans community, Dems will also have difficulty pushing their beloved gun control agenda.

So, for these very reason, we must keep demanding the manifesto be released.
Now we're in an armed conflict against the rainbow warriors? Just when I think this bizzarro world can't get any worse....sigh

Now we're in an armed conflict against the rainbow warriors? Just when I think this bizzarro world can't get any worse....sigh

Hey, the entire Biden family owns shotguns so this thing might be their poster child.

Hell, give it a job in this administration. Trans gun violence zar or something.
While I know what the definition of a phobia is, the definition of transphobic is thus......

adjective: transphobic
  1. having or showing a dislike of or strong prejudice against transgender people.
    "bullying is commonly underpinned by sexist, homophobic, or transphobic attitudes"

That said, liberals change the definitions of so many words anymore, how would you ever know? I mean, they changed the definition of vaccine, immunity, and many, many others. It never ends.