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Debate Thread

Trump campaign should push hard on “A vote for Joe is a vote for Kamala”
You're one of them.
Nope. I don’t like him at all but the alternative is worse. One of the main reasons I don’t like him is his ability to lose what should be a slam dunk election. Hopefully not twice in a row.
He was never fit for office. He got to hideout and not campaign in 2020 because of covid. He's always been a moron creeper or he would have won a long time ago when he ran. Left to his own devices he will bury himself every time.
He's like a small child now. You have to guide him to do even the smallest simplest tasks.

I sure hope they keep him,but if they're going to change,it will be the creeper from California.

Which is pretty laughable,because he's destroyed California and people who can,are fleeing in droves. He has absolutely nothing good he can run on. His policies make Pedo Pete's look successful.
Think about this? In 3 Presidential Primary Cycles prior to the SC Primary in 2020, Joe Biden had never won a SINGLE state primary. The voters had roundly rejected him until Clyburn rallied back voters on to the plantation and Mayor Pete and Pocahantas and others dropped out on cue to winnow the field. I said at the time it was like giving the ball to the Make-A-Wish kid at the Spring Game and telling the defense to run along side not tackling and cheering to pay dirt. By contrast, the players are now on cue about to take the ball from Biden.
Nope. I don’t like him at all but the alternative is worse. One of the main reasons I don’t like him is his ability to lose what should be a slam dunk election. Hopefully not twice in a row.
All he really needs to do is ask the public, are you better off now than you were 4 years ago? If he wouldn't let emotions and ego get in the way, he'd win in a landslide but he's a blowhard idiot that can't just stick to the facts. He's got to get personal which turns off a lot of folks.

The moderator mentioned a cart of groceries that cost $100 is now $120....more like $140 at least .

Joe mentioned 6% withholdings on taxes. Are most people making $10 an hour? It would be awesome if my take home pay had about 18% more after all was said and done. I wonder how many actually check their pay "stubs" to see how much we're already getting ******? It was a decent chunk that we were able to hang onto with Trump's tax break. How about we cut spending 10% and call it a day.
Biden hasn't been seen in over a week because they are working with him on memorizing the answers to the question that they already have. he can't use a teleprompter so he is gonna have to do the best he can to memorize the answers.
That’s why Joe was on fast forward the first half of the debate.
IMO, nothing is off the table. The MIC can't allow allow a Trump Presidency due to their endless war commitment to Ukraine. Trump hasn't been this politically buoyant since right before Pelosi tore up the SOTU, but they will stop at nothing just like before.
I think it’s funny that they are all acting shocked like this is the first inkling they’ve ever had that he’s like this.
They knew, they’re just worried that now everyone else knows.

Nolte: CNN Slit Its Own Throat During Trump/Biden Debate​

US President Joe Biden speaks as he participates in the first presidential debate of the 2
JOHN NOLTE28 Jun 2024458
What a glorious night. First, like Lonesome Rhoades at the end of “A Face in the Crowd” (1957), and in front of the whole wide world in real-time, Joe Biden was finally exposed for what he really is—an enfeebled old man and victim of elder abuse who should be in Memory Care, not the Oval Office. Second, and again in front of the whole wide world, CNN slit its very own throat.
God bless America.
What were Jake Tapper and Dana Bash thinking?
I’ll tell you what they were thinking—what they are always thinking: only about themselves. Instead of looking out for their failing network’s survival chances, Tapper—in his Rachel Maddow glasses and Little Lord Fauntleroy suit—and Bash—who always looks like an offended librarian—we’re looking towards history. That’s why the debate was pretty fair and maybe perfectly fair. I didn’t keep track, but it seemed to me Biden was given the last word much more frequently than Trump … but who cares! The more Biden talked, the more he pulled a Lonesome Rhoades…. The more he proved the corporate media liars who had been covering up his condition… The more he got what he had coming to him for being a terrible human being.
Where was I…?
Oh, yes…
How CNN cut its own throat…
This is going to require a little backfill, so bear with me…
What CNNLOL has done, ever since the arrival of Jeff Zucker in 2013 (Zucker was fired in disgrace in 2022), is checkmate itself.
By going hard-left; by becoming smug, unappealing hall-monitoring scolds; for attacking Normal People as racists and bigots for being Normal, and, of course, for this…
…CNN alienated everyone in America who’s not hard-left, who doesn’t hate Normal People, and who can’t stand being serially lied to. In other words, CNN checkmated itself into a corner with only an itsy-bitsy base of remaining viewers. And according to the latest figures, that base is fewer than a half-million viewers.
So, who are these viewers who make up CNN’s residual base of support? They’re deranged extremists like Ellen Barkin, John Cusack, Whoopi Goldberg, and Sean Penn. And now we come to my most important point…
CNNLOL’s residual base is not only made up of leftist lunatics, it is made up of leftist lunatics who demand fealty to the cause. Oh, they love-love-love Jake Tapper when he’s spreading the Russia Collusion Hoax, meddling in elections, manufacturing conspiracy theories, and talking about Trump’s penis. But when Jake Tapper puts on his Rachel Maddow glasses and Little Lord Fauntleroy suit and asks Trump a straightforward question, and then allows him to answer, and then doesn’t call him a fat, orange, tiny-handed lying rapist afterward, it’s so-long-send-me-a-postcard-at-MSNBC.
As I’ve been saying for years, we will never put the corporate media out of business. There will always be a far-left New York Times, a far-left Washington Post, and a CNNLOL. Why? Because there will always be fascist billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Laurene Powell Jobs out there who want to spread self-dealing propaganda. But here’s something else I’ve been saying for years…
We got the corporate media right where we want them—and that’s checkmated into a corner where they only have two choices: 1) continue to ***** out their dignity and credibility to the Ellen Barkin-choir and never recapture what means most to them: the ability to sway public opinion or 2) treat a Donald Trump fairly for a couple of hours and alienate what was left of their viewers.
What Was That?! Biden Coughs, Stumbles, Rambles His Way Through Debate After Week of Rest and Prep
Courtesy of CNN Presidential Debate

Stupid CNN gained nothing last night. Nothing.
Other than hate-watching CNN’s left-wing meltdowns like Thursday night’s post-debate panel, are you going to go back to watching CNN? Of course not. No one is. CNN is a joke, a punchline…
CNN lost everything last night. Everything.
Because even after nine years of spreading lies, violence, dehumanizing hate, conspiracy theories, racism, division, and every other form of extremist, left-wing propaganda, CNN’s fascist, entitled, spoiled, crybully, tiny base of viewers will never forgive CNNLOL for not sabotaging Trump last night.
For nine years, CNN sowed the wind with Trump Hate and will now reap the Ratings Whirlwind for allowing a presidential debate to happen last night.
Yes, my fellow Normal People, on Thursday night, Biden dropped his pants and CNN slit its checkmated throat.
And it was glorious.
I saw a clip of the whole" well we beat Medicare..."

Honestly, at that moment Donald Trump should have looked at the moderators and said "Are you going to let this continue? This is cruel and you know it."

It would have been a mic drop moment. And it probably would have completely doomed Biden.
I saw a clip of the whole" well we beat Medicare..."

Honestly, at that moment Donald Trump should have looked at the moderators and said "Are you going to let this continue? This is cruel and you know it."

It would have been a mic drop moment. And it probably would have completely doomed Biden.
It was Holmes-Ali bad. Trump may have subconsciously at least had respect for the Office if not the man. Probably wanted the ref to stop it.
I saw a clip of the whole" well we beat Medicare..."

Honestly, at that moment Donald Trump should have looked at the moderators and said "Are you going to let this continue? This is cruel and you know it."

It would have been a mic drop moment. And it probably would have completely doomed Biden.
No, we want Joe to remain the Dems’ candidate.
Kinda like when we play the Ratbirds and hoping they don’t hurt Lamar.
No, we want Joe to remain the Dems’ candidate.
Kinda like when we play the Ratbirds and hoping they don’t hurt Lamar.
DT should be taking the Vince Dooley approach and lauding the opponent's formidable nature and what a challenge it will be to win lol.
All he really needs to do is ask the public, are you better off now than you were 4 years ago? If he wouldn't let emotions and ego get in the way, he'd win in a landslide but he's a blowhard idiot that can't just stick to the facts. He's got to get personal which turns off a lot of folks.

The moderator mentioned a cart of groceries that cost $100 is now $120....more like $140 at least .

Joe mentioned 6% withholdings on taxes. Are most people making $10 an hour? It would be awesome if my take home pay had about 18% more after all was said and done. I wonder how many actually check their pay "stubs" to see how much we're already getting ******? It was a decent chunk that we were able to hang onto with Trump's tax break. How about we cut spending 10% and call it a day.
Trump’s massive government spending got it started and Joe exacerbated it. Neither one of them have proposed a viable solution to it.

That said my biggest problem with the Biden administration is weaponizing our judicial system to go after political opponents. If that’s allowed and rewarded we are a third world country.
No, we want Joe to remain the Dems’ candidate.
Kinda like when we play the Ratbirds and hoping they don’t hurt Lamar.
They've already announced that he's not dropping out and will do the 2nd debate. This is awesome. I don't feel bad for evil bastaard at all. He deserves going down in flames.
They've already announced that he's not dropping out and will do the 2nd debate. This is awesome. I don't feel bad for evil bastaard at all. He deserves going down in flames.
You do realize that he is essentially and vegetable at this point and the only one going down in flames is Barry the Puppet Master in Chief. The Deep State is installing Joe and Kamala because they're both too brain dead to have their own ideas and agendas.