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Democrats and gun control - "You first"


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Dims are now openly discussing going to American homes and forcibly removing firearms from law-abiding citizens, or taxing firearms and ammunition to the point that a lot of Americans cannot afford them. "2nd Amendment be damned," the idiots say.

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said on Wednesday that police officers would go to the homes of people who refuse to comply with his proposed law banning AR-15s and AK-47s, if it was put into place, and seize the banned guns.


They’re not coming for your guns, we’re told. No, they are, and at least California Senator Kamala Harris is fully willing to send police to your home to take your guns from you. According to the Washington Examiner, when asked if Harris would send law enforcement to homes to seize banned firearms, Harris answered in the affirmative.


If you think the tyrannical gun grabbing agenda of Beto O’Rourke is off putting, just take a look at Elizabeth Warren’s plan to disarm the citizenry through immense taxation of guns. Elizabeth Warren and her pals at Fake News CNN have a strategy that is much more sinister. Tax the sale of firearms by 30 percent! On top of the 30% gun-tax, Warren has proposed a 50% tax on ammunition.

Such a tax will result in less law-abiding citizens purchasing firearms and more criminals engaging in the black-market gun trade. Law abiding citizens, especially the poor ones, will be forced to turn to the black market to acquire affordable self-protection.


My response to these people, who claim over and over that 15-round magazines for a Glock or Walther are not necessary, and that semi-automatic rifles that have polymer grips and stocks to make them lighter should not be legal, I respond (to quote the great Tucker Carlson), "You first."

Specifically, those ******* have metal detectors and police with 15-round magazines in their 9mm, and 12-round magazines for their .45's, and 30 round magazines for their AR's, to protect them. If 15 round magazines and 12 round magazines and AR rifles are so terrible, then **** you - give them up yourselves.

You first, *******. Until then, suck my Glock. Or my neighbor's Glock, since I lost mine in a boating accident, unfortunately.
That window licking pencil necked fuckwit Beto is blowing smoke out his ***. He's done,so he just spews out garbage.

The citizens of this country need something competitive in defense,not only for self defense from criminals, but from a vastly overreaching government hell bent on neutering the general population from an adequate defense.

That's pretty clear to see. Those red flag laws are the gateway in. All kinds of people can get flagged on any whim. No due process. Just let all of these lefties gain more control. The presidency would be ideal for them. This is a group that pretty much ignores the constitution and forces you to take them to court.
The citizens of this country need something competitive in defense,not only for self defense from criminals, but from a vastly overreaching government hell bent on neutering the general population from an adequate defense.

Fact. Another fact is that idiots like Michael Moore simultaneously tell me that (1) the United States military, with all its combined might, can never prevail against the rag-tag militia in Iraq and Afghanistan, and (2) United States armed civilians could never defeat the United States military, with all its combined might.

That's pretty clear to see. Those red flag laws are the gateway in. All kinds of people can get flagged on any whim. No due process. Just let all of these lefties gain more control. The presidency would be ideal for them. This is a group that pretty much ignores the constitution and forces you to take them to court.

Red flag laws suck dog dicks. Know the primary source for red flag complaints so far? Ex-spouses.

Oh, ****, no possible ulterior motive there, right?
Couldn't she just have grabbed a can of hairspray or something?

Sleepy Joe thinks she could have just waved a shotgun around and the bad guys would have fled.

Well, after killing her husband and daughter and probably raping her to death, but I mean, after that, they are gone. No harm done. Except the killing thing.
Sleepy Joe thinks she could have just waved a shotgun around and the bad guys would have fled.

Well, after killing her husband and daughter and probably raping her to death, but I mean, after that, they are gone. No harm done. Except the killing thing.

That killing thing leaves a mark.
Fact. Another fact is that idiots like Michael Moore simultaneously tell me that (1) the United States military, with all its combined might, can never prevail against the rag-tag militia in Iraq and Afghanistan, and (2) United States armed civilians could never defeat the United States military, with all its combined might.

Red flag laws suck dog dicks. Know the primary source for red flag complaints so far? Ex-spouses.

Oh, ****, no possible ulterior motive there, right?

That pretty much all the red flag laws will do. Be abused and a **** ton of people will get ****** over. They will then be forced to spend thousands of dollars on legal fees in court. If you live in some liberal utopia best of luck in getting a good judge.
That pretty much all the red flag laws will do. Be abused and a **** ton of people will get ****** over. They will then be forced to spend thousands of dollars on legal fees in court ...

Okay, you are making a good case here. I may have to re-think my position.
Okay, you are making a good case here. I may have to re-think my position.

hahahaha. Somebody has to do it. Unfortunately people will never recover that cost from the state.

What good is the 2nd ammendment if nobody follows it? I suppose you could stamp that on any ammendment the federal or state government chooses to circumvent.
The libs know all this stuff. The declaration that the 2nd amendment is now null and void will cause a huge outcry from patriots, thus the use of emergency powers, then the use of UN forces in US streets. I promise this is the future here.

Buckle up
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The libs know all this stuff. The declaration that the 2nd amendment is now null and void will cause a huge outcry from patriits, thus the use of emergency powers, then the use of UN forces in US streets. I promise this is the future here.

Buckle up

Pffhhhttttt...F'n UN in American streets. You don't know the hillbillies I grew up around.
Sleepy Joe thinks she could have just waved a shotgun around and the bad guys would have fled.

Well, after killing her husband and daughter and probably raping her to death, but I mean, after that, they are gone. No harm done. Except the killing thing.

she'd have had to go OUTSIDE to do that, otherwise she'd put holes in the ceiling of the double-wide.
The libs know all this stuff. The declaration that the 2nd amendment is now null and void will cause a huge outcry from patriits, thus the use of emergency powers, then the use of UN forces in US streets. I promise this is the future here.

Buckle up

If the UN ever came to our steets butting in. They'd get shot. That's an absolute guarantee. No doubt whatsoever.
Another dangerous precedent is this 'red flag' ****... can of worms bigger than a house.


Guvnah Nawthum, of the blackface wearing, make the newborn comfortable before we end it's life Nawthum's, has issued an executive awduh declaring a state of emergency for the upcoming annual Lobby Day at VA's capital.

Lobby Day, organized by pro-Second Amendment group Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL), is an annual event held on the third Monday in January.

At his press conference, Nawthum said, “I believe them (VCDL) when they say this is a peaceful event — that’s what democracy is. Unfortunately, they have unleashed something much larger, something they may not be able to control.”

This annual event has not turned violent in the past. But never before has the threat to the Second Amendment been so great. And Virginia is the first state to take such draconian measures against gun ownership. All eyes will be on Richmond, VA on Monday.

86 of 95 VA counties so far have declared themselves 2A Sanctuaries. The state of emergency begins Friday afternoon.

Charlottesville redux?


Other reading.

Guvnah Nawthum, of the blackface wearing, make the newborn comfortable before we end it's life Nawthum's, has issued an executive awduh declaring a state of emergency for the upcoming annual Lobby Day at VA's capital.

86 of 95 VA counties so far have declared themselves 2A Sanctuaries. The state of emergency begins Friday afternoon.

Charlottesville redux?


Other reading.


I love Virginia. Born there. Spent 2 years there as a baby/infant. Went to college there. Lived another couple years there.

I don't love her as much any more.

Sadly, I don't see this 2A problem getting fixed without violence. People are going to die. It shouldn't be that way.
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You're probably right Tim, but I hope it doesn't come to that. I find it hard to believe that the governor doesn't realize that his executive order isn't a match to a tinderbox.

Interesting though that rural, deplorable Americans have turned sanctuary status around for their own agendas don't you think?
You're probably right Tim, but I hope it doesn't come to that. I find it hard to believe that the governor doesn't realize that his executive order isn't a match to a tinderbox.

Interesting though that rural, deplorable Americans have turned sanctuary status around for their own agendas don't you think?

I wish I was wrong, but look at the number of civilians already killed when law enforcement have come to take weapons from them due to red flag laws. It would be naive to think this goes down without further deaths.
“I believe them (VCDL) when they say this is a peaceful event — that’s what democracy is. Unfortunately, they have unleashed something much larger, something they may not be able to control.”

No, Governor, you unleashed something much larger, something that you may not be able to control. You asked for this, by attempting to strip American citizens of their constitutional rights. You called down the thunder. Don't put the onus on someone else. Own it.
No, Governor, you unleashed something much larger, something that you may not be able to control. You asked for this, by attempting to strip American citizens of their constitutional rights. You called down the thunder. Don't put the onus on someone else. Own it.

Governor Northam expresses his concern for his own safety, and insists this is simply a countermeasure, not racist behavior:

Absolutely Northam and Virginia's Democrat legislature have brought this on themselves. Their ploy is that they know these moves will ultimately prove to be unconstitutional, but also know it will take decades to prove it.

They're running scared, trying to increase from 10% to 25% the number of signatures required for a recall election. Aside from Monday, it will be interesting to see the voter turn out there in November, because if that doesn't send a statement then Virginia is truly lost.