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Hey, Congress: **** you, drop dead

I tried to zoom in. What is that. She is sexy.
Hey steeltime, seems like the oxygen's being sucked out of the room for ya. Disgraced former guy gets shitcanned, the GOP is a pile of ashes, Biden is off to a great start and now the libs are coming for your guns. Plus, they're banning Dr. Zeus, while homos and transgenders are running rampant, stealing your lunch money, and the borders are being overrun by millions, er, no, billions of terrorists, drug dealers and other brown-skinned types.

Maybe it's time you and your friends organized some sort of small group or club, maybe move up to the hills where you can stash your arsenal, play wargames and fire off your guns from sunrise to sunset. Yeah, you guys could get matching uniforms, camo vests with little patches on them, call yourself the oatmeal-keepers, or the 7%-ers, or the Proud Dads, or something like that. You can plan and plot to overthrow this leftist, communist government and be ready for the feds when they come a knocking.

Good luck my man, stay strong!
It's easy to laugh and mock from a far away country when this stuff isn't happening to you.
It's easy to laugh and mock from a far away country when this stuff isn't happening to you.

Tibs evidencing his genius, his finger on the pulse of America:

"Biden is off to a great start."

His only accomplishment to date is taking credit for the vaccine brought about by his predecessor.

Gas prices, energy costs, interest rate, inflation, border security, "kids in cages," bringing American troops home, talking to America without a teleprompter and two days of practice, women's sports? Never mind.
Tibs evidencing his genius, his finger on the pulse of America:

"Biden is off to a great start."

His only accomplishment to date is taking credit for the vaccine brought about by his predecessor.

Gas prices, energy costs, interest rate, inflation, border security, "kids in cages," bringing American troops home, talking to America without a teleprompter and two days of practice, women's sports? Never mind.
He’s off to a great start if you root for the destruction of America. On top of all that massive tax increases and gun grabbing are on the horizon. That’s why the Tibtard loves it.
******* communist
He’s off to a great start if you root for the destruction of America. On top of all that massive tax increases and gun grabbing are on the horizon. That’s why the Tibtard loves it.
******* communist

Tibs: "Name one time I have expressed pro-communist views. One time!!"

Me: Censorship, gun confiscation, government-run schools, health care, working conditions, wages, and media, open borders.

Tibs: "I'm not for any of those."

Tibs: "Waah, so what, you can't own those dozens of guns. Big deal you can own others. I support this common sense gun control."

Tibs: "Trump deserved to have Fakebook and Twatter silence him. That's not censorship, it's a matter of public safety."

Tibs: "Single-payer healthcare!!"

Tibs: "More immigrants, whee!!"

Tibs: "More taxpayer money to educate illegals!!"
Tibs: "Name one time I have expressed pro-communist views. One time!!"

Me: Censorship, gun confiscation, government-run schools, health care, working conditions, wages, and media, open borders.

Tibs: "I'm not for any of those."

Tibs: "Waah, so what, you can't own those dozens of guns. Big deal you can own others. I support this common sense gun control."

Tibs: "Trump deserved to have Fakebook and Twatter silence him. That's not censorship, it's a matter of public safety."

Tibs: "Single-payer healthcare!!"

Tibs: "More immigrants, whee!!"

Tibs: "More taxpayer money to educate illegals!!"
Now you’re just making stuff up. You must like the sound of your own voice, hope you’re entertained. 👍
Well we aren’t going to comply for one thing. We already know leftist Pols are more than willing to use AntiFa and BLM thugs as a tool to intimidate their political opponents. We also know these same leftist Pols have weaponized the FBI against conservatives. And to top it all off some of those leftist Pols have called for those of us who will not accept the stolen election and support the US Constitution to be sent to Gulags. Since every gun control NGO and most of those lefty Pols have said their eventual goal is total civilian disarmament we don’t believe a word of the “Common Sense Gun Laws” spiel. I don’t intend to willingly get on a cattle car to a FEMA camp, I’ll keep my weapons thanks.
Yeah fat **** chance. Don't even bother coming to Florida or Texas with that bs. A lot of states have already passed legislation against this nonsense in preparation.
Gas prices, energy costs, interest rate, inflation, border security, "kids in cages," bringing American troops home, talking to America without a teleprompter and two days of practice, women's sports? Never mind.
Quit being racist.
It's easy to laugh and mock from a far away country when this stuff isn't happening to you.
If you keep this up, pretty soon I’ll start feeling sorry for you, living in the greatest country on earth. Funny how Biden’s been able to destroy your lives in under two months that he’s been in office. And they say liberals are hysterical, lol.
If you keep this up, pretty soon I’ll start feeling sorry for you, living in the greatest country on earth. Funny how Biden’s been able to destroy your lives in under two months that he’s been in office. And they say liberals are hysterical, lol.
I didn't see where anybody said their lives were destroyed, but it's mind boggling how you can actually think this dude is doing a good job at this point.
Liberals and their inane tropes. "Military grade." No, you stupid ****. Let me give you pictures so even your tiny brain can process the information as to the difference between "military" weapons and civilian weapons:

Where there's a will, there's a way...

A West Virginia man has pleaded guilty to a weapons charge after he was accused of selling machine gun conversion devices online to followers of a far-right extremist movement.

Watson was charged after he was arrested in early September for allegedly running a website claiming to sell wall hangers. Prosecutors said they plan to show at sentencing that the devices could be actually used to turn semi-automatic AR-15 rifles into fully automatic machine guns.

Authorities said the devices were sold to supporters of the anti-government “boogaloo” movement, the code word they use for their talk of a second civil war. Their prominence has grown during the pandemic as the gun-toting supporters, many dressed in Hawaiian shirts and camouflage garb, attended protests against government shutdowns.
You know, a lot of times, "military grade" is made by the lowest bidder. Military grade is a horseshit term. Remember when Ford was making their trucks out of "military grade" aluminum? Personally, I know of no such thing as military grade aluminum. If you saw some of the junk our Soldiers are forced to carry around, you wouldn't be so impressed by the term "military grade."
You know, a lot of times, "military grade" is made by the lowest bidder. Military grade is a horseshit term. Remember when Ford was making their trucks out of "military grade" aluminum? Personally, I know of no such thing as military grade aluminum. If you saw some of the junk our Soldiers are forced to carry around, you wouldn't be so impressed by the term "military grade."

Stop shredding Tibs' and Lib's tropes. They live by them. They are real figments of their 'maginations.
Ogre is military grade. Yes, that Ogre. Yes, that military grade.
...it's mind boggling how you can actually think this dude is doing a good job at this point.

But is it, though? 🤔

Politico-Morning Consult poll:

Biden approval
62% approve
34% disapprove

Handling virus
66% approve
27% disapprove

COVID relief bill
72% support
20% oppose

Biden uniting the U.S.
55% more to unite
30% more to divide
Wow, good approval numbers for a guy busy hiding and signing dozens of executive orders, not a single one of which helped Americans.

Free medical care and citizenship to illegals? Does not help Americans. Hurts Americans in fact.

End fracking on government land? Does not help Americans. Hurts Americans in fact.

Forcing schools to allow men to compete in women's sports? Does not help Americans. Hurts Americans in fact.

Allowing vastly more illegals to enter the United States with zero assurance they are free of Covid? Does not help Americans. Hurts Americans in fact.

Ending an industry-led apprenticeship program? Does not help Americans. Hurts Americans in fact.

More restrictions on American energy cuz "climate change" and not one ******* step relative to China, India, etc. on the same issue? Does not help Americans. Hurts Americans in fact.

Orders that the military accept transgenders and pay for their dick removal? Does not help Americans. Hurts Americans in fact.

Delays school re-opening until the HVAC system is changed for some ******* reason? Does not help Americans. Hurts Americans in fact.

Tibs, you are a lazy, stupid moron. You have to push Anderson Cooper's nose aside to lick Biden's crusty *******, but those with a brain bigger than a walnut - i.e., people not (D)ims or media - know full well that Biden is a blithering idiot puppet, busily signing **** others crafted and harming the middle class in the process. The fact you are too stupid to realize the obvious truth means nothing.
Biden is off to a terrific start? What are you smoking Tibs?

Because he passed the largest pork filled, buy off bill in the history or our country? Because everything wrong with the border during Trump is now WORSE under him but the media won't touch it with a 10' pole? That he is silently continuing all the wars in the middle east without an end in sight? Crime is still on the rise?

Are you saying he gets any credit for vaccine availability? Come on... that was all set no matter if it was Trump or Biden. If anything, the message about Covid is MORE confusing now that they have all these rules for people with the vaccine, those who had it, and those that haven't had either. If fact, you can see how they want to keep rules even when most of the population is immune. Hell, the rules might not end until 2022 under Biden now. There will always be an outbreak. And once fall/winter hits again, they will want to continue to control everyone "for their safety" and find reasons for massive pork-filled "stimulus packages". Don't you see this coming yet?

What a dolt you are.
If you keep this up, pretty soon I’ll start feeling sorry for you, living in the greatest country on earth.
You keep saying that yet, there you are, in Hungary wanting nothing to do with living here.
You keep saying that yet, there you are, in Hungary wanting nothing to do with living here.
You know nothing about me, let's just leave it at that. (y)
You know nothing about me, let's just leave it at that. (y)

And you know nothing about Booted. I know nothing about you, and you know nothing about me.

Given that and what appears to be your stance that this lack of knowledge about one another is terminal to debate, maybe we should all just post cat gifs and pictures of puppies. Let me start.

Sticking with the tropes of the board, here's Lenin & his cat, which is obviously my favorite cat ever-ever.
