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Democrats and gun control - "You first"

Thank you for your typical, unhinged diatribe. What say you to the white nationalist paramilitary terrorists who were arrested days before the rally?

You moron, the guys in the photo ARE NOT THE PEOPLE WHO WERE ARRESTED.

"Oooooh, white nationalists!! Ohhh, so many of them. Look at all of them."


You are sick. Get help. You have been duped. The squealing about "white nationalists" is a fraud.
Three guys out of 30 have their faces covered because it was 23 ******* degrees when they started lining up.

Yeah, scream bloody murder for months on end when left-wing protesters cover their faces in shawls and balaclavas, but when the right does it...it's cause it's cold outside. Nice.

Yeah, scream bloody murder for months on end when left-wing protesters cover their faces in shawls and balaclavas, but when the right does it...it's cause it's cold outside. Nice.

You might have more of a point except that FOUR OF THE SIX GUYS IN FRONT DON'T HAVE THEIR FACES COVERED.


You have proven what a stupid kunt you are. Please, for the benefit of all who frequent this board, stop providing more proof.
FBI Foils FBI Terror Plot....The founders of this nation were all extremists too Tibs.

Sounds like you're down with the far right, white nationalist paramilitary groups. Good on you, at least you're man enough to admit it.
Sounds like you're down with the far right, white nationalist paramilitary groups. Good on you, at least you're man enough to admit it.

He didn't lick the butthole of cowardly weasels who attack innocent people, like you did with Antifa.

How does Antifa's ******* taste, Tibsy? You would be the expert on that.

I repeat - stop proving your stupidity. We GET it already.
Tibs you're being fed ******* lies man. I live in Va, actually I live about 20 miles north of Richmond, drive through it every day. Do not believe the way the media is portraying this rally. At least 20,000 salt of the earth American peaceably came together today to exercise their right to bear arms. Not one ******* incident, not one. So just drop the rhetoric, you have no idea what you're talking about. Not even close.

And you can kiss my rosy *** about the face masks. It's 25 freaking degrees outside with out the wind chill. Got damn you have gone full on stupid today.
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Tibs you're being fed ******* lies man. I live in Va, actually I live about 20 miles north of Richmond, drive through it every day. Do not believe the way the media is portraying this rally. At least 20,000 salt of the earth American peaceably came together today to exercise their right to bear arms. Not one ******* incident, not one. So just drop the rhetoric, you have no idea what you're talking about. Not even close.

But, but, but, but ... he read some **** on Media Matters or some other Soros-site claiming that millions of white nationalists were showing up to execute people of color!!

It HAS to be true, your first-hand, actual observations and facts be damned!!
He didn't lick the butthole of cowardly weasels who attack innocent people, like you did with Antifa. How does Antifa's ******* taste, Tibsy? You would be the expert on that.

Show me my posts supporting Antifa. I've come out on several occasions to denounce violent protestors of all ilk. You're a hero and legend in your own warped mind. Keep the lies coming, you're doing a bang up job.
Sounds like you're down with the far right, white nationalist paramilitary groups. Good on you, at least you're man enough to admit it.

I love it when a white person tries to shame me for being white and not having white guilt. There are plenty of Black, Brown, Red, and Yellow people that support freedom and love the USA Tibs. They also excercise their God not government given right to self defense and own and carry weapons for that purpose. And if you are going to call me a racist be a man about it. That passive aggressive method is how women do things, but then we all know you are a bitchbrain.
I love it when a white person tries to shame me for being white and not having white guilt. There are plenty of Black, Brown, Red, and Yellow people that support freedom and love the USA Tibs. They also excercise their God not government given right to self defense and own and carry weapons for that purpose. And if you are going to call me a racist be a man about it. That passive aggressive method is how women do things, but then we all know you are a bitchbrain.

I'll take that as a yes. Duly noted.
I'll take that as a yes. Duly noted.

Yes Tibs I know you think it’s racism not to be a communist and demand liberty for all people regardless of their ethnicity.
I'll take that as a yes. Duly noted.

You misstated everything DBS said, and then misspelled "dumbly."

For the third time - please, please, please, please, please stop providing more evidence of how stupid you are. We GET IT.
Hey, Tibs, ... watch this video of the Richmond rally. Hmmm, not one ******* person with his or her face covered. NOT. ONE. *******. PERSON. WITH. HIS. OR. HER. FACE. COVERED. So **** you and your lying lies from some lefty site.

These riots shields are nice accessories for a peaceful protest. That too must be to help with the cold.

OMG, more attendees with their faces (not) covered!!


AND MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tibs accuses a SN member of being a racist for not hating white people, and is schooled. Tibs analogizes Richmond event attendees to Antifa because two Richmond attendees had their faces covered in 23˚ temperatures, and is then proven to be a lying liar repeating lies from a lefty web site.

The clock is ticking on Tibsy doing what he does best:

Show me my posts supporting Antifa. I've come out on several occasions to denounce violent protestors of all ilk. You're a hero and legend in your own warped mind. Keep the lies coming, you're doing a bang up job.

Good lord someone repost Tibs post comparing AntiFa to the honorable men who stormed Normandy.

Damn you are one daft son or a *****.
Good lord someone repost Tibs post comparing AntiFa to the honorable men who stormed Normandy.

Yep, Tibs posted a picture of Antifa scum in the same post as our boys in landing craft on Normandy and specifically spoke well of Antifa as "fighting fascism" just like American boys in WWII.

Now, he is trying to hide his past. He thinks we forget.

The internet is forever, Tibsy. You should own up to your mistakes, you know, like Northam and his black face/KKK photo.

Wait ...
I seriously ask - what the **** is wrong with you?

He's a ******* troll. I wouldn't waste too much energy on some POS who doesn't even live here and gets their little talking points from the likes of Media Matters.
Good lord someone repost Tibs post comparing AntiFa to the honorable men who stormed Normandy. Damn you are one daft son or a *****.

Sure thing, that was a single meme posted years ago. I owned up to that, was not my intention to offend anyone. At the end of the day, I do agree with standing up to fascists, white supremacists and anti-Semites. You do too, correct? And while you're taking a trip down memory lane, dig up my repeated posts denouncing Antifa, BLM and any form of violent protests. You won't do that, cause it doesn't feed the lies and the narrative. Same old bullshit, as always.
The left, circa 2010:

"We are not trying to take your guns away."

The left, circa 2019:

Beto, "Hell yes, I'll take your AR15 and any other weapon of war [? - as opposed to a weapon of peace, I guess]"

Louisiana's Democratic Party Chair Karen Carter Peterson, "Repeal the Second Amendment."

Anybody who believes (D)ims are going to protect the 2nd amendment is lying to himself. The (D)ims want and need to disarm America.