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Democrats and gun control - "You first"

According to the leftist morons of the world and the media. A pro gun rally with 20,000+ people should have been the gunfight at the ******* OK Corral. Which goes to show how clueless they are on the subject.

You crazy, Supersteeler. Geniuses like Hank Johnson - the first to wary about Guam tipping over due to water levels - and his ilk have PROVEN the dangers of automatic semi-automatic guns, and (D)ims have dozens of quotes showing their palpable, temporal knowledge of firearms. To wit:

New York Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington (D) "Some of these bullets, as you saw, have an incendiary device on the tip of it, which is a heat seeking device. So, you don't shoot deer with a bullet that size. If you do you could cook it at the same time."

California Democrat State Senator Kevin de Leon (D) (wow, surprise) "This is a ghost gun. This right here has the ability with a .30-caliber clip to disperse with 30 bullets within half a second. Thirty magazine clip in half a second." - Kevin de Leon

New York Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (D) (hmm, noticing a trend here. Also, she proposes gun control and her name is "slaughter"? Yeah, no) "The Second Amendment only protects the people who want all the guns they can have. The rest of us, we've got no Second Amendment. What are we supposed to do?"

Colorado Assemblywoman Diana DeGette (D) (okay, I really think there might be a trend here) "What's the efficacy of banning these magazine clips? I will tell you... these are ammunition, they're bullets. So the people who have those now, they're going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won't be any more available."

Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg (D) (okay, this is more than a trend) "Well, if it can fire a lot of bullets very quickly, that's a good definition... And then you can argue what a lot is, okay, let's say three. If you haven't hit the deer with three shots, you're a pretty lousy shot, that deer deserves to get away." [No mention of, say, four intruders in a home invasion]

Former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (D) "We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence." Hmm, that is high. Wow, maybe I'm wrong on this whole gun control thing. I mean, 93 million a day, the entire country would be gone in less than four days.

New York Democrat Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D) (again? ****, (D)ims, borrow a dollar and buy a clue): When asked to describe something HER proposed legislation would ban, "I actually don't know what a barrel shroud is. I believe it's a shoulder thing that goes up."

California Senator Dianne Feinstein (D) (whaaaat? A (D)im saying something laughably stupid about guns?!? Nooooooo. Anyway, according to gun expert Dianne Feinstein and her Chinese spy, "We have federal regulations and state laws that prohibit hunting ducks with more than three rounds. And yet it's legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines." Hmm, legal to hunt humans. I might have to put that to work.

Former President Barack Hussein Obama (D) (Nope, no trend here, nope, nope, nope) "...it is easier for a 12- or 13-year-old to purchase a gun, and cheaper, than it is for them to get a book." I know, right? The gun library is overflowing with those automatic semi-automatic 30-round shotguns that deliver 30 rounds in 1/2 second.


Former Socialist leader Adolf Hitler: “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty.”


So to sum up - Adolf Hitler explains why the (D)ims want to take firearms from the American people, and (D)ims prove they are too stupid to be entrusted with my safety. **** them.
Dumbass bartender compares the peaceful 2nd Amendment rally yesterday to the Freddy Gray riots, where looting, torching property, and throwing rocks at police, happened. Does the biased interviewer call her out? Bwahahaha. No. But the brain dead lemmings in the audience cheered in bovine approval. This country is ******.

The genius calls to mind another mental giant, former Mayor and crack smoker, Marion "How much for the hooker and hookah?" Barry: “If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very very low crime rate.”
Driving home from work yesterday in liberal left wing California, I saw a YUGE sign on a freeway overpass. Californians supporting 2nd Amendment rights of Virginians. The ideas the left wing have are so polarizing, they are going to force themselves into a decisive L at the ballot box this fall. The 2A will stand tall.
Never before on this board has someone been so wrong, so often about so many things as Tibs has. Yet he keeps on going, power-vomiting Dim conspiracy theories like they are gospel while ignoring fact and reason. He’s like the Little Engine That Could. A retarded Little Engine That Could. Hold your tongue with your fingers and say “I think I can.” That’s Tibs.

Elfie...Elfie was the worst at everything. She was just a miserable old c**t
Driving home from work yesterday in liberal left wing California, I saw a YUGE sign on a freeway overpass. Californians supporting 2nd Amendment rights of Virginians. The ideas the left wing have are so polarizing, they are going to force themselves into a decisive L at the ballot box this fall. The 2A will stand tall.


Brings not only a smile but a tear to the eye. I feel like there may be hope.

Brings not only a smile but a tear to the eye. I feel like there may be hope.

Dims just don't get it, you aren't taking away 2A. Its written into the Constitution. Good luck changing that
Elfie...Elfie was the worst at everything. She was just a miserable old c**t


That said, recent Tibs comments make me think he is angling to change his name to "Tibsie" then "Tebsie" then "Telfie" and finally, the final leap to ... "miserable old c**t"

That said, recent Tibs comments make me think he is angling to change his name to "Tibsie" then "Tebsie" then "Telfie" and finally, the final leap to ... "miserable old c**t"

Nah, as much as he and disagree on politics he wouldn't label me a racist and then follow me from thread to thread calling me a racist repeatedly. Just one example of Elfies many temporary bans from this board. All and all, Tibs is actually a really good guy. Misguided politically, but a good guy. :)
The most telling statistics I know of about "gun violence" that break down every liberal argument.

1. "Gun Violence" is actually four different issues: suicide, homicide, accidents, mass murder

2. There is no evidence suicide rate and gun control are correlated. France has only a slightly lower suicide rate, but completely different gun laws. Same with Australia and most of Europe.

3. Mass Murder and gun control are not related. If we take away guns, people use bombs, cars, suicide vests, et. al. to create mass murder and terror. Ask the Middle East how many terror attacks occur with guns vs. bombs and the logic making gun laws would help their terror problem? Same with Europe (who have had a very similar number of mass murders as the U.S.)

4. If you eliminate minority vs. minority homicides with firearms, the U.S. murder rate is almost identical to that of Europe. Murder is not a firearm issue. It is a minority issue. It is an ILLEGAL gun issue. If you want a case study in this fact, watch how Europe's murder rate is rising as they bring in larger and larger minority populations. It is an awful fact, one I wish we could tackle realistically, that crime in this country is a race problem, not a gun regulation problem.

5. The ONLY issues with having so many firearms and ammunition in society that I can correlate to an actual problem is accidental shootings, which I agree could be better regulated with a few tweaks to laws. I hate accidental shootings of children and I blame parents for not storing their firearms correctly or educating their children about the dangers.

These are facts that no law that takes away guns is going to fix.
Dims just don't get it, you aren't taking away 2A. Its written into the Constitution. Good luck changing that

Having read constitutional law cases from the 18th century and up through today, I can say with some certainty that
liberals view the constitution as an impediment, and claim that the constitution is a "living document." That means they can change it just by pretending it says what they want it to say. A constitutional right of privacy, Griswold v. Connecticut and later Roe v. Wade, is just one example. That right was simply made up.

Also, the limit on Congressional power as set forth in Article 1, Section 8, is long gone - LOOOOONG gone. The decision in Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111 (1942) dramatically expanded the power of the federal government by deeming any business activity that was or affected interstate commerce as subject to regulation under the commerce clause, Article 1, Section 8. That section provides in terms of the commerce clause that Congress shall have the power "to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes."

Once the Supremes held that interstate commerce included all commercial activities that could or did "affect" interstate commerce, the limit of power on the Federal government evaporated. What endeavor, exactly, does not "affect" interstate commerce? You sell coffee and donuts from a small wooden stand, 10 miles from the nearest highway? That "affects" interstate commerce, since the guy buying your coffee does not buy the coffee from the restaurant just 2 miles from the highway.

That is in fact exactly how the Supremes now view the commerce clause, which is the purported source of authority for Congress to regulate every facet of your life - EVERY. FACET. OF. YOUR. LIFE.

Toothpaste, ammunition, carrots, gasoline, coffee, crackers, peanut butter, contraceptives, schooling, hotels, airlines, trucking, and on and on - every one of those items can or could "affect" interstate commerce so Congress has the power to regulate.

And regulate they do. In fact, the Federal government cannot tell us how many laws they have passed. The GAO was asked by Reagan in 1984 to try and answer the question, but gave up after two years and after counting more than 3,000 criminal laws. These are LAWS, mind you, not regulations implemented by agencies to whom Congress has acceded authority. The best estimate as to the number of LAWS passed by Congress is "more than 30,000."

More. Than. 30,000. LAWS.

How many regulations?? Hundreds of thousands. A million? Possibly. Nobody knows. No human being could ever read, in 20 lifetimes, all laws and regulations passed by Congress.

So the 2nd Amendment is abundantly clear. Just like the plain limitation on Congressional authority was abundantly clear, and yet Congress has so many laws, it cannot count them.

The saving grace is that we are still a Republic. The accepted premise is that states must provide at least as much protection as the Federal system provides, but is free to then provide even more protection to its citizens. Therefore, California can implement greater air quality restrictions than does the Fed ...

And Arizona can adopt vastly more protection to gun owners than does California.

So long as the stupid ******* ruining California don't come to Arizona and try to destroy that state as well.
The most telling statistics I know of about "gun violence" that break down every liberal argument.

1. "Gun Violence" is actually four different issues: suicide, homicide, accidents, mass murder

2. There is no evidence suicide rate and gun control are correlated. France has only a slightly lower suicide rate, but completely different gun laws. Same with Australia and most of Europe.

3. Mass Murder and gun control are not related. If we take away guns, people use bombs, cars, suicide vests, et. al. to create mass murder and terror. Ask the Middle East how many terror attacks occur with guns vs. bombs and the logic making gun laws would help their terror problem? Same with Europe (who have had a very similar number of mass murders as the U.S.)

4. If you eliminate minority vs. minority homicides with firearms, the U.S. murder rate is almost identical to that of Europe. Murder is not a firearm issue. It is a minority issue. It is an ILLEGAL gun issue. If you want a case study in this fact, watch how Europe's murder rate is rising as they bring in larger and larger minority populations. It is an awful fact, one I wish we could tackle realistically, that crime in this country is a race problem, not a gun regulation problem.

5. The ONLY issues with having so many firearms and ammunition in society that I can correlate to an actual problem is accidental shootings, which I agree could be better regulated with a few tweaks to laws. I hate accidental shootings of children and I blame parents for not storing their firearms correctly or educating their children about the dangers.

These are facts that no law that takes away guns is going to fix.

Nice. Well said.

About accidental shootings, the vast majority of states in the Union have gun safety and safekeeping laws. Homeowners can be held liable, both civilly and criminally, for injury or death caused by negligent handling or storage of firearms.

So in quoting my neighbor, a gun owner, I relay the message, "Treat firearms like they are potentially deadly - because they are."
Having read constitutional law cases from the 18th century and up through today, I can say with some certainty that
liberals view the constitution as an impediment, and claim that the constitution is a "living document." That means they can change it just by pretending it says what they want it to say. A constitutional right of privacy, Griswold v. Connecticut and later Roe v. Wade, is just one example. That right was simply made up.

Also, the limit on Congressional power as set forth in Article 1, Section 8, is long gone - LOOOOONG gone. The decision in Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111 (1942) dramatically expanded the power of the federal government by deeming any business activity that was or affected interstate commerce as subject to regulation under the commerce clause, Article 1, Section 8. That section provides in terms of the commerce clause that Congress shall have the power "to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes."

Once the Supremes held that interstate commerce included all commercial activities that could or did "affect" interstate commerce, the limit of power on the Federal government evaporated. What endeavor, exactly, does not "affect" interstate commerce? You sell coffee and donuts from a small wooden stand, 10 miles from the nearest highway? That "affects" interstate commerce, since the guy buying your coffee does not buy the coffee from the restaurant just 2 miles from the highway.

That is in fact exactly how the Supremes now view the commerce clause, which is the purported source of authority for Congress to regulate every facet of your life - EVERY. FACET. OF. YOUR. LIFE.

Toothpaste, ammunition, carrots, gasoline, coffee, crackers, peanut butter, contraceptives, schooling, hotels, airlines, trucking, and on and on - every one of those items can or could "affect" interstate commerce so Congress has the power to regulate.

And regulate they do. In fact, the Federal government cannot tell us how many laws they have passed. The GAO was asked by Reagan in 1984 to try and answer the question, but gave up after two years and after counting more than 3,000 criminal laws. These are LAWS, mind you, not regulations implemented by agencies to whom Congress has acceded authority. The best estimate as to the number of LAWS passed by Congress is "more than 30,000."

More. Than. 30,000. LAWS.

How many regulations?? Hundreds of thousands. A million? Possibly. Nobody knows. No human being could ever read, in 20 lifetimes, all laws and regulations passed by Congress.

So the 2nd Amendment is abundantly clear. Just like the plain limitation on Congressional authority was abundantly clear, and yet Congress has so many laws, it cannot count them.

The saving grace is that we are still a Republic. The accepted premise is that states must provide at least as much protection as the Federal system provides, but is free to then provide even more protection to its citizens. Therefore, California can implement greater air quality restrictions than does the Fed ...

And Arizona can adopt vastly more protection to gun owners than does California.

So long as the stupid ******* ruining California don't come to Arizona and try to destroy that state as well.

Once Ruth and or Breyer is replaced by Trump, some of these bad precedents can be overturned. Could have 2 more nominations in the next 5 years. The Trump appointed Appeals and District court judges will go a long way to righting the wrongs the Dims have tried to force upon us.
Nah, as much as he and disagree on politics he wouldn't label me a racist and then follow me from thread to thread calling me a racist repeatedly.

He called DBS a "white supremacist" in this thread. He has called Supe a racist.

He has kinda called me a white nationalist for pointing out that the Proud Boys was not a "white nationalist" group and in fact was led by Enrique Terrio, who is not white. This is Terrio:


Tibs simply vomits out idiotic, stupid, false and disproved talking points from leftist sites. And in terms of political content, including global warming and all conservative ideals, Wikipedia is as lefty liberal as the gender studies department at your local college.
Once Ruth and or Breyer is replaced by Trump, some of these bad precedents can be overturned. Could have 2 more nominations in the next 5 years. The Trump appointed Appeals and District court judges will go a long way to righting the wrongs the Dims have tried to force upon us.

Truth. Absolute truth.

So is the 2020 election important? The course of our nation hangs in the balance for the reasons you cited.
Truth. Absolute truth.

So is the 2020 election important? The course of our nation hangs in the balance for the reasons you cited.

That and Thomas is approaching 80. Reality says the next POTUS could get 3 SCOTUS nominations. Need to build out the Senate numbers to keep from being blocked by Dims.
That and Thomas is approaching 80. Reality says the next POTUS could get 3 SCOTUS nominations. Need to build out the Senate numbers to keep from being blocked by Dims.

When is the last time Ruth Bader Ginsburg was seen? Seriously, the last word I can find of her is from November 24, 2019: "Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was admitted to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore on Friday night after experiencing chills and fever earlier in the day, a Supreme Court spokeswoman said on Saturday."


Chills and fever? Aren't those two classic symptoms of the zombie disease?
OMG, the (D)ims may be right on gun control.

New, Deadlier AR-16 Introduced Which Is An AR-15 Wearing A MAGA Hat


U.S.—Horror has spread throughout the nation as the unthinkable has happened: A new, even deadlier successor to the AR-15 -- the AR-16 -- is now for sale. The gun is a lot like the destructive AR-15 but is even scarier, as it is wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat.

The AR-15 was the deadliest gun ever made, able to fire over 100 rounds a day. The “AR” in it stands for “AR-15 Rifle” and the 15 stands for “50% more than 10.” The new AR-16 is obviously even more destructive, though. “Guns are scary enough,” said being-scared-by-guns expert Noah Carlson, “but knowing a gun is a supporter of Donald Trump makes it even more terrifying. What’s it planning to do? Obviously nothing good.”

Carlson warned that the gun was probably racist and sexist and that he wouldn’t be surprised if it was also rude to women. There is now a campaign to have the gun banned, signed onto by all the major Democratic presidential candidates. Many gun rights supporters have called this hypocrisy, though, as recently the LGBTQ-15 also went on sale -- an AR-15 with a rainbow scarf -- and the left praised that gun and called it “appropriate for children.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hands down the WORST white supremacist rally I’ve ever seen! I mean they let me speak and everything. People shaking my hands and stuff. What would MLK do if he saw all of these people judging me by the content of my character instead of the color of my skin? <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MLKDay?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MLKDay</a> <a href="https://t.co/ah0hDWGcCY">pic.twitter.com/ah0hDWGcCY</a></p>— Antonia Okafor Cover (@antonia_okafor) <a href="https://twitter.com/antonia_okafor/status/1219404248687042562?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“Sir, are you a White Supremacist?” <a href="https://t.co/JFhxLRfgv1">pic.twitter.com/JFhxLRfgv1</a></p>— Zach Vorhies (@Perpetualmaniac) <a href="https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac/status/1219321278378672131?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Some of the 'white supremacists' in VA today. &#55357;&#56860; Protests on the right are all peaceful with no arrests & clean up the site after themselves; protests on the left have violence, arrests, and trash left behind. Who learned MLK's peaceful civil disobedience approach better? <a href="https://t.co/Q4gTWjL6hg">pic.twitter.com/Q4gTWjL6hg</a></p>— Michael Openshaw (@mopenshaw) <a href="https://twitter.com/mopenshaw/status/1219359330690048000?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Last edited:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“Sir, are you a White Supremacist?” <a href="https://t.co/JFhxLRfgv1">pic.twitter.com/JFhxLRfgv1</a></p>— Zach Vorhies (@Perpetualmaniac) <a href="https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac/status/1219321278378672131?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Preach! Love that guy.

And yes, Tibs has departed the building. He was HOPING there would be a riot. Or worse. Just hoping for it.

He is utterly out of touch.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“Sir, are you a White Supremacist?” <a href="https://t.co/JFhxLRfgv1">pic.twitter.com/JFhxLRfgv1</a></p>— Zach Vorhies (@Perpetualmaniac) <a href="https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac/status/1219321278378672131?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I just had the pleasure to watch this. Might be kinda weird to say, but I love that dude.