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DOJ tells Mueller to limit testimony to his public report

I love Dan Crenshaw, congressman from Texas:

Dan Crenshaw@DanCrenshawTX

Americans say immigration is the top issue facing this country.

You would think Pelosi would therefore make this a priority.

Instead, the saga of “Russian collusion” continues. They won the House back to engage in progressive activism, not govern.

Dan Crenshaw@DanCrenshawTX

Lots of buzz on Capitol Hill today. Not sure why.

I hear someone is testifying about a report that we already have, regarding Russian collusion that never happened.
Today proves that this whole sham / hoax / witch hunt was set up by Hillary, the DNC, DOJ and Obama administration. Mueller was just a puppet used to try and legitimize it. Big fail. He didn't even write the report. He doesn't know jack ****.

This guy has it spot on then:

Kurt Schlichter@KurtSchlichter

Mueller revealed himself not as an evil Never Trump genius but a declining elderly man who was taken advantage of. It's over.

Mueller today said he is not familiar with Fusion GPS. That tells you exactly how involved he was in this investigation

That's almost surreal. Think about that for a second. That's the dagger in the liberal heart.
That's almost surreal. Think about that for a second. That's the dagger in the liberal heart.

For someone who seen this as a witch hunt and paid little attention, what is that.
And the (D)ims spent a week rehearsing this schtick. Embarrassing.

Fox News Anchor Chris Wallace called former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony a “disaster” for Democrats on Wednesday.

Wallace’s comments come as Mueller testifies before two House committees over his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and potential obstruction of justice by President Trump.

The “Fox News Sunday” host told anchors Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum the hearing has been a disaster for the Democrats and the reputation of Mueller, saying the former FBI director "doesn't seem to know things that are in the report."

Mueller's testimony has been marked by stuttering and regularly asking committee members to repeat their questions. At one point, Mueller, referring to Trump, called him "Trimp." Oftentimes he looked confused and was slow to react.

Calling into account Mueller's performance, Wallace questioned the level of his involvement in the investigation.

"I think it does raise questions about the degree to which he actually was in charge of and in control of this report because he doesn’t seem very much in control or charge of what the final report was, I should say whether he was in charge of the investigation because he doesn’t seem in charge of what the report actually says," he added. (The Hill)

Wallace supported his claim by citing Mueller's failure to defend himself and the integrity of his investigation.

"He’s been attacked a number of times and you would think that almost anybody else would have defended his own integrity, the integrity of the investigation," Wallace continued. "Over and over, Mueller just sits silent and lets the attacks from the Republicans to sweep over him and says nothing."

and I present to you the final nail in the Witch Hunt coffin...

Michael Moore@MMFlint

A frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to answer basic questions...I said it in 2017 and Mueller confirmed it today — All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who told the public to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller — just STFU from now on
He was careful not to say anything that might get him "Scaliaed".
For someone who seen this as a witch hunt and paid little attention, what is that.

oneforthebus said:
Mueller today said he is not familiar with Fusion GPS.

That's almost surreal. Think about that for a second. That's the dagger in the liberal heart.

Fusion GPS is, of course, the entity that paid Michael Steele more than $1 million (fronted by the DNC and Clinton, since the DNC was bankrupt at the time and financed by Hildabeast) for dirt on Trump, and the source of information for several FISA warrants to surveil Trump staff members. Of course, it turns out that Steele cannot confirm a single allegation in his report, the one allegation that can be cross-checked with documents is demonstrably false (a supposed meeting between Cohen and Russian officials in Prague in 2016, never happened as shown by Cohen's passport), and the entire structure of the dossier makes it appear to be a Russian disinformation piece.

As someone who has worked for more than a decade with the microfilm collection of Soviet documents in the Hoover Institution Archives, I can say that the dossier itself was compiled by a Russian, whose command of English is far from perfect and who follows the KGB (now FSB) practice of writing intelligence reports, in particular the practice of capitalizing all names for easy reference. The report includes Putin’s inner circle – Peskov, Ivanov, Sechin, Lavrov. The anonymous author claims to have “trusted compatriots” who knew the roles that each Kremlin insider, including Putin himself, played in the Trump election saga and were prepared to tell him.


So the entire investigation - the whole thing - is founded on the feeble, unverified, at least partially-proven false, Russian-generated disinformation piece ... and Mueller claims not to know who generated the ******* thing??
I think what the democrats did to Mueller was terrible. You could tell he isn't all there mentally. Maybe even suffering from senility. That's probably why this dog and pony was postponed. They just had to keep pounding into his head that Trump should be guilty of something. But oh no, they had to have their way and get to Trump and make him look bad. Well everyone of the (D)s in both committees should be ashamed of themselves.
Mueller apparently became confused during the hearing,
wandered next door and testified about global warming:

I felt sorry for Mueller. He seemed confused and disconnected from the proceedings at times. We know now who wrote the report. It's not the Mueller report it's the Weissman report. Mueller didn't even know what was in his own report and at times didn't look like he knew where he was. He didn't even know the people contained in the report.

Now to the fallout. This is a clusterfuck for the dems. Now the entire report looks like a partisan hatchet job. Mueller didn't even adhere to DOJ or standard criminal procedures. The entire 2nd report was antithetical to U.S. Jurisprudence as the report lists out people's testimony but they weren't cross examined. It's was a horrible day for our republic.

The winner is Trump. The loser is the dems and Mueller.
I felt sorry for Mueller. He seemed confused and disconnected from the proceedings at times. We know now who wrote the report. It's not the Mueller report it's the Weissman report. Mueller didn't even know what was in his own report and at times didn't look like he knew where he was. He didn't even know the people contained in the report.

Now to the fallout. This is a clusterfuck for the dems. Now the entire report looks like a partisan hatchet job. Mueller didn't even adhere to DOJ or standard criminal procedures. The entire 2nd report was antithetical to U.S. Jurisprudence as the report lists out people's testimony but they weren't cross examined. It's was a horrible day for our republic.

The winner is Trump. The loser is the dems and Mueller.

Don’t feel sorry for that piece of ****. He has ruined people’s lives over this hoax and kept the country divided for two years.
I felt sorry for Mueller. He seemed confused and disconnected from the proceedings at times. We know now who wrote the report. It's not the Mueller report it's the Weissman report. Mueller didn't even know what was in his own report and at times didn't look like he knew where he was. He didn't even know the people contained in the report.

We now know, for an absolute fact, that Mueller was a mere front man for a political hit job. Remember Tibs telling us about how Mueller is a Republican, with an impeccable background, blah, blah? All a ruse to cover the fact that 19 Democrat supporters and donators, including one who actually defended Hillary Clinton, ran the investigation. Mueller was just the feeble old man used as a cover.

The winner is Trump. The loser is the dems and Mueller.

Don’t feel sorry for that piece of ****. He has ruined people’s lives over this hoax and kept the country divided for two years.

And recall Mueller's incredible incompetence in the anthrax investigation, where he pursued an innocent man for 7 years until the actual ******* perpetrator admitted the deed and killed himself, and the Ted Stevens fiasco, where he oversaw a corruption allegation that was so biased and false that Eric Holder threw it out ... but only after Stevens lost the election of course.

Add that to Weissman's genuine dishonesty and abuse of power in the Enron case, and you see corrupt, power-hungry government lawyers ruining lives, not giving a ****, and walking away with zero consequences.
Poor Tibs. I have a feeling they don't have any cry closets in Hungary though.

Don’t feel sorry for that piece of ****. He has ruined people’s lives over this hoax and kept the country divided for two years.

I get what you're saying, but I think he might mean more for his mental state. I mean it really was a disaster. The guy didn't seem to understand basic questions.
I get what you're saying, but I think he might mean more for his mental state. I mean it really was a disaster. The guy didn't seem to understand basic questions.

He didn’t have to agree to be a stooge for this anti-American sham, he chose to be involved in the lie and to prolong it. We saw him crumble today because he knows it’s all bullshit.
He didn’t have to agree to be a stooge for this anti-American sham, he chose to be involved in the lie and to prolong it. We saw him crumble today because he knows it’s all bullshit.

That, absolutely true.
Can we get that pic of that crying lib tard with glasses losing her **** please
I get what you're saying, but I think he might mean more for his mental state. I mean it really was a disaster. The guy didn't seem to understand basic questions.

Yes, I'd feel sorry for almost anyone not in control of their own faculties. I have no respect for the man as a prosecutor or a special council lead. But it was sad watching an old man babble on about nothing. He is still a shill for a corrupt deep state hoax.

BTW if anyone still thinks Trump did anything wrong, there is a reason why even Weissman wouldn't bring charges. He would have been laughed out of court..... again. The Weissman report was a last ditch effort to stop Trump outright. It's over with now.

Now the real investigations should start. Fusion GPS, FBI agents committing perjury, the Obama administration spying on a rival political opponent ETC.....