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Drew Brees

I agree with this man. Some people have went waaaaaay overboard with this. He apologized. We should be able to let the man move on and see how he handles things with his teammates. In private. I really really really don't like this cancel culture bullshit and I think it sets a bad precedent. Liam Neeson was telling a story about when he was young a friend of his was raped by a black man. He said he had fantasies about finding the first black man he could find and get revenge......he said he grabbed a club and went out hoping someone black would approach him so he could beat them. He was young. He was hurting. Luckily nothing came of it. That was almost 40 years ago. He was holding back tears telling the story and was CLEARLY ashamed of it. The cancel culture brigade came right after him calling him a racist and saying he should be finished and all these ridiculous "think pieces" came out about it. It was simply a man admitting his past wrongs that he had learned from. There has to be a place for that or what the hell is the point. No one would say anything and nothing would get done.

I do remember him telling the story. He had a movie coming out and they squashed it because of the backlash of his story. At first, I too was, WTF? Why would you tell such a cringeworthy story? The more I thought about it, though, I understood that he owned up to his demons about race to overcome his prejudices. It actually take a great man to admit your faults and learn from them. None of us are perfect. We all need to be patient, open and willing to listen.
This is why you never apologize. It will never be enough. If you tell them to **** off, they will see that they aren't getting anywhere and will leave you alone.
Apologize ONLY IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR! Drew Brees did nothing wrong. He stated his opinion. I’m sick of all the SJWs out there taking a statement and twisting it when the statement doesn’t fit the agenda of the day. I know WHY Brees apologized- to keep the locker room happy- but he should NOT have had to.
the argument against those numbers is that the black community is thus patrolled more than white communities. as such, it would then stand to reason that more interaction between police and the population would result in more crimes being seen by police and thus more interactions and more arrests.

That would be a fallacious argument. If there were less police in black neighborhoods then you'd have more crime not less. We will see what happens when all these liberal nuts de-fund their police depts. Crime won't go down.
That would be a fallacious argument. If there were less police in black neighborhoods then you'd have more crime not less. We will see what happens when all these liberal nuts de-fund their police depts. Crime won't go down.

Especially in L.A. and other notoriously rough neighborhoods. Minneapolis talking about having "trained social workers" who can deescalate the violence. Let's see how many of those dumb MF that volunteer for that job get shot dead before they can't find more people to volunteer.
Apologize ONLY IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR! Drew Brees did nothing wrong. He stated his opinion. I’m sick of all the SJWs out there taking a statement and twisting it when the statement doesn’t fit the agenda of the day. I know WHY Brees apologized- to keep the locker room happy- but he should NOT have had to.

Lol. You now even have to apologize for not having something to apologize for but just for existing. Isn't what we are supposed to be against? I am so utterly sick of this whole guilt movement and how it has been brainwashed into our children. Despite all my best it has even started to permeate my kids brains from their ******* college experience. Just unbelievable how bad it is even on what was a relatively moderate campus.
Since I'm in the education field I get this crap all the time from the DOE. Even the state DOE sends this crap to us. We get e-mails with articles written about how we can talk to our students about white injustice, white privilege, and blacks being deprived of civil rights and liberties. It's far left garbage that I don't even read.
Lol. You now even have to apologize for not having something to apologize for but just for existing. Isn't what we are supposed to be against? I am so utterly sick of this whole guilt movement and how it has been brainwashed into our children. Despite all my best it has even started to permeate my kids brains from their ******* college experience. Just unbelievable how bad it is even on what was a relatively moderate campus.

Yeah, the whole apologizing for white privilege and for slavery (to someone that has NEVER been a slave) just makes no sense to me at all.
White privilege is a myth.

Change my mind.

If someone wanted to claim there is socioeconomic privilege in this country, I would agree with that. But I know some white folks that grew up poorer than dirt in the Appalachian region that were the first in their family to go to college and have gone on to become an attorney and a doctor. The only privilege they had was the opportunity for a free public education which they took advantage of. By and large, this country has always rewarded those that are willing to work hard and better themselves. The problem is that we now have an entire generation that was built on entitlement because of the everyone gets a trophy and no cut policies.
Yeah, the whole apologizing for white privilege and for slavery (to someone that has NEVER been a slave) just makes no sense to me at all.

I can prove my ancestors were in Europe during the time of slavery and the Civil War. I have NOTHING to apologize for. Nobody in my family ever owned a slave. So exactly WHAT am I to feel guilty about?
Freedom of speech doesn't mean you get to say whatever you want without consequences or backlash.

Uh, he said he would personally never dishonor the American flag because of his grandfather's WWII experiences and what that means to him. That's not incendiary or disrespecting another human being in any way whatsoever. And he's having his life upended now because of it. You're okay with that?

And Drew Brees is never going to freely say anything on his mind (in any public forum) or exercise his first amendment right ever again. That's not true freedom of speech.
Brees full statement was well thought out and articulate. There was nothing "wrong" with it. He's entitled to his opinion.

The level of vitriol and attacks by his teammates, media, leftists, sports people, etc. tells you all you need to know about why so many conservatives don't talk to ANYONE about politics and policies anymore unless we KNOW that we have some reasonable people in the room (i.e. other conservatives or at least moderates that are logical and not emotional).

I don't talk about politics now at all. I can't explain why I disagree with "white privilege" or why I think police brutality against blacks is overblown and more a reflection of crime statistics, why I want stronger borders or why I will vote for Trump. You mention any of those things and there will be some liberal that will just jump down your throat. You can't say it on facebook. You can't say it on Twitter. You can't say it at a casual get together.

So you stay quiet. And you hold it all in knowing exactly how you will vote and how much stronger your beliefs become watching the world head towards a place where people can't even express their opinions or throw ideas against the wall for fear of being shamed by the "thought police".

Could not have said it better myself. I have never donated to a Presidential campaign in my life, but will be this year to Trump. It's the least I can do.
Because Lincoln said repeatedly that if he could save the union without ever releasing a slave he would do that.

Two points.

1. Lincoln made his anti-slavery beliefs quite clear when running for office. In fact, Lincoln wrote, "If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel." However, Lincoln was a lawyer and believed that the Constitution did not ban slavery, despite the plain wording of the 5th Amendment.

2. It is without question that Lincoln was willing to let slavery continue in the slave states if those states remained part of the Union. Lincoln changed his views when the death tolls became astronomical. After Shiloh in April of 1862, Lincoln told his cabinet that the war had to be about something greater than keeping the Union together. He struggled personally with the cost in American lives, and decided no later than July of 1862 that the war was going to end slavery. Antietam in September of 1862 gave Lincoln the "victory" he needed to make the Emancipation Proclamation. He did not declare an end to slavery in the Union states that permitted slavery (Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware and Maryland, as well as D.C. itself) because those states remained part of the Union by the slimmest of skinny threads, one possibly broken if Lincoln announced an end to slavery in those states. For crying out loud, Lincoln had to arrest the Maryland legislature to keep that state from seceding.
If someone wanted to claim there is socioeconomic privilege in this country, I would agree with that. But I know some white folks that grew up poorer than dirt in the Appalachian region that were the first in their family to go to college and have gone on to become an attorney and a doctor. The only privilege they had was the opportunity for a free public education which they took advantage of. By and large, this country has always rewarded those that are willing to work hard and better themselves. The problem is that we now have an entire generation that was built on entitlement because of the everyone gets a trophy and no cut policies.

Yes, this is absolutely a big problem and one that isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
White privilege is a myth.

Change my mind.

Sarge in the ensuing debate:

the argument against those numbers is that the black community is thus patrolled more than white communities. as such, it would then stand to reason that more interaction between police and the population would result in more crimes being seen by police and thus more interactions and more arrests.

More police patrolling my community might result in more tickets for not picking up your dog's poop. That's about it.
I can prove my ancestors were in Europe during the time of slavery and the Civil War. I have NOTHING to apologize for. Nobody in my family ever owned a slave. So exactly WHAT am I to feel guilty about?

Same here -- from Scotland in 1873. However, get ready for Reparations contact tracers to start working on the reparations infections and liabilities soon.
Good lord did you hear Goodells speech
Goodell is useless. Owners should force him to retire and replace him with Condoleeza Rice.

What exactly did the NFL get wrong about protests? They pretty much allowed them to happen and then after several weeks TV just stopped showing the anthem and as soon as they were no longer on TV, the protests pretty much stopped.