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Ebola out of control in Africa

Dr. Bomma is getting the word out.

Damage control. I read an article on CNN not 3 days ago written by some smarmy ******* ***** basically saying that anyone who is panicking about Ebola is a moron and it's not a big deal because the chances are so low that it is contagious and people need to be smarter.

That seems to be the pervasive attitude I have seen as well. One of my daughter's friends (because we all know how smart a teenager is) told me that I would basically have to lick the infected person's face to get it....that I shouldn't worry about it spreading to ANYONE because it can't happen. A few days later, Nina Pham got ebola. Thanks for that health lesson.
That seems to be the pervasive attitude I have seen as well. One of my daughter's friends (because we all know how smart a teenager is) told me that I would basically have to lick the infected person's face to get it....that I shouldn't worry about it spreading to ANYONE because it can't happen. A few days later, Nina Pham got ebola. Thanks for that health lesson.

This^^^^ People are reading and buying into this stuff. Are any of these people aware of the mutation capability of this disease and that there are different strains of it, deadlier strains?

I have to share a real exchange I had with someone on Facebook about this. Lives near NY. I posted an article about Ebola now being in NY. I said:

"That ban on travel that Obama should have instituted - but refused to because his politics is more important than American lives - might have stopped this. Ebola's now in NYC."

Here's the ensuing exchange on FB after my post:

Friend: Meh. Next thing to a non-issue. I'm in NYC 1-2x per week. I plan on not licking any subway handrails, or handling anyone's vomit...we'll be fine.

Me: Did you ever read the Hot Zone friend? Great book. Read it in the 90s. The monkey house outbreak in Reston could have been the beginning of a disaster, save for the fact that that particular strand of Ebola only attacked monkeys. That strain hadn't mutated. Or we'd have had Ebola in the 80s in the US. We've kept it out of this country since the virus' discovery in 70s (save for in controlled labs). Now it's here. And as it mutates, it becomes more dangerous. It can, and some predict, it will mutate to an airborne version at some point. The book does a fabulous job talking about how quickly this virus mutates and adapts. The media keeps telling us everyone will be fine. In 2014 worldwide there are 9,936 cases of ebola, with 4,877 deaths. Certainly not a non-issue.

Friend: Travel ban would be worst possible politics-based knee jerk reaction. Best response is enabling fast response to locale of outbreak by those (doctors, nurses) best equipped to address. Travel ban 180-degrees away from right response

Me: Disagree, and your suggestion has been done. We've sent medical professionals and military to West Africa. They and others have brought the disease home. This isn't the flu.

Friend: Yep, not flu. Deadlier if contacted, but far, far less transmissable. Flu kills about 36,000 per year. I'll take the "under".[/QUOTE]

Me: I won't argue with you that this strain is less transmissible. It has around a 50-60% kill rate. It's not Ebola Zaire, which has a 90% kill rate. It's not Ebola Reston, as deadly as Zaire, but which is airborne. Ebola Reston hasn't mutated to the point that humans can catch it. If and when it does, it's the Black Plague all over again. So while this version that we are dealing with now (thank God) isn't one of the more deadly strains, be careful with the general thinking that all of Ebola isn't easily transmitted.

"In 1986, Eugene Johnson, specialist in Ebola working for the U.S. Army had infected monkeys with Ebola and Marburg by letting them breathe it into their lungs...all of the monkeys exposed to airborne virus had died except for one monkey, which managed to survive Marburg....The lethal airborne dose was fairly small....A tiny amount of Ebola could nuke a building full of people if it got into the air-conditioning system. The stuff could be worse than plutonium because it could replicate" [The Hot Zone, p. 224]. "Ebola Reston may be, in fact, the most dangerous of all the filovirus sisters, because of its seeming ability to travel rather easily through the air....A tiny change in its genetic code, and it might turn into a cough and take out the human race....The experts do not doubt that a virus can hop around the world in a matter of days" [The Hot Zone, pp. 370-371].

Friend: Things that more Americans have done than die from ebola: - marry Kim Kardashian; be named Donald Trump and file bankruptcy. Let's keep some perspective here.

Me: It's also not been here yet though. We know what it's done where it's been.
Typically sniffy liberal, completely unaware of their own ignorance.
And now a quarantined health care worker is suing to get out of quarantine because it violates her rights. The Feds are telling NY and NJ (where these stricter quarantines are happening) to loosen the standards and let the workers go home.....the CDC says there is no medical reason to keep the workers in hospital quarantine.

What. The. ****.
When the idea of quarantining returning volunteers first came up I thought to myself "Well, these are selfless, compassionate, dedicated people who have gone half way across the world to help others at great personal peril. I can't believe they would object to a 3 week quarantine on return."

Evidently I was wrong.
Ah the millenials. So righteous and unfairly treated. They deserve better. Ask em, they'll tell ya.
They just sent her home after three days. Nice quarantine. Also, Cuomo caved. Chicago mob got to him. This is such an awesome federal government..
We are a stupid selfish people these days. Hope I am one of the lucky ones that is naturally immune to the Virus because even if this outbreak doesnt get us, another eventually will since we refuse to be smart about it.

PC all the way *******!
Frankly I have no pity on anyone who refuses the quarantine. I hope every one of them comes down with it and lives, but has to have every possession they have burned as a precaution so they can learn a valuable life lesson... that is to say don’t ******* even risk bringing deadly viruses into the country.
Damn near an entire city gets locked down and many illegally searched, for one teenage Muslim. Deadly virus potential. Nah you're good, go party.
If they DO end up contracting Ebola, then charge them with attempted murder. Seriously.
ha ha The lefties are howling.....how dare SNL diss him!

I stopped watched snl after they went full retard years ago. You never go full leftist retard.
Once more, with the elections coming up the Democratic Party was afraid that if they instituted a "Travel Ban" from certain countries the Republicans were going use the panic over the virus getting into the US to jump on the open border policy of this administration. to subvert that, they simply pushed the idea that the travel ban was unnecessary. Its completely illogical and totally political.
There are proper steps to avoiding an outbreak like this. They include limiting exposure (which encompasses Travel Bans, Quarantines, and Proper PPE for Necessary contact), thorough contact tracing, and proper waste disposal. These are used in conjunction with each other, not independently.
The reality is we should never permit this into our borders. Its not that with quick and proper care we cannot get the mortality rate down, its that we do not know what animal species can carry it and spread it without dying from it. They believe that Bats in Africa do so. If one of the Rodent species here, lets say Rats, for instance, can carry it and they get it through eating vomit or other waste from an infected person, well then we have a potentially self-sustaining reservoir of the virus here .

The last point the American people should realize is that the state and federal government has long been afforded the ability to subvert rights during a public health crisis. They can lock you up in quarantine, exile you, forcibly treat you, and even sterilize you. The supreme court has ruled in such a manner consistently for two centuries.
CDC admits Ebola could be spread by a sneeze..

The CDC changes its tune on Ebola again

The Centers for Disease Control sacrifices more of its credibility on Ebola.

Ebola is a lot easier to catch than health officials have admitted — and can be contracted by contact with a doorknob contaminated by a sneeze from an infected person an hour or more before, experts told The Post Tuesday.

“If you are sniffling and sneezing, you produce microorganisms that can get on stuff in a room. If people touch them, they could be” infected, said Dr. Meryl Nass, of the Institute for Public Accuracy in Washington, DC.

Nass pointed to a poster the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quietly released on its Web site saying the deadly virus can be spread through “droplets.”

The “quietly released” part is most interesting. These are the same folks who tell us to trust them because they are experts.


CDC admits Ebola could be spread by a sneeze..

The CDC changes its tune on Ebola again

The Centers for Disease Control sacrifices more of its credibility on Ebola.

Ebola is a lot easier to catch than health officials have admitted — and can be contracted by contact with a doorknob contaminated by a sneeze from an infected person an hour or more before, experts told The Post Tuesday.

“If you are sniffling and sneezing, you produce microorganisms that can get on stuff in a room. If people touch them, they could be” infected, said Dr. Meryl Nass, of the Institute for Public Accuracy in Washington, DC.

Nass pointed to a poster the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quietly released on its Web site saying the deadly virus can be spread through “droplets.”

The “quietly released” part is most interesting. These are the same folks who tell us to trust them because they are experts.



saw this yesterday... the CDC has repeatedly held a 3 ft barrier as "contact" for this virus. That was always because they knew there is a small chance that sneezing or coughing could transmit it. They continue to act as if the virus is basically an STD like aids, when it clearly is not
So she defied the quarantine and went for a bike ride - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/30/kaci-hickox-defies-quarantine_n_6074806.html

A nurse who vowed to defy Maine's voluntary quarantine for health care workers who treated Ebola patients followed through on her promise Thursday, leaving her home for a bike ride.

Kaci Hickox and her boyfriend stepped out of their home Thursday morning and rode away on bicycles, followed by state police who were monitoring her movements and public interactions. Police couldn't detain her without a court order signed by a judge.

Shouldn't that mean immediate, forcible if necessary, transportation to guarded isolation with charges to follow? Not sure what I would do if that was my neighborhood.
Apparently this was not a court ordered quarantine. Some sort of voluntary or strongly suggested quarantine, so she isn't breaking any laws.

What a confused public policy around this thing.