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Election Day 2020

Run along Supe. Don't you have an 'Invoke the Insurrection Act!' or 'Save the Vote!' or "Secession 2020" rally to attend with the rest of the MAGA yahoos?

Hopefully, the more time that passes that seperates you from Trump, your mind will return to some level of normalcy. Until then, chin up!

Don’t you have an “I’m a Hungarian Prick” party hosted by Uncle George to attend?
Don’t you have an “I’m a Hungarian Prick” party hosted by Uncle George to attend?

Ooooh, the mods on this board are truly first rate. So much class.
Run along Supe. Don't you have an 'Invoke the Insurrection Act!' or 'Save the Vote!' or "Secession 2020" rally to attend with the rest of the MAGA yahoos?

Hopefully, the more time that passes that seperates you from Trump, your mind will return to some level of normalcy. Until then, chin up!

no - i'm not part of that. I'm part of the group hoping common sense rises up.

of note, you didn't dispute anything I said. you turned the attack back on Trump, while being a condescending prick. I've got friends and family who voted against Trump, but are not the same as you. They can have conversations about him and back up their views. You, however, cannot. Inflammatory is all you have.

what was it about Trump that made your vagina ache?
making jobs available?
ending never-ending wars?
bringing peace to the mid-east?
putting American interests first?
Ooooh, the mods on this board are truly first rate. So much class.

Glad you got your head out of your *** long enough to notice.
Also, I don't think sedition means what you think it means.

He doesn't have a clue what it means.

Ooooh, the mods on this board are truly first rate. So much class.

For more than 4 years, you have been the most insulting, condescending, vile, contemptible poster in this forum. You have personally insulted practically every member here without shame, often times in over the line personal ways. You have used broad brush attacks, generalizations and insinuations to call every person here you disagree with a racist, a homophobe, an Islamaphobe, and so on. You've crossed the line countless times in your dirty attempts to insult, even dragging posters' families along.

Yesterday, you intimated that all Trump "enablers" should be held accountable, eerily sounding like AOC and others that are building lists...hearkening back to the days of internment camps, trains and mass executions. Quite literally, nothing apparently is out of bounds in your warped morality. Your thinking itself is dangerous.

To add, you have insulted and attacked this country, Patriotism, American traditions and values while claiming to be an American and a Patriot.

The fact that these first rate mods haven't given you a vacation several times before surprises me. If anything, they've extended you a hell of a lot of leeway with which to behave in the unacceptable manner you do.

Perhaps it's the sick entertainment value that keeps you around, like watching a car wreck or a beheading video. Maybe it is the comedy of watching you be wrong (quite literally) on every prediction you've made for 4 years. (This isn't exaggeration). Whatever it is, you've been given far more extra rope with which to hang yourself than anyone not already perma-banned.

People like Flu and others are right: there's no better word to describe you than vile. Words are a window to the soul. Yours is clearly very dark.
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For more than 4 years....


excellent retort.
the facts you laid out are just humbling.
class act, all the way.
no way are you a shitbag.
It was a general statement, not meant to address every aspect of the things included in the post.

Yeah, like the fact that constitutionally legal challenges to election irregularities is not sedition.

Sure the challenges might have been fruitless and pointless, but it doesn't make it sedition.

Now if Trump was at one of his rallies at noon on January 20th, telling people to take up arms and over throw the Biden administration, that's sedition. But Joe Biden is not the President yet, and as such is not part of the government and therefore cannot be overthrown or rebelled against. Might be hard to believe, but there is no such thing as "the office of the president-elect," and it is not part of our governmental structure.

One could argue that the riots in the streets all summer and the disregard for police authority and flat out murdering police officers is a lot closer to sedition than anything Trump has done.
The last civil war was over slavery and states rights the civil war that’s oncoming will be over massive voter fraud and stopping the communist theft of future elections.
Yeah, like the fact that constitutionally legal challenges to election irregularities is not sedition.

Yeah, it looks like things will come back from the brink soon enough. William Barr took one long look around and said, nah, don't want any part of this shitshow and smartly bailed. Even Mitch McConnell had enough sense to move ahead with Biden. With the electoral college votes now locked and loaded, poor Donald has run out of options. All there's left is to pardon everyone in his orbit then high-tail down to Mar a Lago. Who knows, maybe he's got a few more wrenches to throw into the machine between now and Jan 20th. We'll see.
The last civil war was over slavery and states rights the civil war that’s oncoming will be over massive voter fraud and stopping the communist theft of future elections.

Pretty much. Irreconcilable differences now.You can't have two entirely different philosophies when one side seeks to impose its will on the other no matter what.

They are incapable of compromise.. No communist based government is. The unity they speak of is submission.
The last civil war was over slavery and states rights the civil war that’s oncoming will be over massive voter fraud and stopping the communist theft of future elections.

And Tibs will be hiding under a rock, protected by some serious border walls over in Hungtardia.

Tibs, I knew you were a nutjob, but I didn't realize how much of a nutjob you actually are. Good thing you're such a flaming ***** who wouldn't/couldn't actually do anything about it.
The unity they speak of is submission.

Yep. I will tolerate you (maybe, depends on what kind of emotions I'm feeling) when you submit to me. **** that and **** them.
excellent retort.
the facts you laid out are just humbling.
class act, all the way.
no way are you a shitbag.

Why argue with foreigners? No matter what you present you will always get the same retort. That has never changed over the years.

The other dude either went full turncoat or they share accounts. Trolling for reactions. You see it on fakebook all the time.

A lot of people are very pissed off and that's not going away anytime soon. People despise thieves and cheaters, unless they are one themselves.
Why argue with foreigners? No matter what you present you will always get the same retort. That has never changed over the years.

The other dude either went full turncoat or they share accounts. Trolling for reactions. You see it on fakebook all the time.

A lot of people are very pissed off and that's not going away anytime soon. People despise thieves and cheaters, unless they are one themselves.

Tibs has been on this board for at least as long as I have.
I've seen his progression from left of center to what he is now. I'm not sure why or how this happened, and its not for me to devote much time to. He's a grown man and can make his own life choices. However, the choices he wants for this country are in contrast to what I want.

I want people to be able to succeed and get ahead in life. I want people - no matter gender, skin color, etc - to be treated the same. I'm not into identity politics. I'm for securing your family and assets. I'm for everyone working and thriving off that work. I'm for people doing what makes them happy so long as it doesn't interfere with someone else's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Tibs? I'm not sure he wants or believes in those same ideas.
I want people to be able to succeed and get ahead in life. I want people - no matter gender, skin color, etc - to be treated the same. I'm not into identity politics. I'm for securing your family and assets. I'm for everyone working and thriving off that work. I'm for people doing what makes them happy so long as it doesn't interfere with someone else's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Racist! Fascist!
Tibs has been on this board for at least as long as I have.
I've seen his progression from left of center to what he is now. I'm not sure why or how this happened, and its not for me to devote much time to. He's a grown man and can make his own life choices. However, the choices he wants for this country are in contrast to what I want.

I want people to be able to succeed and get ahead in life. I want people - no matter gender, skin color, etc - to be treated the same. I'm not into identity politics. I'm for securing your family and assets. I'm for everyone working and thriving off that work. I'm for people doing what makes them happy so long as it doesn't interfere with someone else's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Tibs? I'm not sure he wants or believes in those same ideas.

He believes in his tiny little 10 million citizen country Hungaria. His game is all offense, no defense. You really can't defend the leftists. They're counter to this country and its foundation.

Well if you see all of the people he champions as good and decent, you know the answer.

They don't even allow classic liberals to have a voice in the democrat party anymore.
Yeah, it looks like things will come back from the brink soon enough. William Barr took one long look around and said, nah, don't want any part of this shitshow and smartly bailed. Even Mitch McConnell had enough sense to move ahead with Biden. With the electoral college votes now locked and loaded, poor Donald has run out of options. All there's left is to pardon everyone in his orbit then high-tail down to Mar a Lago. Who knows, maybe he's got a few more wrenches to throw into the machine between now and Jan 20th. We'll see.

You know Tibs, words mean things, and to go around willfully mischaracterizing election challenges as sedition is really dangerous, especially when you know better. I know you wanna turn the screws on conservatives, but there is a block of the electorate that will take **** like that at face value and that's how people get hurt.

As far as Trump, he's got a month left. That's it. Then it will be all unicorn farts and fairy dust. He's gonna pardon some evil-doers, tweet some nonsense and roll out. Then we'll see if the electorate is happy with the **** sandwich they've been given. I know Trump is mean and says ugly things about people, but I am convinced that this electorate has no idea what they just did to themselves. The misery won't be instant, but it shouldn't take too long.
You know Tibs, words mean things, and to go around willfully mischaracterizing election challenges as sedition is really dangerous, especially when you know better. I know you wanna turn the screws on conservatives, but there is a block of the electorate that will take **** like that at face value and that's how people get hurt.

As far as Trump, he's got a month left. That's it. Then it will be all unicorn farts and fairy dust. He's gonna pardon some evil-doers, tweet some nonsense and roll out. Then we'll see if the electorate is happy with the **** sandwich they've been given. I know Trump is mean and says ugly things about people, but I am convinced that this electorate has no idea what they just did to themselves. The misery won't be instant, but it shouldn't take too long.

While those are all practical, level-headed points:

1) You can't reason with a lunatic

2) Who actually cares what Tibs says/thinks? He's almost 6,000 miles away in Hungtardia anyways

(I know Hungtardia is juvenile but I just troll him back on his level now, really all there's left to do until he scurries off again)
While those are all practical, level-headed points:

1) You can't reason with a lunatic

2) Who actually cares what Tibs says/thinks? He's almost 6,000 miles away in Hungtardia anyways

(I know Hungtardia is juvenile but I just troll him back on his level now, really all there's left to do until he scurries off again)

Well, this is a discussion board, and I am discussing mischaracterizing constitutionally legal challenges to voting irregularities as sedition. If he's civil with me, I'm civil back. Hell, I'm probably civil even if he isn't. Anyway, carry on.
Well, this is a discussion board, and I am discussing mischaracterizing constitutionally legal challenges to voting irregularities as sedition. If he's civil with me, I'm civil back. Hell, I'm probably civil even if he isn't. Anyway, carry on.

Fair point.
Well, this is a discussion board, and I am discussing mischaracterizing constitutionally legal challenges to voting irregularities as sedition. If he's civil with me, I'm civil back. Hell, I'm probably civil even if he isn't. Anyway, carry on.

I tried that. He's chosen time and again to burn that bridge.
I want people to be able to succeed and get ahead in life. I want people - no matter gender, skin color, etc - to be treated the same. I'm not into identity politics. I'm for securing your family and assets. I'm for everyone working and thriving off that work. I'm for people doing what makes them happy so long as it doesn't interfere with someone else's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

It may shock you, but I agree wholeheartedly with all of those.