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Election Day 2020

Trump now leading Texas
Election Wizard seems to be saying Virginia might be back in play.
Something fishy is happening in Fairfax county, VA. A bunch of election officials came in with sealed boxes of ballots and said they wouldn't count them until tomorrow.
Election Wizard seems to be saying Virginia might be back in play.

Abc just talked about this and that Biden is under performing in the northern counties and Trump pulled big numbers in Hampton Roads.

NC is tightening up
For y'alls information I am watching Glenn Beck's coverage. That's who first starting breaking this Va story.
Election Wizard just called NC for Trump
Election Wizard is calling North Carolina for Trump. I hope this person knows wtf they’re talking about.
NC now within 29,000 votes
Trump leading in Ohio.
There are two big Trump countries in NC that haven't reported anything yet.
Trump just took the lead in Ohio.
Election Wizard is calling North Carolina for Trump. I hope this person knows wtf they’re talking about.

They're not calling NC on Glenn Beck yet, but are reporting that Trump has a 1.6% lead, which is little down from 2016.
Election Wizard is calling North Carolina for Trump. I hope this person knows wtf they’re talking about.

Where is this "Election Wizard"?
Are all early votes counted in OH yet?
Its no different than florida... the early vote was all the blue counties... biden had a 60k lead going into the panhandle... he lost the minute he didn’t have a 300k lead at that point
Yeah I noticed earlier that trump had like a 300k lead and it was called for biden

This thread is heating up, so forgive me if you've seen this already, but I said earlier that Glenn Beck is reporting that something is going down in Farifax County, VA. Apparently a bunch of election officials came in with sealed boxes of ballots and said they would not count them until tomorrow.