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Election Day 2020

Yeah maybe, but the knives are out, I can hear the copters circling overhead. Yet again, I've worn out my welcome. The vultures are peering down from their perch, hissing and snickering amongst each other, waiting for the kill.

I think the mods should rewrite the caption for the board, like this >

Politics and Religion
WARNING: Forum is lightly moderated. We worship the hallowed ground Trump walks on. Words such as God and Christmas will be used. Brace yourself accordingly. Also, no jokes about deranged, right-wing conspiracies about being hauled off to re-education camps. And feel free to attack, degrade, insult and slander liberals with impunity. Go!

LOL, in the grand scheme of things, you're really not that important. But I would give you an A+ for your melodrama.
Tibs;782154 Yet again said:
Good God, get a grip of yourself. The concept of 're-education camps' came from one of the more unhinged right-wing posters on here, don't remember who. Was probably 2-3 years ago. Kept posting about how conservatives would be hauled off on trains to these camps.

I found the whole thing to be so surreal and batshit crazy, I started poking fun at it. I mean, who actually believes something like that would be possible? So it became a recurring joke and jab on my part, since the whole idea is so outlandish and nutso, completely seperated from anything even slightly resembling reality.

Yes, of course, Republicans and conservatives are the problem. Yep, those wonderful, sharing, caring liberals are just here to spread love and joy ...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">No seriously...how *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Where do you start? Fox? Facebook?<br><br>We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South.</p>— David Atkins (@DavidOAtkins) <a href="https://twitter.com/DavidOAtkins/status/1328898661569363969?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 18, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Started with the Nuremberg trials.</p>— Jon Cryer (@MrJonCryer) <a href="https://twitter.com/MrJonCryer/status/1328901486437253123?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 18, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">No seriously...how *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Where do you start? Fox? Facebook?<br><br>We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South.</p>— David Atkins (@DavidOAtkins) <a href="https://twitter.com/DavidOAtkins/status/1328898661569363969?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 18, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Steps to deprogramming 70M deluded people:<br>1) <a href="https://twitter.com/FCC?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@FCC</a> to revoke <a href="https://twitter.com/FoxNews?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@FoxNews</a> broadcast license<br>2) Remove radio talk show hosts from airwaves through rigorous application of hate speech laws<br>3) send free newspapers to schools so kids can be exposed to truth<br>4) Free college tuition ...</p>— James Wooten (@rantonstupidity) <a href="https://twitter.com/rantonstupidity/status/1329170055867887623?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 18, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.</p>— Robert Reich (@RBReich) <a href="https://twitter.com/RBReich/status/1317614803704115200?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 17, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We should shun them until they publicly atone for enabling and participating in the Trump corruption. A Truth and Reconciliation Commission would be helpful. They need to make amends publicly for what they’ve done.</p>— Anita Creamer (@AnitaCreamer) <a href="https://twitter.com/AnitaCreamer/status/1317854391869661190?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 18, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

And some "re-education," Pol Pot style. Your problem, Tibs, is not what you know, it's the astonishingly vast amount that you don't.

Including, apparently, that China is set to overtake the United States as the dominant world power, with horrible consequence to the world. God willing, you will be alive 30 years from now.

I seriously hope you remember my comment. Liberals typically never admit they are wrong so I doubt it, but I really, really, really hope you remember that I tried to warn you that your Russia obsession is idiocy while China is on the verge of subjugating most of the world to their totalitarian ways.
I've been a regular contributor for many, many years running. We've taken a big hit with covid restrictions affecting our income this year, cannot re-up at this time

I read this and thought "I should respond." Then I said nah and kept reading the rest of the thread when I got to the end I noticed something that stood out to me.

It was nothing that was said after your post. It was what was not said.

Not a single poster bothered to offer you a condolence or a pick me up message. Not one. If anyone else had posted that here, dozens of members would have said things like "sorry" and "Hang in there, keep your head up, praying for you."

I think you think we've been kidding when countless times over the years people have said Tibs you need a checkup from the neckup, or look in the mirror. Some even asked if you are ok. Posters here, including me, now label you and believe you are vile because...well...that's what you've become. Vile. Inhumane. Dangerous with your words.

Clearly the advice people tried to give you to self-check and correct didn't resonate. Perhaps this might Tibs - no one here seems to give a **** about your plight at all. You have literally alienated yourself to the point that apparently no one gives a damn about your personal welfare. That is literally sad and I honestly don't like to see it, but that's how much contempt you've stirred.
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Kind of funny when the voting machines companies threaten to sue, everyone starts backtracking on the fraud claims.
Kind of funny when the voting machines companies threaten to sue, everyone starts backtracking on the fraud claims.

Very convincing claim, 21. Here, let me:

Kind of funny, when voters say give me proof of claims, voting machine companies have none.

Kind of funny, when told they need to prove claims of innocence, voting machine companies run and hide like little *******.

Kind of funny, only the most contemptible, vile liars claim to "prove" election integrity and yet can cite literally zero evidence of such claim.

See how easy that is?
I read this and thought "I should respond." Then I said nah and kept reading the rest of the thread when I got to the end I noticed something that stood out to me.

It was nothing that was said after your post. It was what was not said.

Not a single poster bothered to offer you a condolence or a pick me up message. Not one. If anyone else had posted that here, dozens of members would have said things like "sorry" and "Hang in there, keep your head up, praying for you."

I think you think we've been kidding when countless times over the years people have said Tibs you need a checkup from the neckup, or look in the mirror. Some even asked if you are ok. Posters here, including me, now label you and believe you are vile because...well...that's what you've become. Vile. Inhumane. Dangerous with your words.

Clearly the advice people tried to give you to self-check and correct didn't resonate. Perhaps this might Tibs - no one here seems to give a **** about your plight at all. You have literally alienated yourself to the point that apparently no one gives a damn about your personal welfare. That is literally sad and I honestly don't like to see it, but that's how much contempt you've stirred.

Tibs is the same guy who owns a restaurant or three, had to convert to catering (if memory serves) and was one of THE biggest cheerleaders to shutting down the US economy. Kinda odd that that trickled all the way to Hungary.

I don't consider Tibs a vile person. His words on here may be vile and ugly and ****-stirring. I believe - nah, WANT to believe - that he is passionate about people being stress-free when it comes to income, their children's education, housing, healthcare and basic sanity. I also WANT to believe that he believes his way is best. Somehow he believes that socialism is the way to go. Despite his grandparents having fought AGAINST socialism in WW2. Despite him misguidedly comparing D-Day troops (who walked into battle knowing they faced a high percentage of being killed) to the dildo-swinging pussyhat wearing skirts of Antifa.

Somewhere along the way, Tibs went bonkers. Maybe over in Hungary the plight of man is so exceptionally terrible that he believes the government should step in and give away free homes, provide free healthcare, free education, free food (unless that cuts into his bottom line, that is).

While it's not my desire to figure Tibs out, I can say that I do not understand him. Nor will I give much effort to doing so. I will continue to point out where he's wrong (and he often is) but will not hold any fancy ideas that he might see the light at some point.
Weak and pathetic. And even moreso, bland and repetitive, ad nauseum. Get in line behind your boys, Supe, the room is getting crowded.

just making sure you didnt have me blocked. I've posted this twice - this makes the third time - and you continue to ignore.
Why? Russia Russia Russia is evil evil evil. Amirite?


While President Donald Trump has been cleared of charges of Russian collusion, there is a better case of Russian collusion to be made against another U.S. leader—former Vice President Joe Biden. An investigation into Biden’s Russian ties is long overdue and urgent, as he is likely to declare his campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nomination sometime soon.

While widely regarded as the moderate face of the Democratic Party, that perception might change quickly if more people were aware of his past work to further the interests of the former Soviet Union and Russia.

Biden visited the Soviet Union several times during his early Senate career and was well known to Soviet leaders. The appalling Soviet treatment of dissidents was a big issue at the time, and then-Sen. Biden would sometimes express concern at their plight.

Vadim Zagladin was deputy chief of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union’s Central Committee’s International Department until 1987 and then served as adviser to the last leader of the Soviet Union—Mikhail Gorbachev—until 1991. Zagladin was reportedly both an envoy and a spy, responsible for gathering secrets and spreading propaganda and disinformation to advance Soviet interests.

City Journal writer Claire Berlinski told of a circa 1979 report, recovered from Soviet archives, written by Zagladin on his observations of Sen. Biden and his leftist Indiana Republican colleague and former President Barack Obama’s “favorite Republican,” Richard Lugar:

”Unofficially, Biden and Lugar said that, at the end of the day, they were not so much concerned with having a problem of this or that citizen solved as with showing to the American public that they do care for ‘human rights.’ … In other words, the collocutors directly admitted that what is happening is a kind of a show, that they absolutely do not care for the fate of most so-called dissidents.”

Biden was not just soft on the Soviets; he actively worked in lock step with their military and foreign policy objectives.

Throughout the 1980s, Biden consistently opposed President Ronald Reagan’s tough line against the Soviet Union. Biden instead favored détente—which, had that policy remained in place, would have meant more subsidies and trade deals, keeping the Soviet Union alive much longer than necessary. Biden also strongly opposed Reagan’s effort to fund the Contras, an anti-communist rebel group fighting against Nicaragua’s pro-Soviet Sandinista regime.

Biden was also a strong opponent of U.S. military opposition to Soviet expansionism.

In 2008, Pete Wehner wrote in the Wall Street Journal:

“Throughout his career, Mr. Biden has consistently opposed modernization of our strategic nuclear forces. He was a fierce opponent of Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative. Mr. Biden voted against funding SDI, saying … ‘The president’s continued adherence to [SDI] constitutes one of the most reckless and irresponsible acts in the history of modern statecraft.’ Mr. Biden has remained a consistent critic of missile defense and even opposed the U.S. dropping out of the Antiballistic Missile Treaty after the collapse of the Soviet Union (which was the co-signatory to the ABM Treaty) and the end of the Cold War.”

Council for a Livable World
To understand why Biden was so consistently on the wrong side of history, it’s important to understand his connections to the little-known but highly influential Council for a Livable World (CLW).

Founded in 1962 by former Manhattan Project scientist Leo Szilard, CLW is a Washington-based nonprofit advocacy organization that claims to be “dedicated to reducing the danger of nuclear weapons and increasing national security.”

In truth, CLW has worked consistently to disarm the United States to the benefit of Moscow throughout its entire history.

Szilard was an active supporter of Bela Kun’s short-lived communist government in post-World War I Hungary. After moving to the United States, Szilard became one of many communist sympathizers and agents working inside the Manhattan Project, the top-secret effort to build an American atomic weapon.

In 1942, Gen. Leslie R. Groves, head of the newly formed Manhattan Project, was so concerned about Szilard’s ideology that he declared Szilard was “detrimental to the project and that he should be arrested and interned for the duration of the Second World War.”

Szilard survived Groves’ displeasure, and after helping produce the bombs that ended World War II, the communist sympathizer became a prominent anti-nuclear campaigner leading to a two-hour meeting with then-Soviet premier Nikita Krushchev in 1960.

Pavel Sudaplatov, former wartime director of the Administration for Special Tasks, an elite unit of the Soviet intelligence service, claimed in his 1994 book, “Special Tasks, Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness—A Soviet Spymaster,” that Szilard, along with fellow scientists Robert Oppenheimer and Enrico Fermi, knowingly supplied information to Soviet contacts during their work on the Manhattan Project. This information was subsequently used to help build the first Soviet atomic weapon.

Sudaplatov went on to explain that Szilard’s usefulness to the Soviet cause wasn’t confined to spying:

“After our reactor was put into operation in 1946, [Soviet spy chief Lavrentiy] Beria issued orders to stop all contacts with our American sources in the Manhattan Project; the FBI was getting close to uncovering some of our agents. Beria said we should think how to use Oppenheimer, Fermi, Szilard, and others around them in the peace campaign against nuclear armament.

“Disarmament and the inability to impose nuclear blackmail would deprive the United States of its advantage. We began a worldwide political campaign against nuclear superiority, which kept up until we exploded our own nuclear bomb, in 1949. Our goal was to preempt American power politically before the Soviet Union had its own bomb. Beria warned us not to compromise Western scientists, but to use their political influence.”

After the 1961 Cuban missile crisis resulted in a Soviet backdown and a withdrawal of their missiles from Cuba, Szilard set about becoming a Washington “insider” to work politically for U.S. disarmament.

According to the pro-disarmament Pugwash Institute:

“In 1962, he [Szilard] founded the Council for a Livable World to raise money for U.S. Senators who favored arms-control treaties. By Szilard’s calculus, all states had two Senators, so votes came cheapest by supporting campaigns in the least populous states. The Council’s first successful candidate was Sen. George McGovern from South Dakota. Today the Council thrives by supporting candidates from all states and the House of Representatives as well. It is America’s first political action committee for arms control and disarmament.”

According to the CLW website: “Almost 50 years ago, Council for a Livable World pioneered a system for helping progressive congressional candidates get elected to office. Over the last 44 years, we have helped elect 113 U.S. arms control candidates to the Senate and 151 candidates to the House of Representatives.”

The CLW’s main way of promoting “peace” has been to promote U.S. disarmament concessions to the Soviet Union/Russia and “non-intervention” against Moscow-backed aggression.

Young “progressive” Joe Biden from the tiny state of Delaware was a perfect candidate for CLW recruitment.

According to The Tennessean:

“When Joe Biden started running for a Senate seat in 1972, few people thought the young man from Delaware had a chance.

“But a well-placed Tennessee couple tagged him early as an up-and-comer.

“’I was 29 years old, running for the United States Senate against a guy with an 81 percent favorable rating, a year where Richard Nixon won my state by over 65 percent of the vote, and I was an Irish Catholic in a state that (had) never elected one,’ Biden told Tennessee Democrats in a [2010] speech.

“Biden pulled off a stunning, 3,162-vote upset with a mix of youthful vigor, skillful campaigning, energized volunteers and smart advertising—fueled by tens of thousands of dollars that a prominent Tennessee couple raised for his campaign. …

“His candidacy caught the eye of former Tennessee Sen. Albert Gore, Sr., who was working with a Washington, D.C.-based arms control group called the Council for a Livable World.”

Albert Gore Sr.
Albert Gore Sr. raised $89,000, nearly one-third of the $287,000 Biden raised in total.

To reiterate, Gore Sr., the father of “the creator of the Internet” and promoter of global warming, financed Biden.

The Tennessean article continued:

“Ted Kaufman, who volunteered for Biden’s campaign, said the Gores’ support was critical. …

“Albert Gore, Sr., who had lost a re-election bid in 1970, sent out a letter to the Council for a Livable World’s supporters, urging them to ‘take a hard look at the Delaware race,’ Kaufman recalled.

“‘It gave [Biden] credibility in Washington,’ he said. ‘It also attracted people to come and help on the race.’”

Gore Sr. himself was supported by CLW and would go on to become its chairman.

“On June 21, 1971, The Nashville Banner reported that Gore, six months removed from the Senate, would become the Washington chairman of the Council for a Livable World, which advocates for decreasing the threat of nuclear weapons. Founded in 1962, the council also works to help like-minded candidates win Senate and House seats.

“Gore ‘expects to spend much time in the next 18 months traveling across the country in behalf of 1972 Senate candidates for which the council is raising campaign money,’ the Banner reported in a short story.

“Nashville civil rights attorney George Barrett, who practiced law with both Albert and Pauline Gore in the early 1970s, said the couple saw in Biden ‘a progressive, bright, hard-working young man.’”

The CLW Strategy
The CLW’s highly effective tactic is to explicitly seek long-shot candidates to fund so it can lean on them later to help with its goal of disarming the United States.

John Isaacs, a senior fellow of the CLW, spelled this strategy out in his 2013 eulogy to his predecessor, Massachusetts-based socialist Jerome Grossman:

“Now, as an aside, we have a dictum at Council for a Livable World. If we support a candidate in his or her first major political contest, he or she will always remember who was with them at the beginning. That has been true with such political figures—(he says modestly)—as President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden. …

“They remember who was with them when they launched their political careers. And that’s why it was so nice to see a tweet from Vice President Biden after Jerry’s death: ‘He was a good friend who worked tirelessly to advance U.S. security through nuclear arms control.’”

Biden was certainly obligated: “Here’s the deal: I was desperately trying to raise money. … I got a call from a woman named Pauline Gore. Would I come down to Washington and meet with [her] and Senator Gore and some … concerned scientists who wanted to talk about the spread of nuclear weapons? It was an outfit called the Council for a Livable World,” Biden said in a 2010 speech in Nashville, according to The Tennessean.

“So I showed up in Sen. Gore’s apartment in the Methodist House, which was catercorner from the Supreme Court. … I sat there, and it basically was an interview. I didn’t realize it. Sen. Gore, who had left the Senate two years earlier, said, ‘I’m going to help you.’”

Isaacs said finding and getting behind Biden “was one of our great coups,” according to The Tennessean. Biden has always remembered the group’s support, Isaacs said. “When you support a politician in his first race, especially an unknown local candidate like Joe Biden, they remember it forever.”

During his 2010 speech, Biden called himself “a product of Al Gore Sr.”

Armand Hammer
It’s worth remembering that Gore Sr. was himself the “product” of a very rich man named Armand Hammer—the long-time head of Occidental Petroleum.

According to espionage expert Edward Jay Epstein:

“In 1950, Hammer made Mr. Gore ‘a partner in a cattle-breeding business, from which the Senator made a substantial profit.’ Thereafter, Gore was Hammer’s designated door-opener in official Washington. When Mr. Gore retired, Hammer made him president of Occidental’s coal division, where he ‘earned more than $500,000 a year.’

“Son Al next put the family’s Senate seat at Hammer’s service. At the 1981 inauguration of Ronald Reagan, Junior managed for Hammer to be seated in a section reserved for senators. Hammer lurked in the doorway, hoping to glad-hand the president, but Mr. Reagan brushed by him without a glance, and with reason. Years earlier, Alexandre de Marenches, the head of French intelligence, had warned him that Hammer was a Soviet ‘agent of influence.’”

Hammer is one of the most famous Soviet operatives of all time. The son of a Communist Party USA founder, Hammer made millions trading with the newly founded Soviet Union at a time when international sanctions almost strangled the newborn Soviet state in its infancy. Hammer met regularly with Lenin when he lived in the Soviet Union from 1919 to 1928.

FBI director J. Edgar Hoover began creating a massive file, “61-280—Armand Hammer, Internal Security—Russia,” as early as 1919. According to Epstein, Hoover knew that Hammer financed communist agents but did not move against him,saying that “‘it is often more profitable not to arrest a detected courier’ when there is no assurance that the replacement will be detected.”

It was reported that Hoover was preparing to finally move against Hammer in the 1960s but was dissuaded from doing do by Al Gore Sr.

In sum, likely Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden owes his career in politics to the CLW, an organization created by alleged Soviet agent Leo Szilard, supported by money from Al Gore Sr., who in turn was funded by the Soviet Union’s best friend in the United States, Armand Hammer.

The U.S. military would surely suffocate under President Biden’s watch.

The CLW is deeply involved at the highest levels of U.S. foreign and defense military policymaking, almost always to the detriment of the United States and to the benefit of Moscow. CLW claims credit for canceling many vital U.S. weapons projects and negotiating several disadvantageous weapons treaties with the Soviet Union/Russia.

CLW was involved in establishing a U.S. nuclear testing moratorium in 1992, limiting the deployment of the MX missile and B-2 bomber, blocking deployment of National Missile Defense by the Clinton administration, and eliminating funding for the nuclear “Bunker Buster” and “Reliable Replacement Warhead.”

CLW was also involved in ratifying the Chemical Weapons Convention and Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, Conventional Forces in Europe, and Strategic Arms Reduction (START) treaty, which President Donald Trump recently canceled because of persistent Russian cheating.

All these measures helped Moscow and hurt the United States, and Biden was in the thick of it.

In October 2012, Biden made a two-minute video congratulating the CLW on its 50th anniversary. Biden was very open about the CLW’s influence on both himself and U.S. policymaking:

“My ties to the Council run long and deep, stretching way back to my first campaign for the United States Senate. I’ll never forget the faith you showed and the help you gave to a young man making a long-shot bid for the United States Senate in 1972. Because of you, we won. That help has continued throughout my entire career. Especially when I was chairman of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee and it continues to this very day.

“My appreciation for your work has only grown over that period as we continue to work together on a wide range of projects all aimed at reducing the danger of nuclear weapons. …

“The insight, counsel and the support you provided me and my colleagues on Capitol Hill and the White House have contributed to landmark achievements from ratifying the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and START to establishing a nuclear testing moratorium here at home to the chemical weapons convention. And to this very day your support and guidance during our recent effort to ratify New START.”

After two years, special counsel Robert Mueller failed to find evidence that the Trump campaign conspired with Moscow to win the 2016 presidential election. Perhaps Mueller could be hired to investigate Biden’s lifelong collaboration with pro-Moscow forces to hurt the U.S. military.

The U.S. military is only just beginning to recover under Trump from the huge cuts inflicted on it by another CLW protégé, President Barack Obama.

If Biden becomes president, the U.S. military may be gutted to the point that a U.S. war with Russia, China, or more likely both, becomes unwinnable.

Thanks to Obama, Biden, and the CLW, America may already be at that point.

Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker, and public speaker from New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist, and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.
Tibs is the same guy who owns a restaurant or three, had to convert to catering (if memory serves) and was one of THE biggest cheerleaders to shutting down the US economy. Kinda odd that that trickled all the way to Hungary.

I don't consider Tibs a vile person. His words on here may be vile and ugly and ****-stirring. I believe - nah, WANT to believe - that he is passionate about people being stress-free when it comes to income, their children's education, housing, healthcare and basic sanity. I also WANT to believe that he believes his way is best. Somehow he believes that socialism is the way to go. Despite his grandparents having fought AGAINST socialism in WW2. Despite him misguidedly comparing D-Day troops (who walked into battle knowing they faced a high percentage of being killed) to the dildo-swinging pussyhat wearing skirts of Antifa.

Somewhere along the way, Tibs went bonkers. Maybe over in Hungary the plight of man is so exceptionally terrible that he believes the government should step in and give away free homes, provide free healthcare, free education, free food (unless that cuts into his bottom line, that is).

While it's not my desire to figure Tibs out, I can say that I do not understand him. Nor will I give much effort to doing so. I will continue to point out where he's wrong (and he often is) but will not hold any fancy ideas that he might see the light at some point.

Personally I've tried to not respond directly to anything Tibs posts, it's simply a futile effort. I am a free market capitalist and he apparently believes that a further push toward socialism is the guiding light for this nation. I have friends that I've known since high school that believe the same thing, and I don't understand their way of thinking. They too will attempt to make their argument by belittling anyone that disagrees with them, much like Tibs. About a year ago I mentioned that many here were too hard on him, since then he has proven over and over again, that I was incorrect in that assessment. He's now playing the victim, saying he knows that he is not welcome here, but I don't believe that's true, just another veiled attempt to gain sympathy. If he can be civil without a deliberate attempt to offend, he may find discourse that doesn't end up in the gutter. I guarantee that no one will be swayed by the others opinion, but that doesn't mean a conversation can't take place. What's happening now is juvenile, and in my opinion is the modus operandi of many on the left.
Yeah, pretty ironic isn't it, how the tables are turned when it comes to this board. Oh well.

What do you mean "the tables have turned"? Sometimes I think leftists live in a complete fantasy world. If the "tables had turned," your speech would be blocked, edited, deplatformed, you would not be allowed to express your views, you would be physically assaulted, have your property stolen or destroyed.

None of that happens and you are comfy as a kitten sucking mommy's teat because you know conservatives play by the rules and don't hound people with whom they disagree, kick them out of restaurants, threaten them, beat them, steal from them, destroy them and gloat in their misery. You know you are protected from such vicious savagery and for the love of God, do NOT compare anonymous quips on a message board as remotely close to disgusting, destructive violence wreaked on our country by your ideological brethren.

You provided numerous false posts about a Rittenhouse being a "white supremacist," shrieked and sobbed at what he had done, could barely control your sobbing at the fact three morons attacked a guy with a ******* rifle and were shot ...

While never once, not one goddamn time, offering a word of sympathy about the billions of dollars in damage property owners suffered, the 45 (and counting) killed by your ilk, the businesses destroyed, the lives ruined.

But three ********* attack a guy with a rifle and get shot?

I'm unemployed 5 months now and scraping by with unemployment benefits and my 401k. I still paid my membership a couple of months ago because I know the board needs money. I've tried not to whine about it. Maybe fibs doesn't want to pay.
I'm unemployed 5 months now and scraping by with unemployment benefits and my 401k. I still paid my membership a couple of months ago because I know the board needs money. I've tried not to whine about it. Maybe fibs doesn't want to pay.

Bless you for what you're going through. Prayers you hang on. And thanks for the contribution. It's a tough ****** up year for everyone. Sorry it's hitting you so badly.
Bless you for what you're going through. Prayers you hang on. And thanks for the contribution. It's a tough ****** up year for everyone. Sorry it's hitting you so badly.

Thank you. I've been employed my entire life. I'm not sure if I have a ****** resume, age discrimination, or what.

I know I watched the Michigan contractor testimony and she said no one would give her a job because of her party affiliation. Calling Wig for a tinfoil hat fitting but I'm thinking of changing my affiliation to Independent.

I'm also applying at [GASP] the State of Iowa. Damn I didnt want to work there. Their IT operations are said to be a clusterfuck. I really wanted to work at a privately owned company. A gals gotta eat though.
Did anyone see or hear about the picture loose on the interwebs of our esteemed Justice Roberts cozying up next to Ghislane Maxwell? It looks real. WTF!?!
Tibs is outraged that people are allowed to have an opinion different than his and present facts the tell the whole story outside the narrative. Somehow that’s gotta be fascism or racism or some ****.
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I'm unemployed 5 months now and scraping by with unemployment benefits and my 401k. I still paid my membership a couple of months ago because I know the board needs money. I've tried not to whine about it. Maybe fibs doesn't want to pay.

Best of luck to you. I've been fortunate to be employed during this whole ****** year, but being in the steel industry and also part owner of a restaurant my income has dropped 30% from last year.

**** Covid. And **** Tibs.
Did anyone see or hear about the picture loose on the interwebs of our esteemed Justice Roberts cozying up next to Ghislane Maxwell? It looks real. WTF!?!

I haven't seen it yet, but that guy is a piece of ****. W's biggest **** up was nominating him.
Did anyone see or hear about the picture loose on the interwebs of our esteemed Justice Roberts cozying up next to Ghislane Maxwell? It looks real. WTF!?!

That was not Roberts. It was some French dude.