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Election Day 2020


I had to put on my glasses to see the blue in my state (Oregon) it's so tiny. But yet the blues control the whole ******* state.
Best of luck to you. I've been fortunate to be employed during this whole ****** year, but being in the steel industry and also part owner of a restaurant my income has dropped 30% from last year.

**** Covid. And **** Tibs.

**** Covid, again, for good measure. The small business that I've been working for for the past 10 years (that's hanging on for dear life right now and still throwing me a bone letting me work remotely) are in the steel industry as well, but I should be more specific - they sell concrete pump parts for the boom pumpers and shotcrete (pools etc.) guys, both delivery system and replacement parts for their machines.

That industry has taken a hit, but I think being a smaller company with not as large a "brand" as the bigger players has really done a number on the company I work for. The orders for parts and therefore the work is getting scarcer and scarcer. They may not make it long-term unfortunately. I have some back-up plans I'm working on but it's a real shame (it's a family-type affair for me). I personally can't really stand my stepdad, but he's busted his *** in that industry for 30+ years and it could be gone in the not-too-distant future.

Oh, and **** Tibs, obviously.
I had to put on my glasses to see the blue in my state (Oregon) it's so tiny. But yet the blues control the whole ******* state.

Yeah that kind of blew me away. Also sickens me there is so much blue in Commiefornia, but I shouldn't be surprised. There are parts of San Diego and Orange county I thought were pretty conservative but I guess that's even few and far between unfortunately.
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Australian news sees what's coming

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NcAO4-o_4Ug" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Australian news sees what's coming

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NcAO4-o_4Ug" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Jesus. We are letting it happen. Willfully.
we'll all soon be Ogres, with red-headed damsels just taking our ****.

This map isn't correct. I live in Dauphin County Pennsylvania (Harrisburg area) and it was called for Joe. This map shows it grey. Erie, Centre, Monroe, Lakawanna, etc all went for Joe but this shows it grey.
This map isn't correct. I live in Dauphin County Pennsylvania (Harrisburg area) and it was called for Joe. This map shows it grey. Erie, Centre, Monroe, Lakawanna, etc all went for Joe but this shows it grey.

I think it's from 2016, but still misleading as hell, given that 3 million more Americans voted for Clinton.

These generic geographical maps do not even remotely reflect the general electorate, as they do not illustrate population density.

Republicans have won the popular vote for the Presidency only once in the past 30 years.
Republicans have won the popular vote for the Presidency only once in the past 30 years.

From your perspective I'm sure that means something, and if rolls were reversed I'd most likely feel the same way, but Constitutionally it means absolutely nothing.
I think it's from 2016, but still misleading as hell, given that 3 million more Americans voted for Clinton.

These generic geographical maps do not even remotely reflect the general electorate, as they do not illustrate population density.

Republicans have won the popular vote for the Presidency only once in the past 30 years.

So, are you proposing that the Electoral College isn't a true representation of the American vote? The electoral college isn't perfect by any means, but I feel it is much more of a representation of America as a whole.
From your perspective I'm sure that means something, and if rolls were reversed I'd most likely feel the same way, but Constitutionally it means absolutely nothing.

You're right, but the use of these national county/district maps by Republicans/conservatives is a gross misrepresentation of where the country actually stands politically and electorally.

The overall electorate leans about 55-60% blue, based on overall congressional and Presidential voting over the past 10 years.

Republicans have to shift their views on a lot of things, or they're in trouble.

Demographics and the political leanings of those under 40 are not in their favor.

Texas and Florida will both be as blue as California in 20-30 years.
So, are you proposing that the Electoral College isn't a true representation of the American vote? The electoral college isn't perfect by any means, but I feel it is much more of a representation of America as a whole.

I do not have as much of an issue with the electoral college as many people do.

In a system where each state as equal representation in the Senate, having the states, rather than the people as a whole, electing the President makes sense.

However, I feel that the arbitrary cap on members of congress needs to be lifted. The ratio of people per congressman is getting way out of hand.

States like California, Texas, Florida and New York should have a lot more congressional seats and, by extension, electoral votes than they do.
The current number of congressmen (435) had been that number for almost 80 years. And that ratio of 4.35 congressmen per Senator has been around since we added the last two states in 1959.

That said, there have been many times in the U.S. history where that ration has fluctuated greatly.... from 3:1 to as high as 5:1. This mostly happened in the 1800's especially as we added states and tried to figure out what worked best.

If you wanted to give more power to the small states (which I am always in favor of)... you get rid of 35 congress seats and reduce it down to 4:1 ratio. At 400 seats, you are looking at one congressman per 825,000 residents. Note that even in this system, there are only 4 states that get "more representation" than the actual correct ratio: Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska and North Dakota. And maybe (with rounding) it's not even that much different.

I mean, Delaware rounds DOWN... so their 973,000 people = 1 representative. Califormia gets 1 representative per 735,000 people.

So arguably, as a Delawarean, I am UNDER represented in the House. My vote counts less than a Californian.

So maybe the system does work and is more balanced than people realize.
The current number of congressmen (435) had been that number for almost 80 years. And that ratio of 4.35 congressmen per Senator has been around since we added the last two states in 1959.

That said, there have been many times in the U.S. history where that ration has fluctuated greatly.... from 3:1 to as high as 5:1. This mostly happened in the 1800's especially as we added states and tried to figure out what worked best.

If you wanted to give more power to the small states (which I am always in favor of)... you get rid of 35 congress seats and reduce it down to 4:1 ratio. At 400 seats, you are looking at one congressman per 825,000 residents. Note that even in this system, there are only 4 states that get "more representation" than the actual correct ratio: Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska and North Dakota. And maybe (with rounding) it's not even that much different.

I mean, Delaware rounds DOWN... so their 973,000 people = 1 representative. Califormia gets 1 representative per 735,000 people.

So arguably, as a Delawarean, I am UNDER represented in the House. My vote counts less than a Californian.

So maybe the system does work and is more balanced than people realize.

I'm not sure how you think decreasing the number of seats is an equitable idea.

Smaller states have plenty of power. Look at the population-adjusted representation Wyoming has compared to California, for example.
It’s changed. Decades in the making

Its a damn shame because it is geographically some of the most beautiful parts of this country. Its just that more than half of its people are worthless parasites.
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Its a damn shame because it is geographically some of the most beautiful parts of this country. Its just that more than half of its people are worthless parasites.

My father in law says the same thing lol.
My wife and her family are originally from Downey. And when I went with them way back in 2012.
California has some amazing scenery.

I was not a fan of the SoCal culture though. It’s a lot like Albuquerque. Homeboy low rider stuff. Hate that culture
Texas and Florida will both be as blue as California in 20-30 years.

That is mostly due to the influx of residents of blue states like NY and CA fleeing their home state's taxes and ****** economies and poor living conditions. Sadly, these same drifters are too stupid to realize it was their votes that led to those problems, and bring that same mentality to these new states.

Regardless your views on the electoral college, voter demographics, and which party will control politics over the coming decades, I certainly hope you don't think the current trajectory of where this country is headed is uplifting. Bad times lay ahead, sadly, for our kids.
There's nothing blue about the democrat party. They're more communist red than they've ever been.

If Florida flips any direction that way it will be because of the stupid ***** from up north moving here to south florida. They flee that overtaxed oppressive shithole they came from, then keep voting that way. Just like the morons fleeing California like roaches to Texas. Why? California is eating itself with that bullshit. So the dumbshits think voting for the same horseshit they left is a great idea. Don't bring your shithole with you when you move.
There's nothing blue about the democrat party. They're more communist red than they've ever been.

If Florida flips any direction that way it will be because of the stupid ***** from up north moving here to south florida. They flee that overtaxed oppressive shithole they came from, then keep voting that way. Just like the morons fleeing California like roaches to Texas. Why? California is eating itself with that bullshit. So the dumbshits think voting for the same horseshit they left is a great idea. Don't bring your shithole with you when you move.

Same thing that happened to VA, that and all the govt parasites living in NVA. Hoping people vote Republican in 2021 and put a Republican in the Gov seat for the first time in 8 years. The Dominion machines are in VA so that's unlikely. Wish we could go back to the old timey voting machines with the paper ballots. At least there was a paper trail.
so the USPS is swamped (STILL) with Christmas deliveries, but somehow got 100% of all mail-in ballots to the proper location for the single most important election since their inception.

I'm not sure how you think decreasing the number of seats is an equitable idea.

Smaller states have plenty of power. Look at the population-adjusted representation Wyoming has compared to California, for example.

Because as many small states round "down" and lose representation as there are small states, like Wyoming that round up.

The power of small states is NOT in the House. Large states rule there and give a good example if we went full-blown representation in that image.

The Senate is where small states gain so much power. But that is on purpose. It is absolutely a vital part of our Republic and time and time again, when we "nation build" around the world, we fail to truly tell countries why giving power to the "small" is such an important factor in the survival rate of nations. Particularly those with such great ethnic and ideological difference.

Europe is such a poor example of "democracy working" because it is so homogenous. Up until recently, diversity in a European country might mean 10% minority. It's a joke. Some countries in Europe are literally 90% white and 90% all the same religion to boot. Talk about an easy setup for "representative government". And they still have problems (and certainly aren't perfect).

I tell everyone, don't judge the U.S. until you try to walk in our shoes. We have to make it work while trying to be a melting pot. In fact, there's an argument to be made that without the propaganda machine of the "American Dream" and "American First" principles our melting pot would have never have lasted as long as it has. You could argue (I think convincingly) that the greatest threat to our country is once we lose pride in being American and pride in the American Ideal and Exceptionalism, we are going to lose the ability to unite around anything and our cultural, ideological, racial and religious differences will eventually tear us apart.