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Election Day 2020

2558 precincts of 2585 reporting

Candidate Votes Percent
Joseph R. Biden
Democratic 1,538,874 48.06%

Donald J. Trump
Republican 1,599,572 49.96%

I'm crossing my fingers this holds and this early call is wrong.
I'm really hoping it doesn't come down to PA.

The numbers from Wisconsin and Michigan are looking very good for Trump. Things are better than in 2016 even with the fact the big cities up there are SUPER SLOW at reporting (not sketchy at ALL)....

But if he can get those two, it might be over. He can argue over North Carolina and Georgia.

NC, GA, WI and Michigan is all he needs to get over 270. Everything is headed that way right now. All the numbers are pretty positive.

Ignore everything else and ignore the media trying to make it anything more than that.
Virginia is ****** up per Fox.


Hover over VA the state.....

68% votes in...
Trump still ahead...

Now click on the state of VA....
Look at the counties...

Only 15 counties haven't finalized their vote....
Of those that haven't, it seems Trump is leading in EVERY county....

With each of the counties showing 88% or more of the votes having been counted....

What am I missing?
What a surprise that sketchy Detroit and Philadelphia are going to be the center of any debate we get into over this election. Two bastions of democratic corruption if there have ever been any in this country.
What a surprise that sketchy Detroit and Philadelphia are going to be the center of any debate we get into over this election. Two bastions of democratic corruption if there have ever been any in this country.

I hope it doesn't come down to Pennsylvania, if it does Philly will magically come up with enough Biden votes to win.
Chris Wallace is a clown
I hope it doesn't come down to Pennsylvania, if it does Philly will magically come up with enough Biden votes to win.

Actually Pittsburgh is reporting way less than Philly like 17% to 45%
Virginia is ****** up per Fox.


Hover over VA the state.....

68% votes in...
Trump still ahead...

Now click on the state of VA....
Look at the counties...

Only 15 counties haven't finalized their vote....
Of those that haven't, it seems Trump is leading in EVERY county....

With each of the counties showing 88% or more of the votes having been counted....

What am I missing?

The part where VA didn’t count or acknowledge the mail in vote until after the regular vote was counted.... you know, in case tgey suddenly had to find more votes...
There are about 2.6 million votes left yet to count in PA. Trump has a current 670,000 vote lead.

In order for PA to be in play, Biden has to get 1.7 million vs. 900,000 of the remaining vote (65%). He is getting that in the cities. Philadelphia County + Allegheny County + Montgomery + Chester. There has to be a LOT of votes floating around down there to make up this difference right now. And a LOT of mail in ballots just floating around not counted yet (that all favor Biden).

By the end of tomorrow, a lot of this stuff will be reported.
So basically pa has about 2 million outstanding votes, mostly dems, to count... they will make biden win here by hook or by crook

Michigan also withheld the mail in count until later... NC is allowing mail ins to arrive for days afterwards I believe... trump needed an unobtainable lead today and he didn’t get it so my guess is in five days Biden is named president
Twitter now screwing with the President's tweets.

The left and their minions are gonna do whatever it takes to steal this election, just watch.

Even Fox News is screwing hi, calling states for Biden early and not calling states with Trump winning when it's obvious he had them, like Florida and Texas.
Don't count Arizona out just yet

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Since <a href="https://twitter.com/FoxNews?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@FoxNews</a> made their very premature call giving AZ to Biden, the actual votes - yeah we still count them - have narrowed the gap by ~50,000 and there are still around 800,000 left to count. Arizona is not over yet.</p>— Chris Buskirk (@thechrisbuskirk) <a href="https://twitter.com/thechrisbuskirk/status/1323874164239818753?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
just heard on Beck's stream that VA is now reporting an error and that they are subtracting 100,000 votes from Biden. If that's true then that may mean Trump takes VA
If he gets AZ & VA it would humiliate Fox's prediction guys badly.
Trump claiming victory and saying he's ready to go to court.

What a shitshow.

Hope he ends up on top in the long run.
Trump claiming victory and saying he's ready to go to court.

What a shitshow.

Hope he ends up on top in the long run.

I see why he is. He is currently up 700,000 in PA 300,000 in MI 120,000 in WI and what seemingly is comfortable in NC and GA.
I dozed off for a few hours and wake up to this ****.

just heard on Beck's stream that VA is now reporting an error and that they are subtracting 100,000 votes from Biden. If that's true then that may mean Trump takes VA

If Trump wins VA that will be the shocker of the election. I think he has enough of a lead in PA to hold.
This won't be decided until later today, noon at the earliest, probably not til Thurs/Fri

What a clusterfuck.

Trump is leading in 5 states, as long as he holds onto 4 he wins. Crossing my fingers.
Somehow, with Trump 120k ahead in Wisconsin, the dems have "magically" found 128k votes deep in the night...